
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

LV - this was my sister's 3rd. The first was 9lbs 2oz and a 36 hour labour - but she had undiagnosed polyhydramnios (my niece had a cleft palate) which meant the head wasn't engaging properly. My nephew was 5 hours and weighed 9lbs 14oz. I reckon if she had another she wouldn't make it out the front door! Big babies run in my family - and no GD. Daisy was considered very small at 8lbs 3oz!

Sadly most of Daisy's cousins live at least 3 hours drive away. My sister and her family are also moving to Brisbane, Australia in March so I doubt we will see them for a few years!

Basil - if it was a mattress for a toddler bed I would say yes like a shot. For a new-born baby I would get a new mattress.
Dreamer, I agree with you on the exhaustion. At some point, it just becomes too much, and the need for rest becomes too great. I don't know how I would have made it through all of that pushing if I did not get some good rest first. That's awesome re: the woman who birthed those big babies naturally. Short labor seems to be the key! ;)) I am sure things will run much more smoothly this time for you. Everyone kept telling me that it was taking so long because she was my first, and that my second will be so much easier.

Basil, I'll retract my earlier comment re: the used mattress. I had no idea there was an increased SIDS risk.

Jennifer, Thanks for pointing that out re: SIDS risk. After reading a bit more about SIDS online just now, all I can say is :errrr: :errrr: !

Pandora, Those are big babies! How wonderful!
Cupcake: It might be a bit late but I am sorry about what you are going through with your friends. It sounds like you tried to be sensitive and they were not understanding of that. Hoepfully now that you are both prego they will relax and you can all celebrate together.

Skippy: Wish I could help with what you are feeling, maybe just the twins getting lower? I am feeling ok, still having some nausea but hoping it is on its way out!

Dee: The color you picked sounds amazing for the nursery. It will be beautiful. Please post pics when you are finished!

Bliss: What an incredible inspiring birth story. Congratulations!

Basil: I have the same problem with the acne. It is horrible. I feel like I am back in high school too! No suggestions as my kiehls face wash is not working, but I sympathize. Too bad my pregnancy glow is masked by a face full of acne!

:wavey: to everyone else. We are pretty much out to everyone now at 12 w 4 days and it feels good to be spreading the news! Work has been insane lately and I am looking forward to a lighter period coming up to get some much needed rest!
Modern - so jealous of you being "out". I am now having trouble hiding it and I'm a little paranoid. Hopefully people just think I'm packing on a few in the winter. It may be less noticeable than I think. I feel like it's SO obvious though. Hope your schedule gets better!

Jennifer, Kay, others - I knew about the recommendations for a new mattress and I would unquestionably if the mattress had been used a lot or if it was a stranger. I actually went and read the research and while the people who did the studies are not making it up, it's so hard to say what that might possibly be an effect of. Bacteria in the mattress? Toxic fumes? Dust mites? These seem like grasping at straws. And the Yankee in me thinks it's a horrible waste to put something so lightly used in a landfill. And the risk of SIDS to begin with is so so small. I don't know. Maybe I am a horrible mother already to consider putting my baby at risk, but maybe I'll just get one of those heavy duty mattress covers. Or maybe I'll feel guilty and get a new mattress. Or maybe I'll let my husband decide, that way it will be his fault... :rolleyes:

Anyway, thanks for the welcome!!

Visited my cousin's 18 month old daughter this weekend and got another cold. The 4th one this pregnancy!! I have never got so many colds in one winter. My immune system must be totally shot. So I'm home with my knitting and a cup of tea.

This is an example of a square from the quilt my mom is making to hang on the wall of the nursery. Different colors though. :love: :love: :love:
Loves Vintage|1296567891|2839209 said:
Kunzite, Thank you for your very nice post after S was born. I read your comment to my DH while we were in the hospital. I had told him previously about you and that O and S shared the same due date. I always showed him pictures of O, too, so he sort of "knows" you. He was so proud of me after the birth. Anyway, when I read your post to him, he had a huge smile!! Just wanted to pass that along. :)) I did want to ask you -- how much does O weigh now? I saw his recent pics in the mommy thread. He is so gorgeous!

