I was out of town last week and just read this.
I am so sorry you are going through so much at once! Studying, families and relationships can be hard enough on their own, w/o adding them all together. Unfortunately though, it often seems that when you are overly stressed about one thing, all the other stuff always comes piling on top.
I can''t imagine how tough med. school must be. I went through law school and know that med. school is even more intense. My first year of law school, I had a bad relationship and my grades suffered. It took a lot of focus to get back on track. I agree w/others, YOU are most important here. If studying is your priority right now, try to put him aside and focus on you and your needs. Taking a break might be good for both of you.
I also think that no matter what he is going through, he doesn''t have the right to treat you badly and ignore your thoughts and feelings. The way he treated you was wrong! If he''s upset by not spending time w/you, then he needs to act like a grown up and TALK about it! Maybe counseling would be a good thing if he''s not able to communicate w/you. Obviously he is having some sort of problems and it could stem from the number of things that you mentioned. But unless you guys can work through it together, the problems are bound to continue in more passive agressive sort of ways. Have the two of you had a chance to sit down and talk about all of this or just talk about his lack of talking?
I hope the rest of your week was a little better! Take care of yourself!!
I was out of town last week and just read this.
I also think that no matter what he is going through, he doesn''t have the right to treat you badly and ignore your thoughts and feelings. The way he treated you was wrong! If he''s upset by not spending time w/you, then he needs to act like a grown up and TALK about it! Maybe counseling would be a good thing if he''s not able to communicate w/you. Obviously he is having some sort of problems and it could stem from the number of things that you mentioned. But unless you guys can work through it together, the problems are bound to continue in more passive agressive sort of ways. Have the two of you had a chance to sit down and talk about all of this or just talk about his lack of talking?
I hope the rest of your week was a little better! Take care of yourself!!