
Violet3 Uprong Eternity Band!!!

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Gemgirl - thank you so much for your lovely comments!!!

luv2sparkle - I can''t wait to see yours when you get it - adore the bands from facets - they are amazing! sounds like you will have tons of options to mix and match - someday i want to have lots of options too! For now, this is my engagement ring and i will likely get a flat pipe-cut band for the WB. I would love to pair it with a thinner eternity band, but it does take away from the profile a little bit. When do we get to see yours?????
Love this profile and the fact that its eternity. YUMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
that ring is SO amazing!!!!!!!
Well Violet3, I have to admit I am a complete novice with all the posting pictures and all. So I guess, I will post all, with my very long pricescope story when I get
the ring from Signed Pieces/Facets and my very computer savvy son comes home from UCLA for the next presidents day weekend. Although he might be able to coach
me over the phone. I think about it every time he comes home, but I am just so darn glad to see him, and he''s so busy I kind of put it off. This is actually my 3rd set of
rings in almost 30 (yikes) years of marriage. (We got married at 20!) My first one I totally hated, my second one looks o-so dated and now the platinum set. I have had my
platinum set for just short of a year. I cant believe I havent got to posting yet
I say all of this to say that I am very sure you will be able to work out your set
to have exactly what you want, and it will be gorgeous! When we bought my first ring in l980 (Gosh that sounds so long ago-cuz it is) you couldnt even find a stone that
had a cert, they would just tell you what they thought it was. How weird does that seem now. Anyway, your ring is so very beautiful, it is my favorite style of eternity bands
and if price wasnt a factor I would have had one made just like it. It is about as perfect as you can get. I hope you enjoy it and it gives you joy every time you look at your
hand! Sometimes I hold my hand up and look at it and tell my husband, "I just love my sparklies" (Big sigh) I hope you will too.
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