Aww, LV, that is so sweet. It makes me so happy to hear how proud your DH is, he should be! I remember being surprised by how affected my DH was by the entire birth process. It's amazing! Oliver is 10 pounds 9 ounces today. Just another pound or so and maybe those Fuzzibunz will fit :cheeky:
Bliss, wow what an amazing and POSITIVE story..!! I don't know if I have told you this before but your writing always makes me feel like I know your innermost thoughts. AND you are seriously the most positive person on the face of the earth!!! EVERYTHING you say is about glass half full. I simply love it (esp since I am nothing like that HAHA!). You made me tear up reading about your DH and how it bonded you, we totally felt the same way. Congrats on your little baby bundle of blessed joy and so glad that you had a good experience even though it was not what you planned or expected....for us the end goal was simply the healthy little baby you hold in your arms. and OMG your belly is gone after 7 days? Are you a magical creature? Mine took forever!
Dreamer, those are some big babies for no pain meds! :eek: Good for her. Personally, I enjoyed my epi the first time and plan to sign up for another! I hope the stories about second babies being faster are true.

Modernsparkler, congrats on being “out.” :appl: I hope you get more rest.

Basil, that is going to be a really cute quilt! If we re-use A’s crib for #2 and move A to a twin, then we will likely use the same crib mattress. It is a very nice expensive mattress, that now costs $90 more than we had to pay 2 years ago, and I really don’t want to throw it out and buy a new one. Maybe I am a bad mom, but the studies have not convinced me there is a great danger in re-using for my second child, at least when I know how the mattress has been used (i.e., the very few leaks that have occurred have all been on the side of the mattress covered in 5-ply vinyl). I can’t recommend what anyone else should do though.

I am officially at 20 weeks now. Over the past few days, I have told everyone at work who I need to notify personally. It is a relief to be “out” now. I can finally wear comfier clothes! Unfortunately, when I dug my mat clothes out of the back of the closet this weekend, I realized all my mat clothes are warm weather clothes because A was born in October. I mostly have short-sleeve dresses that I wore to work with a blazer and sandals. I only have 1 pair of full-length pants, and it is just too cold for bare legs for at least a few more weeks. Since I have a 34” inseam, pants are always hard to find and mat pants are really hard.
I just wanted to share that I went to Starbucks today and had a spiced apple caramel drink and it was soooo good! No caffeine it but it really hit the spot on a chilly day like today. An hour later, Cayden must have gotten some too because he was having a little dance party :) I'll have to go back again for that one!!
random_thought|1296685271|2841125 said:
I just wanted to share that I went to Starbucks today and had a spiced apple caramel drink and it was soooo good! No caffeine it but it really hit the spot on a chilly day like today. An hour later, Cayden must have gotten some too because he was having a little dance party :) I'll have to go back again for that one!!

So cute! I swear I can tell when Ethan is enjoying whatever food i've been eating.... It feels like popcorn in there!

I do love spiced apple cider with caramel... Yummm! :lickout:
Bliss, I love your birth story! Congrats on your little girl's arrival. :D

Basil, I'm contemplating getting a nanny once we have two. There's a local parenting message board that has a section where people recommend their nannies to others when they no longer need them and where potential nannies advertise, and I know a couple people who have done it that way - I don't know if you have anything like that where you are? A nanny share is also a possibility for one baby, which would come with a lot of the same benefits but would probably be less money.

Question for second time mamas - when did you start to show, in comparison to your first pregnancy? I'm still at the bloated stage, but I showed so early last time and am a little scared of what's going to happen in the next few weeks. I'm 8 weeks tomorrow, and it was pretty obvious by 12 weeks last time. I'd like to avoid announcing until 12 or 13 weeks, but 10 weeks at the very minimum as that's when my first appointment is and I want to hear a heartbeat first!
Blenheim|1296701890|2841507 said:
Bliss, I love your birth story! Congrats on your little girl's arrival. :D

Basil, I'm contemplating getting a nanny once we have two. There's a local parenting message board that has a section where people recommend their nannies to others when they no longer need them and where potential nannies advertise, and I know a couple people who have done it that way - I don't know if you have anything like that where you are? A nanny share is also a possibility for one baby, which would come with a lot of the same benefits but would probably be less money.

