
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congrats on the positive home test, Qtiekiki! Like others have said, it''s pretty rare to get a false positive on a test, so even though you''re still waiting for the "official" results, I think it''s safe to congratulate you!
Very exciting news!!

And, Stephen''s Bride, so glad you checked in -- and with photos too!! Sabrina is just adorable! That second photo is just too cute for words
SB--Sabrina is sooooo cute!!! I just want to take those chubby cheeks and kiss them--i love a squishy baby face--i hope i have a plump little bean--sooooo adorable!!!!

Lili--Yep, the ''extra two months pregnant'' look after a meal is a problem of mine as well --i am eating smaller meals but more often (helps a bit) but with the holiday season on the way it''s going to be hard! Holiday baking and meals out with friends are plentiful and it''s so hard to exercise restraint when you are hungry 24/7 and good stuff abounds!!!
I thought being preggo over the winter was great for hiding extra weight--but then I remembered xmas overindulgence and how come springtime all will be revealed

Random thought of the day:
--anyone putting up a stocking for their unborn child? I was thinking of getting one of those tiny stockings (the kind you can put gift cards etc. in) and attaching it close to mine--is that just silly or cute??

Ella--i think i am going to go for the co-sleeper--it just seems like the most natural/easiest thing to do. When you start using it in a couple of weeks (!) you can give me a report
Qtiekiki- good luck and hoping for good news from you dr. i agree with the others though that a false HPT + is very rare..

SB so glad you check in, Sabrina is such a cutie pie..

lili- the girls have tried to feel the baby move but haven''t been successful yet. In the coming weeks as he gets bigger they will have a better shot at actually feeling him. i think the kicks are still just too light for them to really know that it was a kick...
qtiekiki, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Looking forward to going through your pregnancy journey with you. You'll get lots of support on this board.

SB, Sabrina is just gorgeous!! Love the photos, keep em coming. Hope you had an easy labor and delivery. You must share your birth story when you have time.

ella, you look AMAZING!!! I can't believe you have 2 babies in there! You are ALL belly. It will be gone in no time once they're out. LOVE your new avatar too--soo cute!!!!

lili, I'm laughing about your "after a meal" belly!! I swore mine was HUGE every time after I ate and at the end of the day. So glad you're having fun with all the movement in there!

Tacori, I'm STILL waiting for my push present!!! I thought I wanted one of the SP maternity rings but now I'm thinking a charm necklace with a charm that has Lily's name and DOB on it and an emerald (her birthstone). Then I can add other charms if (when?) I have another baby. DH said he's on board to buy it for me, I just have to tell him EXACTLY what I want! And do not worry about the weight. It will come off! Just give it some time. The only thing I can't guarantee is that your body will ever look the same even after the weight is gone. That is what I'm struggling with now but it's all worth it.

jas, I'm the superstitious type so I bought VERY little before the baby was born and didn't even have a shower until I was 36 weeks along! While it's definitely a cute idea, I probably wouldn't have a stocking for an unborn child but that's just me, I'm the nervous type!! I have a friend who is about 22 weeks pregnant and sent me a gift signed with her unborn daughter's name and I got all freaked out! I think it was just the way I was raised but I'm super paranoid about that stuff!! I'm sure others will disagree with me and I hope I'm not offending you or anyone. I'm just giving my perspective.
I''m with Curly and am too superstitious to get anything personal for the babies yet other than necessities -- and even those I felt nervous buying! Like I was thinking that this would be a good time for me to write out holiday cards since I''m just sitting around all day, but then I was like, "Hmm, I can''t sign the babies'' names yet since they''re not here, but I''m not going to send them out withOUT their names since they WILL be here soon" so now I''m just waiting till they''re born to do the cards (although I''m sure at that point, we won''t bother sending out cards at all!). Also I totally want to personalize their little baby quilts but won''t do anything like that until they''re born.

Curly, I''d be freaked out too if someone sent me a card signed by their unborn child! And I think the charm necklace sounds really cute
Any photos of what you''re considering?
DH is really cute. He is really excited and can''t wait to tell people already, but I told him to wait til we get blood test back and after our first OB visit. I just want to make everything is fine first. I am usually not superstitious, but I am a little bit with the baby news and being more careful. I feel a little silly, but I just rather be safe than sorry. I think like you curlygirl. hehe.
Ella (love that avatar btw--so funny!!!!) and Curlygirl--that''s interesting, i totally didn''t even think about that. I was more asking is it cheesy/silly or cutesy (wasn''t intending it to be overly symbolic or anything) but it brings up a good point. I guess I think my ''baby'' (as in fetus) is still fully my child at this point. Especially as I type and it''s kicking up a storm ;-)-- even though it is unborn (don''t know if that makes any sense).
Although personally I would not sign my unborn child''s name on an xmas card--i do know of ppl who have (and I get things addressed to me that say ''and baby'' all the time). I guess I''ve never really thought about it all that closely b/c i am not superstious at all.
This is all too deep for a friday afternoon-hehe

