
What makes your heart sing/beam being a MOM?? :) :)

I am a very new Mom and I already know it is the greatest thing in the world! My daughter was born on Nov 10th at 11:21 am. She weighs 8lbs 7oz and is 21 inches long...big baby! She was born at a freestanding midwifery clinic and DH was able to catch her and help me bring her up to my chest. That first moment of "the three of us" was so beautiful. DH and I both cried as we held our perfect baby, we fell in love instantly! It was a really incredible experience for us and we will absolutely do the same thing with our next child, barring all medical complications.

We have nicknamed our new daughter the "velociesucker" (velociraptor/sucker fish) because of the open mouth snorting and head shaking she does before latching and sucking voraciously. I love it! Its so cute and we recorded a video of it to show her later.

I got out of the shower today and overheard DH telling our baby a very silly version of Little Red Riding Hood, it was nothing like the actual story but it rhymed and made no sense. DD was just sitting there staring at her father completely transfixed by his voice and when I added a line in she smiled at the sound of my voice. As an aside DH telling DD this silly story was so incredibly attractive, fatherhood becomes my husband and I love it!
It makes my heart sing when he beams at my silly version of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" when I know I can't carry a tune if my life depended on it (Ha, Ha!) but that doesn't stop us from having fun.
Little things, like putting a blanket on my NFL size 18 year old while he's napping on the couch.

When he tells me things, that he wouldn't share with anyone else.

Moments, when I know he is looking to me for guidance, and takes it, even though he won't actually ask, or admit it. ( :)) )
hlmr|1353108301|3308236 said:
Little things, like putting a blanket on my NFL size 18 year old while he's napping on the couch.

When he tells me things, that he wouldn't share with anyone else.

Moments, when I know he is looking to me for guidance, and takes it, even though he won't actually ask, or admit it. ( :)) )

You are such a good mom hlmr! aww, he loves you; that is awesome! I hope my boys and I are close like you and your dear son!
ello|1353102899|3308150 said:
It makes my heart sing when he beams at my silly version of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" when I know I can't carry a tune if my life depended on it (Ha, Ha!) but that doesn't stop us from having fun.
awww, that is so sweet! Last Christmas I was singing some carols and they loved it (whispers, I am not a good singer either)
eh613c|1352312719|3300613 said:
I love taking my boys to the park and watching my oldest one (4 y/o) hold his little brother's hand (1.5 y/o) as they walk towards the swing set.

The other day I got a paper cut and my oldest saw it. He said, 'Momma Jesus will make it all better' and kissed it.

I love it when we have our quiet time in the afternoon. I usually read a book and my little one will climb on top of me, gets his face as close to mine as possible and give me a HUGE smile.
oh this is soooooo SWEET! thanks for sharing. too precious! I love sibling love!
AP1976|1352632060|3303172 said:
What a great thread topic! Here are my favorite moments:

When I pick up my 3 year old from preschool and he sees me and comes running over with a "Mommy!!! Hi!"
When he grabs a book and cuddles up with our 2 dogs and "reads" to the dogs.
When he comes into our bed in the morning for a cuddle sesh and says, "Mommy and Daddy are my best friends!"

LOVE BEING A MOM!!! :love:
awwww that is so cute he reads to the dogs and love you and your dh so much!
Mrs. W 514|1352962960|3307019 said:
I am a very new Mom and I already know it is the greatest thing in the world! My daughter was born on Nov 10th at 11:21 am. She weighs 8lbs 7oz and is 21 inches long...big baby! She was born at a freestanding midwifery clinic and DH was able to catch her and help me bring her up to my chest. That first moment of "the three of us" was so beautiful. DH and I both cried as we held our perfect baby, we fell in love instantly! It was a really incredible experience for us and we will absolutely do the same thing with our next child, barring all medical complications.

We have nicknamed our new daughter the "velociesucker" (velociraptor/sucker fish) because of the open mouth snorting and head shaking she does before latching and sucking voraciously. I love it! Its so cute and we recorded a video of it to show her later.

