
We've Bought an Historical Old Vicarage!


Sorry for this aggravation. It is with incredulity--that one reads this, given all the other impossibly amazing work done--that the "garage" is too small?? Sheesh.

May I suggest a DB9--or a Maserati SUV? They have a smaller wheelbase. LOL. :saint: :wavey: :bigsmile:


Sorry for this aggravation. It is with incredulity--that one reads this, given all the other impossibly amazing work done--that the "garage" is too small?? Sheesh.

May I suggest a DB9--or a Maserati SUV? They have a smaller wheelbase. LOL. :saint: :wavey: :bigsmile:


Sharon, if I had a pound for every time somebody suggested I buy a smaller car……….. :lol-2:

Mr T has a Porsche Taycan 4S (narrower than my car) & he has to hold his breath to drive it in to the charger. It’s fully electric so he has no choice, but mostly chooses to charge it on his work’s charge point to save himself the stress. Mine is hybrid & I can (& do) fall back on petrol. So here we are, with a garage block that was fully bespoke & cost (without sounding utterly crass, but just to emphasise my anger) £160k & is to all intents & purposes, not fit for use. Boils my p!ss.
In other news, this now absolutely HUGE almost 5 month old pup has cracked the potty training! We’ve had 3 full weeks of dry nights & only 2 in-house accidents in that time. She is a fully paid up member of the house & no longer sees the kitchen door being left open to her as an invitation to Narnia (I kid you not. She would stand stock still on the threshold of the open door way in wonder, then bolt full speed down the hallway & into various rooms & up one staircase & down the other, like she was on amphetamines :lol-2: ) & has calmed down. Here she is, found fully asleep in my bedroom with my stolen slipper, which is what I was looking for when I found her. Little toe rag..…

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I have just realised that I didn’t ever show any pictures of the driveway. Originally the entrance was only 2.5 meters wide, just enough for a horse & cart, with the original rickety pull across gate still in place. You can just see the pitches here of the original courtyard roof to the right of the house. This is now where the kitchen extension with oak trusses stands.


The stump to the left on the below pic was carefully removed in sections by a stonemason in order to widen the entrance & allow for building lorries. The stump stood roughly in the centre of the wooden boards on the floor. They also had to dig away the garden to the left, which you can just see by the curved demarcation of soil on the ground running from the centre of the boards. They were down to cover the holes left by the wall & stump removal.


Electrical cables were dug in to power the new gates & all the new driveway lighting.


A year later, the stonemason was back to re-build the stump in a much wider place & re-build the stone walls. You can just see the kitchen extension oak to the left here.



And finally the driveway was scraped the full length (it comes in off the road & curves across the entire house frontage, splitting at the far end into a fork. The left fork goes down to the pedestrian gate on the roadside & the right curves back around the far gable of the house to meet the new patio at the back) & a mesh & gravel system was fitted. And then the beautiful oak gates went up. Et viola!

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Also last week the front fascia of the garage was re-built & is now wide enough for my car. Yippee!! The architect took no responsibility or costs, so we cut a deal with the builders. It has now been measured for new doors, which are underway & will be fitted mid-January.

And then, ladies & gents…… WE ARE DONE.

NOOOOOO keep going! What else will we have to do? LOL :saint: :P2

Did your other house sell?


NOOOOOO keep going! What else will we have to do? LOL :saint: :P2

Did your other house sell?


Haha! I have MANY more before & after pics still to come of the outside, so I won’t spoil Christmas!

Other house has sold, yes. Still not fully completed, but they were really hoping to be in with a bed, a takeaway & champagne by Christmas Eve. I’m not holding my breath though!
Haha! I have MANY more before & after pics still to come of the outside, so I won’t spoil Christmas!

Other house has sold, yes. Still not fully completed, but they were really hoping to be in with a bed, a takeaway & champagne by Christmas Eve. I’m not holding my breath though!

And to think this all started with a bottle of champagne.......
And to think this all started with a bottle of champagne.......

