
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Have a wonderful trip!!! Stay safe and let us know how the land of OZ is!!!
Date: 12/12/2007 4:53:54 PM
Author: Chrono

I just had a thought about how to help Tessa latch better without a shield. Do you know how to do manual hand expression? Maybe if you are too full, you can hand express a little (or pump) to make it a wee bit softer and easier to latch.

You are right. That would help. Honestly I hate pumping. I emailed Medela to see if I could get a bigger breast shield (I think that is part of the problem). The funny thing is I don''t think my boobs are THAT big but obviously I am wrong

When did BFing moms start to notice a weight loss? I haven''t really been trying but I was hoping to make steady progress. I haven''t really noticed the numbers going down (after the first few weeks). I do think my belly is smaller (but I have a long way to go to my former body). What permanent changes did everyone see (like wider hips for ex?) Does your rib cage ever go back to normal?

Tessa has been sleeping ALL day. I am a little worried about tonight. Maybe it''s a good thing.
Tacori: I had to get bigger shields for my Medela pump ... here is a link to the Medela Personal fit replacement sheilds. They have small to XL (36mm). I am very small chested with small nipples and I had to have larges. So there ya go. I was fitted at the lactation clinic by a LC for them. How about grabbing the Avent hand pump? Its really easy to use & helps take the edge off engorgement & is quite easy. Cheap too. you could use that instead of hauling out the big pump just to get started.

As for weight loss...every body is different, but anecdotally, a lot of women don''t lose weight until either A) Breastfeeding is well established, so your body is not so protective of your fat stores, and/or B) you wean. I think the longer you breastfeed, the better your body works--so it will get back to its normal weight sooner or later, but Tessa is still so young, its way too soon to expect that of your nursing body. I didn''t lose weight with jake until I weaned him...and with Delaney, it all fell off in the first two weeks and I was not nursing. So go figure. But everyone is so different. I think you shouldn''t worry about it for another month or two. Just make sure you are drinking a lot of water & not eating crap. Eat healthy foods. But I''ve heard so many times that you don''t lose that last 10 lbs until you wean. your body wants to make sure it has enough fat to protect your milk supply in case of a food shortage.

TGal: Have fun in OZ!

I''m tired....

nighty all!
I hate the Avent pump. The shields are too small for me but Medela''s standard shields fit me just fine. Go figure. I think my breast is normal sized (at least for nursing moms) but my nips are larger?

I just let my weight go until at around 3 to 6 months. Just eating normally as best as I could (I was ravenous all the time), I lost 1 lb a week easily. With my 1st, I could not lose the last 10 lbs until after I completely weaned him. It looks like it is the same with Baby C. If I try really hard, I can go down to within 5 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight but it was a struggle, my supply dipped and my body really wanted to keep it 10 lbs over. I''ve stopped stressing over it because it looks like I''ll only be able to do it after weaning Baby C too.

Your body needs the extra fat to help produce milk, so take it easy and slow. Regardless of nursing, pregnancy will change your body forever. My rib cage went back to its original size but even after weaning, my cup size didn''t shrink much. It stayed one size larger. My shoe size increased by a 1/2 size and obviously my butt and hips are wider.
I have come to terms with this and love my body the way it is, flaws and all. Hubby has made absolutely no disparaging comments whatsoever because he understands what I have been through. He still thinks I am hot and I still have to fend him off sometimes.
This does not mean that I don''t take care to watch my weight; I still stay fit (more important than weight) and take care of my appearance.
tacori, i hated pumping too so i just never did it. lily actually never even took a bottle, went straight from nursing to a cup. as for the baby weight, I guess I was lucky b/c it fell off me really quick both times. I was back in most of my normal clothes 2 weeks after I gave birth and i was probably completely back to my pre-baby size within 6 months, even while nursing. My boobs did shrink though and never recovered after I quite nursing both babies. my hips and butt went back into my jeans, but also was working out, teaching spinning 3 days a week and doing other stuff on the days inbetween so i think that can speed up the process as well. I must admit to being nervous with about the weight loss with this one though. i''m older and not working out like i was so i know i''ll have more of a battle ahead of me. I''m already planning to join a bootcamp class at our gym as soon as i get the ok from my dr. to excersise in hopes that it will help me along. i think trying to eat as healthy as you can now and getting in a little excerise, even daily walks with Tessa would help. there is also a group called *stroller fit* or something, where mom''s get together with their babies and strollers and walk to music etc. you might check and see if they have one in your town, it would be a great way to meet other mom''s, to get out and exersise and be fun for tessa too.
Ella, CONGRATULATIONS! gosh, I juuuuuuuuuuuuust missed you on my last post, and I''ve been in a whirl since then. I come back to find pics and everything!

