
What makes your heart sing/beam being a MOM?? :) :)

So many things.... I'm at work and just have time for a quick note, so I'll say;

-hearing her giggle (especially when I'm tickling her)
-snuggling her on my chest
-the way she calls my name in a sing-song voice when she's trying to find me, 'MOM-meeee.....
-her new word,' 'MommyDaddy'! when she wants to call both me and DH at the same time
-when she makes funny faces at me
-hearing her come up with new words/sentences and seeing how her mind works

Love reading the stories on here!
part gypsy|1314643641|3004638 said:
This morning driving to the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL for my prek-er, overhearing My older daughter (entering 3rd grade) talking softly and kindly to her younger sister on the way there.
"Now when you are on the mat, raise your hand to ask the teacher a question. And when you are at the work areas, touch your teacher on the shoulder. And ask nicely. There's going to be breaks like lunch time, a nap time for you, and recess, which is alot of fun. You will also have gym time, and the Coach's name is Coach B. There will be rules, but don't worry they will tell you the rules because you are new." All the while my younger is with wide eyes nodding quietly. And when they got out of the car my older daughter takes her younger sister's hand so they walk hand in hand to school."

It made me want to cry.

Awww, that's SO sweet!

I love all of these stories.
I just want to thank you ladies for sharing your stories of what it's like to be a mother. My fiance and I are waiting a few more years before we try anything (at least until I have my PR card to stay in the country, which I get about a year after we get married and file) but the topic has come up quite a bit. I really want kids but at the same time I was frightened we'd be giving up a lot of freedom and feel that my life is amazing the way it is now, so messing around by adding a little one is exciting and frighting at the same time. But reading your stories melt my heart and I have no doubt that no matter what sacrifices that are made when you have a child it's all worth it in the end. :love:
The things that make my heart beam at this stage (with an almost 3 year old) are the spontaneous loving things she does and says to me. So genuine and full of innoncence. Things like "Don't worry mommy, I will take care of you" and strokes my arm (if I say I'm not feeling well), or "That's ok mommy, you should rest now (if I say I'm tired - currently 8 months pregnant), or says "when my baby sister is here I will share x with her". And of course the always heart melting "I love you mommy". I am not the most affectionate person so this all really gets me.

Then they are the moments I watch her with other children and she shares and is so gentle and sweet. I'm sure once DD2 is here there will be many moments. Until the teen years!
awww I am loving reading all of these

Things that my 5.5 month old does that makes me melt

* When I pick her up out of the cot in the morning she beams a smile like nothing could possibly make her day any better
* Mummy hugs - ever since she was born she sleeps with her arms outstreched and she does it when she sleeps on you
* Rocking her to sleep
* When she is nursing and she cracks a little smile at me while nursing makes me giggle
* That she loves it when I sing and thinks that I am hilarious
* When she gives me this cheeky smile that almost seems as if she is saying awww bless your chicken heart mummy I love that your so silly
* When she giggles
* When she eats in the morning and breaks away after every suckle to beam a smile at Daddy to see if he is awake
* Watching her and daddy have morning cuddles and story time
* When she is tired and starts talking (baby babble) to me before she conks out

Pretty well everything the list could go on these last 5.5 months have without a doubt been the hardest yet most amazing time in my whole life and each day just gets better
His laughs make mt heart sing (perfect way to describe the feeling Skippy!), when he snuggles into my shoulder it makes me melt. I love everything about being a mom.
I need to add one more to the list...okay, two. My daughters singing together is just AMAZING and makes me cry happy tears almost every time. It's usually on Sat mornings when they're still in bed, so cute. Also my younger daughter is the dancer. I love watching her and encouraging her to just go all out...and REALLY love it when she goes for it! I need more video of that so I can watch it with her with it when she's older.
I love the songs that Hunter makes up, he is cool and likes to make mashups like on Glee ::) . This morning he was singing "Head and shoulders falling down!" and jumping on our bed singing, "Four little pancakes jumping on the bed!" We usually wake up in the morning to him shouting/singing "baby beluga" from his room. He is a good singer and has such a sweet chirpy little voice!

