
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I''d use the cabbage trick with caution because it is only recommended for those experiencing engorgement. Cabbage leaves have a certain enzyme that will dry up your milk supply and is most frequently used by mothers who need pain relief while trying to wean very quickly or stop breastfeeding altogether.
According to my BFing class don''t use cabbage unless you are trying to dry up your milk
Ella I tried the Gerber cool packs. They do feel nice. I ordered some soothies. I''ll let you know what I think. Make sure you slap some Lansinoh on before you take a shower. Makes a HUGE difference! Can''t wait to see pics of the twins!!!
so, just got back from my 24 week check-up. i''m up 17lbs so far, so not quite as much as I thought so that is a good thing b/c I sure feel like I''m getting huge and just over half way. next visit is the glucose and then 2 week visits after that. so, crazy how fast time seems to be flying by.....
Glad you had a good appt., MrsS! April still sounds like such a long ways off, but it''ll be here before we know it. Have you guys discussed names yet for your little man?

Tacori, what are soothies? Anything new going on with Tessa?

Can someone please tell me when these godawful night sweats will go away?!
It''s funny but when I sleep on the couch, I don''t get them, but when I sleep in our bed, I wake up absolutely soaked. I''ve told hubby about it, but he got to experience it this morning firsthand when he climbed into bed (he had the couch shift last night) at 6 am and made the mistake of going to my side of the bed b/c he thought it''d be nice and warm. He was unpleasantly surprised. Ewww.

On the positive side of postpartum life, I''ve dropped 35 lbs already!!
20 more to go -- whoo hooo!! That''s what happens when you spend your entire days and nights breastfeeding and pumping and you have no time to eat. Not a diet I recommend, but it does work with shedding lbs, that''s for sure!

Jas, even if the cabbage thing did work, I''m not sure I could deal with sticking cabbage in my bra. Just the thought of it kind of grosses me out! I think I just need to pump more often to keep on top of the supply and not let myself get engorged. Any advice your coworker has on how to get through the first few weeks/months, I''d be happy to hear!

Photos coming up next!
mama''s boy

G before his growth spurt!

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our sweetpea katelyn

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grandma (MIL) holding the babies together -- very sweet expressions here! Katelyn is "smiling"

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Just too adorable for words. I like the elephant striped outfit.

I especially like the last picture with Granny holding them both. You can see how tiny they are when you compare their hands to hers.
ella, they are just too precious. I still cannot believe you have 2 the same, you are superwoman!!!
Ella, they are just darling!!!!
Oh, those twins make my heart skip a beat. They are too precious and so beautiful. Ella, your comment earlier made me you can''t imagine having a single baby since you have two. I totally get that now. I always thought having 2 kids period would be too hard. But I can''t remember life without Delaney, and it almost seems easier now that she''s here. I think you just settle in to whatever your situation is and that''s that! If you & the Mr. have any more kids & wind up having a singleton, you are going to feel like its too easy & wonder what to do with all the free time. LOL. They are truly so beautiful & I''m almost jealous you get two babies while the rest of us only got one!
What a blessing for your family. You are a great mom!

Curlygirl, Lily is sooooooooooo adorable, her smile is infectious! She makes me smile just looking at her picture!

Chrono: More pics from you too girlfriend. also, I keep wanting to ask you, is that stone on your avatar your stone? Its DELISH.

I finally got my xmas cards out YESTERDAY. lame. And I only did DH''s coworkers & bosses and a few out of town friends we never get to see. (DH works from home, so his boss is 2000 miles away and his "team" is all over the west coast, so we never see them...xmas cards are a good way to acknowledge them).

I just have a few more gifts to buy, but I''m not stressing...I do need to go to the dollar store today & buy wrap & tape as well as head off to the market to order my prime rib. :-)


Thank you, I love it too. Yes, my avatar is my Jubilee diamond from GOG. I've been itching to upgrade it and have been waiting for 3 months for the shipment of newly cut Jubes to come in. Still no sign of it though...
Don't sweat it about Xmas cards. I think everyone understands how busy a new mom is that many don't really expect a card.
MrsS....time''s flying by!

Ella, so precious. They are so tiny. Soothies are for sore nips. They are hard to find so when I saw them online I figured I would try them.
all the pics are adorable!!! ur babies are all so cute..keep the pics comin''!!

Ella: Good luck with the B/F...hope your ''girls'' are feeling better today...

Im still suffering thru the sleepless nites..i have ran out of ways to try to comfort him enuf to sleep thru the nite...

