
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

yay for 1000 pages!! so happy this thread has come so far

things are going well for me - tomorrow is my BIG u/s, i can''t wait! i''m still convinced i''m having another boy but we should know for sure tomorrow. anyone want to venture a guess?

m/s is finally slowing down THANKFULLY. god, it seemed like it would never go away.

HH - funny, i''m in the same area as you. is your OB in the city? will you be delivering in the city? i will be. glad to hear baby is measuring on track and things are looking good!

sending tons of dust your friend''s way Allie.

Lanie - plz check in with us. i hope all is ok.

re: Arms Reach - we have it and used it until our son was able to sit up by himself. at that point it became unsafe but we still keep it in our room as a play pen. hopefully we''ll get some more use out of it with baby # 2.
UTI. anyone else had this during pregnancy? I was complaining to the midwife yesterday that I am sore in my abdomen but thought that probably is normally growing pains. she said stabbing pains is growth, soreness is probably a UTI. I said it doesn't hurt when I pee, and she said it's different when you're pregnant. so I went to the GP today, peed in a cup, got a prescription for antibiotics (don't know if this is because they were able to tell it was an UTI or if they were just doing it to be safe), and then sent me to the hospital with my cup for further analysis. so I was actually starting to think that our health care system over here might actually be decent if they were going to give me a pap smear or something, but it turned out all I had to do was hand in my cup at the hospital lab and I'll get my results in a week. anyone got any additional info on what testing is being done?

Allison - lots of dust to your friend.

HH - glad your appointment went well. as babies grow at different rates, isn't it quite difficult for docs to say what is normal or not?

sbde - my guess is BOY.
Date: 6/24/2010 11:58:43 AM
Author: sbde
yay for 1000 pages!! so happy this thread has come so far

things are going well for me - tomorrow is my BIG u/s, i can''t wait! i''m still convinced i''m having another boy but we should know for sure tomorrow. anyone want to venture a guess?

m/s is finally slowing down THANKFULLY. god, it seemed like it would never go away.

HH - funny, i''m in the same area as you. is your OB in the city? will you be delivering in the city? i will be. glad to hear baby is measuring on track and things are looking good!

sending tons of dust your friend''s way Allie.

Lanie - plz check in with us. i hope all is ok.

re: Arms Reach - we have it and used it until our son was able to sit up by himself. at that point it became unsafe but we still keep it in our room as a play pen. hopefully we''ll get some more use out of it with baby # 2.

Are you really??? I didn''t know that! There are a bunch of PS''ers in the area! My OB is on the south shore in Weymouth and If all goes as planned, I''ll deliver at South Shore Hospital. If things don''t go as planned I''ll deliver at Sturdy Memorial in Attleboro where I live.
Kaleigh, thanks for starting this thread! I would be LOST without this outlet.

Allison, much dust to your friend. I hope her little one decides to stay put for a while!

Icekid, I think I take up the whole bed! DH is going to have to move to the couch soon. I have 3 pillows under my head, 1 between my knees, 1 under my belly, 1 under my feet, and a pregnancy pillow that''s shaped like a candy cane that the *hook* goes between my thighs and the long part behind my back! It is a PROJECT getting in and out of bed the 6 times I pee at night.

BB, I''m so glad that dress met your expectations! Maybe your BPF contribution can be you in the dress!

LV, we''re using a borrowed bassinet but it doesn''t open on the side like an arm''s reach does and also lasts much less time. Some kiddos outgrow the thing in just a few weeks!

SS, I totally hear what you''re saying. You''re so conflicted at the end because you know the longer the kid bakes the better but, man, you just want them OUT!

Allie, don''t feel bad about buying the UB. I definitely get bellyaches when I spend a lot of money. We went cheaper with our stroller and hopefully it meets our needs BUT lots of folks, especially those who go cheaper, end up buying 2 or 3 strollers before they find the right one for them. That certainly adds up to the cost of one snazzy Uppa!

HH, I''m glad your appointment wasn''t too bad. Sounds like your little man is plugging away in there. I think it''s still normal to be breech at this point, right? At my last appointment (32 weeks) they said Nolan was head down now. I was convinced I would *feel* that happen but I didn''t. I''m pretty sure his head is still down because I can feel his hiccups in my pelvis - creepy!

Noel, no UTI here or at least I don''t think so. I have a lot of soreness but I think it''s related to constipation and the weight of my belly. I can''t go and it''s killing me! I''m eating a lot of fiber, drinking 70-80 ounces of water a day, taking metamucil daily and stool softeners here and there and NOTHING! I told DH I''m totally going to poop when I push this kid out. I just know it - can''t poop for practically my entire pregnancy, then - voila! during labor I gotta go.

