
Weekly Workout Thread 24th July - 30th July

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when my DH and I were on our honeymoon, we tried to think if there were small things that would could take back from that trip and incorporate into our daily life to make small improvements in either our quality of life or quality of our relationship...

one thing we both overwhelmingly agreed on was going for more walks together. we walked every morning and evening on the honeymoon and it was so nice -- and i echo whoever said its a perfect time to talk --

other than that we don''t workout together. i''m a solo runner. i find it a great time to decompress and it tends to be a slice of time when i can just my hubby''s legs are about twice as long as mine
he''d have to run backwards in order for me to match his pace.
Aussie, great job on your accomplishment! That is fantastic and inspiring!
Bee, that''s great about losing 12 lbs. Makes me think maybe I should''ve joined WW a few months ago. I just signed up for Bally''s phone counseling program which gives you a once/wk phone call w/a dietician and helps w/meal plans. I just can''t get back into the groove, so I''m hoping this will give me a push. More than anything, I need motivation. I know what to do and what to eat, I just don''t seem to be doing it. Last night, I had good intentions of bike riding but it never happened. I did do some jumping jacks though (thinking of Mara and Monarch) and some leg lifts. Those jumping jacks really aren''t fun, but I''m taking your word that they will help stop some part of my body from jiggling. I did 4 sets of 25 and 2 sets of 25 leg lifts on each leg. I try to normally do 4 sets each leg but was a slacker last night. With the jumping jacks, are you guys doing them for a time period or a certain amount? I think every inch of my body jiggled around last night.


TG, good for you for doing that Pilates tape. That''s something I have never gotten into. I bought a dvd once and tried a class once but the exercises just didn''t work for me.
Coda, sorry you''re not feeling well. I think something''s going around here too. Blenheim, how long do you think it will take for your foot to heal?
My bf and I don''t workout together, partly b/c we don''t live together so co-ordinating is tough. I have suggested that we start running together, rather I jog/walk and he runs. Of course, it wouldn''t really be together since he''d pass me instantly but at least I''d be out there moving rather than sitting inside on the couch! I do think walking together is a nice idea though. One of these days...

Well, my first session w/the Bally''s person is tomorrow so hopefully she will get me ready to do some sort of activity. I''m hoping to go the gym tonight but not sure due to other errands I must run.
lol the jumping jacks.

maybe i am CRAZY but i love doing them in front of the mirror. fun? not really...but i can definitely see a difference in what AINT jiggling in the last month or so. it''s not just the jacks that is doing it, but i like doing them because it''s a good way to get my heart rate up quickly, and works out my whole body. you could do them after a brisk walk when your heart rate is already a bit up and it will help you burn longer with higher metabolism.

anyway i typically do 4-5 sets of 50-60 each, depending on how i feel. sometimes i am just really tired and wheeze and pant really quickly, and other times i feel like i could easily do another 3 sets or something. i started out doing something like 4 sets of 20 and just worked up to more.

the leg lifts/air kicks are great too! i typically do about 25 on each leg and about 4-5 intervals of those. it''s cool to alternate jumping jacks with the leg lifts/kicks, along with squats and then add in some small weights too. it really gets you going and is a good 10-15 minute workout at home.
You gals (and guy) are awesomely inspiring!!

I have been trying to get in different activities lately in addition to walking. I went for a bike ride Monday and yesterday I mowed the lawn (takes an hour, push mower of course
). I really worked up a good sweat doing both these activities and it is nice to have a change.

Jumping jacks in front of the mirror Mara?! You go girl!!! If I did that I would scare myself and run away, haha
LOL heather!!

so took P for a walk...nothing spectacular this afternoon, it''s WAY cooler, we were able to turn off the A/C and open the windows, Portia is PSYCHED. she''s stuck to the window sniffing crazily. She gets so bored if there is not a window open to check everyone out and smell everything.

i''m going to workout and THEN i decided that i will give into this craving i had today for KFC. i know, EVIL!!!! i don''t even want to think about what''s in this stuff, but mmmmmm chicken strips and coleslaw and mashed potatoes with gravy? sign me up! it''s been almost a year since i last had i''m due i think.
i also had a cookie and a half today, and had lunch with a girlfriend where i had this singaporean noodle soup which was yummy but carby. i have been craving all day...hehe.

so anyway today will be a REALLY bad food day, but i''m working out so i''ll be a wash hopefully. and then i won''t want KFC anymore. hehee.
Okay. I was lazy today. I''m still tired from San Diego, where I slept an average of 3 hours per night. I didn''t make it to kickboxing class, but that''s because I have to wear my glasses for today because I scratched my eyeball with my fingernail while sleeping last night. So I told myself I''ll go to the gym, but I can''t seem to get up off the couch. Should I feel really guilty? Or should I get my lazy butt off the couch and drive 20 minutes to the gym?

