
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tuckins1|1297096138|2845602 said:
Fellow Preggos, have any of you experienced anemia during your pregnancy? What were your symptoms? I have had anemia before (I used to have REALLY heavy flows...) Recently I have been experiencing faintness, weakness, and leg cramps, which I know are symptoms. When I called my OB, they told me to just eat more vegetables.... (I eat very healthy- lots of fruits, veggies, dairy, and lean protein, plus I eat regularly). I didn't find that answer acceptable AT ALL. I will be going in to my regular doctor to get my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin. WWYD if your doctor gave you "advice" that just didn't sit well with you? Do you just listen because they are the doctor, or do you be a PITA and insist on getting checked (because it's your body and you know when something is off)?

Hi, I had a lot of problems with anaemia when I was pregnant. You must insist on having your blood levels checked. After what happened to me I am really shocked that pregnant women aren't adequately warned about the dangers of being anaemic. I always thought it just made you a bit tired and pale and I'm an uber-researcher and come from a medical family. I've written about it elsewhere on this thread, but I think it's so important to be aware that I don't mind repeating it all - sorry to those who know the whole saga already! :wavey:

The main symptom I had which triggered me going and asking for my Hb levels to be checked was bad pica - I had overwhelming cravings for crushed ice, coal tar shampoo and mothballs. I had a mothball wrapped in a hanky in my bag so I could get it out and sniff it all the time! I knew that craving ice is a big sign for anaemia (although none of the OBs or midwives I saw were aware of this) which was why I specifically asked for the tests.

It came back as having an Hb of 9.2 (normal in the UK is around 12) and so they put me on 600mg of ferrous sulphate a day. I had had hyperemesis and was still throwing up at 27 weeks and so being put on large amounts of iron and feeling icky again at 35 weeks was not my idea of fun. So, since it only makes you tired and pale I thought I'd just take 200mg...

At my last antenatal appointment they did a repeat and my Hb was down to 8.7. When I went into labour a week later they did my Hb as soon as I was admitted - it was now down to 8.5. They immediately told me that I would need to have a managed 3rd stage to reduce the risk of haemorrhage - the first I had heard of this.

Daisy ended up being an emergency forceps delivery in the OR and I then had a massive post-partum haemorrhage losing 2.5 litres (4.5 pints or over half my blood volume). I spent the first two hours of Daisy's life unconcious with my husband wondering if I was dying and then two days in ICU along with 5 blood transfusions. My Hb before the started transfusing was under 5. One of the OBs actually came and shouted at me for letting myself get so anaemic and didn't I realise that PPH was the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world...

I'm now the worst for obsessing that pregnant friends keep their iron levels up - especially as my risk of a subsequent PPH has now gone from a baseline of I think around 0.03% to 10%, plus having a blood transfusion has it's own share of risks - fortunately less today than in the past (one hopes!)

I was discussing food and anaemia with my father this weekend as Daisy is anaemic and I asked about spinach - apparently the human body doesn't actually take much in the way of iron from vegetables as it's hard to absorb. His recommendation was a nice rare steak!

So, I would go back and demand a blood test. Please do not be fobbed off with something this important.
Pandora|1297118837|2845943 said:
Tuckins1|1297096138|2845602 said:
Fellow Preggos, have any of you experienced anemia during your pregnancy? What were your symptoms? I have had anemia before (I used to have REALLY heavy flows...) Recently I have been experiencing faintness, weakness, and leg cramps, which I know are symptoms. When I called my OB, they told me to just eat more vegetables.... (I eat very healthy- lots of fruits, veggies, dairy, and lean protein, plus I eat regularly). I didn't find that answer acceptable AT ALL. I will be going in to my regular doctor to get my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin. WWYD if your doctor gave you "advice" that just didn't sit well with you? Do you just listen because they are the doctor, or do you be a PITA and insist on getting checked (because it's your body and you know when something is off)?

Hi, I had a lot of problems with anaemia when I was pregnant. You must insist on having your blood levels checked. After what happened to me I am really shocked that pregnant women aren't adequately warned about the dangers of being anaemic. I always thought it just made you a bit tired and pale and I'm an uber-researcher and come from a medical family. I've written about it elsewhere on this thread, but I think it's so important to be aware that I don't mind repeating it all - sorry to those who know the whole saga already! :wavey:

The main symptom I had which triggered me going and asking for my Hb levels to be checked was bad pica - I had overwhelming cravings for crushed ice, coal tar shampoo and mothballs. I had a mothball wrapped in a hanky in my bag so I could get it out and sniff it all the time! I knew that craving ice is a big sign for anaemia (although none of the OBs or midwives I saw were aware of this) which was why I specifically asked for the tests.