Question for second time mamas - when did you start to show, in comparison to your first pregnancy? I'm still at the bloated stage, but I showed so early last time and am a little scared of what's going to happen in the next few weeks. I'm 8 weeks tomorrow, and it was pretty obvious by 12 weeks last time. I'd like to avoid announcing until 12 or 13 weeks, but 10 weeks at the very minimum as that's when my first appointment is and I want to hear a heartbeat first!

My belly is about 10 weeks ahead of where it was last time. ;))
Hello ladies,

So this will be my first official post in the Preggo thread as I am 14 weeks today and ready to join the big girl preggo thread :bigsmile: . I am so excited to join you ladies and look forward to taking in all the knowledge you all have to share.

First off, I want to say a HUGE congrats to Ms. Bliss. What an amazing birth story and might I say you are quite the story teller! You really made me feel like I was there with you going through it all and the details your give paint your story with such light. I am soooo happy for you and your DH and I bet you are elated to have your little girl home with you now. A send you a huge hug and can't wait to hear more about you in the newborn thread!

Dreamer, Modern and Basil - Glad to finally make the jump with you ladies. Basil, I really love that pattern and think the quilt will look lovely. Sorry to hear you got sick again, but I hope it passes soon.

To all the recently newborn mammas (Icekid, LV, Houie, Kunzite, etc) - I hope that you ladies will be able to sneak in every so often to offer your little pearls of wisdom, because I do appreciate your experiences, esp. since the little ones are out now, hehe.

To all my new friends in the preggo thread - I think I may to be too far behind to catch up, but I look forward to getting to know you ladies.

AFM - All is rolling along well with me. We got the NT results back and our chances for Downs and the other Trisomies (sp) was 1 in 10,000, so we feel much better about everything now. We will have to go back in about 3-4 weeks for the other scan (part of the quad screening), but we are hoping everything will be ok. We are also hoping that we will be able to tell our little ninja turtle's sex by then. Ohhh, the anticipation. Of course we want a healthy LO, but after that, DH is really pushing for a boy and I would really like a little girl. I guess we will know either way in a few weeks though ;) . Otherwise, I am starting to show, so the secret is pretty much out to everyone, including my work folks. My boss has been really understanding about everything so far, so that has been a big help.

Anywho, I look forward to sharing my journey with your ladies and can't wait to hear more about you all!
dc, congrats on 14 weeks!! great news with the NT scan.

blen, i was actually the opposite, i showed really early, like around 17 weeks with my first, and with my second, i didn't start to show til maybe 20+ weeks and with this one, i started showing around 24 weeks. but now at 28 weeks, i feel HUGE!

hope all the preggos are doing well!!!
CDNinNYC, thank you for the info on the acne med; good to see you!

KAY, the baby kicks are fun; did you feel them pretty early the second time around? Yay for 20 weeks and woohoo for comfy preggo clothes. You are halfway there, woot! I was in preggo jeans at 10 weeks from the bloat. I could wear pants up until 16 or 17 weeks I think but no more.

DEELIGHT, yay, so fabulous to be 34 weeks!!! It won't be much longer, yay yay! How are you feeling? you are so cute, w/the double baby kicks. hehe I can never tell if it is one kicking or both? I wonder if I will be able to later?

LV, I saw the beautiful pic of your little girl in the mommy's thread; she is adorable!

MODERN, I bet everyone is so excited for you; I think telling people was so much fun! Yay for 12 weeks!!! I think my babies were lower; glad they aren't like that now. hehe

BASIL, what a sweet quilt! I love it! You will have to post pics when it is done. hope you feel better soon.

Hi BLENHEIM, RT, DREAMER and TUCKINS. yay for kicks RT!

DCGATOR, welcome!! Glad the NT scan went well! That is exciting that people know now and are supportive at work!!

PUFFY, YAY for 28 weeks!!!! I bet you aren't huge but I do know the feeling. I was wondering the other day why I felt that way even though I have weight this much not being preggo; I guess the lo take a lot from mommas which is kind of cool to think we are growing a life, yay!


Yay this is so Exciting to have many Barely Preggos over in this thread; :bigsmile: it will be wonderful to read your journey and chat!! I am so happy for all of you beautiful preggos!!!

