
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Kay Definitely if you can schedule a pedicure - I had one a couple of weeks ago and while I can reach my feet I cannot be arsed to be honest and really having someone play with your feet for a half hour or so is HEAVEN - time for your DH to baby sit while you indulge in some momma time however I can imagine it would be harder with a toddler underfoot.

modernsparkler YAY for a hair colour and some indulgence - you will feel great :) it is shocking how fast and thick your hair gets when your preggo - nice though :)

Tuckins Love the name - classic and strong and a lovely combination :)

Cupcake Your far from a jerk and I would feel hurt as well - your right each pregnancy should be celebrated equally and with loads of joy - I am sorry your going through this. I am sorry your friend struggled to get pregnant but it is not your fault you did - at the end of the day friends should be there to support each other - however sometimes when your TTC it feels like being a LIW all over again however the stakes are more emotionally charged.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time - try not to let others get you down *hugs*

Skippy Sounds like ECP (evil crotch pain) ot a nice dose of it myself today :rolleyes: - I did a few searches on twinkie pregnancies and it seems it does happen to some women around now - mention it to your ob just in case - try shifting position i.e if your standing sit down - GL hun it is not fun.

Bella Congrats on the find - that is an awesome price - I hope your adoption process is progressing I have been lurking about your journey with B can't wait till you get to bring him home :)


OMG we have a winner - we picked a colour ABOUT TIME I hear myself say - the colour is British Paints Wild Peppermint - not everyone's choice as it is a richer darker cool green but the nursery get LOTS of sunlight and is a really bright room - we also are doing woodland decals on one of the walls with most likely pale pink curtains with a valance across the top, light coloured carpet and white furniture :).

We also (well my lovely in laws) bought us a bassinet today - it is on order but should be here in a week YAY so baby has somewhere to sleep - it has a fully encloseable mosquito net that means that I don't have to worry about the cats climbing in while bubby is sleeping :)

Finally also had my first antenatal class - highly recommend these - this one was a physio class but it was good to learn some stretches and also there was a massage component hehehehe my back has not felt this good in like 34wks :D

I also had a 3d/4d scan today - they are pretty sure she is a she - silly little bugger had her legs crossed and tucked up - the pics were not the best - DH was disappointed and so was I they told us one thing over the phone and another when we got there - was told if the session did not work out we would not be charged more then $60-70 dollars however they charged us $100 - oh well they pics are not the best and I will try to upload some when I get a chance - looks like she has chubba cheeks and compared to one of DH's baby photo's I am pretty sure she looks like him :):):)

I feel like things are starting to come together - surprisingly while I still have freak outs on the odd occasion I am find myself more zen about labour the closer I get - stressing about it I figure will not solve anything so might as well just go with the flow.

9 working days left - OMG so excited

hope you ladies are doing well :)
Thanks for the encouraging words ladies. I am trying not to let it keep me down. Besides, just got word that DH's job at the school is in jepordy. Looks like they do not look fondly on people who file a worker's comp claim against them. They are threatening to take away $20k of his pay and his job duties which would probably end his administrative career. Not really sure how any of this is legal but DH was saying that he saw lots of posts online where people no longer worked at the same place after a WC claim because the employer found a way to force them to leave...looks like that's happening now. My DH sounds so defeated. The school has been finding one thing after another to go after him for and he has deflected everyone of them so far until today when the principal and the whole administrative team went into his office to tell him how crappy a job he was doing. Funny how he had just gotten a "superior" rating on his evaluation and now he's the bottom of the barrel once he comes back from his surgery. I am heartbroken for him because he loves his kids and he loves what he does. And it sickens me that his school is pretty much treating him like he got hit by the car on purpose. I thought WC was supposed to help people ;(
cupcake*muffin|1296491407|2838197 said:
Thanks for the encouraging words ladies. I am trying not to let it keep me down. Besides, just got word that DH's job at the school is in jepordy. Looks like they do not look fondly on people who file a worker's comp claim against them. They are threatening to take away $20k of his pay and his job duties which would probably end his administrative career. Not really sure how any of this is legal but DH was saying that he saw lots of posts online where people no longer worked at the same place after a WC claim because the employer found a way to force them to leave...looks like that's happening now. My DH sounds so defeated. The school has been finding one thing after another to go after him for and he has deflected everyone of them so far until today when the principal and the whole administrative team went into his office to tell him how crappy a job he was doing. Funny how he had just gotten a "superior" rating on his evaluation and now he's the bottom of the barrel once he comes back from his surgery. I am heartbroken for him because he loves his kids and he loves what he does. And it sickens me that his school is pretty much treating him like he got hit by the car on purpose. I thought WC was supposed to help people ;(

Oh my, that is terrible! (((HUGS))) to you and the hubby!
DEELIGHT, you are so sweet to respond, I Appreciate your thoughts!!! :halo: I think you are right, those babys wanted to nest low so I got the Evil CP! lol thanks! Oh you getting a massage has me wanting one; I think at when i hit the 3rd trimester i will treat myself to one. hehe Yay for finding a paint you two love! Oh that sounds pretty; I love green and pink combo! Your baby girls room will be so pretty! Yay for only a few more days of work, woohoooo!!! :bigsmile: Can't wait to see your adorable lo's pic, yay yay yay!!!

