
What''s your mascot ? Meet ours

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Here's kitty... looks pretty good for 10 don't she?


Here is a pic of our dog the day we brought her home last fall. The girlfriend is in Vet School and this dog was in one of their "practice" spay groups from the SPCA. Tests showed that she was heartworm positive so the pound was going to put her down when she got back. We decided to rescue her and we are so happy! It was tough at first because whomever had her before us beat her severely... you couldn't even close the microwave without the dog wetting on the carpet in fear. Also three months of no activity because of heartworm treatment and round/hook worm infestation made for a rough transition for the dog.... well worth it though.


Her she is staring down some Canada Geese at the pond...

here's our newish can read her story and see more pix on the 'new addition to our family' thread in DH!
we're obsessed!

I've enjoyed everyone's pics SO much! here's an updated one of Muffin~~


Your new baby Princess is absoooooolutely the cutest thing. I knew you would get a dog.
How can you resist that sweet face !!! You guys are making me want another dog !!! My Babie Gurl would be so jealous. I can't do anything without having to carry her everywhere I go. Doggy Motherhood is trying @ times but so well worth it. They are like having kids but they don't talk back..tee hee



On 6/28/2004 9:37:57 PM Denise wrote:

They are like having kids but they don't talk back..tee hee

I don't know, her feelings are pretty well vocalized through her strong bark!
On 6/29/2004 12:57:57 AM Mara wrote:

On 6/28/2004 9:37:57 PM Denise wrote:

They are like having kids but they don't talk back..tee hee

I don't know, her feelings are pretty well vocalized through her strong bark!


Ya know - both my male & female are very vocal & let their feelings be known. I swear they are going to talk one day. Their talk does consist of a bark - but lots of other odd noises as well. I know my male capitulates to whatever it is that he *doesn't* want to do w/ a "HARUMPH!"
In that case....mine DO talk back !!! Actually more so than my kids....ruff ruff


OMG...I LOVE dobermans!!! They are beautiful!!!!! And bless your heart for giving shelter dogs a second go of it!!!
Bentley looks like she's flying in that shot!! I just noticed that...!!!
Thanks, MMM!!
They're the apples of my eyes. I love that shot with his ears flapping in the wind - he looks SO happy
They're shiny- it's clear you are really taking great care of them...I'm too lazy to look online and you'd know is the shedding with dobermans?
MMM- they shed amazing amounts of fur. In early spring, I have to vacuum up the "furdrifts" in the corners! But I like that they are very easy to groom. As long as I stay on top of that (once a week or so) I can keep the drift depth at a minimum
The thing that really gets me is how quickly their nails grow!!
My brother has always had Dobies. They have been really nice & neat dogs.
OYE!!! And I thought that they would be "better" shedders! I can't really deal with any more fur...I have three cats and I swear one of them IS a 17 lb dog in more ways than one...All I wear is black and I have clumps of buff fur EVERYWHERE. I have stock in 3M (tape lint rollers) You know what's sad...I went to PA for a wedding, and the thing I was most excited about....was being able to sit on the bed fully dressed...there was NO cat hair. It was fabulous! I find that a damp sponge running over furniture and rugs lightly is great...the vacuum picks up those clumps easily. Anyhoo- LOVE your pooches, shedding and all!!
mmm- I'm laughing, because I've often thought it's fortunate that I wear so much black, the fur shows up much less that way! I too should own stock in the lint rollers... However, we finally broke down and put in hardwood floors and bought leather couches -much easier to clean- because of the dogs!
Not that I've minded the upgrades, mind you!

F&I- I wouldn't go with any other breed. I love all dogs, but for myself, I just love dobes. There's something about their fierce loyalty and intelligence that just disarms me entirely. If only they lived longer!
They are my favorite along with the German Shepard and the Rottie...I had a HUGE shepard named Brutus growing up as a child. He was such a gentle giant. I'm in a coop (like a condo) outisde of NYC now though, so it's definitely going to have to wait til we move out to Long Island and have a big yard...UGH- but look at this guy (top right).... I hope he gets a home soon!!!

Pets may outlive us...but your pups are SO lucky to have a second chance for a great life...and I can just TELL from the pictures that you posted that they are SO HAPPY!!!

LOL...Thank god my two other cats are black, or I'd just kill myself!!...But then that back-fires on the off-white sofa...Leather wouldn't last a day with those beasts! lol...I can't win!!! we have wood floors too which is a help, but the fur still gets stuck into my area rugs.... UGH.
AWWWW!!! that big lug is ADORABLE! I think the hardest thing for me was seeing how very many dobes (and all other breed/heinz57 dogs and cats out there) need homes, and knowing I could only help two. But thanks for your kind words! I like to think they have a good life with us. One rewarding thing for me has been helping out with doberman rescue -I do home visits to approve prospective homes for adoption for a couple of rescues that place dobes out-of-state. I feel like that way I help more than the two I've been able to take in.

