
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Geri: Congrats on baby Claudia (love the name!)

Had a doctor appointment today. All is well and I'm truckin' along at 32 1/2 weeks. Still only up 1 lb, hb in the 130's. Work has been extra tiring lately.

We move next week so I'm going to be soooo run down!
geri, congrats!! hope you and baby claudia are doing well.

skippy, you look WONDERFUL!! such a cute little baby bump you have going on.

tiffany, you look fab and 8 hr shifts still?? WOW!!

mrs, hope you get to find out the sex of baby next week.

hope everyone is doing well.
Thanks for reassurance about that shot ladies, I think my sil was just trying to scare me! :rolleyes: Here's my latest bump pic, I haven't taken a more recent one since I haven't felt like wearing makeup or anything lately lol I'll try and take one tomorrow at 24w5d since we are meeting up with my parents for the day, they are visiting from Wi!

This is me at 22 weeks...cripes! I don't even want to think about how big I'll look in the picture tomorrow! And I think my ankles are starting to swell up ;(
geri - welcome Miss Claudia! :appl:

Catluver - I never felt Skye engage. then again, I never had the sensation that she was kicking my ribs or that I was short of breath. apparently when engaging, these "symptoms" disappear. so IMO, I don't think having felt it or not will have anything to do with how your labor will be.

Deelight - the hiccups will stay, but of course they will no longer be in your belly. sometimes when I have gas movement in my belly, I am reminded of Skye inside when I was pregnant.

dcgator - so great to see you here!
Skippy- how cool to see those 3d images!

RT- I love the baby belly! I'm at 26 weeks, and you have me beat!
Geri, congrats! I can’t wait to hear about your experience if you feel like sharing.

Kay, glad you don’t have a complete previa this time. Were you induced at 41? I’m nervous about that.

Welcome Mrs. Good luck at your US!

dcgator, yay for the strong HB. I remember that waiting for the 20 week scan felt so incredibly long, and after that, it was a huge relief and I didn’t worry nearly as much, and time started go by much faster. Hang in there!

Noel - thanks for the info. You must have been carrying low too.

Skippy, congrats on 2 healthy babies.

I had my 38wk+2 appt today and I am 1 cm dilated and at -2 station (last week I was 0cm and -3, so at least that's something?). The N.P. didn’t think I would go into labor for another 2 weeks, and they typically don’t induce until 41wks. I’m pretty nervous because I hear about inductions leading to long labors that may or may not end up in C-section anyway (at least when there is no labor or broken water to begin with, just a complete induction). LV? Your story scares me a bit! And for some TMI, just out of curiosity, we attempted some perineal “massage” (what a euphemism) the other day and DH wasn’t even pressing hard and it hurt like crazy. I don’t know how I’m going to handle labor and birth!
Skippy, what a cute little bump you have! I can’t believe there are two in there! I love the 3d pics. So you have 1 troublemaker, huh? ;))

Tao, good luck with the move – I know it can be very tiring and stressful. Yeah for 32.5 weeks and a good check up. :appl:

Random_thought, great bump! You are really not big for 22 weeks. I’ve pretty much given up on makeup too. Have fun with your parents!
CatLuver|1297282595|2847849 said:
Kay, glad you don’t have a complete previa this time. Were you induced at 41? I’m nervous about that.

I had my 38wk+2 appt today and I am 1 cm dilated and at -2 station (last week I was 0cm and -3, so at least that's something?). The N.P. didn’t think I would go into labor for another 2 weeks, and they typically don’t induce until 41wks. I’m pretty nervous because I hear about inductions leading to long labors that may or may not end up in C-section anyway (at least when there is no labor or broken water to begin with, just a complete induction). LV? Your story scares me a bit! And for some TMI, just out of curiosity, we attempted some perineal “massage” (what a euphemism) the other day and DH wasn’t even pressing hard and it hurt like crazy. I don’t know how I’m going to handle labor and birth!