CUPCAKE, I am sorry; if you can get a labor law attorney. My friends hubby is one and you wouldn't believe the stuff they do to people; hugs outgoing to you two.

How is everyone else doing? Hope you had a great weekend!

HAPPY new week beautiful preggos!! It is exciting to see the Barely Preggos come over here, yay!!!

Well I felt BABY KICKS :D I keep forgetting to mention this past few weeks the twins have been poking me; at first I wasn't sure what was going on and then I got some definite pokes! lol They are most active at night and in the morning! Silly beans. :))

I need some maternity clothes; I think my belly grew a bit so I am going to our other mall and hope I come home with some nice tops! I can't wait till it warms up a little more so I can buy some cute skirts.
Have a great day friends!!! :mrgreen:
Skippy- SO glad you felt the beans!!!!!!!
I'll be "graduating" up soon as tomorrow is 12 weeks for me!!!
Hello everyone! I'm sorry I have been MIA! But I have been thinking of you all and have been so grateful to see the love and concern you've shared here for me! Ohhh I have missed so much here! So many beautiful babies! Please forgive my absence - I have had a rough first week even with my mom and DH on paternity leave. Wow, it was so overwhelming at first! But now I feel like we're starting to get a handle on caring for a teenie weenie newborn. (I think!) I hope! ::)

I come with a loooong birth story! Hope it helps and brings you courage and excitement for what is to come!

On the 19th, at 40 weeks and two days, I began having mild BH contractions. Upon exiting the bathroom that morning, I felt a little gush and saw fluid trickle down my leg. Wow! Exciting! Could it be my water breaking? It was about a couple tablespoons so I called my husband in and he carefully wiped it up with a white towel to check for meconium while my mom danced with excitement in the next room. What a scary and exciting moment! It was actually brownish in color, almost like copper so we thought perhaps old blood? We called the OB and he said to please come into triage to get checked out. We left in great excitement but found out that I was barely dilated and it was just my bloody show. False alarm!

So we went home again and I waited things out. Nothing happened on Tuesday but I knew my favorite OB was working the 24 hour shift at the hospital Wednesday so I wanted to get things jump started. I got on the treadmill Tuesday night and walked veeeery slowly for about 30 minutes. Sure enough, I started feeling slight and regular contractions beginning to build that night. When I felt another gush around 3:30am Wednesday morning, I thought it was more of the bloody show. I didn't really want to go to the hospital again until the contrax were regular because I wanted to labor at home for as long as possible. But I listened to what the doula at my prenatal yoga center told me and DH fixed me a hearty meal before I left for the hospital - a big big bowl of oatmeal with walnuts, banana and honey. Yum! It would hopefully sustain me for the long journey ahead. I also drank cherry juice and coconut water to hydrate myself to begin laboring at home for a few hours before the show got on the road.

But Mother Nature had a different plan! I immediately started getting very strong contractions about 5 minutes apart from the time I got the gush of fluid. Since I knew hospitals typically like you to have the baby out in 24 hours after one's water breaks, I figured that I was on the clock already! Called the OB who again asked me to come in - so we did and sure enough, it was my water breaking! Woohoo! We were so excited.

My original birth plan specified no IV, just a Hep Pitocin, no epidural. My best friend in the world told me she went natural with her 3 kids and it just inspired me to try it. In the weeks before, I was reading all the natural birth books I could download on my Kindle. In my head, I wanted to try for a natural birth but also had a realistic sense that it might not happen. Well, it HURT A LOT! I labored for 10 hours before I finally asked for the epidural. :wacko:

I have to say, I look back upon that time with great fondness because it brought me and DH so much closer together. In the natural birthing books, they recommend a lot of things to help you through the pain - like kissing during contractions (TOTALLY HELPS! And relaxes you down there!) and also having the partner massage you and rock & sway with you. He read up on everything and was so incredible. It really deepened my connection to him and I saw with tears in my eyes how much he truly loves me. I was awed by the magnitude of his caring and devotion during those hours. Being a new dad is a tough job and I can't imagine switching places with him!