It came back as having an Hb of 9.2 (normal in the UK is around 12) and so they put me on 600mg of ferrous sulphate a day. I had had hyperemesis and was still throwing up at 27 weeks and so being put on large amounts of iron and feeling icky again at 35 weeks was not my idea of fun. So, since it only makes you tired and pale I thought I'd just take 200mg...

At my last antenatal appointment they did a repeat and my Hb was down to 8.7. When I went into labour a week later they did my Hb as soon as I was admitted - it was now down to 8.5. They immediately told me that I would need to have a managed 3rd stage to reduce the risk of haemorrhage - the first I had heard of this.

Daisy ended up being an emergency forceps delivery in the OR and I then had a massive post-partum haemorrhage losing 2.5 litres (4.5 pints or over half my blood volume). I spent the first two hours of Daisy's life unconcious with my husband wondering if I was dying and then two days in ICU along with 5 blood transfusions. My Hb before the started transfusing was under 5. One of the OBs actually came and shouted at me for letting myself get so anaemic and didn't I realise that PPH was the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world...

I'm now the worst for obsessing that pregnant friends keep their iron levels up - especially as my risk of a subsequent PPH has now gone from a baseline of I think around 0.03% to 10%, plus having a blood transfusion has it's own share of risks - fortunately less today than in the past (one hopes!)

I was discussing food and anaemia with my father this weekend as Daisy is anaemic and I asked about spinach - apparently the human body doesn't actually take much in the way of iron from vegetables as it's hard to absorb. His recommendation was a nice rare steak!

So, I would go back and demand a blood test. Please do not be fobbed off with something this important.

Thank you Pandora!!! I tried to get my blood drawn today but my regular doc office was unable to see me... If I continue to feel this way, or if it gets worse, I am just going in to the hospital and they can check me out there. Needless to say, I am not going back to this doctor after the baby. I am already high risk because I have only one kidney, which is partially damaged from a childhood illness. I can't believe they would be so dismissive of my concerns...
Glad you shared your story, Pandora ;). Thanks! I remember when it happened, and it was the first time I had ever heard of such a situation being caused by anemia. So so scary!
Blenheim, Tiffany, Tuckins, I have tried nameberry and nimbler. It’s a cool system, but all the names that come up that I like were already on my “possibles” list. I will have to check out the books. I keep thinking there has to be a great name out there that I just haven’t thought of/heard yet.

HOU, glad to hear you and Ellie are doing well! BFing can be really hard. A never got the hang of it, but I am hoping it will work better this time.

Basil and Blenheim, My ability to hide the pregnancy is based mostly on how I am built. I am over 5’10”, so I think the baby has more room to lay lengthwise rather than pop out right away. I am also somewhat busty (especially when preggo) and sadly have not had a tiny, flat waist in a few years. I mostly wear suits to work, although I wore cardigans and loose sweaters on casual days. I had a few suits that I could still zip the pants up to 20 weeks (they were slightly low rise, which helped). I wore jackets and shirts that were not fitted at the waist or clingy. Basically, I wore tops that just fell in a straight line from my bust, which worked as long as the girls projected more in the front than my belly. I was definitely looking a bit more thick-waisted or chubby, but not obviously preggo, although I was pushing it past the 18 week point. Now that I am wearing mat clothes, I look so much more preggo that just a week ago. The way mat clothes are cut really emphasizes the bump.

Basil, your patient sounds so nice!

Deelight, thanks for the tip on maxi dresses. So many mat dresses I have tried are just too short (above the knee) for me to wear to work. So glad your class went well – you sound ready to go. I also will not miss the swollen feet and peeing. I have been feeling dehydrated, so I drink more water than usual, but I feel like I have to pee every 30 minutes! :eek:

Tuckins, it sounds like you need blood work. My initial blood work showed mild anemia, so my OB said to eat a lot more green leafy veggies and meat or take an iron supplement every other day. IMHO. your doctor needs to see blood results to see how severe the anemia is before just telling you to fix it with diet.

