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Date: 6/22/2010 2:42:46 PM
Author: Blushing_B
Good question Puppmom - when are you supposed to go? I''ll be 24 weeks when I go.
BTW - we are almost at 1,000 pages for this thread ladies!!!
How could I have missed that dress? It''s beautiful!!!
ETA - Justlooking - thank you so much for the heads-up on the Isabella Oliver sale! I have a wedding coming up and have been searching all over the right dress. My DH is a groomsmen and it''s black tie so, I was having trouble finding something ''dressy enough.'' I had been eyeing the Wrap Column Dress for weeks now - Wrap Column Dress - but didn''t want to pay $300 for it. I got it yesterday for $140 - no taxes and no shipping costs! I love the dress!![]()
I guess I didn''t enter my actual message the first time - BB, that dress is BEAUTIFUL!Date: 6/22/2010 7:39:24 PM
Author: puppmom
Date: 6/22/2010 2:42:46 PM
Author: Blushing_B
Good question Puppmom - when are you supposed to go? I''ll be 24 weeks when I go.
BTW - we are almost at 1,000 pages for this thread ladies!!!
How could I have missed that dress? It''s beautiful!!!
ETA - Justlooking - thank you so much for the heads-up on the Isabella Oliver sale! I have a wedding coming up and have been searching all over the right dress. My DH is a groomsmen and it''s black tie so, I was having trouble finding something ''dressy enough.'' I had been eyeing the Wrap Column Dress for weeks now - Wrap Column Dress - but didn''t want to pay $300 for it. I got it yesterday for $140 - no taxes and no shipping costs! I love the dress!![]()
Icekid - RE: the dress. They are still having a sale - it''s all week long! Go to their website and check it out.Date: 6/22/2010 7:33:31 PM
Author: icekid
puppmom- haha re: babysteals. It''s so easy to get sucked into all of those things. On the other hand, so difficult to know what is truly helpful!!
HH- good luck with the glucose test! I''m sure you''ll do great. 27 weeks already... wow!
Blushing- you sure are plugging along! It''s crazy how fast everyone''s pregnancies are going by (in my world hehe.) Your wedding dress is great! Wish I caught the sale yesterday, as we have a similar situation coming up in October. crap.
ss- Sorry to hear about all of the preggo ailments. It will be over soon! I do not think we''ll ever ''fess up name ideas until we know the sex; I am irrationally protective over the names of our potential babies![]()
re: the honeymoon 2nd tri....... still waitingthe exhaustion has been much better for me, and I''m rarely the type to have hormonal mood swings so that has been okay. But oh the nausea.... it makes me want to eat for what momentary relief that provides. But I am really trying to keep the eating reined in. Sigh. Hoping it goes away by 20 weeks?!![]()
eta- puppmom, I don''t think your belly looks low or high... in the middle, perhaps?Either way, it is sure cute!![]()
Date: 6/23/2010 10:20:37 AM
Author: puppmom
Lucy, I confess - I kind of liked the drink.![]()
SS, can''t wait to see that belly!
HH, speaking of *irrational freakouts*, I cried last night because one of my pillows went missing in the night. DH had to get up and find it and I didn''t even thank him because I was so upset.
SS, oh no! If this isn''t low I''m afraid for if/when I drop. The belly feels so heavy! I think I must have weak abdominal muscles or something because they''re really struggling to hold this kiddo up.
LV, I''m due 08/09. I can''t wait to meet this kid! I wish my cravings involved anything remotely healthy like such luck here. Sugar is definitely my downfall with this pregnancy. Only another week or so until you''re in the second trimester!![]()
Allie, my fellow worry-wart. I''m glad all is well and your little guy constantly reminds you of his presence. It''s definitely reassuring. Do you see a rotation of docs? I do and sometimes I have to remind them of things since they don''t see me often.
ETA - I got an email from MIL this morning asking if she can have the number to our pediatrician or if we can call him to get his opinion on whether or not she should get the DTP vaccine. I hate to make light of it, because I know it is NO joke if an infant gets whooping cough, but it kind of irritated me (although I am easily irritated these days). I have MIL who is way interested and knee deep in all things baby on one hand and then my parents who would LAUGH at me if I asked them to get the vaccine.
Thanks for starting this thread off Kaleigh, it has helped so many wonderful moms-to-be out thereDate: 6/23/2010 9:10:25 PM
Author: Kaleigh
1000 pages. I am so happy this thread had helped so many!!!!![]()
Icekid - my dress arrived last night and it fits perfectly! My husband said I look fabulous in it so, definitely go for it if you want a pretty, formal maternity dress!Date: 6/23/2010 6:59:13 PM
Author: icekid
We made it to page 1000!! This must be the longest PS thread, ever.
blushing- HA I don''t know how I missed that the sale is still going. Silly.. I''m leaning toward the same dress that you bought. The reviews for it are fab too, slimming maternity dress!?... sounds good to me!
Allie- that is so awesome that you are feeling the baby so much already. I can''t wait to have that confirmation that our little Jumper is squirming around in there.
puppmom- the pillow thing sounds like me. Hubby thinks I am obsessed with my pillows, but I NEED them!
Lanie- I''ve been thinking of her as well. Hope you are okay, Lanie!
LV- I have been contemplating the Arms Reach Co-sleeper too, but it''s so pricey for something that will likely get used only for a few months. Not sure what to do here, though perhaps others have mentioned using the bassinet from their pack n'' play instead??