20 weeks today!!!!! I am HALFWAY there, Woot! :D I have my US on Tuesday so it will be good to see the boys again and bigger! I found some super cute baby clothes for my boys for super cheap; I probably won't buy more as I will probably get lots from family but it was fun buy some gorgeous sweaters that I didn't want to regret not buying later.

Hope all you wonderful preggos have a great week and stay warm!!! :bigsmile:
Random_thought and Tuckins, I love the images of your little ones dancing along enjoying your meals with you. :bigsmile: I remember how A danced after sugary treats in the 3rd trimester.

Blen, I think I started showing a couple of weeks earlier this time. I definitely could tell the difference in my bare belly earlier. With careful dressing, I managed to hide it pretty well until 20 weeks with the 1st, but I think it was getting obvious by 18 weeks this time.

DCgator, congrats on 14 weeks and welcome! :wavey: Those sound like good NT results. :appl: That’s great that your boss is supportive.

Skippy, congrats on 20 weeks! :appl: Isn’t it amazing to be at the half-way mark?! From what I recall, the second half feels both very slow and very fast, lol. It feels slow because you just want the LOs to be here already, but the time for finishing all the “projects” runs out so quickly. It’s so much fun buying the tiny cute clothes. I want to run out and buy stuff even though we already have tons of girl clothes from A and I’m sure the relatives will send more no matter what I say. :rolleyes: With A, I didn’t feel any movement until after 26 weeks, so I was starting to get nervous because all the PS mommies seemed to be feeling movements earlier. Of course, once she started kicking, there was no stopping her! This time, I think I have been feeling movements for the past two weeks. Sometimes it is hard to tell if it is the little bean or just a muscle spasm.

I am having a hard time finding a name I really like this time. We used our 2 favorite girl names as 1st and middle for A. I have a list of 10 contenders DH and I have each deemed acceptable, but I am just not feeling like I have found "the one." I have tried a couple name websites without much luck yet. Where do you look for names?
DD - Haha, that would put me at starting to show the day that the baby was conceived. :lol: It's probably slightly different when you start showing super-early the first time.

Puffy and Kay - thanks also for weighing in. It seems like it's probably going to be a crap shoot then. I can tell that my uterus is already bigger than it was last time around.

Kay - I think that the Beyond Ava and Aidan/Beyond Madison and Montana name books are pretty helpful for ideas. (Pamela Ro-something or another is the author. Helpful, yes?) Instead of being organized alphabetically, they're organized by style. I find that a lot of the names we liked are clumped into one or two of her stylistic sections, which helps with ideas that seem like "us" without wading through every letter of the alphabet.
Kay- have you tried the website or It will suggest names for you based on names that you like (so you could put in your daughter's name and then they will give you suggestions).
Kay, there is an app for Android (and probably one for iphone, i'm sure) that helps you narrow down baby names... We put in the middle and last name, and then it cycles through random names, putting it all together for you. You can throw away the ones you hate, and keep the ones you like, then look back at the ones that kept coming up. We already had some names that we liked, and it did actually keep suggesting those names over and over... I guess it could tell our "style" from our answers.
Just popping into say, YAY!!! and congratulations, Miss Bliss!!! What a wonderful story you wrote for did you find the time to write that?! I still haven't gotten mine onto paper yet! LOL!

Even though I'm not posting I'm still lurking and enjoying watching all you ladies progress through your pregnancies, and I always send little happy thoughts all around!

Ellie and I are doing really well, BFing is going better now (was hellish for awhile) and she's growing!! Already gained almost 1/2 lb and grown an inch above her birth numbers at 2 weeks!! :) They grow and change so fast.
DC - yeay for the good NT results! I know you were on the fence about doing the test...are you glad that you opted for it? I guess that's an easier question to answer since the results were good.

Skippy - Woohoo for 20 weeks! I hope your ultrasound went well!

Blenheim - that's an awesome idea about the parenting board...I will have to look into it. I don't know anything about parenting boards in my city though. I know some of my colleagues have used/use nannies so I may ask them more about how they found them once I am more "out" at work.

RT - spiced apple cider sounds so good...will have to try that next time I go to SB. Though I do love a good (decaf) skim latte too...

