OMG!!! sooo cute...Make me want a puppy even more!!!
What breed is your kitty? He looks exactly like my brother''s cat who is currently tormenting our dog. He is part Siamese but he was a stray so no one knows for sure what he is.
Winding up to take a bouncy pounce onto his big sister...
*Blair - the cat is just a regular old Siamese type with no fancy pedigree. Probably a choco-seal point. He takes an interest in the pups - cleaning them, playing with them. He outweighs the 'big' dog by about 10 lbs, so we're very grateful that he seems to like them.
Ok, the puppy is obviously adorable, but what I can''t get over being so awesome is that the colors of your bedspread, etc. match the colors of that beautiful kitty staring down the puppy.
I know the cat look perturbed - and maybe he is... it was their first meeting. But he always looks a little pi$$ed off. He's really, really good with the puppies.
He's a long haired chihuahua (his littermate looks like a polar bear) doesn't have a name yet. We're struggling. For now I just squeal some nonsense at him when I want his attention.
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