I got out of the shower today and overheard DH telling our baby a very silly version of Little Red Riding Hood, it was nothing like the actual story but it rhymed and made no sense. DD was just sitting there staring at her father completely transfixed by his voice and when I added a line in she smiled at the sound of my voice. As an aside DH telling DD this silly story was so incredibly attractive, fatherhood becomes my husband and I love it!

Congratulations, on your baby girl!!!!!! I would love to see a pic if you get a chance. You and your hubby sound like wonderful parents!!!
Evan and Miles are talking and their little voices are the CUTEST!

they both say "Uh, Oh" so cute!

They say Thank You! soooooo sweet!

They love to make each other giggle. They have a little red wagon they try pulling each other in but I actually need to do the pulling and they hold on tight; it is sooooo cute! They are pure joys!!!!

They love to feed momma some of their food! :love: :love:
Skippy, witnessing these babes develop their language skills is truly amazing. Nolan is now talking in full sentences and he totally makes sense. One of his favorite things to do is chase the dog. He's not allowed to chase the dog and spends a minute here and there sitting in the chair because he just can't resist. The other day, we were watching TV in bed and he climbed off the bed and said, "I'll be right back. I'm going to chase Hollis"... :lol: I guess he doesn't know to fib yet.
puppmom|1353548012|3312585 said:
Skippy, witnessing these babes develop their language skills is truly amazing. Nolan is now talking in full sentences and he totally makes sense. One of his favorite things to do is chase the dog. He's not allowed to chase the dog and spends a minute here and there sitting in the chair because he just can't resist. The other day, we were watching TV in bed and he climbed off the bed and said, "I'll be right back. I'm going to chase Hollis"... :lol: I guess he doesn't know to fib yet.

OMG, that is the CUTEST!!! :lol: :bigsmile: I burst out laughing that he told you he said, "I'm going to chase Hollis." I love how honest and sweet kids can be!!!

I wish I could see a video of that, way too cute! I can't wait until my boys can speak in sentences too!

Toddlers are so much fun; I am loving this age so much!!! :love: :love:
Toddlers really are such fun! This kid cracks us up on a daily basis. Yesterday, when I picked him up at daycare, I asked him how his day was. He said, "Oh my goodness. I had a big stinky poop all the way up my back!" :lol:
puppmom|1353548012|3312585 said:
Skippy, witnessing these babes develop their language skills is truly amazing. Nolan is now talking in full sentences and he totally makes sense. One of his favorite things to do is chase the dog. He's not allowed to chase the dog and spends a minute here and there sitting in the chair because he just can't resist. The other day, we were watching TV in bed and he climbed off the bed and said, "I'll be right back. I'm going to chase Hollis"... :lol: I guess he doesn't know to fib yet.

Yay! So adorable!!!
anyone else have cute or sweet things to add?

My boys love saying HI in the morning! The happiest cheerful voices ever!

I love when they get sleepy and just want to cuddle with me and their teddy bears.

I also think it is kind of funny to be fought over but they each get mommy hugs so no need for fighting.

I can't wait for Christmas; now that they are toddlers they get so excited over everything!

Right now they point to Christmas Lights and their faces light up and they exclaim, Lights, Lights, Lights! It is the most magical thing to them! :D

I love that I can live through them vicariously and I can't wait to show them some of my favorite childhood movies when they are older. Also, I want to make ornaments with them and teach them to read, they love sitting in my lap and listening to stories. I will be sad when they can no longer fit on my lap but I am excited for what they can do next so, I am trying to cherish each moment.
I have to add this, but Miles gave me a high five today. I taught him and now he gives all of us a high five! Evan was sleeping so I will have to teach him tomorrow! gah, i love when they learn new things; it is too cute!
This is such a sweet thread to read through, Skippy. Everyone's little ones are so gorgeous. :love:
I imagine I'm not the only one who is so sad over Missy's loss that I don't feel like posting but I do have something to add to this thread this week.