I was induced at 41 weeks. I was about 1 cm and had not had any contractions. I checked in around 8 pm, got the first round of a cervical ripening agent at about 9 pm, and A was born about 22 hours later. It was a long 22 hours, but was more boring than difficult. They gave me 3 rounds of the cervical ripener, but I just wasn't dilating much. Around 9 am, they gave me an epidural and then pitocin. The pitocin made me dilate and caused some contractions, but I didn't feel much because of the epi. I was cranky because they wouldn't let me eat, and I was uncomfortable in the hospital bed due to a shoulder injury, but it was not a hard labor. Around 5 pm, they said I was at 10 cm and could start pushing. My Dr. came in around 6:30 and watched me push through a few contractions. He said A's head was reaching +2 (IIRC) with every push, but she regressed back to 0 at the end of every contraction. He recommended using forceps to get her out. I agreed, but would not do so again without trying to push for longer. A came out without a mark, but the 2 degree episiotomy required for the forceps was the worst part of my recovery. If I had known, I really could have pushed longer. I was a bit tired, but was not in pain, and A was not in any distress. DH and I have discussed it since, and feel the Dr. recommended forceps before it was really necessary because his shift was supposed to end at 7 pm and my induction was going much slower than expected.
Kay, thanks for sharing. I was delivered w/forceps but thought they weren't really used anymore. That episiotomy sounds painful and that's unfortunate that you think the dr. wanted to just finish. Are you still glad you delivered that way rather than having a C-section?

A few things! First, I am so sorry that my story scared you!

Second, every birth is different. My delivery was delayed, in part, because the doctors did not want to break my water because my cervix was posterior for the whole day that I was on pitocin, and nothing was happening. I don't have a full understanding re: why they had to wait, aside from the fact that they said it would have been unsafe to break my water at that point. Had they been able to break my water when it first became apparent that I was not responding to the pitocin, things would have started a lot earlier. Also, I still don't really know why I had to push for so long, but the baby was not coming out. The dr told me that she could use the vacuum to move the baby's head, and by that point, I was like "YESSS!" I would have agreed to almost anything at that point. Two more pushes with the vacuum, and she was finally out. I think the same thing was happening that Kay mentioned -- the baby kept moving back up. At some point, the position of her head could not move past a certain point and had to be re-positioned slightly. Again, my point is that this is not going to happen with every induction! Please go back and read Lanie's, Noel's and Icekid's birth stories -- all were inductions, and all were quite short if I recall correctly.

Third, don't rely on what your dr says now. Your labor could start tomorrow! There is really no way of knowing. I think sometimes our doctors like to talk and don't necessarily realize that we take their words as the TRUTH! When I had my first internal exam at 37 weeks, I was 1 cm. The DR told me that she didn't think I would go into labor soon, but that she also didn't think I'd need to be induced -- she saw the 1 cm as a sign that my body was responding appropriately, and I would go into labor on my own. HA!

Finally, re: perineal massage -- I had talked to one of the seven doctors at my office, and he assured me that they could do that for me at the hospital while I was in labor, so I stopped doing the massage at home. I wasn't too keen on it anyway. Fast forward a few weeks -- after the doctor (a different dr) confirmed I was fully dilated, I asked her about the perineal massage, and she looked at me like I was crazy and told me that she doesn't do that (!), but that we could try to move the final pushing along gently to avoid a tear. Well, just before the vacuum, I had an episiotomy. I think it was absolutely necessary, and given the abruptness in which the baby came out, I cannot fault her for the decision. I actually thanked the dr numerous times for using the vacuum, which she thought was very funny, but I don't know how this baby would have come out without it, and so I am grateful for it and for this doctor and her skill and wisdom!

I realize now that I have shared more details which may be a bit on the scary side. My point really is to say that your story may go very differently. Labor could start tomorrow. Or if you are induced, your induction could be a heck of a lot easier!! Chances are it will be! I know exactly how you feel right now. There is so much anticipation, and then a bit of fear, but mostly just wondering how it's going to go and WHEN it's going to start.

You are going to be fine!
Thanks LV!!
I understand there's no way to tell how things will's just so scary to me. So many variables and things that can happen.
CatLuver|1297285811|2847905 said:
Kay, thanks for sharing. I was delivered w/forceps but thought they weren't really used anymore. That episiotomy sounds painful and that's unfortunate that you think the dr. wanted to just finish. Are you still glad you delivered that way rather than having a C-section?