Catluver, my 20-week scan showed the placenta is low and the tip of it is across the cervix, but it is not a complete previa like last time. My OB is not concerned so far. He thinks it will lift higher as pregnancy continues (like it did in third tri last time) and he has not imposed travel or activity restrictions like with the 1st pregnancy. I don’t remember feeling the baby engage, but then again, she didn’t want to leave and had to be forcefully evicted at 41 weeks! I do remember the tight itchy belly skin of the last few weeks – lots of cream.
hi ladies!

Been meaning to join you here for a while :loopy: I'm 14 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I was fortunate enough to be here with some of you for my first pregnancy (she is now 22 months old) and I'm so glad to be sharing the journey again.

Bliss, congrats! What a great birth story! I'm so glad you found it to be positive despite it not meeting your expectations in some ways. I hope your LO is doing great and that you're enjoying new parenthood. So sorry for not congratulating you sooner!

kay, congrats on being able to hide your pregnancy until 20 weeks! I was working in a professional environment the first time around and was able to hide my shape with suits as well but this time my shape has changed so much faster, I doubt I would have been able to hide it for very long! glad your scan went well. I hope you're feeling well and that the placenta moves as your dr expects it to.

Tuchins, I'm so sorry to hear you're worries about anemia. How frustrating that your dr didn't seem to take your concern seriously! I think it's our responsibility to MAKE our drs look into ever little thing when/if we feel they should. It's not enough to expect them to know everything - we need to be our own healthcare advocates (and our unborn babies advocates). I hope you're able to get some answers soon. let us know what happens - we'll be sending you good thoughts!

Catluver, you're so close!! yay for having your project done! re, feeling the baby engage. I never did the first time around but my daughter was breech the whole time and I had polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid) so those factors may have had something to do with it. Since you're still 2 weeks form your due date and this is your first, I think he has plenty of time to engage. try not to worry about it. I know how that itchy belly feels and it's no fun! Hang in there and know it wont itch for much longer!

random_thought, glad you found a position that repositions the baby! And yay for a good massage! I hope you're feeling well

Deelight, those decals are adorable! And I love your lists of things you'll miss and things you've loved about being pregnant! so sweet. Thats great that your classes helped make you feel so prepared!

basil, what a sweet (and perceptive) patient you had! bummer about your obtuse coworker though. yuck. how goes the house hunting?

skippy, congrats on being halfway! how are you feeling?

puffy, I'm so intrigued about you not showing until LATER with subsequent pregnancies! I wonder why that is. How are you doing?

dcg, so glad to hear of you good NT results! When is your next scan? I hope you find out the gender then too!!

Blen, I know you're not quite here *yet* but wanted to chime in about when I started to show this time. Last week (at 13 weeks) we let a lot of people know about the pregnancy and I had a few friends say they suspected I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago. So I'd say I started showing (to people who know me well) at about 11 weeks. But I carry quite differently than you (very high) and people who don't know me well could very well think I've just gained some weight. I think if I tried to hide it with clothing, I could probably do so for another few weeks. For what it's worth, I think you look adorable and I wish I had a little, low belly like you! can't wait for you tyo join us here soon!

Dreamer, how are you doing? Have you told Hunter about the baby yet? hope you're well!!

:wavey: to anyone I may have missed

AFM, I'm really looking forward to my next drs apt, next Wednesday, when i hope to find out what we're having! We're hoping for a boy since it would be fun to have one of each but I can't wait either way! Been having more stretchy ligament pain this time around on the sides of my belly which a friend said she experienced more and more with each of her pregnancies (she has 4 kids). I think it's because my stomach muscles aren't as strong this time around. nothing else to report. continued fatigue but I'm otherwise feeling fine. Hope everyone's well!

Hi everyone

Just popping in quickly to let you know that our little girl Claudia arrived on 28 January 2011, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches in length. We of course think she is absolutely precious. I can't seem to upload a photo but will try again soon. Thanks to everyone for your wishes, especially Deelight.

I haven't managed to catch up with everything else but just wanted to say:

Bliss - Congrats on the arrival of little M- you sound like you are in 7th heaven - so lovely!