All this has cost me an awful lot of tears & money :lol-2:

Somebody visiting at the weekend said how beautifully put together everything was & the attention to detail was amazing. And I had horrible flashbacks to having to make EVERY SINGLE DECISION about EVERYTHING you can see inside & outside this house. From light positions to sockets to paints to papers to bloody floor temp control panels, what to do with the crumbling carved concrete skirting boards & should we / could we strip the brown fence paint from the front door to see what’s underneath?? Sold oak. Best decision ever.
All this has cost me an awful lot of tears & money :lol-2:

Somebody visiting at the weekend said how beautifully put together everything was & the attention to detail was amazing. And I had horrible flashbacks to having to make EVERY SINGLE DECISION about EVERYTHING you can see inside & outside this house. From light positions to sockets to paints to papers to bloody floor temp control panels, what to do with the crumbling carved concrete skirting boards & should we / could we strip the brown fence paint from the front door to see what’s underneath?? Sold oak. Best decision ever.

I know you don't have time, but you could consult your talent out! Or make a documentary! I'll buy the champagne on your opening night!
Also last week the front fascia of the garage was re-built & is now wide enough for my car. Yippee!! The architect took no responsibility or costs, so we cut a deal with the builders. It has now been measured for new doors, which are underway & will be fitted mid-January.

And then, ladies & gents…… WE ARE DONE.

thank goodness
but thats bad on the architects
I love all these pictures! Did they rebuild the stone border along the street side of the gate where it used to curve from the street to the gate?
All this has cost me an awful lot of tears & money :lol-2:

Somebody visiting at the weekend said how beautifully put together everything was & the attention to detail was amazing. And I had horrible flashbacks to having to make EVERY SINGLE DECISION about EVERYTHING you can see inside & outside this house. From light positions to sockets to paints to papers to bloody floor temp control panels, what to do with the crumbling carved concrete skirting boards & should we / could we strip the brown fence paint from the front door to see what’s underneath?? Sold oak. Best decision ever.

Like childbirth, but look what you made. Those gates are magnificent, they make me want a silk scarf and sunglasses. Maybe, little driving gloves.

I'm also happy to hear the little red devil-Pen has decided to be a dog and not a complete dervish:lol: One day I'll steal your other slipper and you'll find us both spooned on the carpet contentedly, just as we are.

The architect did you dirty, and I would put a soft word somewhere about that with people you know while also mentioning how your builders did you a solid.
I love all these pictures! Did they rebuild the stone border along the street side of the gate where it used to curve from the street to the gate?

Yes they did & it’s seamless. You wouldn’t know anything had been changed if the lack of moss didn’t give the game away, as they had to clean the bricks up to cement them. I will snap a picture for you today.
@Ally T, I have loved reading about every step of this journey of yours. I will miss the updates, the gorgeous pictures and the happiness in your posts as you are watching your envision for your lovely home unfold and come to life. It truly has been a labor of love and you have created a wonderful home that will be filled with beautiful memories for not only your children but their children as well some day. I know your girls are younger but one day they will be telling their children that their grandma made this all happen. It was all her vision. That‘s pretty damn cool, don’t you think?

This has been one of my favorite and fun threads on Pricescope. Your fun playful personality has come thru in this thread. I think there are many of us here who would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you. You are a gem.
@Ally T -

It's absolutely glorious. I've been MIA a lot recently due to a whole bunch of issues, but I've popped in regularly to check in on your house progress. What a joy it has been to follow!

And I LOVE gravel driveways! Yours is about as good as they get. Chef's kiss, my dear!

And Merry Christmas to you and your family! ox
@Ally T, I have loved reading about every step of this journey of yours. I will miss the updates, the gorgeous pictures and the happiness in your posts as you are watching your envision for your lovely home unfold and come to life. It truly has been a labor of love and you have created a wonderful home that will be filled with beautiful memories for not only your children but their children as well some day. I know your girls are younger but one day they will be telling their children that their grandma made this all happen. It was all her vision. That‘s pretty damn cool, don’t you think?

This has been one of my favorite and fun threads on Pricescope. Your fun playful personality has come thru in this thread. I think there are many of us here who would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you. You are a gem.

I have teary eyes…..