Unfortunately, an episiotomy or tearing is always a possibility of a vag birth. Even though that area hurt for a few weeks, I was pretty mobile after her birth. I think a C would have been a harder recovery, but I have no personal knowledge. The nurse that was with me while I was pushing was doing the massage at intervals throughout the pushing to try to avoid tearing. I had really good L&D nurses during that whole day. I actually really like my OB and am using him again. I just suspect leaving on time may have been one of his motives, although I can't know for sure. This time, I have more knowledge of the process and will advocate for what I want. I'm also sneaking in food, dammit! ;))
Quote of the week
"Hun, there's a reason they call it lightening crotch and not f***ing strawberry fields"
-dh to me after plenty of complaining on my part lol
How disappointing that doctors and, perhaps more importantly, nurses don't do perineal massage during labour. Tearing and an episiotomy absolutely do not have to happen. I had none, and an 8.5lb baby. And guess why? My midwife basically did perineal massage the *entire* time I was pushing, which was on an off for an hour and a half. She was stellar and I thank her in my mind all the time for doing that for me. LV my friend had a simial experience when she was in hospital. She asked the nurse to do it and the nurse actually shuddered and said, "Ew, no." :nono:
Kay|1297304969|2848133 said:
CatLuver|1297285811|2847905 said:
Kay, thanks for sharing. I was delivered w/forceps but thought they weren't really used anymore. That episiotomy sounds painful and that's unfortunate that you think the dr. wanted to just finish. Are you still glad you delivered that way rather than having a C-section?

Unfortunately, an episiotomy or tearing is always a possibility of a vag birth. Even though that area hurt for a few weeks, I was pretty mobile after her birth. I think a C would have been a harder recovery, but I have no personal knowledge. The nurse that was with me while I was pushing was doing the massage at intervals throughout the pushing to try to avoid tearing. I had really good L&D nurses during that whole day. I actually really like my OB and am using him again. I just suspect leaving on time may have been one of his motives, although I can't know for sure. This time, I have more knowledge of the process and will advocate for what I want. I'm also sneaking in food, dammit! ;))

I snuck food too ;)) And Hunter also retreated between each contraction for a long time, but I guess he made a little progress with each push, and eventually his head made it past the pubic bone then there was no turning back. How long was your pushing stage Kay?
my whole induction labor process was 9 hours, and due to the epidural, was only uncomfortable the 2nd half. however, I was already 2-3 cm dilated when I came in, so I didn't need pitocin and they broke my waters right away.

like geri, I am pretty sure I didn't get any perineal massage either. the only one sticking his fingers in there was the gyn telling me to push towards his finger... which is the last place you want a finger while you're in labor.

Kay reminds me of something I forgot. every time you push, you go 2 steps forward and then 1 or 0 steps back! at least that's what the gyn was telling me. :angryfire: so you really need to push well to make it to the 1 step. keep that in mind ladies!
CatLuver|1297285811|2847905 said:
Kay, thanks for sharing. I was delivered w/forceps but thought they weren't really used anymore. That episiotomy sounds painful and that's unfortunate that you think the dr. wanted to just finish. Are you still glad you delivered that way rather than having a C-section?

They are still used, probably more often in the UK than in the USA due to litigation risk-aversion. If done by a competent and experienced surgeon and with all conditions for forceps met: fully dilated, baby's head engaged, membranes ruptured, pelvis adequate size, bladder empty, adequate anaesthesia - is actually a very safe procedure and while it's more traumatic for the mother than ventouse it is safer for the baby.

Daisy was OT and in transverse arrest - basically thoroughly stuck so they used Keilland's forceps on me to turn her and then deliver her having first used ventouse to bring her further down. These are very rarely used today as it's hard to get the necessary experience. She had a slight bruise over one cheek and eye which disappeared after 48 hours, the bruise on her head from the ventouse took over 6 weeks to go away! She had Apgars of 10 & 10 which wasn't bad for a 53 hour labour!

For me the worst thing was the episiotomy which was extensive and medio-lateral. I think in the US they are usually done mid-line rather than out sideways? My father and uncle said they reckoned there was little to choose between a c-section and extensive episiotomy in terms of post-partum pain - I got given a lot of morphine, and my SIL who had a c-section was in a lot less pain and able to move around far more than me a week PP.

Sometimes going to c-section isn't a good idea especially if the baby is well-down in the birth-canal.