A has started crawling a few weeks ago, and in addition to that she has begun really responding to us in her own way. Currently, she "talks" by making "blah blub blah" sounds with her fingers to her lips. If I do it first, she will do it in return. Then, if she does it first and I respond, she'll start doing it in response. If I put my finger horizontally to her lips and waggle it, she'll start going "blub blub blub" and it's just the cutest. It's hard to describe but it's so neat to finally feel like we are interacting!

I'm attaching a pic from last night right after bath time. I don't get to see her much during the days since I usually work late and am home in time to just do bedtime rituals. I give her a bath and then hold her so she can see herself in the mirror, and she's just now starting to get it that she's the baby and mommy is holding her. Tonight I managed to get a picture since my phone was charging on the vanity counter. She is using her fingers to go "blub blub blub" against her lips. I LOVE IT.

ETA: I just noticed she actually does look like me in this pic. People often tell us she looks just like me but I never see it. To me, she just looks like a lovely little baby. But looking at this pic I can see that our hairline is the same, and our eyebrows! Ha! I wonder how her complexion will turn out; my skin looks so much darker than hers here but my skin hasn't seen the sun for 6 months! Her daddy is fair skinned with blue eyes and (used to be) light brown hair.

Skippy, I'm loving reading your updates about those gorgeous boys and what they're doing. Also love reading about everyone else's happy moments!

aww that is the cutest Monnie that she does the little finger blub blub. so sweet! She DOES look like you, two beauties!
It is amazing when you realize they start to look like you. I think it is so funny that my husband doesn't see that Miles looks like him and I do see that Evan looks like me. aww, thanks for sharing, she sounds like such a sweetheart, melt! :love:
justginger|1357447901|3348622 said:
This is such a sweet thread to read through, Skippy. Everyone's little ones are so gorgeous. :love:

Yay, Justginger, good to see you! Sorry I missed your post. If you have a cute niece story you want to share please do. Aunties are very special people! :love:
What a sweet thread. This is not very original, but eliciting this adorable smile makes my heart sing. We had a rough start during E's "fourth trimester," but now that he is getting more comfortable with life on the outside, he brings so much joy to his daddy and mommy's lives.

ETA no idea why my phone keeps flipping the picture!

MonkeyPrincess, what a doll! I love baby smiles :love: can't wait to read more posts from you!
MP, his smile is just beautiful. It is the best feeling in the world to be able to make your baby smile, I think. What a sweet little guy you have. Sorry you had a rough start, but I am happy to hear you feel like you've turned a corner and things are better now!

Skippy, thank you. You're always so kind, and thank you for starting this thread. I have really enjoyed reading it and thinking about all the wonderful stories being told here. I hope someday my daughter has a child and she experiences all the joys of motherhood, now that I am a mommy. (I never thought I'd refer to myself as a mommy! Whoa! I thought I'd hate it, but I LOVE IT!!!) :wavey:
MP, E is so dang handsome!

Monarch, I love reading your posts. I can tell how much you enjoy being a mom. I love that pic too. Whenever I see A in the newborn thread, she has loads of hair. I don't know why but I love the slicked down hair look babies/toddlers have after a tubby!

DS is really melting me lately. He so freaking sweet (and of course downright devilish sometimes!). I often tell him I can't do things because I'm so big (8 months pregnant) so now he just tells me I'm big all the time. :lol: He loves to say, "Aw, Mommy." then pat me and describe me. So he'll say, "Aw, Mommy. You so big and you have red and black shirt."

He also likes undivided attention so he doesn't like anyone to talk to whomever he is playing with. For example, if DH is playing trains with him and I try to talk to DH he'll say, "Mommy, no talk to Daddy. Daddy play trains with me!"