Maybe compromise with yourself, get OFF the couch and go for a nice walk in the neighborhood...

Drag the fiance/husband (not sure which - sorry!!) to come with you : )

It''ll make you feel better, get you active, but not quite as ''awful'' as the gym!

Aussiegirl : p

(And I feel your pain about having to wear your glasses... somehow that used to absolutely RUIN my day... not even vanity so much as discomfort/irritation... they were annoying! Yay for Lasik surgery!!!!!)
LOL, thanks aussiegirl! My bf (not even fiance yet, darn it!) is still working, so no one to drag for a nice evening walk. I decided against exercise today, mainly because my body''s telling me I''m still too tired to do anything to strenuous. I''ll start again tomorrow, with an easy jog and then kickboxing class. Hopefully, I''ll be able to get back into my regular routine pretty quickly. The jog yesterday nearly killed me; I was soooo tired when I got home, I was sleepy by 9 p.m.!

Keep up the good work everyone, and stay away from the fried chicken!! And other bad foods, of course.
mmmm fried chicken!!!! and fries, and sauce, and coleslaw and biscuit and mashed taters...yum!!!! KFC is sooo ghetto but i love it sometimes. hahha!

the workout was EXTRA hard tonite as we had a sub so i don''t feel guilty...hahaha. tomorrow is a new day. until then...KFC! (and the eventual stomach pains that will result...)
KFC is totally ghetto...but it''s the best comfort food around. There''s not a time that I don''t drive by a KFC and think "oooh...yuuumy..." I''ve resisted the temptation for a couple of years now, but I''m probably due at some point.

Didn''t feel like working out tonight, especially since there was a get together at a friends. I opted out since it was a weeknight and I knew it would totally derail my good eating. Got my butt downstairs finally at about 9 pm to do my workout for an hour, which included jumping jacks. Always feels good once it''s over!
Had a good workout this morning, my legs were still cramping but I was able to work it off after 13 mins. So much better than yesterday.

Mara please can you tell me what a shaved ice tapioca drink is please? I am having these weird and thoughts of frogs spawn floating in a glass of ice etc
Please put me out of my misery!

This thread is getting huge this week with everyone doing such a great job!

How do we all feel about moving the thread to Family, Home and Health? I think it would be a better place for it - I know we all are used to finding it in LIW, but what are the thoughts on this...Any objections? I always PS with the main page with all the forums and posts listed, but I know not everyone does it that way, but sticks to one forum or another.
thanks dixie! I know what you mean about motivation-I find it really hard to get motivated sometimes, only last night D was telling me how my trousers were getting much looser so I cant wait to get to the gym today to make them even looser.

Ive never had KFC in my life but after reading your post Mara, I would kill for some now. We only have about 2 or 3 in Dublin, so cant be bothered to drive to one which is probably a good thing
Date: 7/26/2006 10:11:48 PM
Author: Mara
LOL heather!!

so took P for a walk...nothing spectacular this afternoon, it''s WAY cooler, we were able to turn off the A/C and open the windows, Portia is PSYCHED. she''s stuck to the window sniffing crazily. She gets so bored if there is not a window open to check everyone out and smell everything.

i''m going to workout and THEN i decided that i will give into this craving i had today for KFC. i know, EVIL!!!! i don''t even want to think about what''s in this stuff, but mmmmmm chicken strips and coleslaw and mashed potatoes with gravy? sign me up! it''s been almost a year since i last had i''m due i think.
i also had a cookie and a half today, and had lunch with a girlfriend where i had this singaporean noodle soup which was yummy but carby. i have been craving all day...hehe.

so anyway today will be a REALLY bad food day, but i''m working out so i''ll be a wash hopefully. and then i won''t want KFC anymore. hehee.
Yummm Mara.......I''ve wanted some fried chicken for such a long time. Maybe I should just give in and do it!!!!
Date: 7/27/2006 6:27:14 AM
Author: Lorelei
Had a good workout this morning, my legs were still cramping but I was able to work it off after 13 mins. So much better than yesterday.

Mara please can you tell me what a shaved ice tapioca drink is please? I am having these weird and thoughts of frogs spawn floating in a glass of ice etc
Please put me out of my misery!