Kay, was the baby's heart-rate okay and do you know what position she was in? One of the reasons that they suddenly got worried with me was that Daisy's head was completely stuck, not moving a mm and her heart-rate was dropping with each contraction, and with transverse arrest you could push all week and nothing would happen.
I will say that my OB really knew what he was doing with the forceps because A came out without a mark and in no visible trauma, other than being annoyed about eviction from her warm, dark cave. Before the procedure, I asked the Dr. about vacuum suction, and he said the forceps were lass traumatic for the baby, at least in the hands of someone who knows what he is doing.

I pushed for about 1 hour and 45 minutes when the OB declared that I had been pushing for 2 hours and was tired and they should switch to forceps since A was not making progress. The nurse told him it had been less than 2 hours at that point. He asked what I wanted to do, but strongly recommended the forceps. I was ready for it to be over at that point, so I agreed. No one mentioned A being in any distress. Physically, I could have kept pushing for a while, and would have if I had known what I know now. It sounds like maybe I was just pushing wrong if she was moving down but then fully retracting each time.

I think I made a mistake with my epi. I was scared of being in pain during birth, especially crowning, so I pushed the button on the epi shortly before they told me to start pushing at 5pm. I could not feel anything, even when contractions were happening. The nurse watched the monitor and told me when I was having a contraction so I could push. Things might have gone better if I could have actually felt any sensation when I was pushing.
I think being able to feel the contractions in the pushing phase is really key. I could feel them build and peak and so I could really time the pushing myself, which was so helpful.

I found that if a breathed deeply in as the contraction was beginning and then started pushing only when it peaked, it worked the best! So I would breath breath breath and wait for the peak, then I would begin and do three pushes as the contraction peaked and began to decline. The three pushes were big breath in, PUSH, then breath out, big breath in, PUSH, then breath out, big breath in, PUSH, then breath out. So I was not holding my breath. This was at the recommendation of my midwife who was stellar. Apparently I was a good pusher. I really enjoyed that part of it, I think it took about an hour and a half. I learned later the *average* length of pushing with first babies is over 2 hours, so Kay you had not been at it an inordinately long time.

One thing that always went through my mind was something my mom told me years ago. She said she pushed for a long time the wrong way before she did it right. She said, "Pushing correcting is like trying to poop out a football" It is the *exact* same muscles you use to poop, and I kept that in mind. My friend who recently gave birth said that advice and metaphor really helped her too when she was pushing. Gross as it is ::)
Dreamer, thanks for the description of how to push. I am trying to be more prepared this time. Last time, I just did what I was told.

I keep hearing that second babies tend to come earlier and faster than the first. I hope that is true, as long as she does not come too fast.

I am starting to worry about what we will do with A when I am in the hospital. We have no family in the state. My parents live 3 hours away. They have offered to come help, but they have never had A alone for more than a couple of hours. My parents are elderly and my mom has early stage Alzheimer's, so managing a very active, very willful 2-year-old is a bit much for them. They can play with her and keep her entertained for a couple of hours, but feeding her, changing her and forcing her to bed, and just generally keeping her out of trouble for several hours at a time, may not be do-able. We have friends we could ask to take her for the night when I go into labor, but that seems like such a huge favor to ask, especially since she is difficult to manage and will probably keep their baby awake. When A was born, they kept her and me in the hospital for two days after. DH was there most of the time. I am afraid I will end up alone in the hospital this time while DH is home with A. We used to live 5 minutes from the hospital, but are now 25 minutes away, so it is not a quick trip for DH to go home and check on A during or after labor.
Hi All!

This thread is a little bit overwhelming to keep up with...makes me wish I could go back to my little JPB thread! jk...

All this labor talk is freaking me out a little bit. Luckily, it still seems pretty far off.

Catluver - congrats on being 38 weeks! It must be weird to think about having the baby basically any day now. I hope you are still feeling comfortable.

RT - you look so cute!

Tao - WOW - only 1 lb!!

Skippy - such cute pictures of your twins, mama! And you look absolutely gorgeous!

Tiffany - you look awesome as well! I can't believe how cute you all look while I just look frumpy.

Kay - thanks for the advice on the clothes. I think I'm going to tell people next week (16 weeks) so I guess I won't have to worry too much longer.

