
Big Gene violet sapphire, in Elle W/DK setting

Beautiful ring. :appl:
I have died and gone to heaven where did you get that beautiful sapphire I have to have one never seen such a color ethereal :love: :appl: :love:
Your ring turned out beautifully!!!
Stunning ring. I love the sapphire and the setting. Well done :appl:
Stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning. WOW
Wow, that's gorgeous!
Wow, what a stunner! That colour is to die for! :love: Enjoy wearing it!
I'm very sorry for my delayed response, I had extremely limited internet access over the weekend. I'm overwhelmed by your lovely comments!

ricezo and Gloria - thank you!

Acinom - by group shot, do you mean my emerald and pad rings with this one? Only this one and the pad ring were fully designed by Elle, but she did tweak the emerald ring, so can include that if you wish. I have a cuprian pear with DK right now. It's not as saturated as yours or SparkliesLover's, but it'll have to do. ;)

Thanks, Chrono! Looking forward to your finished project. :D

Thanks, SparkliesLover! I'm already used to the height. I've worn it twice, and as long as I'm careful, I think it'll be fine. Some things are worth a little extra caution. :)

Thank you, picante and kimpnoth!

arkie - thank you. I'm so happy to be able to carry it around on my finger without worrying I'm going to drop it, or having to keep it in the box!

Dana - thank you! I do feel very lucky. I know you've seen more than your share of nice stones and rings, so am flattered that you took the time to comment.

deskjockey - thanks!

eastjavaman - thank you. It's funny, Gene's wife said that she showed it to a friend, who said it looked fake, it was so nice. lol Now, it doesn't glow in the dark or anything, but...

Sungura - I'm blushing over here! Thank you kindly. Though there wasn't much "collaboration" with this one, as far as I was concerned - I only saw one sketch and one CAD, then the finished product. I suppose that would be considered "risk taking", but I had confidence. There was some nervousness, I'll admit, while waiting for the final pics, and then for the ring to arrive. It's my most expensive coloured stone, and has some sentimental value to me (personal), but I was quickly appeased. :)

Thanks, LisaRN and katharath (was thinking of you this weekend, as my fall cold set in)!

sparklezo - Thanks! Elle answered your qs, luckily, as I could only answer the ring size question.

Thanks, dk, arcadian, picante (again, lol), part gypsy, Rockinruby, redroze1, QuantumStuff (don't worry, I'll hold on to it - definitely on my CDH, i.e. Cold Dead Hands list), and Lovinggems!

Sphene - thank you! I got the sapphire from Gene at Precision Gem. This colour was hard to find, I'll admit, but it is out there! I had a smaller, non precision-cut sapphire that was quite close that I ended up parting with when I found this one. There is also tanzanite, which is softer but also much more affordable and abundant.

Thanks, kgizo, makeable, LD, Tourmaline, and Deathspi!
EvangelineG and TL, sorry I missed you in my last post - PS cut your responses off when I scrolled down. Thank you for your compliments, and yes, TL, it is a sparkler! :D
What a stunning ring! :appl:
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Oh yes, a group shot with the emerald, pad and new sapphire rings would be great :love:
And oh... A pear cuprian to be set by DK? I already love it!!!
Wow!!! What a beauty! That setting works very well for your huge sapphire. Just gorgeous!!! :love:
Thank you derbygal, Gem Queen, and lovesvintage! Acinom, here is the group shot, as requested. :)

NKOTB|1444847934|3938241 said:
Thank you derbygal, Gem Queen, and lovesvintage! Acinom, here is the group shot, as requested. :)

What a fabulous and delicious group shot! Please post some more :love: :love: :love:
Acinom|1444849366|3938254 said:
NKOTB|1444847934|3938241 said:
Thank you derbygal, Gem Queen, and lovesvintage! Acinom, here is the group shot, as requested. :)

What a fabulous and delicious group shot! Please post some more :love: :love: :love:

Amazing group of rings! You have wonderful taste! :appl: :appl:
NKOTB|1444847934|3938241 said:
Thank you derbygal, Gem Queen, and lovesvintage! Acinom, here is the group shot, as requested. :)

That is one of the single loveliest photos of beautiful rings that I have ever seen! Love that picture! :love:
NKOTB what a lovely collection and I think your newest addition is the best! Enjoy and wear in health and happiness. :wavey:
I just wanted to stop in and say your new ring is gorgeous! I love that glowing purple color. :love:
That group die for! :drool:
It is breathtakingly awesome! It looks right at home. What great work that team did once again! Congratulations NKOTB!

ETA My purple sapphire ring sits high up too. It is closer to our faces to enjoy!
NKOTB|1444847934|3938241 said:
Thank you derbygal, Gem Queen, and lovesvintage! Acinom, here is the group shot, as requested. :)


All three of these are serious jewels fit for royalty.

I adore them all- 'Big Gene' is just a beauty. I seriously wish I could see the gem play and sparkle- looks amazing in the photos.

Thank you so very much for sharing these with us. Wow- just incredible. Elle and DK are a winning combo- and NKOTB you have curated an inspirational suite.
Wow! Best thing ever!
I'm so late to this thread, I've been swooning over this ring on Instagram. This is one of my all time favorites! The design and that pear diamond, combined with the sapphire. It just gives me beauty goosebumps. I love your collection NKOTB.
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

DK does it again.
What a gorgeous piece - every aspect of the design - just absolutely stunning! :love:
NKOTB|1444847934|3938241 said:
Thank you derbygal, Gem Queen, and lovesvintage! Acinom, here is the group shot, as requested. :)

Amazing photo, gorgeous rings, and I so want that violet sapphire. Just beautiful.
Congratulations, it's an absolutely gorgeous ring and I love the colour of the Sapphire.
I must be wonderful to wear.
Really spectacular ring(s) :love: You have such an amazing collection !
Thank you all for the new comments, and the ones I apparently missed in October. I continue to enjoy my ring(s). I have to say that the Jua round continues to my most favourite cut, ever!

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