
Tragic, tragic news about PSer LemonMoonLex


Aug 14, 2018
It is hard to even type. She died in a car crash, along with her husband and two of her three young children. Her middle child (two years old) survived. I didn't know her in person but we shared many, many IG messages about her babies, her jewelry, and she wrote me a lot when I was in Italy and I had funny cat stories. I am so shaken by this news. A few years back she purchased a single pink tourmaline earring from me when I had lost the other one; my mom had given me the earrings and so it was special for me that she became the new caretaker. She created a green tourm earring as a mismatch match. She seemed to be a wonderful fun loving woman. I am incredibly sad and shaken to hear what has happened.

It is perhaps cliché to say, but hold your loved ones tight because things can change in a single instant.
Im so saddened to read this. Prayers for her family.
I'm still so shaken and sad by this news! I've always enjoyed her posts and conversations. My thoughts are with her little one and family. She was taken too soon :cry2:
Omg. So so sad and awful. I am so sorry to hear this.
This is awful to hear. Her family must be absolutely devastated. There are no words, really.
Oh no. Nononono.
I just can't believe this. She absolutely loved being a mom. What a kind and loving person she was.
I am heartbroken.
What?! Oh, so awful. RIP and sending kind thoughts to everyone involved.
No words, just tears.
That is awful.
Prayers outgoing for her loved ones.
Oh noooooo. This is such heartbreaking news.
Lex was a very sweet and kind person. This really is such a tragedy.
Awful news! Condolences to her family and friends.
What a sad news to hear.....Condolences to her family and friends.
So shocking and sad to hear this kind of news. Heartbreaking.
No. She was beautiful and her family was just precious. No. Just. ****ing. NO.
I don't know if we are allowed to share but there is a gofund me set up for their 2 year old son.

Share it.
She seemed like such a lovely person. This is absolutely horrid, and my heart goes out to her family, and their poor surviving little one.

Horrific news. Her family must be beyond devastated.

kind regards--Sharon
I talked to her on IG pretty regularly, she was a kind wonderful soul who cared deeply for her family.

This is a terrible loss, so unfair this world is.
Horrid! What a tragedy!
What a sad, horrible tragedy. So deeply saddened to hear this.
Breathtakingly tragic.

Thank you for posting the gofundme for her tiny son.
How shocking! Heartfelt condolences to the families.
OMG how tragic, their poor families and their little boy, left to grow up without his parents and sisters.
My post with the gofund me and obituary was deleted. If you are friends with me over on IG then I will happily share it with you there. I did not realize it went against the rules to post gofund me or obituaries.
Everyone, we are so sorry to hear about this tragedy, this is just awful.

To respect family privacy and the privacy of individual posters we ask that you not share personal identifying information on the forum unless you are a member of their family, as many people keep their participation here separate from their personal lives.

We also unfortunately have a strict policy about fundraisers that we enforce uniformly to avoid us having to judge which fundraisers are "worthy" and which not, and to avoid scams. We are not implying anything about this fundraiser by removing it, just applying our policy uniformly.
That’s a shame about the fundraiser info.

I was re-reading her thread about the tourmaline earrings. They were such a lovely and fun project. The little videos she posted have the sounds of her children in the background. So, so sad.