SBDE, good luck tomorrow. I''m voting GIRL!

Lanie, if you''re out there - I hope all is well!!!

DH and I went to childcare class last night. He really wanted to go in the event I''m down and out after the birth so he can be independent with the baby and not even have to ask me what to do. While we did learn a few helpful hints, overall it was a bust. Plus, I''m out of steam by like 8 and this class ran until 9:30. I hope we have a better experience at our breastfeeding class in a few weeks. BTW, what is UP with the circa 1992 videos they show at these classes???
noel, I''ve got achey pain in my abdomen all the time. When I pee, when I don''t pee, before during and after I pee. Also I have ab pain when I''m sitting still, walking around, laying down, etc. None of it is stabbing pain either...I also very regularly have intense urges to pee but then when I do it''s like a teaspoonful which is common with UTIs, but totally normal with pregnancy. so I''m not sure what''s going on with you, but to be honest it sounds totally normal and not an infection...still, untreated UTIs can progress to bladder and kidney infections and all three are super painful. So given that we can''t take much other than tylenol, perhaps it''s best to just take the pills and treat it as though you did have an infection?
HH - aah, you're south of boston. i'm 20 miles north - but my OB is in Brookline and i'll hopefully be delivering in the city as well. it's a 30 min drive from home to the hospital, but i had such a good experience with OB & hospital for my first baby's birth that i didn't want to change it up this time.
Yep, I live in Attleboro but work in Quincy. I lived in Reading prior to meeting/settling down with DH.
Allie- Don''t feel bad about the stoller, think about the hours of enjoyment you and the baby will get! It will be worth it

Blushing- Soooo excited to hear that you love the dress! I had hubby buy it for me last night (so I could go to sleep 10 min earlier??
) Hehe, you should totally do your BPF in the dress. Now I am wondering if we should have bought another more casual dress. My plan is to live in them this summer.

Allison- dust to your friend! Being stuck in the hospital for a month is awful.

sbde- Do you think the Arms Reach was a good investment then? Obviously baby #2 will defray the cost, since now you can average it over two
Can''t wait to hear about your u/s! I don''t guess on the early u/s, as I don''t have a good feeling at that time. I am awesome at guessing those who have a surprise sex baby, though.

noelwr- Hmm, curious. I suspect dropping the urine off was for a culture, which takes a few days. Otherwise they usually just dip the urine to check for leuk esterase (produced by white blood cells- infection fighters) and nitrites (produced by the most common UTI bacteria.) They should be able to do that immediately. My guess is they saw one or both of these infection indicators and thus gave you antibiotics. When they culture the urine, they can make sure the bacteria is sensitive to whatever antibiotic they prescribed for you.

puppmom- Will you take a photo of your pillow apparatus? Then hubby won''t be able to complain about my pillow consumption anymore
though I am sure to acquire more as the pregnancy goes on!

Lanie- Thinking of you!


In icekid and baby Jumper land, I''ve finally started making a list of things that we need/ will put on registry. My summer work schedule is going to be CRAZY, so better now than.. never? And on that note, we''re starting to think about cribs. My MIL wants to buy us a (nice) crib for the baby. Before her offer, I was planning to buy a cute, functional but not overly fancy crib plus ikea dresser, as we''ll be moving once or twice in the next few years. However, given her gift, I''m tempted to invest in a nicer Munire or Ragazzi set that will last the kid for longer than a couple years. Opinions from those who have chosen to spend more on their nursery furniture??
HH - yah, I thought that sounded really strange that soreness is not normal but stabbing pain is??? I don''t take anything the midwife says or does too seriously. I have already told DH that I find visiting them pointless as they don''t do ultrasounds and just listen to the hb. I''ve got a hb monitor at home. then on the other hand, if I hadn''t mentioned it, maybe I would have missed the UTI. like you said, better not to take any chances and just take the pills. it makes my pee bright yellow. it''s like I''m peeing highlighter fluid!

icekid - thanks for that info. makes sense.

- - - - -

and I need more advice. anyone have one of those special pillows for your chair at the office? would love to hear what you are using so that I can do some research.
highlighter pee-love it! My vitamins do that to me.