Kay - I'm inspired that you've kept things under wraps for 20 weeks. I hope I'm so lucky. Do you mind if I ask what you wore in the last month or so? I've been trying to keep things secret at work and I've been wearing belted cardigans and such that are naturally bulky around the waist so people hopefully think it's clothes not bump. But then I don't know if this just makes me look bigger?

Anyway, I had the cutest conversation today with my patient. This man was an 80 year old veteran and as I start examining him he asks "so have you got a baby in there?" My jaw about dropped to the floor, cause I was wearing baggy scrubs and I'm only 14.5 weeks so not huge yet. I murmured something like "uh yeah, most people don't notice that though!" and he went on to tell me about how he had 6 kids - 2 with his first wife who passed away young, then another and a set of twins with his second wife and then they adopted he has several great grandchildren! And then he told me all about how kids were great and how he was so excited for me. Work is so pleasant when people are nice!

On the other end of the spectrum, a coworker that I don't particularly get along with very well just asked me if another coworker is pregnant, cause he hadn't noticed before...and she is about 30 weeks and about 90 lbs to start with, so not like she wasn't showing! And this guy's wife just had a baby like a month ago, so I would think he'd be more intuned. But oh well. I just won't ever tell him I'm pregnant and see how long it takes for him to figure it out. And when he does, see if he has the guts to ask me directly :evil:
basil|1296863929|2843427 said:
Anyway, I had the cutest conversation today with my patient. This man was an 80 year old veteran and as I start examining him he asks "so have you got a baby in there?" My jaw about dropped to the floor, cause I was wearing baggy scrubs and I'm only 14.5 weeks so not huge yet. I murmured something like "uh yeah, most people don't notice that though!" and he went on to tell me about how he had 6 kids - 2 with his first wife who passed away young, then another and a set of twins with his second wife and then they adopted he has several great grandchildren! And then he told me all about how kids were great and how he was so excited for me. Work is so pleasant when people are nice!

Aww what a nice man!

I'm just stopping by for a drive by psa! Several of my friends had told me while they were pregnant that they would get on their hands and knees and then drop their arms so they were resting on their elbows and that it would kind of move the baby off their pelvis and relieve some of their backpain. Well it's does...until the baby's foot floats into your ribs, le sigh! :nono:

Also yesterday dh bought one of those plastic back massagers and gave me a great massage! Those things are MAGIC! :love:
Basil - I found out about the local forum from a couple of area moms who have BTDT lately. Your coworkers may be a great resource on your area once you are out.

basil|1296863929|2843427 said:
Kay - I'm inspired that you've kept things under wraps for 20 weeks. I hope I'm so lucky. Do you mind if I ask what you wore in the last month or so? I've been trying to keep things secret at work and I've been wearing belted cardigans and such that are naturally bulky around the waist so people hopefully think it's clothes not bump. But then I don't know if this just makes me look bigger?

Ditto this! Only, I am running super hot and as a result am not wearing cardigans. Heck, I'm not even wearing a winter coat half the time, as it makes me start to sweat profusely within seconds of stepping on the metro. Gross.
Delight! you have not been around for the past few days, I hope everything is well with you! :wavey:
Dreamer WOW that is amazing - 10 and 11 pounds are pretty big but I guess it all depends on the circs :)

Modern thanks :) I hope so we plan to use these decals along one side of the wall thought I would post them if any of the other mummies are looking for ideas hubby and I actually both liked these :)

Congrats on the second tri :)

Basil aww that quilt cube is so cute :) love it :) and your paitent sounds so adorable :)

Kay congrats on 20wks :) so exciting - I found some of the most comfortable items for maternity have been maxi dresses - you don't even have to get maternity ones so relaxing and so comfortable if you can wear them to work - good luck finding pants, it can be such a pain.

as for names I would recommend the suggestions depending on what you like already are generally pretty good :)

DC Welcome officially to the thread :) and congrats on the NT scan results - it is always relieving to get good results back :)

Skippy congrats on the 20wks :) so happy for you twinkie mumma :)

Hou and LV glad you guys swung by sounds like you ladies are doing well - can't wait to join you in the NB thread soon :)

Hot awwww your a sweetie - I saw your name and rushed in here :) thanks for checking up on me just have had a massive few days but good :D


So as I said I have had a massive weekend - did my antenatal classes - so highly recommend these if for no other reason then seeing the models of a NB size and real life NB's really puts into perspective how tiny these little ones are they are much smaller then you think- when you think about pushing out something this personally makes me feel like - OK I can do this :D

The classes were awesome - the physio class was great - ahhhhh massages from hubby :love: and in the class they showed us how to bath a real life baby - OMG my heart melted the baby was just beautiful I can't imagine what I am going to feel like when I meet our little one.