---looking foward to the weekend (the start of xmas parties and the yummy goodies that go with them---geez, i swear alllllll i do is think about FOOD

Hope everyone has a good one!
It''s been raining beautiful baby girls on this post thread the last five months! They are all just gorgeous! Lily, Tessa, Sabrina, Delaney, all cute as buttons. I''ve been jumping around on this thread trying to follow folks who''ve delivered in the last few months, so if I missed any other new moms and their darlings, it was not intentional. Congratulations on your cutiepies!
Congratulations, qtiekiki!
Sabrina is darling! I was wondering about you SB!

qtiekiki, congrats! wishing you lots of sticky dust!

Ella, I want a band style ring (either pink sapphire or citrines)
I can't find a ready made ring I like
and custom is
so who knows what I will get...

ETA- thanks holly!
SB, Sabrina is adorable and so cute!!!

Qtiekiki: congratulations!! when do u get the blood results back???

ellaila: u look GREAT for being 35 weeks preggo WITH twins!!! u are all belly thats it!!! u look totally awesome!!

Tacori: Dont fret about the WILL come off, but as long as u just pay attn to wat u eat u''ll be fine..and i agree with the rest...ur milk supply WILL get affected if u decide to drop off the weight suddenly...
Is pumping suppose to hurt? I find it really uncomfortable. Maybe I have it on the wrong setting. Also when do you know to move up to the next size of diapers?

ETA: by the way cafepress is DANGEROUS! I just spent WAYYYY too much money on baby Ts/onesies. They are just so funny and cute. I got DH a "dady's girl" and "little ultimate fighter" (he loves UFC) for x-mas. I am going to make them from Tessa. The rest...I just couldn't resist.
Here was Tessa's first thanksgiving outfit (in her daddy's arms). She looks a little scared in this picture...

Here is her hat (that she wore for a few minutes anyways...)

Tacori Tessa is just adorable!!! she looks so cute !! love the outfit..

as for expressing/pumping, what model are u using? I had the Medela Electric pump and it was really had a setting where u could control the pressure, and id start off with very lite until i would express a little and would gradually increase the pressure..this really helped in the sense that my breasts were not 'shocked' into motion by all that sucking/pressure...also i have noticed that if i use the 'cupping' method and try to stimulate the breast with a little preassure, the flow would also increase...

It WAS very uncomfortable at first, but then you get used to it..but if ur constantly in agony, then u mite not be placing it rite or the pressure mite be too high for u...most models have a little leaflet that shows u exactly how ur suppoused to put the shiled around the breast and how to hold the pump...perhaps that can help?

ETA: i usually moved up one size with the diapers based on the weight scale that was on the bag...once my boy reached close to the 'max' weight, id jump one size so that it would be more comfortable for him..
Thanks msb! It was her first holiday.

I have the medela single deluxe (I think it is called). It is the most basic one. I have the setting on pretty light. Maybe I am not holding it right....I was pumping FOREVER last night and could only squeeze out 1.5 oz. Also is it normal to itch like crazy? Maybe it is my breast pads (I wear them daily). So annoying though!
Ha ha, Tacori, yes, I agree that cafepress is dangerous -- that''s where I got the THREE twins t-shirts a few months ago ("Real Men Have Twins," "Expecting Twins," and "Babe/Babies")! I could''ve searched that site for hours on end

And oh, look at your Tessa!!
She is just so so cute, T! Can''t wait to see how cute she''s going to be in her little Christmas outfits!

And thanks, everyone, for the belly compliments!

So here''s reality hitting me: we had met a couple in a few of our multiples classes and they were also on our hospital tour by chance, so we exchanged info. She was two weeks ahead of me and ... they had their babies yesterday!! I mean, yes I know that we''re having our babies in two weeks, but it still seems so abstract to me. But for some reason, seeing the photos of them with their babies makes it seem more real! YIKES!

I made an appt. for a manicure on Tuesday. Yay, a reason to get off my couch!!
We wound up going out last night to get a futon, and to Pier 1, and to the supermarket, and UGH, that was way too much walking for me. As boring as it is to be sitting at home all day, I really do think that I need to do it as much as possible because any amount of walking around just hurts me too much
Plus people look at me funny, with a "Umm, shouldn''t you be in a hospital instead of a futon store?" expression on their face, so I''m getting tired of feeling like a slo-mo elephant whenever I''m in public. But anyhow, enough whining ...
i used to use breast pads all the time too...but there are the types that have certain oils that is suppoused to moisturize your nipplesw which didnt work for me at all..and even though i always wiped before i breastfed, after a while i noticed like a little rash appearing around my son''s cheek where it would touch my i immediately stopped and went to the plain cotton brand (i used Avent for a while and was happy with it)

i have noticed that if i tried to manually squeeze to let the milk come out first (manually stimulate the nipple) and then put the pump it also no time u''ll be able to pump 5 oz...