DCG - Welcome! Great to see you here and best wishes for a smooth and healthy pregnancy!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Geri Congratulations sweetie :) I adore the name - so beautiful :) I hope you can upload photo's soon I would love to see your bubba girl :).

Tuckins I have suffered anemia before but I have not had my levels checked since I fell pregnant but push for testing if you don't feel right better safe then sorry. You mentioned you have leg cramps sometimes a lack in magnesium can cause cramping - I get that every so often so I would possibly get that checked as well - good luck :)

Catluver Congrats on finishing your project :) - your next mumma on the list I believe :D so exciting :D

Pandora I remember reading your birth story - I am just glad it had a happy ending - Daisy is a beautiful girl :)

Kay I am also 5'10 so I feel your pain - the bad thing about mat short dresses is they are long enough at the front but at the back they are too short :rolleyes: nothing like flashing your bum when you bend over. If your looking for nice looking comfortable work pants - these without a doubt are my FAVOURITE mat pants so comfortable and they are designed with a tall girl in mind - they come up high enough and are long enough in the leg :D - they look like crap in the picture but IRL they are quite nice and did I mention comfortable :) I have 2 pairs in black for work :).

Mrs Welcome :) good luck with your scan :)

Hope everyone is well :)

3 days of work left OMG YEAH - time to compile my list and pack :)
geri|1297150314|2846403 said:
Hi everyone

Just popping in quickly to let you know that our little girl Claudia arrived on 28 January 2011, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches in length. We of course think she is absolutely precious. I can't seem to upload a photo but will try again soon. Thanks to everyone for your wishes, especially Deelight.

I haven't managed to catch up with everything else but just wanted to say:

Bliss - Congrats on the arrival of little M- you sound like you are in 7th heaven - so lovely!

DCG - Welcome! Great to see you here and best wishes for a smooth and healthy pregnancy!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Geri- congrats on your baby girl! :appl:
Congratulations Geri- I love the name!!
Hello my fellow preggo's

Well, I have been bonkers with work and home stuff, but I am trying my best to keep up here. On that note, let me dive right in...

Puffy - Thanks for the welcome. That's interesting that you showed later with the second, I don't think I have heard of that before. So, are you officially in your third trimester then? Congrats!

Skippy - I am very happy to be here too. I look very forward to hearing more about your growing little ones. Congrats on reaching your half way point, it's all downhill from here, right? As for your US today, please post pics if you can so we can see your little guys. As for the clothes thing, I can understand not wanting to buy alot, but I can't imagine not buying anything, the temptation is just too great, lol.

Kay - Thanks for the welcome. I wish you luck finding a name. We have a few potential ones, but I think we will have to do some more fine tuning before we finalize one.

Tuckins - I may have to find that name website, it sounds pretty good. Sorry for the anemia issues, but hopefully you can find a more viable solution than eating veggies.

Houie - I am glad to hear you and Ellie are doing so well. I look forward to more updates from you two and wish you lots of quality mommy and me time :bigsmile:

Basil - Yes, I am glad for doing the test. Obviously with good results, it does make it easier, but even if the results were not favorable, I would have liked to know. That little old man was so cute, how sweet. I guess men do get wiser with age, lol. As for that other moron, ugh, what a dimwit.

Random - Sorry that the baby is not laying in a good place, but hopefully the LO will get the memo and move around a bit. I'm glad to hear you found a bit of relief in that back massager though.

Deelight - Thanks for the warm welcome. As for you classes, that sounds very educational and should come in pretty handy. I think we are going to wait till about 7 months to take ours, but I really need to sign up soon, b/c they fill up months in advance. I'm glad that you are feeling better about the whole birth process and that you are almost done with work, how nice! Thanks for the tips and I will try to keep those in mind as I move through this process.

Catluver - Ah, how nice to see you too. I look forward to hearing all about your experiences so far. As for finishing up work, I bet you are super psyched. Good luck on your final weeks!

Mrs - Glad to see you in here too. My next scan is actually going to be in 5 weeks, and they will combine that with the gender scan. That's so exciting that you get to have a scan at 15 weeks, and that you might find out what you are having. I am kinda bummed with my doc for scheduling my scan so late, but this one was pretty insistent that I wouldn't be able to tell the sex for sure until 19 weeks (which I don't agree with). That's funny that you mention the strechy pains. I have been having more of those too lately.

