
Who wants to see my haul from today?

So here's what I found today.
A black lacquer jewelry box inlaid with MOP,
And an inexpensive but pretty FW pearl necklace.
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A sweet vintage jewelry box with gold velvet lining to compliment the oval one with red lining that I already have. I love the beveled glass.
A Bulova ladies pocket watch that doesn't work:(2
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And a Gothic Revival table with a very cool carving of a fierce face on both sides.
It needs a little TLC, but I'll have it looking good soon. A bargain at $43.00. I'm not sure how old it is, 1880s or even 1920s.



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Okay well that table is AMAZING, I can't believe you only paid $43!

Also you find the best jewelry boxes, I hardly ever see them but then you go to the estate sales so maybe that's why.

I personally won't buy watches because I have no idea how to fix them, will you repair that one or sell it as is? It really is lovely, if you could get it working you'd probably get a good bit for it.

So I know you have been to the pawn shops do you mind me asking what your negotiating looks like? For example if a ring is marked $550 and they say the best they can do is $400 do you try for $350? I asked DH at what point does it become insulting and he was like maybe $100 :eek2:

I'm terrible at haggling but getting better, at least today I didn't have to do much for the band since he came down to amount I was willing to pay just by me asking nicely.
The watch was only 1.00, so I just grabbed it at a busy yard sale, before someone else did.
You know @StephanieLynn , the last couple of times I bought at a pawn shop I was a little miffed at how they refused to negotiate lower on the price.
Yes, they went about 20-25% off, but this is standard, and I assume they over price things to make up for the standard discount. But to get them to go less than 25% was not happening. When I bought the .53 Old Euro solitaire, the guy was literally making me sweat, because I couldn't get him to go any lower. I was almost fighting with him!
And I damn well know that ring was sitting in his shop for years, because it was in a tray in the back with the bigger diamonds, which he brought out for me because I asked to see bigger stones.
But I gotta try, because I won't overpay for bling or anything else!
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Can't go wrong for $1 working or not. Tag sales can be so cut throat like you have to grab it when you see it before someone else does.

That way of doing business is so unpleasant, it's no wonder why people are intimidated by the pawn places. When I asked what the best they could do on the JC ring was she knocked 27% off so that wasn't too bad. You know there is a code they use on the tags and if you can figure out the code you will know what the most they will take off that item is. I've read about it online but never put it to the test.

I found another illusion ring a little smaller than mine today too but I told DH if I keep buying those rings that's all my Etsy shop will be. I just love them though and it had a transitional too, that one was marked $350 and he said $200 for it but I had to say "self you do not need that ring"

Now if only I could do the same with the Halloween candy :lol-2:
Did a little pawn shopping today. Picked up this curved band made by Paul Winston Jewelers (PWJ stamp) 1/2 carat in white gold. The perfect compliment to my ring and perfect price at $130! This ring was so filthy I was literally using a toothpick to pull gunk out of the holes on the underside :sick:

There is also another ring that I found that I'm still thinking about. It's a Jeff Cooper diamond and sapphire band in platinum. That one would be for resale if I do end up buying it, I'm just not sure whether buying it so close to the holidays is something I'm comfortable with.

Anyways pictures of the band and then the Jeff Cooper one, the picture is almost the same as the one I saw except for the metal color.

Anyone else have goodies to share?

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Great finds! That curved diamond band is fantastic! Looks perfect with your ring. How do you do it?
Stracci - that table will be gorgeous once cleaned up. Terrific finds!
@caf ,
I've been working on it today. I did some research, and I believe it is a library table, possibly 1900-1910.
I'm not quite done, but it's coming along nicely.
I think I made myself nauseous from the stain fumes!
Yes, I stain furniture in my living room! The thing was too heavy to drag out into the garage.
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@caf ,
I've been working on it today. I'm not quite done, but it's coming along nicely.
I think I made myself nauseous from the stain fumes!
Yes, I stain furniture in my living room! The thing was too heavy to drag out into the garage.

Wowsa! Great work! It’s going to be beautiful! Such a find. How do you get the stain in all the little wood crevices? Rag or brush?
Wowsa! Great work! It’s going to be beautiful! Such a find. How do you get the stain in all the little wood crevices? Rag or brush?
I used a rag, and I applied the stain liberally, then wiped off the excess.
Then I buffed it a bit to remove that stickiness that is left behind.
I also went all around with a brown sharpie pen and touched up alot of scratches that the stain wouldn't cover. Normally, I would strip the top of a table, but this table has an antique finish that I'm pretty sure I cannot duplicate to match the rest of the piece.
Can’t beat the sharpie!
Holy crow! That table looks amazing @stracci2000, quite the transformation.

