You are something! Thank you! I love the engraved sides but I don’t like sideway designs between the diamonds in the front. I like it to be straight. I prefer white gold because my ering is 18k white soft..and I would prefer to not wear a spacer..If a really pretty platinum one came up I would get it!@Mamabean, what do you think of this style-wise, also its platinum so did you definitely want white gold or would you consider platinum too? The challenge of course is finding one that is in excellent condition, I see these bands often but more times than not they are very worn down.
Oh no! I hope your day gets better!@Mamabean, okay I'll do some looking later on.
Today is so crazy! Locked the keys in the car so had to take a taxi to get my son to school and the day started with an Etsy customer accusing me of conspiring with gypsies and sending her something she didn't order (she did though) and wanting a refund after two months. Oy Vey!
I love them but they’re too thin. I don’t want to drive you crazy so no need to specifically look for me unless you’re looking and you see one in my size. I have a lot of thin diamond bands so looking more for a floral and it doesn’t have to have diamonds in it.I have a thin carved one but it doesn’t show up in the stack. I’ll take it out later and post it in the stack of the day thread so you can see it. It’s lovely up close but when I put it on it just disappears. It’s too small to see the detail. I’m never going to find one like this van craeynest one pre-owned but I’m debating about having David Klass make one similiar to it without the center diamond. I like the carved flowers and I do have some little diamonds from a tennis bracelet that I think I want him to set inside the flower...or alongside it..It would be from my Christmas or birthday money..Thank you so much for looking for me! You’re so sweet!Hold the phone! How about this @Mamabean?
I also found this one, no diamonds but really pretty and Ostby Barton is very collectible:
Sorry I have no idea how to shorten links and still have them work!
I love Etsy but have been on eBay forever..I bought so many rings on eBay. I mainly buy new things on Etsy but never realized they also have pre-owned too!Can't wait to see them! There is a shop on Etsy called "That Vintage Sparkle" they tend to have some really pretty bands regularly, put them on your favorite list so if something comes up you'll be notified. Also look at RubyLane because I see nice ones on there regularly, Ebay of course but it can be touch and go, I'm waiting to receive a band I'm afraid might be lost and the seller is not being helpful at all. I much prefer Etsy but then I'm a bit biased lol!
Omg..I saw a ring I like on the Vintage Sparkle but it was a size 8.5 or 8.75..Waaa! I would have bought it because it was wide enough!Can't wait to see them! There is a shop on Etsy called "That Vintage Sparkle" they tend to have some really pretty bands regularly, put them on your favorite list so if something comes up you'll be notified. Also look at RubyLane because I see nice ones on there regularly, Ebay of course but it can be touch and go, I'm waiting to receive a band I'm afraid might be lost and the seller is not being helpful at all. I much prefer Etsy but then I'm a bit biased lol!
Omg..I saw a ring I like on the Vintage Sparkle but it was a size 8.5 or 8.75..Waaa! I would have bought it because it was wide enough!
Thank you!They’re very close..Top one was in my size..This one is 3.5mm wide so it might be a good width, if you like it well enough but the size is a worry you could put sizing beads in, just a thought.
This one is 2.5mm and a size 6:
I love it! It looks like the same width of the beautiful band I have that gets lost in my stack. It’s so petty though..I would do as @stracci2000 said and wear it for a while and enjoy it..You’ll know eventually if you want to sell it.Yesterday brought bad news in the way of a $600 car repair bill, but today is a new day and a new band to talk about
This is the band I bought off EBay that I thought might have been lost. 18K and turns out it's made by J.R. Wood, when I tell you it glides on like butter it's no exaggeration. I'm up in the air on whether I will keep or sell it because I feel like it kind of disappears when I stack it, also the three rings have very different tones to them.
What say the vintage jury? Yay or nay?
Thank you @Stracci and @Mamabean, I like the idea of wearing it for awhile
@stracci2000 so the car repair is a real PIA because basically a car parts place sold me the wrong battery, it was too powerful and it fried my alternator. So because they sold me the wrong battery I had to get the right one and a new alternator yesterday morning because the car was surging and all of my lights and electronics were going haywire. So mad!
Wow, that's awful!
I wonder how they could've made a mistake like that? They are supposed to look up your car model and give you the correct battery.
Yeah, I just spent $600 on new tires recently. Car stuff sucks.
Can you complain to the car parts store? Maybe they have insurance for such mistakes? I'm just guessing here.Oh man, so you really feel my pain! Sorry about the tires, they are so expensive and you gotta have good tires. Everything car related is just so darn expensive.
Here is the thing, when they looked in the computer it said that you can put an AGM battery in a Toyota Highlander, but AGM batteries are supposed to be in vehicles like Jeeps and Mercedes because they require more power output. The correct battery for the Highlander is a 24F. Anyways their computer is wrong, so if someone else goes in to the parts store with a Highlander (which is a popular vehicle) they could also be given the wrong battery which can damage the alternator and the electrical system in the car.
Omg! I missed this! I didn’t read the test yet but I hope they’re replacing the alternator for free..It’s their fault!Thank you @Stracci and @Mamabean, I like the idea of wearing it for awhile
@stracci2000 so the car repair is a real PIA because basically a car parts place sold me the wrong battery, it was too powerful and it fried my alternator. So because they sold me the wrong battery I had to get the right one and a new alternator yesterday morning because the car was surging and all of my lights and electronics were going haywire. So mad!
@StephanieLynn I bought a ring on Etsy! It’s new..I bought the wider version of the carved ring I already have.
Thank you..It’s 2.75mm so just a bit wider..I LOVE! I think this will be perfect, you'll be able to see it and appreciate all the detail, it's really pretty.
As for the alternator, i had to fight to return the battery, I haven't even attempted the alternator issue yet because I have to go to the corporate level for that. Ugh, adulting stinks, apart from the bling part anyways!
Thank you..It’s 2.75mm so just a bit wider..
It does stink..I hate doing things like that but it would be awful for them to get away with it.
There’s nothing wrong with telling the truth. I rely on reviews for everything I buy including hotels, etc. That’s how I felt about GoldenBird...I was trying toTwo words:
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All it takes is one review of a customer that says they were sold the wrong product that damaged their car. I'm certainly not trying to ruin them but someone put the wrong information in the computer so who knows how many other people could be affected or how many other errors there are.