BPF ladies! Here I am, about 27.5 weeks. Maybe I should start taking prettier pictures? My brother was giving me crap about them over the weekend because they''re taken in my office bathroom and my phone always covers my face...I wasn''t about to tell him that it''s because I upload them here every week.

hh 27.5 weeks.JPG
Oh, and people keep telling me I have no bump, or barely a bump. I feel fricking HUGE! And then I get depressed because if I don''t have a bump then this 20+ lb weight gain has been for naught and I just look fat
Date: 6/25/2010 9:25:49 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Oh, and people keep telling me I have no bump, or barely a bump. I feel fricking HUGE! And then I get depressed because if I don''t have a bump then this 20+ lb weight gain has been for naught and I just look fat
That looks like a case of the pregnancy bump to me, not fat! People are silly. Maybe they''re trying to make you feel better with those bump comments? I don''t know. The most well-intentioned of us put our feet in our mouths, and believe me I speak from experience. LOL
Okay, it's been a couple weeks so I'll BPF with you all.

This was a couple days ago so just shy of 37 weeks.

eta~ HH~ I think people associate the "bump" with a perfect basketball. That'll come soon enough!

Notice the odd shape at the bottom of the belly? My belly has the oddest shapes lately.

Date: 6/25/2010 10:08:32 AM
Author: somethingshiny
Okay, it''s been a couple weeks so I''ll BPF with you all.

This was a couple days ago so just shy of 37 weeks.

eta~ HH~ I think people associate the ''bump'' with a perfect basketball. That''ll come soon enough!

Notice the odd shape at the bottom of the belly? My belly has the oddest shapes lately.

LOL SS, I think that''s the baby''s head! MonkeyPie had the same thing a few weeks before Micah was born!

Thanks Monnie...
Date: 6/25/2010 10:08:32 AM
Author: somethingshiny
Okay, it''s been a couple weeks so I''ll BPF with you all.

This was a couple days ago so just shy of 37 weeks.

eta~ HH~ I think people associate the ''bump'' with a perfect basketball. That''ll come soon enough!

Notice the odd shape at the bottom of the belly? My belly has the oddest shapes lately.
SS--I have never seen a pic of you before and OMG, you look just like I''ve pictured you in my head!!! You''re adorable, and wow that belly! Miss Lily does, indeed, look like she is head-down and ready to make her appearance already! I''ve been following along here and there and I''m so excited for you and your family.
I think most of that bottom is shoulders and some arms. Usually when I develop that particular appearance it''s when her arms are flailing madly. Her head is down even lower. A few weeks ago when I had 3 min contractions for an hour and a half, this is what I ended up with. She''s definitely dropped!

Monnie~ Aw, thanks! You''re so sweet!

okay, I''ve got Buzz Lightyear landing on me, that''s my cue to be off the computer!
That makes sense. If I had my head literally buried in my mother''s coot, I''d probably be flapping and flailing my arms a lot too...
HH~ OMG! That''s a visual!! Next time DH mentions how active she is, I''m going to mention that to him. lol
HH, that is clearly preggo belly not chubb!

SS, my belly looks a little *off* sometimes too. When I have BH - it totally pulls to one side. I can''t believe that Lily will be here in less than three weeks!!!

Nolan is having a quiet day today. Usually I have a half an hour at some point that he''s completely bonkers. I even drank and Orange Crush! I guess there''s still plenty of day left...
A huge THANKS to Kaleigh for relaying the news about bebe''s birth. I figured that it was very fitting that she do so as this thread wouldn''t be around if it wasn''t for her efforts! And THANKS to everyone for the congrats.

It''s hard to believe that Nicolas is 10 days old today. I''ve been enjoying our time with the little peanut, recovering from the c-section and settling into our new home. Life is good.

Get ready- this is going to be loong. Here''s his birth story and what''s been going on since.

I felt really calm but excited going into the hospital- couldn''t wait to meet bebe and finally learn if we were welcoming a girl or boy into our family. I was admitted and met my L&D nurses, who were FABULOUS. There were a ton of questions I had to answer and of course some pre-op prep, and that process made the time go by quickly. DH and mom were also in there with me, and the anticipation was overwhelming! I was scheduled to go into the OR at noon, but my OB was running a bit late, so we were delayed. I was finally wheeled in there and that was the signal for DH and mom to put on their scrubs and stand by. The anesthesiologist was ready for me and I got my spinal block shortly after. I remember that I was VERY chatty- talking about the world cup and that morning''s match and just gabbing away. Then i felt like a heater had been placed at my feet and a tingling sensation like pins and needles. It didnt take long!

