
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Just wanted to pop in to give hugs to HH. I hope that coke gets the baby moving and sets your mind at ease. I''m almost 35 weeks and all the way up until about 30 weeks I could go really long stretches without movement even though we had a schedule generally speaking. It''s scary! I find that Nolan moves when I''m still so, if I have a busy day, he seems to be low key. I''m like you though with the *sure bet* at night and in the morning but I''ve had a couple of scares in that department too. Most recently, my little guy scared the crap out of me on Saturday - I didn''t feel him ALL day. I drank soda, I ate cake and nothing! He finally woke up in the early evening and gave me a few nudges.

Definitely call your doc and keep us posted. I''m sure he''s just hiding in there!
Laila - yay! we look about the same, so don''t worry. I just parade mine around, don''t care what people think.

HH - get onto the phone with the doc. this must be so stressful.

cdt - get a scanner! I wanna see the u/s pic. that''s awesome that they could already somewhat guess the gender. they didn''t bother with mine but I didn''t want to know yet.
Hey ladies, sorry I''ve been in meetings off and on all morning. Aidan made his presence known after the coke. He''s not rocking and rolling by any means, but he''s still there. Thanks for your support, I appreciate it.
HH, glad to hear Aidan decided to spare his mommy some grief and worry by coming out of hiding!
Icekid - Bummer on your tech being no fun!! The practice I go to is really great w/ the u/s and get all excited w/''s cute. We had the same tech at the NT scan last time around and she predicted boy then, so I''m hoping her streak continues and she''s right about girl this time. She seemed pretty confident.

Noel - I''m going to see if I can maybe take a pic of the pic. Sometimes that works well, we''ll see...I''ll try tonight. I got the cutest shot of the little hand waving at''s amazing how detailed even the little hand looks at this point.

HH - Glad Aiden is making his presence known!!

It just occurred to me that in addition to needing my own bag packed for Baby''s arrival, I need to pack a bag for JT. He''ll obviously be going somewhere other than the hospital with me! I had to laugh at myself when I realized this. I''d have been all ready to go and still packing tooth brush and underpants and hunting down Snoopy for a 4 yr old!
Alj, congrats to your friend! Picture of baby's foot is so precious!

sbde, congrats on a girl! Yay!

ctd, welcome!

HH, phew! Glad baby is moving!

I'm sitting here taking my 1 hour glucose test. Really hope I pass and don't have to take the 3 hour test like last time!
Charger.... Nico is beautiful!!!! That HAIR!!! OMG, too cute for words!!! Congratulations!!

Allison... Glad to hear the babe is doing okay. Continued dust for a fast release from the hospital!

Icekid, cdt, Laila, snlee, noel... you all look FANTASTIC!!! Such beautiful bumps!!!

sbdt... Congrats on TEAM PINK!!! Little girls are so precious!!

Somethingshiny... glad to hear the BH let up. Just over 2 weeks to go!!

HH... Aw, sorry Aiden gave you a scare. Glad you got some movement out of him!

pupp... YAY for a smooth baby shower!! I''m really dreading mine too. My MIL is a real piece of work

Lanie... thinking of you, and hoping all is well.

15w2d here. I just had my monthly appt and all is well with me. I got the NT results - 1:10000 for both DS and trisomy
. HB was 163.
I just scheduled the anatomy scan for August 4th, too. I haven''t gained ANY weight yet, so my OB told me to EAT! My appetite''s been good the last few weeks, too. ooh, gotta run. DH is home with food. lol!
Lynnie - my anatomy scan is on the 4th of August, too! I finally actually bothered to read through my papers and saw that my NT results were on there: <1:5000 for DS which we''re happy with. I don''t think they test for trisomy here. when are you going to find out the sex? or were you going to keep it a surprise? I forget.
I finally slept last night! It was wonderful. (insert teary eyed happy emotie here!)

I got a massage last night because I was so sore from all the contractions. I got home and took it easy until bed, read for an hour and a half (Pillars of the Earth really is a great book) and then slept. I only woke up 4 times. My usual wake-up calls (from peeing, my wrist killing me, and just being sore) are every 45min-1hr which usually equals 6-9 a night.

Two weeks from today!!
So close SS!!!

So this morning I had to go into the hospital to have my Rhogam blood workup done. Apparently your doctor''s office diagnosing you RH- isn''t enough and the hospital insists on running a full blood panel anyway before they give you the shot. So I go back this afternoon at 3 to get the shot if they confirm that yes, I am in fact Rh-. Has anyone had the shot before? Does it hurt? I know I have to stay there for 15-20 minutes after to make sure I don''t have an adverse reaction-sounds fun-but that''s about all I know.

Oh, and after that I get to go have dinner with my friend and her 6 week old little boy!
HH, what the freak? This Rhogam just doesn''t want to be had! I got mine in the arm. I think your options are the arm or the hip/butt (hope you have on some decent britches today
). The shot itself did not hurt. My arm was a little (really, just a little) sore after but that was it. Good luck!
yea, no kidding pupp. Just give me the damn shot already!!!! Well, at least I get to leave work early today because of it
HH~ Hope your shot went well, er, or something....

I decided to take my measurements today.