In the meantime, we had flown my mom up to be at the birth but she just couldn't take seeing me in pain. Also, she tends to be very emotional so it was distracting to deal with her emotions when I was trying to focus on contractions and be in the moment. The surprising thing of all is, I found that I didn't want or need her during that time. In my head, I always thought I would lean on her. But all I wanted was DH and he filled every need I had... He is my hero. He jumped to get me whatever I needed and I know he felt my pain perhaps more than I did in many ways. In our marriage, I know I will look back upon this time and be filled with admiration and overcome with the love he enveloped me in when I needed it the most. It was like he wrapped me in a great big blanket of love and in that embrace, I felt myself comforted.

Anyway, not to get too mushy! Sorry, I am a mush ball! At the hospital, I labored for 10 hours with intermittent monitoring so I wasn't tied down to the hospital bed. I liked rocking on the birthing ball and walking around. But at one point, near 10 hours of labor - I had a moment of panic. It was like walls of pure pain crashing down upon me like waves and each time, I felt completely crushed and helpless like I was drowning in it. It was getting harder and harder to breathe through the waves. I began at each peak to feel that I was locked forever in that moment of pure stillness and blinding energy. It was getting unbearable and I feared that if I didn't get the epidural soon that I wouldn't be able to hold still for one once the pain got too bad. ;(

So I got the epidural, ladies! AND HOLY MOLY it was heaven! :appl: I was actually MAD at myself for not getting it sooner. The laboring and pain had really sapped my strength. The epidural did not hurt at all! The head of anesthesiology actually did it and allayed my fears very much so I knew I was in very skilled hands. Anything to do with the spine had previously terrified me as well as the stories of pain. But I felt only the tiniest sting, not even like when someone flicks you with their finger. And it was done! I was so happy. Finally, sweet relief! =) =) =) =) =) The nurse said it was a little slice of heaven and she was right!

I then napped while DH kept watch over me. Every sigh I made, he was there by my side holding and kissing my hands and rubbing my feet. I don't know how the man stayed awake more than 24 hours but I can tell you that I took that time to SLEEP! He is an angel. I kind of feel like the Daddy's job is harder after this experience! Shhhh - don't tell DH, though! So I was feeling pretty great and even let them start with the lowest amount of Pitocin to get things on the road. Again, something that was not in my birth plan. I just... had this great fear and mistrust of NY hospitals since many have such a high c-section rate. I felt that I didn't want to start a chain of events that would lead to a c-section - ie: Pitocin causing super human contractions, which would lead to an epidural, which would lead to a slow down in contractions, which would lead to more Pitocin, which would lead to fetal distress which would then lead to a c-section. It was running through my mind and I wanted to hold off as much as possible.

But in reality, it just wasn't so. No one wanted me to have a c-section, especially the nurses and certainly not my OB. They actually did everything to make it as minimal as possible in terms of intervention and respected my many questions and addressed my concerns. It was wonderful. Nurses are angels of compassion and kindness. They were like heaven's angels taking care of me in the most loving and amazing way. I felt cocooned in their care and felt complete trust in them. So I really started to relax. And then about 8 hours later, it was time to push! What a wonderful thing this is! I began to see that had I gotten the epidural earlier, this could have been a totally pain-free birth. Amazing what medical technology can accomplish! :shock:

All the while I felt so loved and blessed. :love: It was so calm and wonderful. When it was time to push, I pushed like my life depended on it! I wanted to see the baby! It went very fast and I think I only pushed for 5-10 minutes. It was so incredible. When the baby was about to come out, I looked up at my husband's face and we both had tears in our eyes. We just started telling each other how much we loved each other and the moment was filled with miraculous tenderness. I just couldn't believe we had made this spectacular journey together and felt it was cementing us together forever in a new way. We had both been tried to our very limits and showed each other the very last inch of who we were inside - and it was just pure love left after everything else had washed away. :love:

I was bathed in emotion when it was time and began to cry with overwhelming love when I made my final push. It was so beautiful to see the OB's face light up with delight and wonder when she slipped into his hands! It was like light breaking over the beach at dawn. What a relief! What a strange sight to see the little being who had shared my body come to life before my eyes! I saw her and I was instantly in love. She was...all of my hopes and dreams in one perfect body. :wavey:

DH and I were sobbing at this point and DH is not the crying type, poor guy! But it was so holy and spiritual we just felt waves of love wash over us. It was like we were transported to a place that spoke the secret and mysterious language that only tears can express. My mom was also crying and saying over and over again, "Oh, I know God is real. I have seen His Love..." We just all felt like there was a Great Presence of Love and it will always and forever bring me to the deepest depths of awe. In our hearts, we were all on bended knees before the beauty of Life.