Anyway, I've been uber emotional lately. I hate to blame things on hormones but this week has been a total rollercoaster. It's not really pregnancy related but I'm going to post it here anyway in case anyone has any advice? I got the news early this week that my boss/mentor/vice-chairman of our department/personal friend is leaving, effective end of May :(( It's bad enough that I will miss him as a friend and mentor but mainly it directly effects me in a bunch of other ways...Since I am planning on joining on as an attending after I finish my fellowship in June, it will fall a lot on me to pick up his clinic and surgical load. Which I think ordinarily would be a good thing but he is an extraordinarily talented and efficient individual and sees more patients than should be humanly possible (70+ per day!). And maybe it sounds lazy but I was kind of looking forward to the slow "building up a practice" phase while I have a newborn. Now I definitely won't have that. And I was hoping that since I would not be busy upon starting, the chairman would be flexible with my maternity leave and allow me a little bit more than the technical max 12 weeks. But now I'm pretty sure he won't be :(sad

Plus, the guy who is leaving has been heading up my specialty at the VA hospital for the past few years...the VA has always been a place I loved working and love the patients there and really do my best to get them the best care. I actually changed my fellowship to include more time there this year, even though it meant more hours and more patients for me. So I think I would be the logical person to take over that section of his job. But my other colleague who I really don't like much has seniority and apparently also wants that job (because he wants to infect the residency/teaching program with his own opinions). For a variety of reasons, it would be a complete disaster, and very bad for the vets and the residents. My leaving boss wants me to have it and my stupid colleague has a religious conflict which may make it difficult for him to attend that clinic so I still have a chance, but now I wonder if needing to take maternity leave, even if I only take my 12 weeks, is going to influence the chairman's decision of who gets it. Cause the clinic can't go 12 weeks without an attending so he will likely have to cover that time anyways, they may just give it to him :rolleyes:

In addition, my boss leaving is opening this huge hole in our department which the only way to fill is to promote some d-bags that he's been keeping at of them actually said to me yesterday "I'm usually depressed in February but since hearing this news I have a new spring in my step and I'm humming in the halls" :shock:. Of course I had no appropriate comment to his completely unprofessional statement, but seriously, what is this, a grade 6 sleepover? To say that to someone who you KNEW was his friend and considered him her mentor? What a d-bag.

The one possible silver lining is that my boss is opening up his own shop in's never been a secret I want to move back towards New England so my hope is that I can jump this sinking ship in a few years and he'll hire me up there.

Anyway, I'm sure this is way way TMI for the pregnancy thread...apologize for that...hope everyone has a great weekend and has fun celebrating V-day with your sweeties!
Basil: Sorry about the news regarding your boss. Medicine can be so political. Sounds like your Chair still has some say and should be able to help you get the position you want. Sorry the timing is so frustrating though. Ugh. On a good note, good luck telling everyone!!!

Kay and Pandora: Thanks for sharing your birth stories. Forceps are actually better than a vacuum when in the hands of a skilled operator, and it sounds like they were needed in your cases. I guess sometimes deliveries can be a bit unpredictable much like parenthood.

Dreamer: I like your push strategy, I will have to remember that in 25+ weeks!

RT and Skippy: love the bump pics!

:wavey: to everyone else, sorry I don't have time to reply to all.

DH and I leave for a blissful 8 days in Cabo tomorrow and I can't wait. I will miss the margaritas but I am looking forward to some sun and a good way to kick off the 2nd trimester! 14 weeks tomorrow!
Fly buy posting, just wanted to say hi and hope everyone is doing well.

We did a 3D/4D scan yesterday so I hope you don't mind if I post a pic or two our little Lorelei :love:

Happy Friday everyone!

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Hi ladies! Happy Friday!

Geri, congratulations!! Claudia is a beautiful name and I'm sure she's a beautiful baby!