My OB and assisting doc came in and started their prep with the scrub nurse. The curtain went up, DH and mom came in and took their seats near my head and I again contined to gab away. DH''s hand was rubbing my shoulder/arm (i think he was trying to calm himself!) Next thing I know, I felt some pressure on my belly, and lots of activity. I remember that DH''s hand was no longer there (he stood up), I heard my OB say something like "wow, this baby is REALLY breech!" and then she announced that we had a BOY. That''s when I totally lost it! I heard my mom crying and talking to me in spanish and my tears were flowing. Bebe was taken over to the warming area, to get checked up and I kept craning my neck to get a good look at him (i think i asked one of the nurses to please move!) He had lots of fluid in his lungs, so they took extra time to get it all out and gave him some oxygen. I don''t think I had heard him cry yet, but he did the minute the oxygen mask was released. I saw DH holding him and he brought him over. That moment was so overwhelming, but I had composed myself by then and was beaming (DH has a pic of me and my smile is ear to ear). We had a couple of minutes together and then DH took him to the nursery.

I was wheeled out of the OR about 15 minutes later and brought to the recovery area. I went from feeling great to being sick- a reaction from the anesthesia. I threw up on and off for about an hour and then experienced hypothermia. DH kept coming up from the nursery to give me bebe reports and eventually brought bebe up with him. My immediate family was also in the recovery area with us, and they were able to visit with bebe then. I was under a warming blanket at this point and wasn''t able to hold him. They monitored my temperature and it finally creeped back up to normal. FINALLY i was able to hold him and it was complete bliss! I got about 10 minutes with him and then was wheeled into my room. My family left at this point so that DH, bebe and I could have some alone time together. And this is when we decided on his name- Nicolas Paolo. His nickname is Nico.

I''m recovering nicely, and am off the strong pain meds- just taking aleve at this point. Nursing him has been a challenge as my milk was late coming in and it''s just not enough
. We''re supplementing and I''m pumping as well. Speaking of which, a feeding cycle is coming up so will have to run. But will leave y''all with some pics.

I love his froggy position!

ready to head home from the hospital

I promise to come back and catch up- can''t wait to learn how everyone''s doing!
Oh Charger he''s sooo precious! I love how squishy newborns are

Not much to report on my end. I''m 8 weeks 1 day today and still feeling blah. I have been taking Zofran first thing in the morning and then taking another around dinner because the nausea seems to come back around then, making it difficult for me to eat.

I saw the high risk doctor on Monday and got a surprise ultrasound! Baby is measuring right on target with my EDD of February 3 and heart rate was 143bpm. The doctor went over my previous blood work and my family history and I was given a few choices as to how to proceed. After discussing it, DH and I decided to take an aggressive approach to dealing with my clotting problems. I am on Lovenox injections 1x per day until I get to 34 weeks, and then I will be switched to heparin 2x per day until I go into labor. You cannot get an epi while taking Lovenox, but you can if you are on heparin because there are meds to reverse the effects. After delivery I will go back on Lovenox for 6 weeks postpartum. The shots are not too bad; you inject it into your abdomen and it stings for a minute and that''s it. I already have bruising from them though
It is a lot to take in but we want me and the baby to be as healthy as possible.
Charger, Nico is absolutely beautiful!
Charger~ Nico is so cute! Glad to hear that you are recovering well, too.

DD~ Yay for a US! Yuck to all the shots! Do you do them yourself, or does your DH do it? Can you do them in your hip too??
Awww....Nicky is a cutie pie!
that froggy picture (actually..all of them).
He''s just precious .... look at that black headful of hair!
Glad to hear your recovery is going well.
Love the bellies!!! And congrats to Charger and family on precious baby Nico''s arrival!! I love his name, and he is SUCH a cutie pie!

I was hoping to see an update from Lanie....I really, really hope all is OK. Lanie, if you''re reading, know that I''m thinking about you and praying for you, love.
Nico is the cutest!!! Congrats again Mommy!!!
Date: 6/26/2010 11:32:17 AM
Author: somethingshiny
Charger~ Nico is so cute! Glad to hear that you are recovering well, too.

DD~ Yay for a US! Yuck to all the shots! Do you do them yourself, or does your DH do it? Can you do them in your hip too??
I give the shots to myself
The only area that you can do them is from the diaphram to the pubic bone and no further out than each hip bone. I asked if I could do them in my butt or thigh (equally as fatty) and the nurse said that I couldn''t because of how the drug is metabolized. I don''t think I could pay my DH to do them for me! He hates needles and has passed out at the doctor''s office before!! Hahaha. He''s a big burly guy too so you wouldn''t expect it from him.