This thread is getting huge this week with everyone doing such a great job!

How do we all feel about moving the thread to Family, Home and Health? I think it would be a better place for it - I know we all are used to finding it in LIW, but what are the thoughts on this...Any objections? I always PS with the main page with all the forums and posts listed, but I know not everyone does it that way, but sticks to one forum or another.
Good for you Lorelei.......I found, quite by accident that when you are sore, working out get''s the soreness gone faster than just sitting around. We went for a 3 mile run Monday evening. Tuesday morning I was very sore, but went to the gym Tuesday night and worked out hard. soreness at all!

Everyone on this thread is inspiring and deserves such praise for working so hard and trying to lead healthy lives!!!!!
Date: 7/27/2006 6:34:32 AM
Author: bee*
thanks dixie! I know what you mean about motivation-I find it really hard to get motivated sometimes, only last night D was telling me how my trousers were getting much looser so I cant wait to get to the gym today to make them even looser.

Ive never had KFC in my life but after reading your post Mara, I would kill for some now. We only have about 2 or 3 in Dublin, so cant be bothered to drive to one which is probably a good thing
Oh no no no.....if you''ve never had it and eat it now, I can honestly say I think you will be disgusted. The mashed potatoes are...well, not light and fluffy and the coleslaw is often drenched. I think I crave it because it''s a taste that I grew up with (and when you''re a kid, you don''t care about perfect mashed potatoes!). I still like McDonald''s cheeseburgers for that''s just a certain flavor that can''t be emulated anywhere else. You''re not missing anything, I swear!
hahha yeah bee it''s more like a childhood thing...when i was a kid, we didn''t have much $$ and our big night out was when we''d go get a big bucket of chicken and the works at KFC. they also used to make these faboo chocolate pudding pies but i dont think they them anymore. anyway, it''s not the best food at all, it''s processed, on the same level as mcdonalds, but sometimes you just get that hankering for the taste of the chicken or the tart coleslaw and that''s it! we really only have it about once or twice a year and same with mcdonalds as we hardly ever eat fast food. even if we want a quick burger or are on the road, we stop at in-n-out burger which has all fresh ingredients and everything is made there on the spot.

but i figured well i could have a chicken burrito with black beans, rice, salsa and cheese which is healthy BUT which would be like 1000 calories because i can''t stop from eating the whole burrito!!! OR just get my craving at KFC which was probably about 1k calories as well with a lot of fat but at least took care of a craving. if i had the burrito i''d be still thinking about KFC! so anyway, after dinner i felt good but got a stomach ache OF COURSE because my body is always like woah what are you doing to me.

oh and rod i was going to say, i was thinking about you and your pizza love last nite on the way to my class, i know you said you tend to gorge on the pizza because you love it but sometimes you just gotta give in!! i think that giving into cravings sometimes is important for your mental state in general. knowing you could have it if you really wanted it. sometimes that is enough to actually curb the craving! last nite after class, the last thing i wanted was kfc. i thought well why ruin what i just did by eating that? then i thought well i wanted it before, i''ll want it after i cool down, so i''m just going to get it. but i have had many taco bell cravings that i thought about giving into but THEN it just didn''t seem quite so appealing anymore! so you may be surprised. but also the world will NOT end if you get a small pizza and you and your partner share it one night with a salad. you don''t have to eat chicken and rice and veggies all the time!

i am such a foodie, i have to treat myself with good food and stuff i really want or else honestly it would not matter how great i looked, because i just have to have that food i want sometimes.

oh and re: soreness and pushing through it, i totally agree. i find when i am really sore, even getting out there and going for a brisk walk helps my muscles loosen up again, you just don''t want them to stay all tight. i don''t think i updated this but i went to my massage therapist last week and she told me that the reason that my arm was hurting me so badly (and still does act up from time to time) is because all my of the muscles on my back right are tight and all of those loop under my arm and over my shoulder and down my deltoid, so they are all connected. so my back muscles are tight and they are pulling on my arm muscles! so it''s like a big snarly knot of unhappy muscles. so i have been doing more back and arm stretches, also putting a hot pad on the arm and back etc. she says my muscles are responsive, but that is why i have been having arm pain sometimes and wondering WHY that arm was taking so long to heal from the last injury. it''s funny because the arm and back is probably happiest when working out because it''s loose and being used. so stretching and also continuing to work the muscles to keep them warm even in more passive ways like walking is a great way to push through soreness. and stretching is REALLY important!!!

so i''m going to class tonite with jorman, who i am trying to get hooked on kbox so she will go with me sometimes...hee hee. then we are going to dinner with the boys to sushi after...yum! i just had an egg white breakfast wrapped in a tortilla with coffee and lunch will probably be 2 leftover low-fat burgers heated up in the micro just plain, with some condiments from the other day. i feel all proteiny today!! have a fab day people!