Thank you - this is such a lovely thing to say. I do still have a few updates of the garden to share, plus the DREADED Fly Room. You literally wouldn’t recognise it from the leaking, crusty, cold, whistling & encrusted-with-dead-flies servants bedroom that it once was. Last January I was stood in there with our Site Manager to discuss the upcoming work, whilst the rain dripped through the ceiling & splashed onto the hearth next to us. Shudder……

I am waiting for a hand forged Art Deco style door plaque to arrive for Mr T’s Xmas goodies. It’s always been called The Fly Room, and so that’s what it will say when you reach the top of the servants stairs :kiss2:

It’s hard for me to photograph as it’s Mr T’s office & there is a lot of personal work stuff around the walls, but I will do my absolute best to take new pictures of the STUNNING balcony & views he now has. Now he grumbles & b!tches & moans with a lovely aspect to survey. And the very best part of that is that he’s 2 floors above me & far enough away that I can’t even tell if he’s alive :lol-2:
See @canuk-gal - still updates to be had!

Our “new” doorbell arrived today. An authentic Victorian cast iron one with new rope, as we have debated doorbells for months. The front door is an absolutely HUGE 8 feet high of solid oak (for perspective you can see the top of the open bootroom door inside on the right, which is a bloody tall door in itself!) & we’ve added the iron carriage lanterns & post box, so all these fancy-schmancy bells with cameras didn’t feel right. (Excuse the hanging wires as they’ve since been stripped away & the tiles / bricks cleaned .)

It’ll be fitted over the hole on the left where a modern white plastic monstrosity was removed. We won’t be able to hear this if not in the vicinity of the hallway or nearby rooms, but given we have zero bell at the mo, it’s a vast improvement :lol:

Will post a new door pic when it’s up.

The Before pic at the bottom shows the brown fence paint on that beautiful door, just after the new windows were fitted. After we bit the bullet & decided to sand it back, it was covered with Osmos Oil to protect it & show it off.




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It has been a great journey to experience along with you. I must admit that at the beginning, it seemed like a project that would go on forever. However, you got on it, stayed on it and brought out all the beauty that it had to offer. Congratulations on a job well done and making this a true home. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!
And here is my absolute favourite part & the heart of the house: the main staircase. Complete with low level lighting, the big boy chandelier & of course, the most delicious stair runner ever :kiss2:

It blows my mind that the panelling is brand new & hasn't been there forever. It's perfect.




OH! Oh, so gorgeous! Looking at these photos gives me joy! Please post lots more, @Ally T! Wow, this staircase is so, so stunning. You have amazing taste!
I have teary eyes…..

Thank you - this is such a lovely thing to say. I do still have a few updates of the garden to share, plus the DREADED Fly Room. You literally wouldn’t recognise it from the leaking, crusty, cold, whistling & encrusted-with-dead-flies servants bedroom that it once was. Last January I was stood in there with our Site Manager to discuss the upcoming work, whilst the rain dripped through the ceiling & splashed onto the hearth next to us. Shudder……

I am waiting for a hand forged Art Deco style door plaque to arrive for Mr T’s Xmas goodies. It’s always been called The Fly Room, and so that’s what it will say when you reach the top of the servants stairs :kiss2:

It’s hard for me to photograph as it’s Mr T’s office & there is a lot of personal work stuff around the walls, but I will do my absolute best to take new pictures of the STUNNING balcony & views he now has. Now he grumbles & b!tches & moans with a lovely aspect to survey. And the very best part of that is that he’s 2 floors above me & far enough away that I can’t even tell if he’s alive :lol-2:

i have completly missed the fly room it going under my radar
what on earth is a fly room ?

the mind bogels
i have completly missed the fly room it going under my radar
what on earth is a fly room ?

the mind bogels

You missed the Fly Room! It was the servants bedroom up in the attic. The fireplace had rain POURING in & there were seventy-billion dead flies in there. I don’t have many pictures, but here is a pic of the dustpan FULL of the dead flies I cleared up when we first bought it. It was rank. Zoom in if you dare!