Deelight, thanks for the welcome. I hope you have/had a Great last day of work today!!!

dcg, Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a great one. Sorry to hear work has been so busy and that you won't be able to get another look at the baby for a few more weeks!

random_thought, bummer about needing the rh- shot! hopefully it wont hurt too much! You look great. sorry to hear abough your ankles though!

kay, thanks for the welcome and for asking about DD. She is doing great - lots of fun these days though more work now that she's into that toddler "I-have-NO-control-whatsoever-over-my-impulses" stage... I hope your exhaustion has eased up a bit! And I hope you figure out what to do with A when you're in the hospital. Are your DHs parents a resource you could tap? We live far from family so my mom will come out to help with DD but I don't know what we would do if she weren't able to care for DD.

tiffany, you look wonderful! Glad to hear all is well. Like you, one of the things I will certainly miss about being pregnant is not having to deal with the litter box!

Skippy, thanks for the welcome! And for suggesting you appreciated that pity-party post I posted a while back - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has bad days. :)) It really is wonderful to be expecting but pregnancy isn't always so fun. You look great and those pics of the boys are wonderful! thanks for posting!

taovandel, wow - only 1 lbd!?! Good luck with the move next week! We'll be thinking of you!

Catluver, Thanks for the welcome! since I've only ever had a scheduled c-section, I can't offer any info on induction or L&D but I'm sure you're going to do great whenever your sweet baby is ready! Try not to worry about it and enjoy the little time you have left on your own!

basil, I'm so sorry to hear that you are dealing with such change and uncertainly at work! I can completely understand your feelings of frustration. You are a strong woman and I'm sure it will all work out for the best but in the mean time, I hope you find some ways to relax to relieve the stress of work.

modern, have a wonderful trip!! I hope you have great weather!

cupcake, Lorelei is beautiful! thanks for sharing!

hi to everyone else!
AFM, all is well. I'm showing more but I'm carrying so high (like I did last time) that to people who don't know me well, it just looks like I've gained weight. I'm trying to wear maternity clothes that accentuate the fact that I'm pregnant though. I feel better about my body changing this time since I know it'll (mostly) change back though I'm still envious of those who have cute little baby bellies! I really struggled with body imagine issues with my last pregnancy which was especially difficult since I've always felt comfortable with my body. I'm 5'4" and usually a size 8/10 and I've always had to work at staying relatively fit so it was surprising, how down I felt last time. I think it may have had to do with having to hide the pregnancy for so long since I was working then and also, not knowing if I would be able to lose the baby weight. This time, I think I'm a little more relaxed about it which is a relief. It helps to actually be experiencing the benefits of motherhood now with DD. The the first time you're pregnant, you have faith that motherhood it will be worth whatever difficulties pregnancy may bring it but you don't *know* form personal experience. Anyone else feel like that?

Speaking of teh joys of parenthood, DD is upstairs flighting her nap like it's her job right now so I should go try to soothe her but I hope everyone is well!

Hugs, Mrs
Thank you for the sweet words on my ultrasound pics of my boys!! :wavey:

TIFFANY, how are you feeling? LOL about bad baby B. :bigsmile: It will be interesting to see their personalities begin; lately they have been playing kickball at night and in the morning. Are yours pretty active?

BLEN, thanks, how are you? :bigsmile:

TAO, yay for 32 ish weeks; how are you? How exciting I bet it is starting to fly!!! :bigsmile:

PUFFY, thank you; how are you doing? :))

RT, cute bump. :))

TUCKINS, thanks, how are you doing? :))

CATLUVER, oh my gosh, you are in the home stretch, wooohoo; I am so happy for you! :bigsmile:

KAY, lol, yip one trouble maker. haha thanks, my preggo edd twin. How are you doing? :))

LV, your doula didn't do the perineal massage??? I guess that is on my questions to ask them; I always hoped they would. I am sorry they didn't. Your baby girl is just so beautiful!

BASIL, thanks for your sweet words. I am sorry that your favorite doctor is leaving and a lot will fall on you. I will cross my fingers that you get to join him in the near future. huge hugs and hope things somehow work out.

MODERN, please take your preggo friends ;)) w/you to Cabo; sounds soooo nice!! Yay for the 2nd trimester; have a great trip!!!

CUPCAKE, super cool and cute pics!