They...........are..............PRECIOUS! So adorable. Glad to hear your labor was SO FAST (holy cow!), and that the babies are doing well.

Date: 12/7/2007 9:27:30 AM
Author: Jas12

i came home from work the other day and said to DH ''Ella''s water broke'' so yesterday he asked me ''how are the twins!!?''
THIS.....this is the essence of what I love about PS. We come to know each other SO well that even our spouses/SOs in real life know a bit about our ''friends'' and ask about them.

My husband is always saying "Oh, say hi to Mara!". I just think it''s the cutest thing.
I saw your post about your finger/ring size in RT. I figured I''ll post my thoughts here since you check this thread pretty regularly. This depends on the individual. I am one of those lucky ones who was able to wear my ring until about 30+ weeks and put it back on at around the 6 week postpartum mark. I have also heard that there are many women whose knuckles swelled and never returned to their original size despite returning to their pre-pregnancy weight.
Diver, thanks for that site! Might be be answer to ALL my problems. Looks like there is a converter that will work with my pump so maybe I can use the shields they gave me at the hospital (she fitted me).
I hope I don''t hold onto all the weight until I ween. I would understand if it was a few lbs but I have 25 more to lose!
Yes, I was huge. Tessa and I have been taking walks since we''ve been having a heatwave and I probably will hit the treadmill once I have more energy and my doc''s okay. I HATE working out but I hate my new body more. I have always been petite so for me this is tough to deal with.

Chrono, my shoe size seems to have increased too. I am hoping my rib cage will go back in. I just noticed how thick it made me look (and I always have had a thin upper torso). About Rainy''s hubby thread she very well may not have her fingers increase but I would hate to spend money on a beautiful ring and have it happen
JMHO though. I stopped wearing my rings around 26 weeks I think. But I HATE having tight rings. Rather just not wear them.

MrsS, you are my hero. Seriously I could never work out or look like you. Haha! That''s ok though. I am sure your body will recover beautifully. You look so tiny. I should look into a baby/mommy exercise class. Maybe it would be more fun than the standard. Maybe a dvd as well? Problem is I am SOOO tired right now the thought of working out makes me want to take a nap!
Tacori, just relax, woman. With my 1st baby, I was really concerned too. Now, after the 2nd, I''m less worried about it. Maybe because I know what to expect after the 1st pregnancy and partly, I know it is harder to lose the baby fat as one gets older. A lot harder once you are in your thirties. Also, remember, you are only 6 weeks postpartum. Your body and internal organs are still recovering and rearranging. Give it a bit more TIME!
Date: 12/13/2007 11:29:58 AM
Author: Chrono
Tacori, just relax, woman. With my 1st baby, I was really concerned too. Now, after the 2nd, I''m less worried about it. Maybe because I know what to expect after the 1st pregnancy and partly, I know it is harder to lose the baby fat as one gets older. A lot harder once you are in your thirties. Also, remember, you are only 6 weeks postpartum. Your body and internal organs are still recovering and rearranging. Give it a bit more TIME!

Date: 12/13/2007 11:29:58 AM
Author: Chrono
Tacori, just relax, woman. With my 1st baby, I was really concerned too. Now, after the 2nd, I''m less worried about it. Maybe because I know what to expect after the 1st pregnancy and partly, I know it is harder to lose the baby fat as one gets older. A lot harder once you are in your thirties. Also, remember, you are only 6 weeks postpartum. Your body and internal organs are still recovering and rearranging. Give it a bit more TIME!

ditto everything chrono said. 6 weeks is such a short time and most dr''s don''t really want you doing much of anything but resting and recovering. you also had the added days in the hospital messing with your recovery. don''t worry, it will fall off. keep trying to get as much rest as you can and on days you feel up for a walk or something, go for it. i''m sure your going to be able to get your rings back on too.
Tgal--have a safe and wonderful tip ''down under'' i am really envious. Sunshine would be devine right now. Eat some TimTams and a decaf long white for me please