Ryder is only 9 weeks old but I love when he is active and I prop him up on my knees and he concentrates *really* hard to move his arms and kick his legs. It looks like he is doing shadow boxing or karate or something and he is so serious when he does it!
Bella_mezzo|1314645117|3004672 said:
I am only 10 weeks in (became a mom through adoption July 1) but:

when my almost 3 year old son wakes up in the morning, looks at me with eyes full of love, and a slow smile spreads across his face and he just looks in my eyes and gently pats my face and arm

how he now loves to kiss me and always kisses each cheek and then my forehead

how he says "mama, right up to the moon and back" (like in "guess how much I love you")

how I say, "who's my baby" and he says "you my baby!"

how he looks at me to connect and recite together favorite lines in his books

pretty much everything! My son is amazing and melts my heart everytime I look at him. I just can't believe that I get to be his mom. I think it will be even better when the process is all done, we have his visa in hand, and are back home in the states with my husband!

Bella you don't know how happy I am to read this post, how much I have wanted these moments for you in the last few years. I am so happy for you, your post made *me* beam!
OK and a sappy one.

Most likely Ryder is our last kid, I don't think we will have three. And I find with him -- more than with Hunter when I was more harried and confused as a first time mom -- with Ryder I am trying to savour every little moment and so often find myself thinking:

This is the last time I will have a teensy little baby in my arms, so small and dependent on me, pressed so tight to my body.
The last time I will smell such a sweet little head as he sleeps on my chest, his feathery hair tickling my nose as I inhale him.
The last time my son will dribble milk down his chin because he fell asleep nursing.
The last time little double chins will collect dribble and need wiping.

I am so laid back this time compared to last, and Ryder is a very easy baby now that his digestion has gotten better, I spend so much time in this sort of maudlin state savouring and feeling a little sad about having no more little babies to look forward to in the future! ;( I really love babies. They are the best.
I am the Mom to 2 boys ages 14 and 25, what makes my heart sing is when other people tell me what wonderful, kind and polite boys they are...that means I did my job right :appl: I am truly blessed, my 25 year old is a productive, loving adult and my 14 years old is not mouthy and is kind and helpful (at least so far lol) I am so proud of them!!!!!!
Dreamer I know how you feel. My youngest is 4 going on 5, and it is so bittersweet everytime I go through her clothes and pack away things she no longer fits in. Some of the clothes are dresses, shirts her older sister wore as well. I have passed on most of it, but some of it I'm hanging onto because it is emotionally traumatic for me to get rid of them because of the memories attached to them and that time of how little they were.

I remember being at a church charity yard sale and there was these beautiful baby clothes, truly heirloom pieces, some of it not worn or barely worn. It made me have such a bad feeling, wondering if something happened to the baby because I couldn't imagine a mother getting rid of the clothes in such a manner (the clothes were not marked individually, just in a big pile).
I love her curiousity and natural desire to explore, whether it be watching a snail crawl in the grass or repeatedly climbing on the couch only to get down and do it all over again, just because she can. I love her joyful exuberance, she has such a sparkle in her eye and wherever she is an exciting and fun place. I love her innocence, the world is her playground and everyone she meets a potential playmate. I love her energy, running in the grass chasing the birds, playing in the ocean until she's shivering and clearly exhausted but not wanting the fun to end, it's amazing. She's given me a new perspective on the world and life. She reminds me to throw myself into whatever I'm doing with abandon and to slow down and take everything in. She has made me a better person, because I want to be the best example for her of what it means to be a good human being. She is my definition of joy.
:cheeky: :love: :D Thanks so much DD-I feel so blessed right now!
I sooooo LOVE reading these!!! There is so much love here between the mommas and the babies/children. :love: :appl:

SHA, I love the snuggling on my chest! aw, I love that your lo makes up words, so cute!