The window was chin height (I’m 5’ 7”) because servants apparently had windows for light, not pleasure. The dormer pretty much needed a re-build so we applied for planning to open it up & put a balcony on it. There was a huge beehive inside that was about 1.5 feet in height, thankfully empty. I need to take pics of the finished room, but here is the opened up wall with beehive:


Up on the top floor there is the main attic (huge, pitched & full of cobwebs), a small attic store (clean, painted & carpeted) & The Fly Room.
I love all these pictures! Did they rebuild the stone border along the street side of the gate where it used to curve from the street to the gate?

Finally remembered to take a picture of the new curvature to the very old front wall for you. With time the new stump base, cleaned wall slabs & the chipped sandstone where they fitted the keypad, will all weather up & blend back in. You can see the moss on the side wall along the roadside.

I almost never get on here anymore but when I do, I look for this thread. You created a masterpiece, it's amazing!
Finally remembered to take a picture of the new curvature to the very old front wall for you. With time the new stump base, cleaned wall slabs & the chipped sandstone where they fitted the keypad, will all weather up & blend back in. You can see the moss on the side wall along the roadside.


I bet within two years you won't be able to tell they touched any of it!

I had to go back to look at the date of your first post in this thread, and could not believe it has been ~18 months, it has flown by! Although I'm sure you have. felt. every. day.
Thank you for allowing us in on this journey with you and your family. I hope you continue to post photos as landscaping matures and the seasons reveal new vistas. It really is marvelous! You can be proud that all your work, planning, and decisions have paid off in spades!
I bet within two years you won't be able to tell they touched any of it!

I had to go back to look at the date of your first post in this thread, and could not believe it has been ~18 months, it has flown by! Although I'm sure you have. felt. every. day.
Thank you for allowing us in on this journey with you and your family. I hope you continue to post photos as landscaping matures and the seasons reveal new vistas. It really is marvelous! You can be proud that all your work, planning, and decisions have paid off in spades!

Thank you. And you’re welcome! You guys have been such a sounding board on everything & I have loved the input.

Speaking of the gardens maturing, I snapped this picture last week walking the pup in the fields behind. It was the first time I’d been able to see the house from there because the big trees along the edge have lost their leaves.

Ally T,
Please count me among the many other members who are enjoying reading about your fantastic journey of discovery and very hard work! . We were fortunate to have lived in a Georgian house ( The Chestnuts in Orford,Suffolk) about 30 years ago. My DH had a 3 year assignment at RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge. Lucky for us ( although I didn’t think so at the time) , there was a super long wait for base housing. With a young daughter, we couldn’t stay in the drafty Quonset huts on base for the long wait list to get to us . Good timing and a bit of luck led us to The Chestnuts. I wouldn‘t trade the memories and experiences of those 3 years for anything. Reading about your restoration project brings me back to that time, and those memories. Thank you so very much for sharing your adventure with all of us.
You missed the Fly Room! It was the servants bedroom up in the attic. The fireplace had rain POURING in & there were seventy-billion dead flies in there. I don’t have many pictures, but here is a pic of the dustpan FULL of the dead flies I cleared up when we first bought it. It was rank. Zoom in if you dare!


The window was chin height (I’m 5’ 7”) because servants apparently had windows for light, not pleasure. The dormer pretty much needed a re-build so we applied for planning to open it up & put a balcony on it. There was a huge beehive inside that was about 1.5 feet in height, thankfully empty. I need to take pics of the finished room, but here is the opened up wall with beehive:


Up on the top floor there is the main attic (huge, pitched & full of cobwebs), a small attic store (clean, painted & carpeted) & The Fly Room.

oh dear
real flies
i though it must have been a UK thingy like the mud room:lol:
that house sure is lucky you brought it !
Finally remembered to take a picture of the new curvature to the very old front wall for you. With time the new stump base, cleaned wall slabs & the chipped sandstone where they fitted the keypad, will all weather up & blend back in. You can see the moss on the side wall along the roadside.


oh i have a question about the gates
i worked on the timber desk at Bunings for 7 or 8 years and Gary is a retired builder but we have never come accross oak outdoors before, we know nothing of oak (but i read recently that oaks grow so quick here they have a life expectancy of only 100 years or so
ive never even seen it (oak timber) in a csatalogue, i guess if there is any anywhere they save it for furniture or small decorative items
i remember my grandma's dinning table was oak
does the oak have to be treated to be used outside ?