@caf, I don't really have any secrets except that I wear my ring with my F colored diamond so I compare color in potential diamonds. Also I look for known makers since their jewelry tends to be of higher quality. With vintage it's a little easier IMO since pieces back then were built to last.
Thanks StephanieLynn!
Today was flea market day!


Steiff Mickey Mouse Limited Edition Ornament
Wooden Holly Hobbie box
Limoges porcelain box
Classic Pooh Ornaments
Vintage Dolly Dingle and Cupie paper doll books
Love a Bye baby doll from the 80's
Mother of pearl compact vintage and brand new!

I love love love the compact, it's so pretty, fun to take pictures of.

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@StephanieLynn ---Ok, I'm not into the toys, but I really love the compact and Limoge box!
I have seen the MOP compacts before and they are Mid-century, I believe.
That little tag inside kinda tells the age, too.
The only toys I really want to find are Little Kiddles. The wee dolls in lockets and perfume bottles, from the 60s and early 70s.
The one below is not mine, alas. But I'm looking!
I love the Kiddle dolls, they are so cute! Actually sold one from my store a couple of months ago that I found at a flea market for
$2! I haven't seen any since but there are clones that are more common. This is the one I had, she wasn't perfect but had the bottle and the little white stand that I guess is easily lost.

The locket ones are really cute, that one you posted has a very sweet face.
Details!!!!! I need details!!!! Don't tease me, Stephanie.....:lol-2::P2
Lol @stracci2000

I promise details tomorrow and pictures. There was no sun by the time I got home :oops2:

You find any treasure today?
I found a lot of little things. Of those, the best were these Anchor Hocking Jadeite saucers in the "Alice" pattern.
A good deal at 1.00 each. But no cups!
@stracci2000 those are so pretty! Did you know the name of the pattern off the top of your head? I wouldn't doubt it because you know your stuff.

Can't beat $1!
@stracci2000 those are so pretty! Did you know the name of the pattern off the top of your head? I wouldn't doubt it because you know your stuff.

Can't beat $1!

No, I had to research it. I know that Jadeite is very sought after, and my Mom has a few pieces. They date from the 1940s.
These were from an estate sale, and they were in a box of old dishes in the garage of the house. If you see a whole dinner set of this, it is stunning.
I'm sure some of our PS collectors have some great collections of Jadeite dishes
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Good morning all, happy Sunday!

You guys know I saw this ring last week and I just had to go back and get her. 14K white gold, I think the main diamond is 1/4 carat, and transitional? It has a huge table. This one is interesting because it's just that one stone in the middle but the setting makes it look like a half carat. There are two little diamonds on the sides, there should be three but she has lost one on each side, not terribly noticeable but will be replaced eventually. As you saw yesterday the gallery has a really pretty heart cut out. It's stamped AR for A. Robinson and Son Jewlery. They were in business from 1934-1950. Asking price was $375 but I got them down to $200.

Anyways, pictures, and don't mind my hands they look ten years older because of how dry they are.

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Table reflection, please excuse the strand of hair

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OOOOH @StephanieLynn, so pretty! Me want!:love:
I've been looking at lots of these on Ebay, and the prices vary wildly.
$200 is a good deal!
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Thanks @stracci2000! You know I look constantly at Ebay and Etsy and I'm astonished sometimes how how much people ask for these rings, it's like there is no rhyme or reason, they just pull some random number out of the air :confused:

I bet if you are able to catch an auction right before it ends you could probably snag a deal that's how I got one of my OEC rings for a steal!
That is so cute! And what a great price! Another great buy, Steph!
Thanks @natasha-cupcake, these rings are fun to find but I would love to come across something in the 1/2-3/4 carat range. The largest old cut I have is .42 and that came from EBay.

I know you love the flea markets and such, have you come across any good finds lately? Not that you would need anything else with that amazing ring you just had made!
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Thanks @natasha-cupcake, these rings are fun to find but I would love to come across something in the 1/2-3/4 carat range. The largest old cut I have is .42 and that came from EBay.

I know you love the flea markets and such, have you come across any good finds lately? Not that you would need anything else with that amazing ring you just had made!
So where are the illusion rings with larger stones? Hmmmmmm.....
It seems like the ones I usually see are .25 or smaller for the center stone. As you can imagine, these rings were purchased by couples just after WWII, when all the returning soldiers wanted to marry their sweethearts, on a budget! Everyone was in a big rush to get married and buy a little house. There was the Baby Boom, and all that.
So maybe there was a demand for affordable engagement rings, hence the smaller stones. Just thinkin' out loud here.
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Steph -so lovely!