Hi everyone
Thanks everyone for your wishes!! We are so excited to finally have our little one with us!
Popping back in to show off our precious little girl (yes, I'm a proud mama!). This was her first day home from hospital at 6 days old. Not the best photo but the only one I can seem to upload. We came home in the middle of a heatwave - a record number of days above 95 degrees and the hottest overnight temperature on record when it was over 90 degrees at midnight, hence the semi-naked bub!
Catluver - there isn't much of a birth story since I had a scheduled c-section but here goes. we had to be at the hospital at 6.30am on her birthday with us it was a little weird driving to hospital knowing that in about 2 hours our little girl would be with us. was quite anxious about the surgery - TMI alert, mainly because even thought you can't feel the pain you can feel what they are doing. That said, it was much better than expected. The worst part was getting the anaesthetics sorted - it seemed to take forever because the initial dose wasn't enough and they had to top up. Once in theatre, it was pretty quick. As soon as DD was out they showed her to us, wrapped her and then took her to be checked by the paediatritian. Once that was done, we got to hold her while they finished closing me up. I was in tears - it was all just a little surreal holding this little bundle that was our DD! Once they were finished, I went to recovery and DH and DD went back to our room. About an hour later I joined them and got to hold our gorgeous little girl.
I was in hospital for 5 days after the birth which is normal in Australia, at least in a private hospital. The first couple of days were tough, especially getting up and down after the surgery, which made it difficult to feed and settle DD but I imagine those days are tough after a natural birth too. For the first 3 nights they took DD to the nursery at night and brought her back to feed which really helped. The hospital I was in has this great programme where you can move to a nearby hotel at the beach for your last 2 nights if you and the baby are well. They have 24 hour dedicated midwives there who are on call to help you. It was fantastic - we felt like we were back in the real world, fresh air, beach views, natural light, proper food, a huge king size bed so DH could comfortably stay with me and midwives who were really helpful. We didn't want to leave!
We have now been home for nearly two weeks. We have had some great days and some trying days where she wants to feed constantly and won't settle. But the bad moments melt away pretty quickly when you see the sheer look of contentment on her face after a good feed or sleep. We think she is just adorable!! In the last couple of days I have been feeling much better physically too (I was still pretty tender for the first 10 days or so) which makes a huge difference in looking after DD and being able to get out and do things. So all in all, I think we are doing okay but I will be honest and say it is a huge adjustment, for better and occasionally for worse, but definitely worth it!!
Catluver- best wishes to you. So close now!
Deelight - congrats on finishing work. Enjoy these last few weeks!
To everyone else - loving the belly pics!

Thanks everyone for your wishes!! We are so excited to finally have our little one with us!
Popping back in to show off our precious little girl (yes, I'm a proud mama!). This was her first day home from hospital at 6 days old. Not the best photo but the only one I can seem to upload. We came home in the middle of a heatwave - a record number of days above 95 degrees and the hottest overnight temperature on record when it was over 90 degrees at midnight, hence the semi-naked bub!
Catluver - there isn't much of a birth story since I had a scheduled c-section but here goes. we had to be at the hospital at 6.30am on her birthday with us it was a little weird driving to hospital knowing that in about 2 hours our little girl would be with us. was quite anxious about the surgery - TMI alert, mainly because even thought you can't feel the pain you can feel what they are doing. That said, it was much better than expected. The worst part was getting the anaesthetics sorted - it seemed to take forever because the initial dose wasn't enough and they had to top up. Once in theatre, it was pretty quick. As soon as DD was out they showed her to us, wrapped her and then took her to be checked by the paediatritian. Once that was done, we got to hold her while they finished closing me up. I was in tears - it was all just a little surreal holding this little bundle that was our DD! Once they were finished, I went to recovery and DH and DD went back to our room. About an hour later I joined them and got to hold our gorgeous little girl.
I was in hospital for 5 days after the birth which is normal in Australia, at least in a private hospital. The first couple of days were tough, especially getting up and down after the surgery, which made it difficult to feed and settle DD but I imagine those days are tough after a natural birth too. For the first 3 nights they took DD to the nursery at night and brought her back to feed which really helped. The hospital I was in has this great programme where you can move to a nearby hotel at the beach for your last 2 nights if you and the baby are well. They have 24 hour dedicated midwives there who are on call to help you. It was fantastic - we felt like we were back in the real world, fresh air, beach views, natural light, proper food, a huge king size bed so DH could comfortably stay with me and midwives who were really helpful. We didn't want to leave!
We have now been home for nearly two weeks. We have had some great days and some trying days where she wants to feed constantly and won't settle. But the bad moments melt away pretty quickly when you see the sheer look of contentment on her face after a good feed or sleep. We think she is just adorable!! In the last couple of days I have been feeling much better physically too (I was still pretty tender for the first 10 days or so) which makes a huge difference in looking after DD and being able to get out and do things. So all in all, I think we are doing okay but I will be honest and say it is a huge adjustment, for better and occasionally for worse, but definitely worth it!!
Catluver- best wishes to you. So close now!
Deelight - congrats on finishing work. Enjoy these last few weeks!
To everyone else - loving the belly pics!