DEELIGHT, yay, wasn't this past week your last week of work? woot woot! :bigsmile:

MRS. your posts always speak to my heart so I can empathize w/this post too! I am 5'4 also and a ww. I am glad you feel better body wise this pregnancy; I had a really really tough time at first but now I am telling myself I will lose after the babies and my job now is make sure they are healthy. Thanks for speaking from the heart, you are awesome! :halo: hehe about your DD, how old is she? hugs


Any fun Valentine's plans?? Hubby was cute and decided to make banana waffles w/nutella spread for breakfast (we usually never eat like this) so it was a fun surprise! :D He makes me a heart shaped pizza for Vday as a tradition since the restaurants are nutty, so a nice low key Vday planned.

The babies love to kick in the evening and mornings! Mine just started kicking low and it made me say, woah, what is going on but then figured it out, oh boy! Do you notice a time when you baby kicks most often??

Well beautiful preggos have a Wonderful Valentine's Weekend and hugs! :wavey:
Skippy123 said:
MRS. your posts always speak to my heart so I can empathize w/this post too! I am 5'4 also and a ww. I am glad you feel better body wise this pregnancy; I had a really really tough time at first but now I am telling myself I will lose after the babies and my job now is make sure they are healthy. Thanks for speaking from the heart, you are awesome! :halo: hehe about your DD, how old is she? hugs

Thanks Skippy! It's a relief to know I'm not alone with these feelings. Sometimes I feel like a bad mom for not loving everything about being pregnant. And it seems somewhat taboo to talk about the sort of difficulties of pregnancy that are not just health related. As difficult as it may be to relinquish full control of our physical selves, our changing bodies are really amazing and you are absolutely right that it is our job to make these babies healthy. You WILL lose the baby weight and you will never look at yourself the same again. Even though I sometimes complain about them, now I almost feel proud of my stretch marks and saggy boobs. :)) DD will be 2 next month.

yay for feeling the babies so much! And yay for your cute DH making pancakes and pizza. That's so sweet. We have no Vday plans yet but I expect we'll stay in and make a nice dinner together. we'll see.

thanks again, mrs
Hi Everyone :wavey: ,

I haven't had a chance to write in for a gets busy. So many congrats are in order!
Bliss- Loved reading your birth story. I am so happy for you.
LV-I am not sure if I congratulated you (baby brain), but Hooray, Im so happy for you.
HOU-Congrats to you too. How is your little on doing?
Geri-I'm so happy for you and really enjoyed reading your birth story

RT-WOW you are looking super!
Skippy-I loved your 3D. Your twins are looking simply marvelous!
Tiffany-You look great. At 33 weeks with twin you look simply smashing :)-What is your due date? Yours and mine are fairly close assuming they dont induce you. My little on is due April 7th.


I'm still feel super. I feel like this pregnancy has been a gift from God in terms of health and over all feeling super. On our end we are busy putting our nursery together and going out as a couple as much as we can before we welcome the newest member of our family:)
Below is my 32+2 week picture. This baby is growing so much and I'm loving it!

TUCKINS, thanks, how are you doing? :))


Any fun Valentine's plans?? Hubby was cute and decided to make banana waffles w/nutella spread for breakfast (we usually never eat like this) so it was a fun surprise! :D He makes me a heart shaped pizza for Vday as a tradition since the restaurants are nutty, so a nice low key Vday planned.

The babies love to kick in the evening and mornings! Mine just started kicking low and it made me say, woah, what is going on but then figured it out, oh boy! Do you notice a time when you baby kicks most often??

Well beautiful preggos have a Wonderful Valentine's Weekend and hugs! :wavey:[/quote]

Hey Skippy! We are doing well... Feeling good and getting nice and round. I do notice that the baby is most active around 5 AM, periodically throughout the day, and then again around 10-11 PM. Last night he was up from 10-11 doing aerobics or god knows what.... It was cute, I can feel him go from one side to the other and watch my belly move with him. :) No big V-day plans, but I might have to suggest the banana waffles to DH, it sounds delicious!
DC Happy belated birthday sweetie :) hope work gets better soon - as for finding out the sex I went in at 18wks I am impatient :P it is possible- heck I tried to get them to tell me at 12wks but they could not see anything yet I also did an elective 3d ultrasound at 34wks to just make sure so I am pretty sure my little girl is a girl :).