OH and lorelei, you want to know what a shaved tapioca drink is? stay tuned.
okay lorelei i tried to find a picture for you of the ones we get at this place but they are so varied that i just found two that were kind of similar.

they SOUND kind of gross and sometimes when they arrive at the table they look kind of gross...but they are really good. hehee.

so the drinks have various things in them or can have various things in them but the basics are coconut milk poured over shaved ice and then sometimes they put in like seltzer or something similar or some condensed milk....and also inside the glass (which is typically like those tall sundae glassses) they can put things like red beans, or green beans, tapioca balls or tapioca strings (this is what kind of can look gross), fruits, etc. it just depends on where you are and what kind of drink they have at that restaurant or how they can make your drink. bottom line is the drink is super sweet from the coconut and condensed milks and it''s very icy cold from the ice and it''s more like a dessert, if we get it at the vietnamese restaurant then i drink the drink while i am eating (with water too) and then after i am done i eat the beans and tapioca strings etc as dessert.

in any case they are yummy but they are pretty high in calories, like 600 per drink and the fat can be really high from the coconut milk, like 20g. i only get one every once in a while, and it hit the spot on sunday since i just wanted a REALLY COLD shaved ice drink! hehee. anyway here are a few pictures of how it''s it all layered inside the glass. the first picture is way more detailed than mine typically is. mine just looks like some red beans and clear tapioca strings with ice and some white milk. it''s a very colorful drink depending on what you put in.

funky drinks.jpg
Look''s pretty cool Mara.......speaking of drinks, after my workout with the trainer Saturday I was pretty spent and he had me go to a place and get a "Muscle Milk" protein shake. I thought I was doing really good with this drink until I asked to see the conainer of the Muscle Milk. It''s a whey protein with umpteen other supplements and I saw the "barista" put two full heaping scoops in the drink. Imagine my shock when I realized I had just consumed one drink that contained more than 1,000 calories!!! It was super good and did give me my energy back (probably buzzed me), but I don''t think I''ll indulge in such a high calory drink anytime soon.

I do use whey protein btw. After a workout, I go home, take 8 ounces of fat free milk and one (much more reasonably caloried) whey protein powder with ice cubes, blended like a smoothy. Yummmy and I believe (probably a mental thing) it''s helping to replenish the muscles I''ve just abused for a couple of hours.

Happy Thursday all you healthy ladies.
Hello folks : )

Ever get to the end of your typical workout and wonder how much more you could do? I finished my typical 33 minutes on the elliptical today (that's how long the 'standard' program is) and asked myself... could I do it again? Would I end up a puddle of mush on the floor? Would I pass out? Would I simply give up? Okay, I don't LIKE unanswered questions... so I stayed on the darned thing and started the program again... Lo and behold, my body said 'Yes, I can do that...'

So, here's my day's workout... I think I'll sleep well tonight!
-60 minutes total
-7.5 miles
-825 calories

Would I have even tried to do this if I hadn't read Rod's typical workout and realized it was possible? Survey says? NO!!!


Aussiegirl : p

ETA: It scares me a little sometimes when I realize that even when I think I've pushed myself, I really haven't. Here all these months I thought I was really making myself work hard, and pushing my limits. And here I just proved myself utterly wrong. Makes me wonder what else I could be doing nearly 2X as much of... Anyhow, food for thought!
You go Aussiegirl!!!!

I''ve done that on many occasions. Went 45 minutes and wasn''t pooped at all, and did it again. It''s a wonderful feeling to be able to do things like that and the endorphen high is addictive!!

congats miss aussie!!! that''s awesome 825 calories!!! i wonder how much my kbox workouts are, the online calculators are never accurate, they say things like 300-600 calories for a 30-35 minute workout. that''s a huge range so i never know what to think about how many calories i burned.

i know, sometimes our bodies amaze us. i think much of it is very much mental on how hard we can push ourselves.

last nite i was really pushing myself because i knew i was getting KFC and i really gave myself a good workout. the cool thing about kbox is you can go as slow as you want or as fast or intense. if i feel really tired i just tend to do the minimum sometimes. but i think i can push harder when i really want to. like tonite i know i will be exhausted after since last nite was hard and my legs are really sore. but i am just going to stretch out big time before working out and try to go to town and know that i did my absolute best. then i can eat sushi!!
We got the the most amazing cantalope the other day, so I am having prosciutto and melon for lunch. Yummy! Brings me back to Spain and Italy.