OK, mush part over because I'm bawling again! Big baby over here! She was 7 pounds 13 oz and 21 inches of yummy baby! The baby smell is so delicious I just want to smell her little head for the rest of my life! The rest is kind of a blur. I was holding the little angel and she was warm and slippery on my chest. Her cries were the sweetest sounds I had ever heard. I just lay there basking in it as the doctor stitched me up (I had a small tear) and I didn't even notice delivering the placenta. DH was telling me how awesome and amazing I am (Got that boy fooled! Ha!) and I was in a cloud of joy. We made sure the umbilical cord stopped pulsating before the doctor clamped it so DH could cut it. Oh, she is a beauty our little princess!

We stayed in a really beautiful room/suite and I wish I could live there forever. You just had everything you could possible want with very yummy room service meals! We feasted - well, I did after the long fast! The food was really good! The nurses told us Bobby Flay from Food Network even approved and loved the food there! Apparently he had bought a room for a close friend and sampled all the room service food. OK, it wasn't Food Network great but it was pretty great. I felt like I was in a nice hotel room more than a hospital. It is so great to have nurses come in all the time to give us terrified new parents information and care. I wished I could have taken all of those angel nurses home with us!

Postpartum....OMG, the stitches are killer! That's the worst part of labor and delivery in terms of pain, I think! I felt like I had raw meat in there! Thank GOD for the mesh undies, the spray and the squirt bottle! Also the witch hazel Tucks pads! OMG OMG OMG! I love mesh undies!!!! I had no idea how painful and scary it would be down there and I was afraid to look! By day 4, the swelling and pain were gone. Thank GOD but I really thought I was in Hades from being unable to sit comfortably to nurse/get up/sit down. I think with our next baby, I will dread the stitches more than anything else! It's the worst part of labor and delivery, I think! And I don't think I got more than a couple... Owie!

And my mother gave me false information! She said as soon as she had me, her stomach went from preggo to completely flat. Ummm, sooooo not true in my case! I think her memory is faulty - I mean, it was over 30 years ago so I can't fault her! LOL But I was shocked and very worried to see that I still had a small pooch immediately after giving birth! I still looked about 5 months pregnant!!! It was really distressing to me and I know that it sounds vain - but I really didn't expect to have a pooch! I didn't gain any weight anywhere on my body except for my boobs and belly so having just the pooch sticking out on an otherwise petite body made me feel really freakish and depressed. ;( :eek: It went away after about 7 days and now I can see that it'll be completely gone soon. But for a while it was really fluffy and I felt like an alien, which was kind of depressing. I guess my expectations were way off on how hard it would be to recover. It is really tough! I tried to do some gentle leg lifts and it hurt my stitches so I stopped! I'm going to wait 6 weeks to work out, I guess!

So... here was are now! Little M loves to nurse. Good Lord, I can see why women give up and turn to formula because it was HARD the first 3 days. I only had a tiny bit of "liquid gold" and felt that she was so hungry. She would nurse so aggressively that it cracked my nipples and made them bleed, even with a good latch. Wow. Ow! Wowee Owee! It felt like labor contractions in my nipples when she'd latch on to my breast. Those first 3 days without good milk flow were so tough on the soul because she wailed and I knew my body was not giving her what she needed. It's incredible how when you think you just can't take it anymore, suddenly it gets better. That's what happened with breastfeeding. After the 3rd day, my nipples healed and my milk came in. She latched like a champ and it's one of my greatest pleasures to nurse her. I'm so in love with her.

But gosh, the first week....I literally felt myself break out into a sweat when she would cry! We felt so lost and confused the first 2-3 nights even with my mom here helping. It just felt very overwhelming to us because we were worried about everything - was she getting enough fluids? Was she having enough wet and soiled diapers? Was she in distress? That explosive wet poo - was it diarrhea? Thank goodness we had a pedi appointment on day 3 and she put all of our worries to rest. After day 4, she was an angel. She only cried when her diaper was soiled and when she was hungry. And she would only cry for a few seconds until she realized we were addressing her needs. So since then it's been heaven. Whew! We got over one of the many humps to come! DH took 2 weeks of paternity leave, which was heaven and now I'm kind of scared of when he goes back to work! :shock:

She is so perfect and precious in our eyes. It is magic and I could stare at her forever. I remember reading MiraclesRule's story on PS about her beautiful daughter's wedding. Her daughter was such a gorgeous bride and in one pic, Miracles wrote, "I just love looking at her." That stuck in my mind because I know my mother felt a love like that for me. She would often say the same thing. And I get it now. I get it. The complete adoration and love. I could stare at my little one's face for the rest of my life, perfectly content and filled with joy. She is magic to us and unbelievably sweet. Oh, I am in love. This is Love! :love: :appl: :love:

I just want you ladies to know that it is all worth it when you hear the first cry and see the face of your little baby. It is like time stands still for such great moments in one's life... like it's carving out a very special place in your heart and marking you forever as one who has experienced one of life's most incredible events. I feel so unworthy and small when I think that I could participate in such a timeless and holy experience. She is ours and we belong to her. Oh, what beauty! I feel so connected to every woman on the face of the planet who has ever given birth or been a mother. I feel the strength and the unlimited power of sisterhood with these tremendous women who have brought life into the world and care for a child. It is the most loving and selfless act I can imagine. There can be no greater love. Parenthood has transformed our lives forever. I will never doubt again, not in myself or in all the good that is in the world.

Wow. Just Wow.

May you all have blessed pregnancies and births!!!!!!!!! You can do this! What a joy, what a delight. Bless you all! Thank you for letting me share my story and for going on this journey with me. Lots of love to everyone!!!!!! So sorry again for going MIA... I have been lurking sometimes here and there and am so overwhelmed with how well everyone is doing and especially with the lovely amazing newborns!!!! Congratulations to all!

Aww...congrats to you and your DH.
And a big welcome to your little angel.
Wow...21 inches and close to 8 lbs.
Where were you hiding her? :)
Sounds like your delivery went smoothly even if it was different than your birth plan.
Glad to hear that you and baby girl are doing well.
Can't wait to see your little one (if you are up to posting some pics :)
BLISS, awww, I am sobbing preggo here. Your story is soo Beautiful and moving. I can't wait to join the Sisterhood of mommies; it sounds so Incredible! :love: :halo: I love that you shared all the love you and your hubby have for each other and for you beautiful little girl!! I am so Incredibly happy for you!!! I would love to see pics if you are comfortable sharing. Many many heartfelt congratulations to you and your husband; I am glad the breastfeeding got easier. Huge hugs Momma. :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

PRINCESS, thanks sweetheart; you will feel them soon too, yay! Glad you will be in this thread soon, can't wait!!!
Bliss - Congrats and thanks so much for sharing your story - both the highs and the lows. It is really nice to hear about a l&d that did not go as planned but was still a positive and empowering experience. Your love for your husband and LO is very touching. Congrats again.
Bliss~ Absolutely beautiful birth story! Congratulations and hugs to you!!
Bliss- What a lovely birth story!!!!!!! CONGRATS on the birth of your baby girl!!!!!!' :appl: :appl:
Bliss-Congrats and WOW! I had a really bad day and your post just blew me out of the water, made me cry at my desk, and caused me to remember there is so, so, so much more to life. Thank you!!!!!

I am so glad that you are both happy and healthy and that the birth waas amazing even though it didnt' go as planned.

Your DH sounds amazing and I'm sure that M is just gorgeous!!!


:love: :love: :love:
(((((((((((((( Bliss and Family ))))))))))))))

Yayayayaya!! Congratulations Mommy! Such a beautifully expressive being you are. You have such a way of bringing out the awe-inspiring emotions that are so very difficult to describe in mortal words.

I am soooooo very happy for you and you can tell that you are truly the screen name you have chosen. :love: :love: :love: YOU!!!!

p.s. Did I tell you that Chrystal is preggo again and that I am going to be a Gramma again!?!?! ( or Uma as Veda calls me ).
Bliss, what a lovely story! Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your little one! :appl:
Bliss - congratulations on the birth of your daughter! What a moving story...though I can't pretend it doesn't make me a little anxious for things to come.

Anyway, I'm moving up here from the JBP thread since I just entered the second trimester. In other milestones, apparently someone at work guessed I was PG...they asked my friend about it, saying that they had noticed I was wearing different clothes and such. The girl who guessed is in the middle of trying for her second now so I guess she is (hopefully) more tuned into things like that than the male leadership, who I don't want to find out just yet.

A few random questions for those further along than me!

I've just started feeling comfortable enough to start shopping for baby things. My mom and I went furniture shopping this weekend. I hate to spend a lot of money on baby furniture that only gets used for a short time. I was thinking of just buying a crib from Walmart or Ikea but my friend offered that she is selling hers. She said she had two since her mom bought a whole new crib just for the 2 weeks her daughter was visiting. So it was literally used for 2 weeks. Now, my friend is the biggest germaphobe and neatfreak in the world, and her child is very sheltered and has literally never had a cold. Is it ok to use the mattress too? I think they are both probably better quality than I would pick for myself. I know it's not generally advised to use a used crib mattress but this is a really trusted source...?? We can afford a new crib and mattress but I'd rather save money for a nicer stroller or whatever if it's all the same.