Hope you can get that LI home and yard soon so you can have your very own, they are just the best
Hey Q. Your dobies are cool. I admire you for having a big dog first of all and to have two !!!! I love all dogs....but I've always been afraid of BIG dogs. I guess because I know I can't out run them...tee hee. I've been chased by a few in my time. Not fun !!!! My brother used to have Pit Bull. He named him "Bif" of all things. Bif wasn't a "big" dog but it was scarey. That thing even chewed hangers. Chewed or tried to bite everything in sight. Not sure what happened to "Bif"...he just disappeared one day.

Going back to the dobies. I would have never guessed that they were shedders. My Babie Gurl sheds. She's shedding really bad right now. I have to constantly keep those sticky things to get all the hair up in my car and my clothes. I have two dust busters and two vacuums. One for upstairs and one for down. Okay so I'm a clean freak. There...I said it. My kids would be proud that I just admitted that out loud...tee hee.


On 7/3/2004 10:01:23 AM Denise wrote:

Hey Q. Your dobies are cool. I admire you for having a big dog first of all and to have two !!!! I love all dogs....but I've always been afraid of BIG dogs. I guess because I know I can't out run them...tee hee... I have two dust busters and two vacuums. One for upstairs and one for down. Okay so I'm a clean freak. There...I said it. My kids would be proud that I just admitted that out loud...tee hee.


Hey Denise-

Dunno how I missed your post... don't worry, you would never have to outrun these two... they're big. Big LAP dogs, that is!
Good luck getting out from under them once you've settled on the couch.

As for the clean freak thing? shhhhhh, don't tell anyone, so am I. I kill vacuums about every 15 months, they can't keep up with me. My husband is amazed.
Our dog is a Shih Tzu...and they have hair, not fur, so they don't really shed. (I have desperate allergies...) Their hair just grows and grows, and you have to have them groomed every month or two!

Well, out little monster apparently decided that he doesn't like to be groomed. The one groomer only got him half cut...and when we got home, we had to feed him crackers and snip off the rest of his hair! The next time, he let her cut his body, but not his head or his tail! So, we ended up doing the cracker rigamaroll again! Looked like a 5-year old got a hold of him! People ask us what kind of dog he is...cuz his haircut is so messed up, he just looks like some bizarre breed!

Took him to a different groomer...and she got about 10 hairs off of his belly...and then refused to do him! She advised us to get some doggy valium!

Oh...and he got into a fight with a sprayed right in the eyes, and then rubbed his face all over the sofas and the carpet! The smell is finally gone...after 6 weeks!

He's lucky he's so darn cute!
Hey Q,

I admit that I too am a vacuum killer. I used to own a Rainbow. And yes it was expensive....I paid $1500. My best friend got one first so OF COURSE I had to get one too. /idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif I can't allow her to have a better vacuum than me.....NO WAY !!! But....that thing was a pain in the butt. So when I moved from FLA, I left it behind. Since then I have gone through a ton of vacuums. So I recently broke down and got a Kirby. That thing is the best thing since sliced bread and it sucks up everything in sight. It even lifts the carpet. It's so powerful that it could possibly suck in a small child /idealbb/images/smilies/6.gif So when I'm vacuuming....I put the dogs away....tee hee. Of course they hate the vacuum anyway. You could put a piece of steak next to the vacuum and they will not go near it.


I own stock in lint rollers!!! The absolute best for hair on rugs is a damp sponge...rub it around lightly like a crazy person, and then vacuum up the little balls of fur with the vacuum nozzel...don't roll over them b/c they just get squished in....Is it winter yet???? I can't wait for the shedding to stop...
When the lint rollers first came out .... I was in dog heaven !!! I thought ... finally someone understands. This is so much easier than carrying your vacuum around......tee hee. Okay I'm not that bad. I even have the roller with the broom sticks on them. Those are great. I should own stock in those too. My boyfriend runs when he sees me w/ one in hand. He pleads w/ me not to "roll" him to leave his lint alone.

Let's talk shedding.....Babie Gurl is shedding so much that I almost can't cope !!!! We trimmed her hair this weekend and now she looks like she got into a fight with a razor. We feel so bad
But she kept moving. After a while she finally gave up and just laid there and let us finish. Once her hair grows back, I will take her to the groomer. Until then....she's staying indoors or I will get the same comments Tawn did.


Okay, I couldn't resist... This is my sleepy little chihuahua, Paco. He is a great dog, not at all like other chihuahuas! He doesn't bark and is a total lap baby. He's a monster weighing in at just under 3 pounds. Not expected to get more than 4.5 pounds full grown.. He's nearly 5 months now. Cute baby!!!


puppy2.JPG're baby Paco is so adorable !!! An aunt and cousin of mine have chihuahuas too. They make clothes for them. They dress them in fru fru dresses and even have specially made gold necklaces too. They look so cute. You should see their beds. You would think they were dogs of a "Royal" family.


Awwwww! why are they just SO ADORABLE when they're asleep?!?!
He's a sweetie... but about the only time he's not into something is when he's sleeping like that!

Come winter Paco will get some little boy clothes... I'm such a sucker for a baby chihuahua in leopard print fleece lol....

Wow, I love looking at all your pets!

I have A LOT of pets, all of them are rescues. I volunteer at my local shelter. Last year we fostered a litter of seven pups and their mom. We ended up keeping two of the pups and added them to our menagerie of two other dogs and three cats.

Here are a few pics.

The whole litter.

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