ZOE, these are great to read!

VL, looking forward to reading your stories in the future!

JANINEGIRLY, wow, that is incredibly sweet!!! congrats on DD2!!!

DEE, that is so cute about the baby babble!

HH, happy birthday to your lo! awww, the snuggles are the best!!!

TAMMY, yes, video those moments! One of my sons sounded so funny when he was sleeping and now he stopped making his funny noise and hubby and I regret not video taping it!

DDreamer, aww, Hunter is a cool dude! I feel like you; I want to savor the moments of my babies. YOU got me to thinking they only stay little for only a short time so during night feeds when they are sleepy I hold them extra close to me.

BELLA, you are a fabulous momma! I am so happy for you!

DIAMONDRNGLVR, aw, I bet that makes you proud. You should be proud; great work momma!!!

PARTGYPSY, oh gosh, I bet that is hard; I was just looking at some preemie and baby clothes thinking they never got to wear this or won't wear it again. aw, how sad about the yard sale and the clothes.

KIMI, that is so sweet she is so curious and you get to see that through her eyes!!! I always get excited thinking about how I get to be a kid again through my boys!!
These are such sweet stories! My kids are all older now, but Dreamer made me think of something I did as well. I remember to this day the last time I nursed our 26 year old daughter! I remember where I was sitting and thinking that I wanted to remember that moment forever. And I still do. I remember dropping off our son at school every morning, and he would skip into the building. He would roll his eyes if he heard me say that now, but I cherish that memory. We went on to adopt our third child from China, and that brought many new and amazing memories. I guess that is why Bella's story is so powerful to me. I had prayed that God would protect and comfort the little one that would eventually be ours, and when we met her, she was the most peaceful, content baby I had ever seen, even though she had been in an orphanage almost since birth. She still has a sweet spirit at 15 and had very little attitude. I will say that my greatest joys and greatest sorrows in life have involved my children. But I cannot imagine not having the blessing of being a mother. And soon, I will get to be a grandmother!!!
diamondseeker2006|1315183072|3009813 said:
These are such sweet stories! My kids are all older now, but Dreamer made me think of something I did as well. I remember to this day the last time I nursed our 26 year old daughter! I remember where I was sitting and thinking that I wanted to remember that moment forever. And I still do. I remember dropping off our son at school every morning, and he would skip into the building. He would roll his eyes if he heard me say that now, but I cherish that memory. We went on to adopt our third child from China, and that brought many new and amazing memories. I guess that is why Bella's story is so powerful to me. I had prayed that God would protect and comfort the little one that would eventually be ours, and when we met her, she was the most peaceful, content baby I had ever seen, even though she had been in an orphanage almost since birth. She still has a sweet spirit at 15 and had very little attitude. I will say that my greatest joys and greatest sorrows in life have involved my children. But I cannot imagine not having the blessing of being a mother. And soon, I will get to be a grandmother!!!

Oh DS, thank you so much for sharing this; it has brought tears to my eyes your memories are so beautiful! I am excited for you to hold your new grandbaby! You are blessed! :appl:
Ok I teared up about 15 times reading these posts! Just makes me realize how much I want to be able to experience all of this hopefully sometime soon! :) Thank you everyone for sharing!
Thanks, Skippy! Yes, I am very blessed! You are at the very beginning of a lifetime of blessings with your little ones!
Last night my son had a little nightmare so he came to sleep with my husband and I. I woke up at like 4am and started to think of some really bad news I got this week. Right as I started to get a little emotional about it, my DS rolled over, grabbed my hand, and held it. All while he was still sleeping. Sweetest thing ever...
Hello, this is such a nice thread that I can't not join in, my daughter is three and a half and my son is thirteen months

I love it when I check on dd before I go to bed and she' s all tangled up and upside down in the covers, when I put her back into bed occasionally she wakes up just enough to look and recognise me and then she goves me a big sleepy smile before going back to sleep. And I love it when I am sat on the floor and ds who is not yet walking crawls across and throws himself onto me for a cuddle, he such tall boy and a real softy.