Lastly, he apparently sees me as very powerful because he often asks me to boss other people around. If he and my nephew are playing and DS wants my nephew to do something he'll say, "Mommy, tell James to do X." then he'll say, "James, do it! Mommy tell you!"
I'm so loving toddlerhood. My little boy is just the love of my life. He is so naturally affectionate and loving and sensitive. He has such a sweet-natured personality and loves to give hugs and kisses to me, or hold my hand or sit on my lap. He really seems to love his baby sister--he asks for her every morning if she's not up yet when he gets up. It's so cute. He's also really into saying "hi" to everyone and everything in the room. He is so curious and excited about even the smallest little things. It's so easy to make him happy. :love: And he's so darned polite too! Whenever he wants to do something, he asks me very sweetly and hopefully "Pease?" (please) first, as though he's asking for permission.

My little girl is a joy too. She just started really smiling and laughing, and it's adorable. Such a cute little girly laugh. The other day, I went to breastfeed her, and she just started giggling like it was the funniest thing. Glad I could amuse her. :lol:
What an amazing thread Skippy! Thanks for giving me the heads up on it. I am laughing and crying all at the same time. So sweet and tender. I love hearing everyone's great stories about their amazing little ones!!
I am not a mom but I can share a sweet story that happened recently with my nieces (4 and 6 at the time-the older one just turned 7 last week). After the Newtown school shooting tragedy my nieces schools tightened security and would no longer allow the parent/grandparents/any adult to accompany the children inside the building. They have to be dropped off at the front door. Well, the first day this new regulation was in effect my older niece started getting hysterical that my mother couldn't walk her in as she always did. My little niece without an instant's hesitation said don't cry Bethany, I'll take you to your class. And they allowed her to do just that! Crisis averted due to the quick thinking of a 4 year old!!

They are just too sweet and are always making my heart melt! I love them so much that it hurts sometimes!
monarch64|1357884030|3352791 said:
Skippy, I'm loving reading your updates about those gorgeous boys and what they're doing. Also love reading about everyone else's happy moments!

thank you for your kind words, they are good little guys; the other day a few people stopped me while shopping to tell me how good they are. I try not to take them for grated. I am with you, I love this thread; I really sincerely enjoy all the sweet things you and the other mommas post! It is very heart warming to know these little ones are loved so much! :halo:
Pupp, your little guy is hilarious!!! such a cutie!

Laila, I am glad you popped in! I have been thinking about you and your new baby girl and son. Isn't toddlerhood the best?! I thought babyhood was the best and now to see toddlers express themselves is awesome and also hear their little voices is the sweetest! How old is your baby girl now? hugs and kisses and baby giggles are incredible! awww, many congrats!!!

Missy, yay, I am glad to read your post; auntie are amazing special people!!! Oh I got tears in my eyes reading about these nieces of yours; wow, such a love and so awesome the little sis, walked her big sister to class. they care and love each other so much. thank you for sharing. gah, sob! :halo:

Miles and Evan have been so funny, they love to bring me books and both plop in my lap! They will just plop, like, mom this spot is made for me. :lol: Also they have been really sweet to each other (there is some fighting, but mostly sweetness). Today Miles was playing with a cool Melissa and Doug latch puzzle that he loves and then stopped what he was doing and his brother was sitting in his highchair and tried to give it to him (it was a little too heavy to lift up), so he tried again and then I went over and helped. They make each other giggle and pass each other food when one wants something off their plate; it is really sweet! I love how good they are to each other and sometimes pat each other on the back when the other is crying. They also learned how to wink, which is super cute. These little guys back this moms heart fill over everyday! :love:
Is it weird that it melts my heart even when DS is defiant? He recently started hiding when he poops. It's SO obvious that he's pooping. I'll say, "Nolan, do you need something?" and he'll say, "Just leave me alone, Mommy." Now I ask him just so I can hear him tell me to leave him alone. :lol:

He's also started pretending pretty intensely which is super cute. He plays with trains a lot and he'll introduce them to each other and have them talk to each other etc.