Pre preggo:

Current measurements:

These do not appear to be womanly measurements, it''s just counting...
SS, on the bright side, your boobs, bootie and hips are all already pre-preggo size. You''re halfway there!

CDT, I hope to look so good after the birth of the little one! You look fantastic!

Laila, I was an early *show* too. Here''s me at 17 weeks. At 35 weeks though, I''m definitely not feeling like I''m bigger than the average 35 weeker. Phew!

well I got my shot, it was a breeze. It''s been a few years since I''ve had a shot in the butt though, so that was a bit of a surprise (it hurt!). Then I went and had dinner with my friend and her son who''s about 6 weeks. He''s the cutest little peanut and I didn''t want to put him down!
Noel and Puppmom, thanks! Pupp, you had an adorable bump at 17 weeks! Noel, you look great too and I love your dress!
Puppmom - thanks for the compliment!! I was so depressed when I compared my 13 w shot from last time w/ this one...I still didn't loss the last 5 lb from the last and never got back into working out either
I figure after #2 I HAVE to get my a** in gear

HH - Glad the shot wasn't too bad!

Laila - your bump is sooo cute. It's funny, I carried really compact w/ #1 and didn't have that real rounded belly look until the end of the 2nd tri and I always wished I look more pregnant
I'm interested in seeing if I carry the same way this time. Although my belly now is already simliar in size to my 20 week belly w/ my son!
Noel - (if you're out there!!) I managed to get the u/s pics on my laptop...these were the 2 best shots. Just love the little hand

Hi Everyone!!

I hope everyone is well. We had our 35 week appt tonight. Heartrate is good and baby is still head down...yay! I gained a pound over the last two weeks so I was happy about that. The nurse actually wrote the number down wrong so it looked like I lost 9 instead of gaining 1! The doctor was like "Uh, do you know what your weight was tonight?" We''re coming down the home stretch here - they start checking my cervix next week!
Pupp~ Great job on only gaining a lb! I told you it would slow down! Not much more to go now, although admittedly, these last few weeks have been SOO long! Still, almost there!

eta~ OY! I just realized I passed 5000 posts!! yay me!
Good morning ladies!

Here''s my BPF picture submission for the week!

HH 28.5 weeks.JPG
And I realized this morning that I wore this shirt just about 10 weeks ago, so here''s a comparison. What a difference!

HH 18.5 and 28.5 comparison.JPG
HH - you look GREAT!!
CDT, that arm/hand shot is so neat!

HH, you look great! I love the the before and after.

SS, at the end of my doc appt last night, he says "Enjoy the rest of the pregnancy." I was like huh, what? It's definitely going to drag!

So - just a funny conversation I had with DH. He's really ready to pack the bag for the hospital so we were talking about what we need to buy versus what we already have. I really loved the tennis ball back massage that we learned in childbirth class so DH was excited to try the technique when it's go time. So we're going down the list of things and I say we need to buy tennis balls and here's how the conversation progresses:

Me - "Oh, we need to buy tennis balls"
DH - "No we don't. We have tennis balls."
Me - "Are you sure?"
DH - "Yes."
Me - "You're not talking about the tennis balls that the dog plays with are you?"
DH - "Uh. Yes."
Me - silence

Seriously, you're gonna rub my freaking me back with dog slobbered up tennis balls?!?!?
BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! That''s so something my DH would say/do Pupp! Men!

I''m having a major cravings day. I just inhaled a tuna fish sandwich (I don''t even like tuna!), pickles, potato chips and a coke and now all I can think about is chocolate cake!
yummm.... dark moist chocolate cake... or what about chocolate volcano cake...

HH - how in the world do you still fit in a t-shirt you wore at 10 weeks???

cdt - I was checking out your belly pic on the previous page. 1. you are already 13 weeks (and you''re already like you were at 20 weeks with the 1st pregnancy)? and 2. you''ve already had a baby??? you look great! thanks for sharing the u/s pics. they are adorable. the hand is so detailed!

puppmom - please enlighten this rookie... what are the tennis balls for? I love your pointy belly at 17 weeks.
Happy Friday! Everyone looks great. Puppmom, funny story about DH and the tennis balls!

I'm relieved to report that my second trimester sequential screen results came back and my final risk for Down syndrome has now improved to 1:1,500. It was 1:800 after the first tri. What a relief!

Still thinking of Lanie and hoping everything is alright with her and little one.

Also, I think I felt the first flutters! I'm only 16w5d. Is this possible?!? There was a twitching/fluttery feeling going on in my stomach the other day and at first, I thought nothing of it. But then I started to wonder, could it be...? I'm assuming if I don't have an anterior placenta that it could be the baby, but since this is my first I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to feel like.
I got my first 'for sure' flutters last night too! I was getting a little antsy since I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow and haven't gotten anything that felt different from pulls and pokes of growing. It actually woke me up, well I might have already been awake because my guts feel like they are tearing when I roll from one side to the other, but I was dozing for quite awhile because it was soooo hot in our room last night and all of a sudden I got a slight tight feeling and a 'WHAP!' Coolest. feeling. ever. I didnt' want to go to sleep then because I was having fun 'playing' but after a minute or to he must have fallen back asleep and wanted me to do the same and quit bugging him. haha! 6 days til we find out if he is a he!!