The excellent thing about the class was they really put things into perspective - I walked and actually for the first time feel like I can do this - really I can I know I have said this more then once in the last 3 paragraphs but I have been so fearful of the process that watching birth and seeing the end results just puts it all into perspective or maybe biology is just kicking in and making me more prepared :P

Also so wicked - OMG brilliant no other way to describe it :D

This little one keeps dropping lower and lower she keeps me entertained - at 35wks and 3 days I am finally starting to actually feel pregnant - I know this sounds stupid but I am really starting to feel heavy and achy - on well only 4 DAYS LEFT of work - I am determined to do this :)

I think it was Noelwr who originally posted this but with so many new preggo's coming in and with so many graduating and knowing that my journey is coming to a new beginning I think it is just nice to reflect back on the things that I have loved/will miss and won't miss about being pregnant... I would love to hear other peoples responses :)

These are just a few .....

Things I will miss and have loved - the kicks and the rolls and most of all the hiccups - bubbies that is :), the closeness and the connection and actually will likely miss the belly.

Things I have loved is watching my body grow, and the amazement of creating a whole new mini me and DH and this amazing sense of peace I have with myself at the moment - I lost my mother when I was very young so I am so looking forward to having a mother daughter relationship soon :). And finally how much more I have grown to love my DH over the last months - somewhat feels like as my belly grows so does his place in my heart :).

Things I won't miss Feeling hot all the time (as in the heat) and the swollen feet and the peeing LOL and the random body comments from losers :P

I think I am feeling all nostalgic - must be the hormones LOL

Hope all you ladies are well

P.S Geri If your lurking your doing well baby mumma and recovering well :)
Fellow Preggos, have any of you experienced anemia during your pregnancy? What were your symptoms? I have had anemia before (I used to have REALLY heavy flows...) Recently I have been experiencing faintness, weakness, and leg cramps, which I know are symptoms. When I called my OB, they told me to just eat more vegetables.... (I eat very healthy- lots of fruits, veggies, dairy, and lean protein, plus I eat regularly). I didn't find that answer acceptable AT ALL. I will be going in to my regular doctor to get my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin. WWYD if your doctor gave you "advice" that just didn't sit well with you? Do you just listen because they are the doctor, or do you be a PITA and insist on getting checked (because it's your body and you know when something is off)?
Tuckins1|1297096138|2845602 said:
Fellow Preggos, have any of you experienced anemia during your pregnancy? What were your symptoms? I have had anemia before (I used to have REALLY heavy flows...) Recently I have been experiencing faintness, weakness, and leg cramps, which I know are symptoms. When I called my OB, they told me to just eat more vegetables.... (I eat very healthy- lots of fruits, veggies, dairy, and lean protein, plus I eat regularly). I didn't find that answer acceptable AT ALL. I will be going in to my regular doctor to get my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin. WWYD if your doctor gave you "advice" that just didn't sit well with you? Do you just listen because they are the doctor, or do you be a PITA and insist on getting checked (because it's your body and you know when something is off)?

I would look into natural ways to increase my iron, and perhaps take a vitamin as well with iron. Beyond that, what can you do? I suppose there are industrial strength prescription iron pills, right? If your tests come back poorly they would most likely act, would they not? Your symptoms may just be normal pregnancy too, or low blood pressure which many women get when pregnant.
Tuckins- I hope Pandora sees your post. If I remember correctly, she had anemia issues that effected her labor/delivery. I'm sure she will have advice for you.

Bliss, congrats!!! You sound so amazingly positive. Props to your DH for being so great. Hope you are enjoying your little one.

Welcome to all the new members. I’m on my way out but it’s good to have you here.