Geri - CONGRATS on welcoming you little girl, she sounds just perfect. :saint: Thank you also for taking the time out to welcome me. I'm sorry that I won't get to see/talk to you more here, but I will pop over to the NB thread and check in on you, once you both get settled in. Big hug!

AFM - I am trucking along and will be 15 weeks on Thursday. I will also be another year older tomorrow, oh how time flies...Besides the aging, I had my 2nd OB appt yesterday. Everything looks good and the baby's HB is strong (the doc did the doppler). I was trying to get the second part of my quad screening scheduled and at the same time, my anatomy screening in a bit earlier :naughty: , but unfortunately, it backfired. The doc (my first time meeting this one in the practice) said that I should do my scan in 5 weeks instead, so we can be "sure" to see the sex. Grrrr... I know that it might not 100% accurate before 19/20 weeks, but plenty of people have gotten the sex before then, and I was counting on it. So, now I have to wait longer to find out. Boo. :( Anywho, I am having a bit more stretching pains these past couple days. I thought it only happened earlier on, but I guess the baby is making some more room in there, lol. Other than that, work is b*tch right now, so I am just trying to keep my head above water there, and still keep up with the bazillion things going on besides work. Oh well, hopefully it will get better soon...

I hope you ladies all have a lovely day and I look forward to hearing more of you baby developments!
Geri!! Congratulations, and welcome baby Claudia!!! At least one of us had a baby on my due date, LOL!! :) I can't wait to see a pic of your sweet girl!
Deelight, I just wanted to share something with you, that I did the day the C was born. (since you mentioned that you love your LO's hiccups)

He used to get the hiccups all the time when I was preggo.
About 8 hours after he was born and I was alone with him in the hospital room, he got them again. I closed my eyes and held him really close to my ribcage, and it was like I could "feel" him inside me again.
My DH came back in the room and I was literally bawling my eyes out, but it was like one last moment of "pregnancy" that I was able to enjoy. I loved being pregnant, and was so dissapointed that it ended 2 weeks early. It's like I wasn't ready... but doing this, and then opening my eyes to see the miracle in my arms, was like my closure.

C didn't do much or really move around much inside of me, so this is kind of the one thing that he still does to this day that makes me remember my pregnancy. Hiccups are the best!

ETA: I keep coming back and looking for baby pictures of all these newborns!!!! :naughty: Anytime ladies!!!!
So at my last doctor's visit, I found out that I have to get a shot in my BUTT! Because I am rH-. I promptly proceeded to call my mother and thank her for passing on the gene causing me to have to get a shot in my butt! Lol She just laughed. Thanks mom. :))
Geri~ Congratulations and welcome, Claudia!
random_thought|1297192961|2846769 said:
So at my last doctor's visit, I found out that I have to get a shot in my BUTT! Because I am rH-. I promptly proceeded to call my mother and thank her for passing on the gene causing me to have to get a shot in my butt! Lol She just laughed. Thanks mom. :))

LOL, I blamed my DH for my having to get 3 shots in my butt with each pregnancy because he is RH+ and I am RH-.
Geri, congratulations on your baby girl; I am so so HAPPY for you!!!! Many congratulations!!!! I bet you are so in love! :appl: :appl: :appl: Can't wait for pics!!!

looking forward to catching up in this thread this evening.
Geri, congratulations! :appl: :appl: Welcome Claudia! :wavey: I look forward to seeing pictures.
Geri, Congratulations!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: I've been thinking of you!! So happy to read your announcement of your little girl's arrival!! Can't wait to see her photo! Let us know how you are doing too!! Many Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Hi, guys! I hope everyone is well. Sha and Amber, love the pics of the girls! They are adorable. I love how D is holding the keys like she’s going out for the night! :lol:

N had his 6 month appt on Saturday. He’s 20lbs5oz and 27.5 inches. The only negative at our appt is that the Pedi discovered his skin was beginning to reattach in the area of his circumcision. She caught it early so just a slight pull and he was all set. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Now, we have to use petroleum jelly every diaper change. Did this happen to anyone else? She said it’s more common in chubby babies since they’re boy parts “hide” so the skin has a greater tendency to stick.

