
What makes your heart sing/beam being a MOM?? :) :)

pupp, that is so cute! I know what you mean though. Recently Elliot has been pushing Oliver's buttons a lot. There are certain toys that Oliver adores and somehow those are the ones that Elliot tries to play with. Oliver will point to him and in the most pleading voice say, "no, no!!" Obviously it escalates from there, but it starts out adorable :cheeky:

I never add anything in here because I feel like I could post something new every day! My favorite right now is when Oliver is going to sleep he insists that you sing him Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Once he is laying down under the covers he grabs your hand (because you have to hold hands!) and says in the sweetest voice, "tinkle tinkle." :love:
Brienz is 7 weeks old today, and the last week he's been waking up and smiling and cooing at me in the morning. We both lie there and gaze at each other for about five minutes, smiling like fools. Melts. my. heart.
laying on the couch with the sweetest baby asleep on my chest. :love: :love: :love:
awww Toddler speak is so much fun Pupp and Kunzite!!!

Haven and Lulu, aww new babies are so sweet w/their smiles and snuggles.
This is the BEST thread! :love: My oldest (10 yr old) asked me if she could learn to sew. Why? So she can make a stuffed animal for her new baby sibling when s/he arrives. She's so sweet and nurturing...I hope she stays that way during her teen years! :lol:

Oh and this thread + pregnancy hormones = tears. That is all!
tammy77|1360701002|3378490 said:
This is the BEST thread! :love: My oldest (10 yr old) asked me if she could learn to sew. Why? So she can make a stuffed animal for her new baby sibling when s/he arrives. She's so sweet and nurturing...I hope she stays that way during her teen years! :lol:

Oh and this thread + pregnancy hormones = tears. That is all!
aww congrats on being pregnant. aw, your 10 year old is the SWEETEST! sibling love :love: :love:

I LOVE this thread; it is my absolute favorite and I am so happy so many people have contributed to it as it is very precious to hear about everyone's love for their little ones.

Evan told my husband Happy Birthday on his birthday, soooo sweet; he repeated after me and we caught it on video (thank goodness).
Today Miles got a little bear and gave Evan a kiss with it. They love each other. :love:
Today DH had to wake our 2 year old DS from his nap because it was getting late. DS was not happy about it and just rolled over like a grumpy teenager. Then I heard music coming through the monitor. I turned on the camera to find DH dancing around the room and DS laying in bed giggling. :love:
This really is the best thread!

Today was my nieces joint bday party and they are just amazing-so loving and warm (ofc I might be a bit biased :bigsmile: ). My sister had it at a nature preserve (great place!) and we got to touch some of the animals. I didn't take many pictures but I just love the look on their faces just makes my heart melt seeing the amazing look of curiosity and wonder mixed with some caution. Too adorable! (sorry for the blurry pic). Kids are really wonderful. :love:




Gosh, what doesn't make my heart sing about being a mom!?!? It's is by far, the most awesome, rewarding thing that I have ever done in my life. I am totally head over heals in love with my kids and it's unlike any other love :)
momhappy|1362680560|3399205 said:
Gosh, what doesn't make my heart sing about being a mom!?!? It's is by far, the most awesome, rewarding thing that I have ever done in my life. I am totally head over heals in love with my kids and it's unlike any other love :)
so true

Missy, happy birthday to such a pretty girl! :appl:

Pupp, lol, so cute!
My boys are now 2 years and 8 months; they holidays are so much fun with these little dudes around.

They love reading books and they know what is coming next as they have some favorite books, so it is fun to hear them read along. :read:

We took them to see Lights at the River of Lights and to hear all the ooooh's and aaah's is so exciting and makes me feel like a kid again.

They also say "I Love You." best words every and pull my arm to hug them tighter.

anyway, I hope everyone is getting lots of hugs and kisses from your little ones!
so last night I took the boys in the stroller to look at lights and I was singing Rudolph. The boys don't know the words but they were singing along too. Gah, too cute and funny! :rodent:

Missy, aww thanks for sharing! :love: :love: :love: I don't know how I missed your post.
Hi Skippy! I love that you keep adding to this thread, because these kids of ours certainly have a way of making us love them more and more each day.

I love that Ava now says, "I wub wu," and gives lots of hugs and kisses. And she seems to know exactly when to turn off the whiny voice and turn on the sweet one. Lol. And I love it when she asks for help.
parrot tulips|1388280402|3582206 said:
Hi Skippy! I love that you keep adding to this thread, because these kids of ours certainly have a way of making us love them more and more each day.

I love that Ava now says, "I wub wu," and gives lots of hugs and kisses. And she seems to know exactly when to turn off the whiny voice and turn on the sweet one. Lol. And I love it when she asks for help.

for sure! Good to see you PT! aww I love that Ava says "I wub wu" so so sweet! :love: :love: she loves her momma!
We just made a cross-country move and are living with my parents. My 17 month old daughter is just in LOVE with my dad, her Papa. When he walks in the house after being away for a while and she hears his voice, she stops in her tracks, drops her jaw, and then whispers, "PAPA!" then hollers it over, and over, and over, and makes a mad dash for wherever he is. :love: Even though my father and I butt heads, I'm so thankful for the relationship that he and E will now have. This wasn't possible when our communication occurred via Skype alone. It makes this (otherwise stressful) move very worthwhile.
PilsnPinkysMom|1388892475|3586511 said:
We just made a cross-country move and are living with my parents. My 17 month old daughter is just in LOVE with my dad, her Papa. When he walks in the house after being away for a while and she hears his voice, she stops in her tracks, drops her jaw, and then whispers, "PAPA!" then hollers it over, and over, and over, and makes a mad dash for wherever he is. :love: Even though my father and I butt heads, I'm so thankful for the relationship that he and E will now have. This wasn't possible when our communication occurred via Skype alone. It makes this (otherwise stressful) move very worthwhile.
gah, that is the SWEETEST!! Do you video tape that? I hope so, so so precious! :love:

my boys love their grandma and grandpa too. when they come over they are screaming GamMA and GamPa! lol