
We've Bought an Historical Old Vicarage!

I love this! If this were my home, I would be in a lawn chair, a safe distance away, watching this all day. I would get nothing else done!

I am curious, what is the little roof space in between the bump-out and the main house going to be? Will it be a flat roof, or will it be another gable, just perpendicular to the addition?
@RMOO The side section that joins to the house will have a solid flat roof. Originally we wanted it to be glass, but both the Architect & the Building Manager were twitchy due to the terracotta hanging tiles directly above. The top section is new & replaces the old wooden shingles, but the decorative bottom tiled section is original & whilst the tiles have been checked, there is no guarantee that one might not come off in a storm. Given the cost of the glass roof section alone was £11,390 we decided to go with a solid roof to mitigate any tiles cracking it. But It would have looked awesome from inside. C’est la vie.

@ItsMainelyYou The trusses will be fully exposed inside & the ceiling will remain vaulted with sky lights. The gable truss that you can see by the orange crane, will be fully glazed to let light into the kitchen below. And not only that, it will look bloody awesome at night when you pull into the driveway & the kitchen lights are on =)2
@RMOO This is directly underneath that flat roof section looking to the rear. We decided to keep a full length picture window at the end looking into the garden, but originally the whole over & down was to be glass. Above my head there now will be a solid flat roof, but there will be MASSES of light in this extension so it'll be fine. To the left of where I'm standing with the boarded up opening will be the new dining room, which has that huge arched window being re-instated too.

Omg, I ADORE home renovations! Enjoying this thread and absolutely cannot wait to see the finished house!! I don't have the stomach or the patience for these projects myself - I'm more of a move-in-ready kinda gal - but I love, love, love to watch others' renos unfold. Yay!!

P.S. Do you get Chip and Joanna's home show in the UK? I love watching the transformations on there.
Omg, I ADORE home renovations! Enjoying this thread and absolutely cannot wait to see the finished house!! I don't have the stomach or the patience for these projects myself - I'm more of a move-in-ready kinda gal - but I love, love, love to watch others' renos unfold. Yay!!

P.S. Do you get Chip and Joanna's home show in the UK? I love watching the transformations on there.

Thank you! It’s been extremely stressful, but the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight.

We don’t get that TV show, I don’t think?
A couple of little update snippets. All of the plastering is now finished, except the dining room & new kitchen extension, which will be last. Here is the Master Bedroom, peeking into the ensuite, which was originally a Nursery with it's own doorway from off the landing. The wall where there isn't currently coving or a picture rail was where the fireplace & huge chimney breast were removed.




The kitchen roof is now all in place & the link section between the house & the extension has been boarded.



And finally for today, the tilers have been in this last week doing the bathrooms. We've gone fully Art Deco in the main Family bathroom & I absolutely love it! The black & white tiles are also on the floor underneath all the cardboard & all the grout in here will be black.

I LOVE the tiles!!! Is that Venetian style plasterwork? I'm so excited to see the kitchen starting to come together!
It's just lovely - lovely doesn't seem like a descriptive enough word, but lovely in the sense that this will be a family home that your family will love to live in.
I LOVE the tiles!!! Is that Venetian style plasterwork? I'm so excited to see the kitchen starting to come together!

It’s just regular plaster that is really fresh, so is drying in patches. It will all be a pale pink in a few more days. The decorator will use a thick grade lining paper to the whole house before using wall paper or paints. One of my main briefs was that all the walls need to be super fresh with no marks of time, gouges, chips, uneven areas or filled in picture hooks etc.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of character, but given the size of the refurb I wanted fresh, as new as possible walls!

The progress that is made by your dedicated team is outstanding! We cycle by or see lots in the hood/other hoods that are still in progress--two years later!! And nothing like the scope of what you are doing!

It is really coming along now - how exciting for you and your family! Love the pics!
This is looking so great! I love seeing the progress, and I'll be you can't wait for it to be done. Thank you so much for sharing!
Loving the updates!
That bathroom is the bomb! Just stunning! What a treat to see all of this taking shape!
Any more updates?
♀️‍wondering too….
It's coming together very nicely! I am super excited for you guys!!
Thanks for checking in! There are lots of updates & I could bore you to death :lol-2:

First up, the roof void in the attic servants bedroom has been opened up in prep for the wall coming off & balcony going on. And look at the SIZE of this old beehive we found inside the far right corner! It's literally a foot long!



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Next up, the bricked up window space in what was the kitchen has had a huge window re-instated. This is the new dining room & there will be a long 10 seat table sitting alongside. Opening this back up to the size it originally was is one of my favourite decisions.




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The bathrooms are now all complete & decorated, though these pics are 2 wks old & still show bare plaster, missing shower screens & toilet seats.

The stone bathroom is the Master. The nauseating Art Deco black & white is the family, minus the beautiful egg bath which is too delicate to be on a building site. The freestanding tap is in though! The white bathroom with black vanity is DD1 & has a shower off to the left with a black shower, the white room with the oak vanity is DD2.



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The garden has been scraped & levelled off, ready for new grass. The rear corner by the very tall Holly Trees is where the kitchen garden will be re-established, greenhouses & chickens. This is out & across to the right as you look out from the new kitchen extension & was where it originally was, but the grass had been seriously rutted from years of sheep & pigs being kept there.



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The original fireplace has been carefully re-fitted in the Music Room. It will be cleaned & oiled when the decorators are in there.
And finally for now, the decorators are in & our 3 main bedrooms are almost done. DD1's is complete & the door has been sealed with plastic to prevent dust & dirt getting in there.
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Oh, and I forgot to say the Carpenter is in now, fitting panelling to all the downstairs hallways, main staircase & landing. We have removed the door at the end of the upstairs landing that closed off the servants rooms, but left the arch in a nod to it's Upstairs / Downstairs past. We chose to stop the panelling at this point for the same reasons. Here's a snippet of the landing.



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It's so exciting because it's really getting into the finish stages! I bet the girls love that they have individual spaces that are unique from the other. I especially love the windows, all the windows! I am waiting to see the colors. The colors are coming! :love:
So close! Aghhhhhh :lol:
It's so exciting because it's really getting into the finish stages! I bet the girls love that they have individual spaces that are unique from the other. I especially love the windows, all the windows! I am waiting to see the colors. The colors are coming! :love:
So close! Aghhhhhh :lol:

Thank you! The end is definitely in sight & only 7 wks to moving in date! The girls have gone from feeling sad to be leaving our very lovely & perfectly adequate home to bursting to get in now that it's not a total building site! Here's a snip of DD1's room that I took last wk whilst the painting was in action. There will be no stark white or gloss in the house as it doesn't lend itself to it's age. The ceiling is an off white & walls a dove grey, to flow from her black & white bathroom.