Is there anything that is safe to do for acne while pregnant? My face has not looked so bad since I was 17 :(sad I've been washing with Cetaphil and moisturizing but it's really bad.

Is anyone planning on getting a nanny when they go back to work? I'm not against daycare but it would just be nice to have someone taking care of just our cousin's kid is in daycare and is literally sick every time I see her. Plus DH and I both have patient schedules so would really be in a pickle if our kid got sick and couldn't go to daycare. And it would be nicer for our dog if someone would be home all day too. How do you go about getting a nanny though? And how far ahead do you have to start looking?

Anyway, I'm excited to move up to the "big thread"!
BASIL, yay glad you joined this thread and welcome. :wavey: Congrats for being in your second trimester. :D I think I would take the mattress if it was hardly used. I think a lot of mattresses are covered in that plastic? I noticed today when i was out shopping lots of the low to high end mattresses have the waterproofing coating. I am having the same problem is you and use Cetaphil but my chin is a mess. I looked up in and I guess a lot of OTC acne meds are not safe. If you hear of anything that is safe I would love to hear. I am sorry I can empathize.
Basil and Skippy, you might want to look into Clindamycin Lotion or Gel for the acne. My dermatologist said it's safe to use during pregnancy. Only thing is you'll need an RX for it.
Bliss - what a lovely post! Your husband sounds amazing (mine played online poker for most of my labour... :rolleyes: ) and I agree that it is just so amazing when you meet the tiny new person. Aren't epidurals great - and I feel for you on the stitches, for me they were the most painful part of the whole thing along with the shredded nipples! Sounds like you are all doing great!

We need photos of your little bundle!

Cupcake - Eugh on your 'friends'. They seriously need to grow up. I could kind of understand the girl who was struggling finding it a bit tough but the other two were complete cows to treat you like that. I would possibly avoid going to the celebration - I would just find myself feeling somewhat bitter.

More importantly I am so sorry for your husband. Having been through the mills legally with my former employer I know exactly how stressful and upsetting it is. He must make sure not to get his confidence knocked - not helped by people telling you that you are crap at your job. I've found it hard to get past the idea that if I'd been good at my job it wouldn't have happened - and no matter how many people told me the opposite I've had to really struggle to actually feel that it wasn't my fault. I wish you both all the best.
Oh Bliss, your post made me cry my eyes out. These little angels of ours are truly miracles. Your little girl is so blessed to have you as a mommy. It was so wonderful to finally hear from you. Enjoy your little M to the fullest, it is amazing how fast they change and grow. Congratulations, mama! :appl:
Bliss, thank you for sharing your birth story and congrats on the arrival of your little girl! :appl: :appl: It sounds like it was a wonderful experience even though it did not go as planned. I also found the stitches to be the worst part of the whole experience. I hope you will be feeling better soon. I would love to see pictures of your daughter!

Tuckins, I love than name! Very classic and cool at the same time. Alexander was our first choice name if we had had a boy.

Cupcake, I am so sorry to hear your DH is having trouble at work. If possible, he should consult with an employment attorney. Retaliation for filing a workers comp claim is illegal in some states. It sounds as if your “friends” have behaved appallingly about your pregnancy. A friend does not have the right to impose a moratorium on other people conceiving just because she is having difficulty! I can understand A being a bit bitter about your pregnancy, but the other women were just being ridiculous telling you that you were rude for becoming pregnant first! :angryfire: I would go ahead and attend A’s celebration lunch, but I would probably start distancing myself from these women if they do not start acknowledging your pregnancy/child soon too. Hugs.

Skippy, sorry to hear about the evil crotch pain. I remember that from later in the pregnancy with A – no fun! The baby kicks are exciting though! :appl:

Bello-mezzo, congrats on your great CL score! :appl:

Deelight, yay for picking a color! :appl: I love green and pink color schemes. Congrats on the bassinet too.

Princessplease, congrats on 12 weeks! :appl:

Miraclesrule, congrats on being a gramma again! :appl:

Basil, congrats on reaching the second trimester and welcome to the big thread! :appl: :wavey:
Sooooo....when does the lil' bugger stop kicking my bladder? :nono: He's getting his first time out which is going to be a sugar-free day tomorrow! Sadly I feel like I am getting a time out too, booo!!
Oh Bliss, what an incredible birth story!! I'm so glad that everything went well!! Your story made me cry and moved me so much.