BUT i have noticed that both his upper and lower gums have swelled quite a bit more than usual and they look a bit soar (and im sure thats whats causing him all the pain) im hoping its not too long before those teeth start poping out!!
Mine''s teething too: swollen molars, major drooling and apetite changes. I only just discovered this a few days ago. I can''t believe his back teeth are sprouting this soon. Aren''t they growing up too quickly?
Chrono: i know! I can''t believe he''ll be turning 9 months soon...good luck to Baby C!! hope his teething isn''t too bad....

as for the drool!! dont even get me started...his bibs/tops are constantly ''wet'' no matter how much wiping i do...i sort of gave up on him having a dry face...
Ella--those pics are great, I am with Diver--i am jealous that you have two
they are just so lovable (of course, this is coming from someone who doesn''t have one yet!Getting a little carried away here-- hehe)
I''ll ask Jenn (my coworker) about the twin BF , she might have some more specific tips

Chrono & Tacori----eeks--i didn''t realize the cabbage actually dries up milk--my doc didn''t metnion that
I''ve only used it for a few minutes at a time to sooth itching so i didn''t look into it too much. My mom used it all through BF and I don''t think she had that problem but she wasn''t leaving it in her bra or anything--it''s good to know!
Well I have been cleared for all activities (too bad all I want to do is sleep
) He said my stitches were dissolved and I was all healed. No sign of infection on my nipples so that''s good. He said the itching was b/c they were probably dry. Better slap on some more lansinoh! The nurses and staff were all going crazy over Tessa (they yelled at me when I didn''t bring her with me for my last appointment). She slept through the whole thing like a good girl. Then we ran some errands. So I am always impressed when people hold the door open for me (I mean I do when I see a stroller too) and kind of peeved when they don''t (I actually help it for a guy who didn''t even thank me
) there was this mom and we helped each other. Her baby was 9 weeks and HUGE. I thought she said 9 MONTHS at first. His head was twice the size of Tessa and he weighs 14 lbs already
Tacori: Glad to hear everything checked out A Okay!....its sweet how Tessa slept thru the whole thing...soon enuf she will be more active and gone will be the days where she''ll sleep thru running errands :)..but those days are amazing....they are so curious to everything around them and look around at everything.....
Glad you passed the "test", Tacori. Sometimes I think back to the days when all Baby C could do was lie on his back and look around. Today he is toddling around and I feel a pang of sadness when we turned his car seat around today. He was super excited to be able to see me driving and look out the window, etc. He was trying to make eye contact, giggles, and just generally be funny and cute. The days of sleeping while running errands are over for us. Enjoy every bit of it while it lasts.
ella - the twins are adorable.

I went to my first prenatal visit today. I am almost 8 week, and we were able to see the baby and the heartbeat in ultrasound. We were so excited.
Date: 12/22/2007 2:06:53 AM
Author: qtiekiki
ella - the twins are adorable.

I went to my first prenatal visit today. I am almost 8 week, and we were able to see the baby and the heartbeat in ultrasound. We were so excited.

That is great news!!! It must be so nice seeing the tiny little black/white dot on the screen that represents the heartbeat :)
Merry Christmas to all the mommies, mommas-to-be, and PS babies!! Big hugs to you all!
Tacori, how is sweet pea doing with the urping?

I LOVE all these babykins photos!
Just wanted to wish all the momies and preggies Happy Holidays and the very best in the New Year!!
2008 will bring many changes for all of us!!! From becoming a mom for the first time, or adding another bundle to the family it is bound to be an exciting, challenging and wonderful year!

I started my 3rd Trimester on Christmas eve (yay!) and with it a new set of annoyances (old ski racing hip injury is giving me grief right now--that extra 20+ lbs is finally taking its toll on me) and sleeping is, well....intersting. I think this child is nocturnal--s/he is pretty quiet during the day but a night, oy! This kid has a better night life than I''ve had in years...wakes me up constanly and DH thinks it''s hilarious when he wakes from a deep sleep to to the sound of me negotiating sleeping arrangements with the baby and asking it why it insists on being *wide awake* at 4am....yep, hilarious alright

i also think that i''ve become gimungous in the past 2 weeks---i honestly can''t imagine how i''ll walk by March, and i know, i know, i''ll get much much bigger--I am carrying super high right now and already have trouble getting my boots on --i can''t bend anymore.
Did anyone else feel this way at the start of the 3rd-- please lie and tell me you did even if you were still loving pregnancy and were as nimble as can be
Date: 12/26/2007 10:11:04 PM
Author: Jas12
Just wanted to wish all the momies and preggies Happy Holidays and the very best in the New Year!!
2008 will bring many changes for all of us!!! From becoming a mom for the first time, or adding another bundle to the family it is bound to be an exciting, challenging and wonderful year!

