
Whats your plan?

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Feb 10, 2006
Its almost that time of year....

New Years resolutions..... so what are yours??

get a ring....ANY RING at this point...haha....
lose weight...(haha..never going to happen)
get some new clothes and step out of my ordinary "box"
I am sure I will think of some more....eventually....
My New Year''s Resolutions are the same as they always are:

To be FUN and FUNNY

It''s easy to stick to and others seem to respond well...
Alexis, this post came at a great time for me. I try to think about my past year and do some self-reflection this time of year.

Let''s see...

-lose a little more weight and start really toning
-find me again and unload the sadness
-be happy
-decorate and discover our new home
-enjoy my friendships

That''s what I''ve got so far.
My 2008 is going to be full of changes! I''ll be moving across country, getting married, buying our first house, and changing jobs.

Aside from resolving not to go crazy from those things above, I need to:

1. work on enjoying working out
2. become a morning person
3. find a creative activity and community in my new city
To stay more organized and keep up with the laundry...I make this resolution every year but for some reason, no matter how hard I try, there are always piles of clothes and stacks of papers. Don''t get me wrong my house is very clean however my children like to change three times a day, DH doesn''t seem to know what a hamper is, and he has never (not once) used the washer or dryer since I have known him. I just don''t like clutter.
Date: 12/12/2007 2:07:42 PM
Author: misysu2
My 2008 is going to be full of changes! I''ll be moving across country, getting married, buying our first house, and changing jobs.

Aside from resolving not to go crazy from those things above, I need to:

1. work on enjoying working out
2. become a morning person
3. find a creative activity and community in my new city
That reminds me, I have been thinking about taking up a new hobby too. So I''ll add take a class to my list too. I''d like to meet others in my neighborhood so I''m looking fwd to this.
Find an exercise routine that I''ll stick to (despite the sloshy freezing rain and ice that is until April)

Get my clothing/laundry/out of style/worn out/doesn''t fit properly/needs hemmed/needs dry cleaned/why do I still have this? under control!!!

Get organized at work and find ways to be a better employee

Visit my family more
Mine are mostly work-related (working dance and voice classes back into my schedule, learning to say "no" to non-paying work--OY).

My biggest one is to keep pushing my life to be drama-free. 2006 and 2005 were just FULL of life drama... I totally revamped my social style and phased a lot of toxic people out of my life. I'm still working to keep myself from falling back into that rut.

ETA: Oh, and start dressing like a grownup. It's way to easy in LA to wear flip flops and jeans every day, and here, "fashionable" has become a substitute for "dressy"--but then I find myself with absolutely NOTHING to wear for business lunches and going "out" (on the rare occasions that those do happen).
Hmmm. This is a good topic!

In 2008 I would like to:

1. Become more proficient in my job. Perhaps take some outside training as to better secure a fereral job someday.
2. Continue on my fitness path and loose 20 pounds
3. Stop worrying about what the future will hold and having anxiety over things that I cannot control.... ENJOY HOW WONDERFUL THINGS ARE RIGHT NOW! (My boyfriend is in law school, we don''t know where he will get a job after he graduates, I have no idea when the proposal that I am longing for will happen -definitly before we relocate, though!-, and we are both just....waiting. Ahhh!)

Basically, make my life good as it can be phyisically, menally, and in my career.
Work related-
1) Get out of my rut/comfort zone a little and learn technical skills that will help further my career (and UP my salary!)
2) Get comfortable with public speaking (my BIGGEST fear, ugh) and presentations.

Life in general-
1) Get on a path to saving enough monthly to have a house downpayment in 2-3 years
2) Organize the clutter in our office and bedroom. Get DH to shred that damn box of receipts and credit card statements he''s been hoarding!

3) The usual, lose the weight I regained after the wedding
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