I am so looking forward to them becoming frends as they grow older.
When we put them to bed at night and hubby and I sit together talking about all the cute things they did over the weekend or that day.

Their new little teeth; they each have one tooth! :bigsmile: it is the CUTEST THING!!!

That they love love their momma; their faces brighten up when they see me or dad.

How excited they get to eat baby food and open their mouths like little birds. hehe

How they crack each other up when they are together! I love the sound of laughter, twins rock! hehe
Skippy|1328455282|3119509 said:
When we put them to bed at night and hubby and I sit together talking about all the cute things they did over the weekend or that day.

Their new little teeth; they each have one tooth! :bigsmile: it is the CUTEST THING!!!

That they love love their momma; their faces brighten up when they see me or dad.

How excited they get to eat baby food and open their mouths like little birds. hehe

How they crack each other up when they are together! I love the sound of laughter, twins rock! hehe

Awww, Skippy! I am just squeeeeeing to myself over the idea of twin baby boys laughing together. THAT MUST BE SO CUTE!!!!!!!! When I got two puppies, the way they would cuddle, romp and snuggle together melted my heart. Now multiply that times a zillion for twin baby boys and that's probably what you get to see every day. I have always wanted twins!!!!! Hee hee! I cannot wait to have two pupple pups of my own! Seeing them tumble together and, nothing could be better.

Twin boys! Hee hee! Makes me giggle how sweet that must be. They will love Mama forever!

As for me, when M gives me hugs - I WANT TO DIE OF HAPPINESS! Just knock me over with a feather! Her little arms tighten around my neck and she coos. My little nursling's coos are the sweetest sounds in the universe!!!!!! Sometimes I also get a kiss, but always giggles. Now that she is running around I just can't wait to have another one soon! I would love to have TWO more but am only young enough for one more, I think! I was 34 when I had M and am now 35 tick tock. Argh!!!!

Baby sounds! Baby sounds!!! They're the best!!!!!!

Tiny toes!!!!! Big baby giggles where you glimpse GERBIL teeth!!!!! The best!!!! Oh, the best!!!!!!!!!!

Even when she's nursing and she tries to shove her tiny finger into my nostril, I still LOVE IT! Hehehehehe
I hope this counts even though my children are pretty much grown. What makes my heart sing now about being a mom are several things, but these are the main highlights:

1) Seeing how my 23-yr old daughter has grown up into a beautiful young woman who is juggling a family (her husband & almost 2-yr old son) college and a job. Even with all that, she takes the time to text me to tell me how happy she is I'm her mom and what a good job I did raising her and how she hopes she does as well as I've done. ::)

2) Watching my 16-yr old son playing football and getting his driver's license. I've watched him learn how to cope and actually overcome having childhood absence seizures. He was medicine resistant so he was having at least 30 a day for 7 years. He, too, is is growing into a wonderful young man who opens doors for girls (still), sets goals and overcomes the challenges he is presented with.

3) When my 2-yr old grandson jumps into my arms and hugs me (then refuses to go to his mom...ha ha).
His smile.
His laugh.
His zombie-like(lol)/ravenous sounds when he's hungry.
How he's smiling away at me when I peek over the crib in the morning.
How he tries to do raspberries with his lips.
How he nestles his little face in my shoulder or chest when he falls asleep.
How he looks up at me or my husband with his amazing blue eyes.
How he watches every little move my husband makes.
EVERYTHING about him. Just everything.

I'm in love. Can't you tell?
Lizzyann, aww I am glad your little one cheered you up. hugs, that is so sweet!

Lottie, your kids sound so precious!

INHISARMS, aww, to nestling his face in your body, so sweet!