I have also always used Avent''s nipple cream after i was done pumping to avoid it cracking..i think it really made a big diff. with me...
Oh, Tacori and SB your babies are sooo precious! I love seeing baby pics.

And ellaila, look at theat beautiful belly! My sister and I were born at 30 weeks, so it always makes me so happy to see twin pregnancies get closer to term!
Thanks for your help msb! I am so excited. She latched w/o the nipple shield. By breast was so full though (I couldn''t even compress it) so I had her nurse with the shield for 10 mins. or so (to empty it a little). Then I tried it w/o it and she FINALLY latched. I think once her mouth gets bigger (and I try it more) I can hopefully retire the shields. Tessa is one month today. I need to take a photo to celebrate. She seems more alert and can focus more on objects (like toys on her swing or faces).


I was thinking yesterday of the two things that really make life easier.
1. my snap and go stroller. Best $50 you can spend. Seriously. Even though I do have a full size this one is so much easier for quick errands or when I am alone (really light). It is small so easy to get in and out of tight spaces (like in the mall). I love it!

2. My nursing tank tops from Target. They are $16.99 and come in 3 colors (black, white and gray). Supportive enough to wear w/o a bra. I wear these ALL the time (with a hoodie or cardigan over) and you can nurse so easily (and discreetly if need be). I wish they came in more colors (I am sure maternity stores have them in more colors but Target is so easy for me).

Date: 12/1/2007 3:28:58 PM
Author: anchor31
Oh, Tacori and SB your babies are sooo precious! I love seeing baby pics.

And ellaila, look at theat beautiful belly! My sister and I were born at 30 weeks, so it always makes me so happy to see twin pregnancies get closer to term!

Thanks anchor! My brother was born at 28 weeks (singleton). It was a rough road at first. My aunt was overdue with her twins so I guess you never can predict when babies will come (Tessa was a week late the stinker).
Tessa is so precious! What a little doll!
Keep the pictures coming. hehee
aw tacori, tessa is just soooo cute, love the pics..

i can offer no advice for the pumping b/c it hurt me so much I didn''t do it. I probably gave up to quickly, it was just so much easier at the time to just nurse although very time consuming. this time i''m going to start the baby on forumla bottles at around 3 weeks so I can switch back and forth easily. at least that''s what i hope happens.
Awwe Tacori-
Tessa is such a cutie. Love the picture with her hat.
Can''t wait to see how you are going to dress her up for X-mas.
Can''t believe that it''s been a month already.
Tessa''s grown so much

Hope you find something you like and within budget for your "push present"
I think combining it with the x-mas present is a great idea.
I''m trying to get hubby to combine my push, anniversary, and birthstone together.
Heck, I''ll throw my b-day in as well if it means upping the budget.

I think the charm necklace is so cute.
I like the fact that you can add your future kids to it too.

You are so close!
Are you nervous?
Oh my gosh, baby Tessie is just soooo cute.
Love her outfit. I can''t believe she is 1 month old already!! Can''t wait to see more pics of her as time goes by.
Thanks everyone! Okay, here is two photos I took yesterday. This was after we got back from a walk. We used her bundleme for the first time. She fell asleep during the walk.

This was during the photo shoot. I figured the onesie was fitting for her since she took her sweet time coming into this world. She looks bald (the sun was hitting her head wierd) but it was the first smile I have been able to capture with my camera. I love her expression.

ETA: Her arm is in the way but her shirt says "I was worth the wait."

So this is the front runner for my "push present". Even though I wanted all sapphires this is a really good price and I can''t find what I want ready made ANYWHERE. What do you all think???

Tacori, Tessa is absolutely precious!!! Love the shirt too--she was definitely worth the wait!!! I think the ring is gorgeous. GET IT!!!!! Or rather, make DH get it for you!
Date: 12/2/2007 2:11:43 PM
Author: curlygirl
Tacori, Tessa is absolutely precious!!! Love the shirt too--she was definitely worth the wait!!! I think the ring is gorgeous. GET IT!!!!! Or rather, make DH get it for you!

Thanks curly! Lily is precious as well. Too bad we don''t all live in the same city.

I think it is funny b/c I really wanted rose gold with pink sapphires but I do think that band is pretty. There are a total of 3 pink sapphires, and who doesn''t love more diamonds?!? I want to wait to see how my finger size is affected (so I need to lose most of the weight) before we order it. It is half of the price of the custom quotes I was getting. If I was going with blue sapphires (if it was a boy) I would have NO problem finding what I wanted ready made
I guess pink sapphires aren''t as popular...