DC, yay! So glad you are here now. You have so much to look forward to :)

Tuckins, I have anemia that is genetic and exacerbated by pregnancy. It doesn’t have anything to do with my iron levels. My dr. has checked my hemoglobin twice. Sometimes I feel lightheaded but I haven’t fainted; my dr. said if I were to faint then I would have to get blood transfusions. I would definitely insist on getting checked, don’t think of it as being a PITA but doing what you need to to keep you and your baby safe.

Skippy, congrats on 20 weeks! The 2nd half of my pregnancy has flown by while the first half seemed so slow (waiting for the all the tests and test results).

Kay, thanks for sharing about your plan last time with leaving work. What you did sounds like a good idea with your condition. Do you have the same condition this time?

Miscka, thanks! How long do you have left?

Dee, mine is still an innie but just barely. It used to be absolutely huge and deep so it’s interesting. Good luck finishing everything, you sound excited.


Fortunately I finished my big project last week at work so now I am just working on transitioning and cleaning my office, which is a huge relief. I am resigned to wearing hideous maternity dresses to work because I can’t fit into any of my pants anymore.

Question for those who have given birth before, did you definitely feel your baby engage in your pelvis? I’ve read that people describe it as feeling like there’s a bowling ball in between your legs/crotch and feeling the head right in your pelvis. I don’t have that at all; he’s still sitting way out and over in front of my pelvis (further stretching out my belly skin and making it painfully itchy), and I wonder if I will be able to push him out if he doesn’t ever lock into place? I’m at 38 weeks now.
Dreamer_D|1297096427|2845607 said:
Tuckins1|1297096138|2845602 said:
Fellow Preggos, have any of you experienced anemia during your pregnancy? What were your symptoms? I have had anemia before (I used to have REALLY heavy flows...) Recently I have been experiencing faintness, weakness, and leg cramps, which I know are symptoms. When I called my OB, they told me to just eat more vegetables.... (I eat very healthy- lots of fruits, veggies, dairy, and lean protein, plus I eat regularly). I didn't find that answer acceptable AT ALL. I will be going in to my regular doctor to get my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin. WWYD if your doctor gave you "advice" that just didn't sit well with you? Do you just listen because they are the doctor, or do you be a PITA and insist on getting checked (because it's your body and you know when something is off)?

I would look into natural ways to increase my iron, and perhaps take a vitamin as well with iron. Beyond that, what can you do? I suppose there are industrial strength prescription iron pills, right? If your tests come back poorly they would most likely act, would they not? Your symptoms may just be normal pregnancy too, or low blood pressure which many women get when pregnant.

Thanks. I guess I was just put off by the fact that I was telling them that something felt "off", and they told me to "eat more vegetables"... I already supplement my diet with high iron foods and take pre-natals. I expected them to advise me to have my blood drawn again, especially since they told me it was low last time. I don't think i'll be staying with this doctor after the baby comes.
Tuckins1|1297110642|2845803 said:
Dreamer_D|1297096427|2845607 said:
Tuckins1|1297096138|2845602 said:
Fellow Preggos, have any of you experienced anemia during your pregnancy? What were your symptoms? I have had anemia before (I used to have REALLY heavy flows...) Recently I have been experiencing faintness, weakness, and leg cramps, which I know are symptoms. When I called my OB, they told me to just eat more vegetables.... (I eat very healthy- lots of fruits, veggies, dairy, and lean protein, plus I eat regularly). I didn't find that answer acceptable AT ALL. I will be going in to my regular doctor to get my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin. WWYD if your doctor gave you "advice" that just didn't sit well with you? Do you just listen because they are the doctor, or do you be a PITA and insist on getting checked (because it's your body and you know when something is off)?

I would look into natural ways to increase my iron, and perhaps take a vitamin as well with iron. Beyond that, what can you do? I suppose there are industrial strength prescription iron pills, right? If your tests come back poorly they would most likely act, would they not? Your symptoms may just be normal pregnancy too, or low blood pressure which many women get when pregnant.

Thanks. I guess I was just put off by the fact that I was telling them that something felt "off", and they told me to "eat more vegetables"... I already supplement my diet with high iron foods and take pre-natals. I expected them to advise me to have my blood drawn again, especially since they told me it was low last time. I don't think i'll be staying with this doctor after the baby comes.

Yes, it is not very responsive, no doubt about that.