SPARKLYOEC, it is super rewarding to see your kids grown up and have a little one of their own. aw I bet a grandkid is the BEST!!! I hope I have grandkids. :bigsmile: lol about your grandson refusing to go to mom. aw, your daughter sounds wonderful and same with your son; great job momma!

BLISS, I wish we could do video on Pricescope!!! Them making each other laugh has been so awesome! Hubby and I are in awe of them being buddy's; it is the sweetest! Awww, your M sounds so precious; we need pics in the momma thread when you get a chance. I think you and I are the same age! Yay for another baby; you are the best momma!!! about little fingers up your nose, my boys do that too. hehe eeee for baby teeth, soooo cute! :bigsmile:
what a fantastic thread...! I don't know how I missed it months ago.

so much about being a Mom makes my heart sing... but it's really the most simple things that stand out to me quite often. looking at the back of his neck as he stands near me, knowing when i hug him i can bury my face in the crook of his warm neck and smell his sweet little smell. the way he mostly wants to sing happy birthday (happy do-do) to mommy vs anyone else. the way he runs and comes to show me things o when i get home how he runs out to greet me...or when he learns something or does something new he always looks to make sure i am watching him. i adore his sweet little voice parroting words. the light in his eyes when he's excited, or how wide his smile is and how his eyes crinkle when he laughs hysterically. i love when he accidentally kicks the ball into portia and i hear 'thorry, porta' before he keeps playing.

i'm still in awe that we made such a fantastic little creature..and even when he's being a handful and a half, i still think he's great and we're blessed.
Mara|1329077483|3124864 said:
what a fantastic thread...! I don't know how I missed it months ago.

so much about being a Mom makes my heart sing... but it's really the most simple things that stand out to me quite often. looking at the back of his neck as he stands near me, knowing when i hug him i can bury my face in the crook of his warm neck and smell his sweet little smell. the way he mostly wants to sing happy birthday (happy do-do) to mommy vs anyone else. the way he runs and comes to show me things o when i get home how he runs out to greet me...or when he learns something or does something new he always looks to make sure i am watching him. i adore his sweet little voice parroting words. the light in his eyes when he's excited, or how wide his smile is and how his eyes crinkle when he laughs hysterically. i love when he accidentally kicks the ball into portia and i hear 'thorry, porta' before he keeps playing.

i'm still in awe that we made such a fantastic little creature..and even when he's being a handful and a half, i still think he's great and we're blessed.

aw Mara, I love that!! so sweet! thorry Porta!
Okay so the cuteness is killing me, Gah; everyday I think it can't get ANY BETTER and it DOES :D

Miles now bounces when sitting, like he loves being so happy!!!

Miles shows me his two bottom teeth when he smiles, heart be still! :love:

Evan, claps and laughs hard and his adorable dimple deepens. :love:

Evan will look at me and we giggle together!

Miles, loves to play a game w/me; I cough and he will cough and round and round we go! lol

I love watching them crack each other up! They are already playing games w/each other. If Evan has his paci in then Miles goes for it and takes it and Evan lets him and they laugh. They are so sweet and so silly.
so Evan and Miles are now 1 years old and such an incredible Joy to both my husband and I! :love: :love: :love:
Today in the car Evan was humming (he hums along to the tune); he hums and dances to music and it is so much fun watching him enjoy Jazz! This little guy loves Jazz! :bigsmile:

Miles loves to take his pants off! I was cleaning the bathroom the other day and I came in and noticed his pants off to the side. Then he did it again when I made a bottle and then again this morning! I haven't caught him in the act!lol or maybe Evan helps him? I don't know! They are funny babies!!! :lol: Instead of pants I put them in one piece rompers now! hahaha

I love how hap happy they are! They make each other laugh and make us laugh!

When I put them to bed they both love to stand in their crib's and I walk away and they talk to each other in baby talk and stand and laugh. They remind me of happy neighbors chatting away to each other over how their day went! :mrgreen: