decodelighted said:Ridiculous to even try but:
I don't think people who have control issues or who need and/or seek therapy should be ABANDONED by their loved ones. But I believe the people who HAVE the control issues SHOULD seek therapy, SHOULD take responsibility for their own actions. SHOULD bend over backwards to work on themselves and learn coping techniques. And not make their partners PAY over and over and over again for the rest of their lives.
Also: new concept ... delayed gratification. Look into it.
Ditto to this and Deco's early post. This is not a good situation on so many levels. I rarely visit this forum because I literally get too anxious reading some of the threads on here. For the record, my husband and I talked about getting married, we agreed we wanted to get married -- and the only people "surprised" by our engagement were our friends and family, simply because they were on the receiving end of the good news. It's one thing to ask your bf to surprise you with a ring and proposal -- and then butt out! But asking for a surprise proposal and then orchestrating it from behind the scenes to keep "control" is just a mind game.