We started solids recently and he can take or leave rice cereal but LOVES bananas. Next, we’re going to try sweet potatoes so we’ll see how that goes. He loves sitting in his big boy highchair and knocking EVERYTHING you place on the tray onto the floor. When he hears it *crash*, he smiles. He’s also sitting for short periods (by short, I mean seconds – maybe 30 tops) and rolling both directions. He talks constantly and new sounds are emerging every day. He’s definitely hitting his milestones much later than DD but *on-time*. He’s definitely not in any hurry!
Kay|1297194781|2846795 said:
random_thought|1297192961|2846769 said:
So at my last doctor's visit, I found out that I have to get a shot in my BUTT! Because I am rH-. I promptly proceeded to call my mother and thank her for passing on the gene causing me to have to get a shot in my butt! Lol She just laughed. Thanks mom. :))

LOL, I blamed my DH for my having to get 3 shots in my butt with each pregnancy because he is RH+ and I am RH-.

My SIL told me it was painful, did you have that same experience? They didn't test DH because they said since it is my first pregnancy that it wouldn't affect the baby. Did they test your dh when you got pregnant the first time or was it after that?
Sorry guys - I posted my baby update in the preggo thread! I'm always stalking this thread for news and accidentally posted N's update here. Mommy brain, I guess - see what you're in for!
RT- I've had the rhogam shot 4 times now, they never tested my husband (although he is Rh+), they just give it to everyone that's Rh-. I didn't find it any more painful than any other shot, just a little pinch when it goes in (one of the times I gave the shot to myself). My doc gives it at 28 weeks and after delivery. I got an extra one at 8 weeks since I was spotting.
Geri Congrsts on the birth of your daughter!!!!!!!
Mrs, welcome back for #2! :wavey: I remember you from the last time. How is your DD doing? I noticed ligament pain earlier this time too and assumed it was because my ab muscles suck after #1.

Deelight, thanks for the recommendation for the mat pants. Do you find they run true to your pre-preggo size? It would be expensive for me to pay shipping 2-ways between Australia and the US if they don’t fit. Only 3 days left of work – that is so awesome!

DCGator, I hope things ease up for you at work. Sorry you’ll have to wait to find out the gender, but yay for a strong heart beat. :appl:

Meresal, what a sweet story about C’s hiccups! That first day with the LO after birth is so amazing.

AFM, I just had a check up. The peanut’s heart beat is strong and everything looks fine. I’m struggling with exhaustion, but otherwise fine.
I haven't posted much lately- still trucking along at 33 weeks. I went part time at work and am only working 8 hour shifts instead of 12 hour shifts, and that has made a huge difference! I actually miss work though but I'm sure once the babies are here that I'll feel differently! So far all is well, I have some contractions but nothing painful and not too often so nothing concerning. I've gained about 38 pounds at this point, so that's pretty much right on track with what they wanted me to gain for twins. I feel like they are still really high and sometimes trying to get higher!
In following Deelight- I guess since I'm in the home stretch I've been a little nostalgic lately and I really think I'm going to miss being pregnant!
Things I have loved and will miss- the kicks, watching my stomach move, feeling them move, and having an excuse to make my husband clean out the litter box! (I'm sure there are more)
Things I won't miss- the cankles, reflux, and not being able to tie my shoes. I currently own ONE pair of shoes I can get my poor swollen feet in. I really hope they go back to their previous size!
Here's my pic from Saturday (33 weeks exactly)- forgive the exhausted look, I had just gotten home from work.
ETA: I left out the lack of bladder control as one of the things I won't miss- hopefully that returns too!

random_thought|1297200695|2846851 said:
Kay|1297194781|2846795 said:
random_thought|1297192961|2846769 said:
So at my last doctor's visit, I found out that I have to get a shot in my BUTT! Because I am rH-. I promptly proceeded to call my mother and thank her for passing on the gene causing me to have to get a shot in my butt! Lol She just laughed. Thanks mom. :))

LOL, I blamed my DH for my having to get 3 shots in my butt with each pregnancy because he is RH+ and I am RH-.

My SIL told me it was painful, did you have that same experience? They didn't test DH because they said since it is my first pregnancy that it wouldn't affect the baby. Did they test your dh when you got pregnant the first time or was it after that?

