Well, Shih Tzus are normally 9-16 pounds. This little one is supposed to be the tiny version. On the websites, they call them the Imperial Shih Tzus, which supposedly mean the tiny tiny ones.
I also agree that there has not been a dog that I don't like. I want them all! Once I have my own house I definitely want a larger breed.
I just love all the great pics! Little Kami is a doll!
AGBF I have 2 cats and there have been times that I have risked life and limb not to fall on them!
My one cat, Jasmine, does the racing up and down the stairs trick. I don't know why she feels compelled to beat me to the bottom or the top, but inevitably she ends up causing me to almost fall. It won't be pretty if she ever succeeds at it!
Keep the great pictures coming. This is one of my favorite threads on PS.
I don't know how I missed your post. Your baby is adorable! I love how their lower jaw kinda sticks out. Makes me smile everytime. I was actually considering just a toy size shih-tzu... But I figured since I already have another dog, it might be easier to take them both out at the same time if I get a smaller one. Plus they are just SO adorable!
Yes, mine is a mini/tiny. She's 16 weeks now. At 15 weeks, she was 2 pounds 4 0z. Usually you calculate the puppies full grown weight my their 8-9 week old weight multiply by 2.5. Or their 12-13 week old weight times 2. And that'll be their estimated full grown weight. So at 12-13 weeks, Kami was under 2 pounds.
Very cute story, Amantdechat. And I LOVE that picture of Whisky!!! We adopted Biscuit when he was two, also. Now he is pushing 8. I don't know how we survived the 6 years. He is a maniac and, as I have said here before, was confined to quarantine after biting a jogger...on the THROAT. Since he barely broke the skin I think he was having one of his (frequent) moments of confusion. He had gotten out of the fenced yard when my husband was doing yard work, and she dared to run down OUR street. Provocation enough, no? All I can say on his behalf (as I make sure he is always under lock and key) is that he is one HECK of a strong animal with a HUGE muzzle, and if she wasn't hurt it means that he didn't intend serious damage . The poor woman was great about it. She was shaken up, but just wanted to make sure he had had a rabies vaccination!! She didn't need medical care and didn't sue us.
Here they are today! 2 years later. They are just too much fun! Hubby stills wants the real Mini Cooper though... Mini is the little blond, and what a Princess or Platinum Baby, Cooper is just like a little bear, he's gentle and well mannered.. just a little shy.
There was a lady in Starbucks today, and she had a very teeny shih tzu in her bag. He had similar coloring to yours...I just about mugged her and stole him, but I didn't want to spill my latte!
Robyn...your Yorkie is sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I want one of those too. I don't think I've ever seen one that small. How did you get so lucky ???
Thanks! She's actually on the bigger side for a yorkie. I think they are usually between 4 and 7 pounds, and she is just over 7. We keep her hair short, and I think that maybe that's why she looks a little smaller (and younger).
They are great little dogs. Very smart, and loving. You should get one!
Just wanted to share a pic of our princess! This is Tricksey our 4 year old Chinese Crested Powderpuff girl, with her beloved "Bunnie". She and Bunnie are best of friends and when Tricksey is not snuggling with one of us (she has perfected the art of snuggling!) she can usually be found either snuggling with or roughhousing with Bunnie! This is my daughter and my first dog (my husband has had many dogs in the past) and I never thought I could be so in LOVE!!!
What a cutie! I have a thing for dogs with the curled up tails! Our little Shih-tzu up further has a cute little curly tail too...
My dog, Casey, that I had while growing up was a Samoyed (sp?)/Doberman cross...(2 neighbors were at war over that one...their purebred dogs mixed up like that!) He had the Samoyed body and fur, but the doberman coloring! His tail was just like hers...
OK- well he's not mine...but I got my other babies from this shelter...and if anyone sees dear old Benney and lives in NY...why not drop in and pay him a visit...he looks like the most depressed cat in the world but so sweet...if I didn't already have three and live in a coop apt, I'd take him....
These are my girls when they were little...Murphy (Murph for the sound she makes while patrolling the perimeter of our living room) has the white splotch on her face, Sunshine is the other one. Got them from the SPCA when they were babies, sisters. There was a crowd around their cage, but everyone wanted Sun and no one wanted Murph...I wanted them both and rushed off to be interviewed! Sunshine is the sweetest little girl, Murph has quite the attitude.
Sunshine has the annoyed look on her face in this photo because they had both been asleep draped over the arm of the couch, and Murph cannot stand to have her picture taken so jumped up and Sunshine slid to the pillow and sat up like...'What the heck is going on?!? I was sleeping!'
Never mind, I should have read a few posts down before posting... Your shiba grew up beautifully. Amazing little dogs aren't they? Here's my shiba when she wa a puppy... she is about 10 months old now, but 3 months old in the picture.
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