Mere that story made me teary (in a good way) your little boy is such a cutie he has such a beautiful smile :)I lurk on the newborn thread - I figure I will be there soon enough *eeek*

Kay Being a FTM and a curvy girl I ordered a size up -mainly because I didn't know how I would gain weight I also carry most of my weight in my butt and thigh's (lucky me :rolleyes: ) and I found they fit really well maybe a little big so I would say they are fairly true sized 0- I asked a heap of questions before I ordered so I was sure enough of the fit if you want I can call them for you if you have specific questions otherwise I would likely email them - they are very helpful :) - hope you stop feeling so tired soon.

Kay your friends will likely be happy to help - having a bubs as well they also would likely understand - I would ask the worst they can say is no - is it possible for some of your or your DH's family to fly in?

Tiffany How seriously cute are you :)you look fantastic and so happy :D - I had to LOL at the kitty litter box I will miss hubby doing that as well :P

Skippy The easiest way to describe hiccups is like your tummy or VV (depending on where bubs head is :P) having a heart beat - it is a rhythmic gentle movement.

As for kicks around about 20wks onwards she would always kick around 6pm at night and when I went to bed she got uber active she has now slowed down a bit and just rolls every so often :)

Have fun on V-day sounds like you have a good day planned

Awww look at your little boys - so cute :) and you look fantastic twinkie mumma :) your bump is seriously cute :D

Tao WOW only up one pound I am jealous - I dare not think about how much weight I have gained.

RT Cute bump :)

Cat WOW your on the homestretch chickie YAY :):):):) - I would try not to worry about the possibility of induction to much - at the end of the day with birth I think what happens is going to happen hopefully you don't need to be induced but if you do lots of women have positive induction stories and as long as you and bubs are all good at the end of the journey that is all that matters :).

Something the midwives told us in our birthing class that really helped me to release some fear (mind you they worded this better then I am about to) is that being scared of the labour process is actually counterproductive as you inhibit your body producing the necessary hormones to progress naturally so the more relaxed you are the better if that makes sense - I think the fear of the unknown is the hardest but I keep telling myself women have been doing this for thousands of years and some even go back for more - so it can't be all that bad LOL ;).

I hope that makes sense :)

Dreamer Is there a reason why they don't allow food - my hospital actually told us to pack snacks just in case we want them - I have my stash ready - I asked about the case of a possible c-section and they said they can counter for the possible issues for that.

Dreamer I love your description of how to push the visual actually makes sense LOL

Basil Sometimes it feels like all the opportunities arise when your not at the best time to take them - I will keep my fingers crossed for you that it all works out.

I also don't think you sound lazy about wanting to build up at all - having a NB is a whole new ballgame but I think sometimes when faced with more then we can think to handle we sometimes just manage to do it because we have to or we are more capable then we think we are - I don't have the best advice to give sorry but I do hope things work out for you.

Cupcake awww she is so cute - looks like she is yawning :)

Mrs Glad your enjoying your body more this time around :) I was not thin to start off with so until I popped I just felt ultra fat and self conscious. I am still a first timer but I do tell myself - that it will all be worth it in the end, each kilo, stretchmark or pain it will be worth it soon I will know for sure LOL :)

Luvin You look so cute and thats great to hear you feel super :)


36wks and 2 days - and I finished work on Friday - OMG it is such a relief - this is going to sounds stupid but I am starting to finally FEEL pregnant - I have been really blessed and have felt typically really good but I think I have just overexerted myself these last few days and I am starting to feel achy (in my hips, pelvis legs, feet, back etc) and I am getting uncomfortable - I keep telling myself the pain serves a purpose and my body is starting to prepare itself for her arrival :).

It felt so weird walking out of the office for the last time for over a year - I actually felt really emotional like a whole chapter of my life has ended and a new one is beginning it makes all this feel oh so more real.

I have most of the stuff for my labour and hospital bag now - so now is all I have to do is wash and pack :) The list the hospital gave was quite extensive I have a few last things to get tomorrow but it is all almost done :)

I have my first of my weekly ob appointments tomorrow - what a way to spend vday :P but it is funny to think in 5 days I will be considered full term :o

Well I am off to wash some baby clothes and stuff for my hospital bag :)

Hope everyone is well
Just wanted to add - I have started to compile music for labour *open to suggestions* and feel like a right twat sitting here blubbering to songs that usually make me happy - ahh the joys of preggo hormones LOL

I have decided to add some ironic songs into the mix for the fun of it LOL