I weighed myself today. Even with the eating weekend (although I did walk around a lot). I''ve lost another pound. Hooray!

That''s great Aussiegirl! I like those long workouts...I find them more possible when my FI does not go to the gym with me. He always wants to leave after about 45 minutes...1 hr max. I usually stay for about an hour and half. You''re inspiring me!
Thanks for sharing that before and after pic Rod!!!(I just saw it now!)
Amazing!!! You took 20 years off it it okay if I call you rockin' Rod?

I''m not sure if that 825 is really ACCURATE - it''s what the machine thinks I burned... I''ve yet to decide how accurate or innacurate that really is. The one thing I''m pretty sure of is that they are consistent... so I use those numbers to compare my workouts, if nothing else. So I can push towards the same goal, or realize when I am slacking against my previous numbers....

Maybe Rod has an answer to how accurate those machines really are - maybe the personal trainer knows something?

Mara, what do you guys DO in kickboxing? I know that seems silly, but I have no experience with it, don''t know anybody who does it... so I''m curious! Would you mind giving us a peek into your typical KB class? Also, not sure if I''ve read this a million times and never picked up on it, but how did you injure your arm originally??

Aussiegirl : p
Thanks for explaining and adding the pics of the TSID Mara! Wow they look sort of yummy - I had visions of tapioca pudding floating around in a glass of water and ice...

I wish I could try one, my ears really perked up when you said they were sweet! You can't get anything exciting like that here to drink, a McD's milkshake is about as good as it gets

Well today I had a revelation. Due to my cramping legs on Weds, I decided to actually WARM UP before my elliptical session this morning. Guess what? It worked, no more leg cramps. I always thought warming up was a ploy by patronizing fit folk who were sneeringly warning lesser mortals to " not overdo it hehehe", therefore I would stick my nose in the air and jump right in, thinking preparation was not necessary. But now I am the one with egg on my face! I shall make an effort to do some stretches before I workout in future! What a silly preconceived idea I had, I admit it and am ashamed.

So I did my usual this morning and it went well. I have been doing the fat burn programme on the treadmill but I got hacked off with it as I was on a roll and the flipping machine kept slowing down because my heartrate was up. So as Frank Sinatra sang, I think I will do it my way in future!

Great job everyone!
Rod I bet you turned green after your drink with all those calories
Never mind, you are superfit and can consume things like that, but it is the mindset of the calorie amount I think!
Thanks TG and Mara-it doesnt sound very appetizing!
Thanks and my all means feel free to call that. Hmmmmmmm......"Rockin Rod!!" I like it much more that "fat ''ol fart!!"

''Rockin Rod''

I like it!!

My trainer says the calorie burn is a bit on the optimistic side. Each person''s metabolism burns calories differently. Some (skinny people who can eat anything and not gain weight- hate ''em LOL) burn calories quite efficiently. Other''s (myself included) have to push their metabolisms to burn calories. I just use the calories burned as a benchmark to guage how I''m doing in a session.

Lorelei.........Warming up before any work out is a REALLY REALLY good idea. In particular, before running (treadmill/street) or using an elliptical, one should do leg stretches. I also do the elliptical after I''ve done my weights. I stretch and do core training before every session (planks planks planks). Then I do an hour to hour and a half of weights (got to build those muscles), then the elliptical for at least 45 minutes. Stretching will help you avoid shin splints and all sorts of soreness you can avoid.

So, my friend. Always stretch before any strenuous exercise. OK?? ok

Tonight''s a free night. I''ve worked out the last six straight days, so I get a well deserved night off. Tomorrow, it''s back with our trainer and Sunday a workout on our own, followed by a long walk Sunday night and a Frozen Yogurt!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and finds the time to throw in some fitness options.

Your friend.........Rod
Morning everyone,
I actually got myself to workout yesterday. I know it''s ridiculous but it was my first real workout all week. I did a tape at home, and it made me feel a little better. I also had my first phone call w/the dietician that I signed up with. We made a few weekly goals and will talk again next week. I feel pretty good about that, and I''m hoping it will help me get back on track. Speaking of which, I''m off to go fill up my water bottle and start drinking. I have to drink 2 a day, which for me, is a lot!

Good job everyone!
So, my friend. Always stretch before any strenuous exercise. OK?? ok

Yes Sir!
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