I wish you and your family all the joy, love, and luck in the world!!! :appl:

ps-what is your daughter's name? Did I miss it?
Bliss awwww I read your story on the way to work today and it made me teary thank you for sharing your story with us - it was just beautiful as I am sure your little M is :) - I am sure you and your DH are enjoying this time with your new LO :) - congrats mumma :).

cupcake i just want to send you tons of dust and hugs you and your hubby sound to be going through the wars at the moment - if you can I would seek legal advice for your hubby's position - that all in all just is beyond belief however I have heard of stuff happen like that before.

I so hope you are showered with loads of good news soon :)

Skippy YAY for baby kicks - along with hearing the heartbeat it is without a doubt my favourite thing ever about being pregnant and you have twinkie kicks - double the awesomeness :) - GL shopping :)

Princess YAY for almost 12 wks :)

Miracles Congrats on becoming a gramma again :)

basil Welcome :) and congrats on the second tri :)

As for a cot and mattress if it was someone knew and trusted and knew the history I would likely consider it, as for the other two things can't help you much most kids here go to daycare - I hoping by the time I go back to work my LO's immune system should be built up some

RT I am not sure - never had my bladder kicked maybe you can speak to you ob about excersizes that might help bubba move


Have to say so excited to see the new wave of preggo's coming in :) I feel so transitional - not yet technically a mum but kinda over being preggo - eeeek 34wks and 4 days and counting :)

Hope you ladies are all good take care :D
random_thought|1296526515|2838843 said:
Sooooo....when does the lil' bugger stop kicking my bladder? :nono: He's getting his first time out which is going to be a sugar-free day tomorrow! Sadly I feel like I am getting a time out too, booo!!

Lol.... NEVER! Mine loves to poke mommy's bladder, especially right when she starts to fall asleep....
Bliss, Congrats! What a beautiful story!

Dreamer, I kept starting replies to you while I was in the hospital, but each one kept turning into a poorly written birth story. It will take me a while to write a proper one! I hope to post a thorough reply re: how I feel about things not going as planned in the next day or so. I will say, I thought of you and your birth story during a pivotal moment of my own!! Here's another hint: I *heart* anesthesiologists!! I was no match for a day's worth of pitocin at the highest dosage! Each of my doctors would tell me that pitocin contractions are the same as natural contractions -- but I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!! The game changed with the induction, and I do not feel badly about calling for the epi at all. Smartest decision I could have made, actually!

Kunzite, Thank you for your very nice post after S was born. I read your comment to my DH while we were in the hospital. I had told him previously about you and that O and S shared the same due date. I always showed him pictures of O, too, so he sort of "knows" you. He was so proud of me after the birth. Anyway, when I read your post to him, he had a huge smile!! Just wanted to pass that along. :)) I did want to ask you -- how much does O weigh now? I saw his recent pics in the mommy thread. He is so gorgeous!

JenniferW, That's so sweet that you lurked for my little Samantha! And, it was a long wait wasn't it? Haha! It took her a long time even after lots of medical intervention!

Geri, Can't wait to hear from you!

Pandora, Was that your sister's second baby -- the one with the super-quick delivery? Everyone at the hospital kept telling me that first babies take longer. Just curious, but in any event, good for her! And, how nice for you to have so many little babies in your family and cousins for your LO!

Basil, Re: the crib, I would happily take one that was used for only 2 weeks, provided it does not have the drop sides. Or, if it does, maybe there is something that you could do to stabilize them. This is definitely something you'd want to research because new guidelines were issued not that long ago. Re: the mattress, I would definitely take it too! Sounds like it's in perfect condition. I'm like you in the sense that I could spend lots of money on new baby stuff, but would prefer not to!


I want to thank everyone who posted both while I was in the hospital (I was reading your comments, and it was awesome to know that you were all cheering me along!) and after I posted the announcement of my little baby! This is such a wonderful time, as you will all know soon enough. Treasure every last minute of your pregnancy too!
bliss, congrats mama!!!
random_thought|1296526515|2838843 said:
Sooooo....when does the lil' bugger stop kicking my bladder? :nono: He's getting his first time out which is going to be a sugar-free day tomorrow! Sadly I feel like I am getting a time out too, booo!!

I wish I knew some trick to tell you. I can sympathize on the time out, though -- when I give my 2-year-old a time out, I end up feeling like I'm being punished too. :rolleyes:
Basil, if the crib and mattress were used for that short of time and your friend is a clean freak, I would go ahead and take them. It's not the same thing as buying a used mattress from a stranger, plus most crib mattresses have a waterproof coating so you can give it a good scrubbing too, just for good measure.