It feels like any other shot. DH knew his blood type. I had injections after the amnio, at about 28 weeks, and then after delivery.
tiffanytwisted|1297209316|2846983 said:
I haven't posted much lately- still trucking along at 33 weeks. I went part time at work and am only working 8 hour shifts instead of 12 hour shifts, and that has made a huge difference! I actually miss work though but I'm sure once the babies are here that I'll feel differently! So far all is well, I have some contractions but nothing painful and not too often so nothing concerning. I've gained about 38 pounds at this point, so that's pretty much right on track with what they wanted me to gain for twins. I feel like they are still really high and sometimes trying to get higher!
In following Deelight- I guess since I'm in the home stretch I've been a little nostalgic lately and I really think I'm going to miss being pregnant!
Things I have loved and will miss- the kicks, watching my stomach move, feeling them move, and having an excuse to make my husband clean out the litter box! (I'm sure there are more)
Things I won't miss- the cankles, reflux, and not being able to tie my shoes. I currently own ONE pair of shoes I can get my poor swollen feet in. I really hope they go back to their previous size!
Here's my pic from Saturday (33 weeks exactly)- forgive the exhausted look, I had just gotten home from work.
ETA: I left out the lack of bladder control as one of the things I won't miss- hopefully that returns too!

You look great! I'm impressed you are still doing 8-hour shifts with twins at 33 weeks. I don't know which is worse, the cankles or the peeing! I lived in 1 pair of shoes for so many months the last time; I am just waiting for that to happen again as the weather gets warmer.
KAY, I am having a hard time w/babies names too. Hope you find one you love soon! Yay for us being half-way there, woot! :bigsmile:

BASIL, aww your patient sounded so cute! Yay for 14.5 weeks; :bigsmile: great to see you in this thread! glad you are w/us!

DEELIGHT, I liked your list of likes you posted; you are so positive!!! :bigsmile: I wonder what the hiccups feel like? sounds like fun! Sounds like your classes went great!! Yay for only a few more days of work!!

TUCKINS, I hope you don't have anemia.

CATLUVER, Yay you are so close, very exciting!!! :bigsmile: ouch I hope the crotch pain goes away.

MRS. so good to see you here and welcome; glad you are with us!!! aw that is so cute your baby will have a fabulous big sis! Yay for 14 weeks!! :bigsmile: One of your posts in the BPT I loved because it was so honest; I was having a bad day and it made me feel not alone in my journey so just letting you know I appreciated reading it! Fingers crossed that you have a boy!

DCGATOR, 15 weeks woohooo! :bigsmile: Happy happy birthday!! oh phooey about not getting to find out the sex right away. I hope the next few weeks flies for you. I had lots of stretching pains at 15 weeks; it lasted for a few weeks. It still comes and goes. Hope work gets less hectic for you.

TIFFANYTWISTED, oh you look so FABULOUS; my hero!!! :appl: You seriously look great!!! You are in the home stretch, soooo exciting; I can't wait to see your twins, yay!!!!

Hi DREAMER, PRINCESS, and other preggos I might of missed! How are you ladies doing? :))

I had my U/S today (I am 20 w and 5 days); I had No Clue the doc was going to do a 3D pics for us which was super cool. One baby behaved (Baby A) and the other one not so much (baby B) but it was fun to see! :D They look healthy and seem to be growing and doing well. Sorry the pics aren't better; they gave me a dvd of pics but I didn't know how to cut out my name so here are kind of good pics. Hope all you preggos are doing fabulous you beautiful ladies!!! :wavey:



Thanks Kay- I was thinking warmer weather might be nicer because then I could live in flip flops, but then everyone would SEE my cankles/feet so I think I'm happier with this time of year. I'm trying to work as long as I physically can (or until my doctor tells me to stop) so I don't have to cut into my FMLA too early.

Skippy- Thank you! You are adorable!! That's funny about your u/s because our Baby A always behaves and Baby B is the mover that won't hold still for the pictures. My husband even warns the techs and dubbed him "bad baby b" until I made him stop calling him that! I can't wait to see their personalities in real life. A lady that I work with had twins and she said the one they thought was going to be the troublemaker turned out to be the good one!
Kay - Ah, that makes a lot of sense as far as hiding the bump. Thanks! I am tall too, but my stomach grows out instead of up, and I have small breasts, and so it may not work quite as well for me.

Geri - Congrats, Mama! I love her name as well.

Skippy - Your babies are so cute!

Mrs - Thank you! And thanks for sharing your experience as well. I hope that you get a money shot next week!