I started my 3rd Trimester on Christmas eve (yay!) and with it a new set of annoyances (old ski racing hip injury is giving me grief right now--that extra 20+ lbs is finally taking its toll on me) and sleeping is, well....intersting. I think this child is nocturnal--s/he is pretty quiet during the day but a night, oy! This kid has a better night life than I''ve had in years...wakes me up constanly and DH thinks it''s hilarious when he wakes from a deep sleep to to the sound of me negotiating sleeping arrangements with the baby and asking it why it insists on being *wide awake* at 4am....yep, hilarious alright

i also think that i''ve become gimungous in the past 2 weeks---i honestly can''t imagine how i''ll walk by March, and i know, i know, i''ll get much much bigger--I am carrying super high right now and already have trouble getting my boots on --i can''t bend anymore.
Did anyone else feel this way at the start of the 3rd-- please lie and tell me you did even if you were still loving pregnancy and were as nimble as can be
You sound like me when I was carrying my daughter. Sleeping was hard becuase I carried so high. Bending over to pick up anything let alone tie shoes was a chore....But it''s all worth it in the end. Does that help??
If it makes you feel any better, my hubby helped me pull up my pants (when my back hurt too badly) and tied my shoe laces when I couldn''t bend down anymore during my 3rd trimester. I got smart with #2 and wore slip on formal shoes to work so that I didn''t need to fuss with shoe laces anymore.
jas, i''m right there with you. still not huge but i sure *feel* huge and know i''ve still got a ways to go. all the holiday goodies sure don''t help either

i hope everyone had a wonderful holiday too!!!
Oh Jas, you have my sympathies, sweetie! Being pregnant makes you feel so vulnerable at times -- like when you need your hubby to tie your shoelaces for you or to help you off the couch! If it makes you feel any better, you can just keep telling yourself, "At least I won''t get as huge as Ella did"
I think I mentioned this before, but fuzzy-lined Crocs were a lifesaver for me the last few weeks. They were the only shoes that I could get on and off easily (and that fit!), and they are nice and warm and comfy-cozy. Probably not all that practical for a snowy Canadian winter, but they were the best $40 I spent during my pregnancy, I swear!

The third trimester is full of discomfort, it''s true, but as Kaleigh says, it''s worth it in the end. And the pleasure that you get from starting to feel normal again a few weeks postpartum is pretty great, I gotta say! I went out today by myself for the first time since having the babies three weeks ago, and I loved it! I went to BRU, and I didn''t park in the Expectant Mother parking spots, I didn''t pee even once in the store, and I was able to actually walk around the whole store and carry things by myself -- ahhhhhh, it was sooooo nice!!! But as you''ll hear people say, you sorta do miss some aspects of being pregnant once you''re not pregnant anymore. For nine months, you are "the pregnant lady "(or "the fat lady who''s having twins!"), so once you lose that identity, it''s a little weird!

So, our little babies are becoming a LOT more work these days! Gabriel is eating around the clock -- it''s a full-time job feeding him. Quite time-consuming. He''s actually putting on a crapload of weight too, so I was starting to get concerned about why he wants to eat all the time and about whether we were overfeeding him, but the dr. says that though he is eating more than he should need to at this stage, if he''s hungry then we''ve got to feed him. Babies, unlike grownups, shut themselves off when they''re full and they really won''t overeat. We''re going to try to soothe him with pacifiers too just in case he''s actually just wanting to suck and isn''t truly hungry, but I think that he IS truly hungry. He roots for the breast, he always takes the bottle or breast, he never spits up (so we''re not forcefeeding him). It''s really hard trying to feed him ALL the time and to take care of Katelyn too! I love him, but he''s a bit self-centered, that little three-week-old bugger
We''re a bit concerned too about reflux with both babies, but we''ll give it a few more days and see how things go. We got a Haberman nipple for Katelyn, because the lact. consultant thought that maybe she was having issues with flow, and she seems to be doing better with that. If you guys don''t know about them, you should check them out -- they''re very cool. You can control the flow better, and they can have the nipple (or teat in this case!) in their mouth and not have any milk leak in if they''re not sucking. So it''s more like breastfeeding where the baby can pause and relax a little bit between sucking, unlike with a normal bottle where the liquid pretty constantly dribbles into the baby''s mouth even if they''re not sucking on it.
Anyhow, off to enjoy the remaining few minutes of downtime before a baby wakes up!

How''s everyone doing?