We debated between a nanny and daycare for our first daughter, and went with a daycare center that is very close to my office. It would probably have been easier on us, with our work schedules, if we had hired a nanny instead. However, we think daycare has been great for A. She enjoys playing with the other kids and she seems to pick up new skills quickly by copying the older kids.
Loves Vintage|1296567891|2839209 said:
Dreamer, I kept starting replies to you while I was in the hospital, but each one kept turning into a poorly written birth story. It will take me a while to write a proper one! I hope to post a thorough reply re: how I feel about things not going as planned in the next day or so. I will say, I thought of you and your birth story during a pivotal moment of my own!! Here's another hint: I *heart* anesthesiologists!! I was no match for a day's worth of pitocin at the highest dosage! Each of my doctors would tell me that pitocin contractions are the same as natural contractions -- but I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!! The game changed with the induction, and I do not feel badly about calling for the epi at all. Smartest decision I could have made, actually!

I have a friend who was induced and also had a natural labour, both without epi, and she said the contractions were similar -- she actually thought the natural were worse, but maybe she is crazy ::) . I sort of think what makes it so hard being induced is the restriction on mobility because of all the drips and monitors etc. I know for me I was ok when I was sitting on my ball but when they told me to lie down, that's when I lost the plot completely. Also, they usually give pitocin when a woman is in need of a push, and often it means she has been in labour for a really long time which means she is exhausted. So that combined with immobility makes it so unlikely a woman can go without an epi when she is induced, in my opinion. My midwife said the only women she knew who went without and epi when induced had really fast labours in response to the pitocin, like 5 hours or less, which makes sense to me. Exhaustion just makes it harder to cope with anything!

So funny you thought of my birth story in labour ;)) I'm glad it helped, though wish you had not had to think of my labour during yours, since I hoped for a different process for you. Maybe next time, right? I am looking forward to labour a second time, now that I know what to expect. I think brithing babies takes a lot of practice to get good at 8) And also now that I know I can birth a large baby vaginally there will be less scepticism from the docs etc ;)) And you can definitely tell anyone to stuff it if they doubt you can get a big baby out the natural way, haha! So I am looing forward to it, though of course, as you know, anything can happen, so I am playing it all by ear.

Get this, this weekend I met a woman who birthed two babies BOTH over 10lbs, one 11lbs, both delivered vaginally and without pain meds! Wowee that is amazing.
Loves Vintage|1296567891|2839209 said:
Bliss, Congrats! What a beautiful story!

Dreamer, I kept starting replies to you while I was in the hospital, but each one kept turning into a poorly written birth story. It will take me a while to write a proper one! I hope to post a thorough reply re: how I feel about things not going as planned in the next day or so. I will say, I thought of you and your birth story during a pivotal moment of my own!! Here's another hint: I *heart* anesthesiologists!! I was no match for a day's worth of pitocin at the highest dosage! Each of my doctors would tell me that pitocin contractions are the same as natural contractions -- but I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!! The game changed with the induction, and I do not feel badly about calling for the epi at all. Smartest decision I could have made, actually!

Kunzite, Thank you for your very nice post after S was born. I read your comment to my DH while we were in the hospital. I had told him previously about you and that O and S shared the same due date. I always showed him pictures of O, too, so he sort of "knows" you. He was so proud of me after the birth. Anyway, when I read your post to him, he had a huge smile!! Just wanted to pass that along. :)) I did want to ask you -- how much does O weigh now? I saw his recent pics in the mommy thread. He is so gorgeous!

JenniferW, That's so sweet that you lurked for my little Samantha! And, it was a long wait wasn't it? Haha! It took her a long time even after lots of medical intervention!

Geri, Can't wait to hear from you!

Pandora, Was that your sister's second baby -- the one with the super-quick delivery? Everyone at the hospital kept telling me that first babies take longer. Just curious, but in any event, good for her! And, how nice for you to have so many little babies in your family and cousins for your LO!

Basil, Re: the crib, I would happily take one that was used for only 2 weeks, provided it does not have the drop sides. Or, if it does, maybe there is something that you could do to stabilize them. This is definitely something you'd want to research because new guidelines were issued not that long ago. Re: the mattress, I would definitely take it too! Sounds like it's in perfect condition. I'm like you in the sense that I could spend lots of money on new baby stuff, but would prefer not to!


I want to thank everyone who posted both while I was in the hospital (I was reading your comments, and it was awesome to know that you were all cheering me along!) and after I posted the announcement of my little baby! This is such a wonderful time, as you will all know soon enough. Treasure every last minute of your pregnancy too!

I wouldn't have missed her entrance! Congrats again.

Basil, I wouldn't take the mattress. Ignore me if this is none of my business, but there are clear recommendations against using a second hand mattress, linked to an increased risk of SIDS. The increased risk is very small, but still, I couldn't do it. In the UK, midwives and paediatricians advise against re-using a crib mattress even for a sibling - new baby, new mattress. There are other things I would cut back on first.