Tacori--i have heard so many different things about weight loss post pregnancy (the good the bad the ugly) and this issue seems to be like pregnancy---no one is the exactly same. But don''t fret--i''ve had friends who gained a huge amount while peggo and were freaking out around 2 months when nothing was coming off--but it eventually did and most are down to pre-prego weight within a year. I know, it sounds like forever, but no one but yourself will expect instant slimming.
But I know, I totally feel your fear--I think i''ll have a battle ahead of me as well--I look at clothing I wore just 6 months ago and can''t even imagine fitting into it again
My ribs have also expanded so much and since I didn''t have a well-defined waist to begin with I am terrified i''ll be even more square looking....i now affectionately call myself Sponge-Jas-Square-Chest. What woman go thru eh?!!!!......just look at beautiful Tessa for a reminder why we do this pregnancy stuff.
Don''t worry too much about the weight loss.
I don''t think many will shred their pounds like MrsS, Diver and Curlygirl

I''d be happy as long as I don''t gain any more weight after L&D.

In terms of your body going back to your pre-preggo, I''ve seen different things.
I see most people''s ribcage do go back to the way it was.
The hips and feet vary from people to people though.

You are probably enroute to Oz right now.
Anyway, enjoy your vacation!
Tacori: yeah, you can''t worry too much & no one knows what your body will do until it does it. Just remember, there is always the WWT group on here, Weight Watchers (my personal fave &they have a program for nursing moms---but don''t do it online, go to the meetings, MUCH more effective & fun that way you can bring Tessa) and all sorts of fitness programs.

As for when to do exercise, the only way I even get it done is to do it in the morning. By lunchtime I''m wiped out.

Here are some links to mom/baby stroller classes....these are great! Just search to find a class in your area.


Its a long process...a minimum of 9 months up, 9 months down. I think the medical rule of thumb is, if you haven''t lost your baby weight by babies 1st birthday, then you are at risk of keeping it & that''s when you should start crackin the whip. I lost most of Delaney''s weight right away, BUT I''m still 19lbs overweight because I NEVER lost all of the Jake-baby-weight. I have a ways to go. And since I''m done with my baby-having for good, I can concentrate on it.

As far as bodies ring size is weird. I weigh less now than I did when pg....but my fingers are bigger? My rings fit when I was pg until the end, but now that I weigh what I did in the 1st trimester, they are SO TIGHT. WTF???? My shoe size didn''t change, nor did my hips, but my torso is a mess. Very padded & "insulated" right now. I can get all my old jeans on, but I look like the Michelin man in them. Tires a poppin'' over. LOL. What can you do? Take it day by day, and really DON''T WORRY about it for a few more months. Just buy a couple of flattering outfits and a few pairs of jeans you feel good in to tide you over. Get your hair cut & colored, buy some new makeup & have a manicure. Wear lipstick. Those things help A TON!

Ok...have to have a mommy brag moment....

My favorite thing to do with Delaney? DANCING! I put her in her bouncy seat, put on some salsa/latin pop & do salsa in the kitchen & she just rocks out --- flailing her arms & legs with a big goofy grin on her face. So fun....she looks like she wants to join the fun. Too cute.
That''s great. Nothing is better than working out a sweat and entertaining your baby at the same time.
D sounds like she''s going to be a very active little girl.
Thanks for the support ladies! I love you guys!
I know I just have to get over it. I guess I am just sad b/c in all of Tessa''s first x-mas pics I will look horrible. Oh well. Maybe I''ll just have to make sure I am not in any
Jas you are 100% right. I love Tessa and if having a child meant never losing the weight I would have still done it. Luckily that is not the case. I just tell myself at least I have lost half but being 5''1", 25 lbs looks a whole lot more on my small frame
I know what you mean about being small framed.
Every pound just shows on us.

Fortunately I love the neutral and dark colors
At least that sort of help with giving me a slimmer look
Tacori, I love the new pics of Tessa; I can''t wait for you to hear her laugh too! Baby laughs are toooo precious!

Diver, I love the new pic of Delaney posted a few pages back!!!

NJC, what a cute little santa baby; I love them fat baby''s!
Lili, only complete darkness is going to make me look thinner
Oh I am sure 6 months from now these feelings will be a distant memory.

Skippy, thanks. I told DH I couldn''t wait to hear her giggle and he said "wait, she''ll giggle?"
He got excited when I explained to him that yes, she will laugh out loud one day.
Diver I am so annoyed! So I finally got the return label for my boppy and the letter said when they get it they will send the replacement. Well that is great for them but now I am going to have to have a naked pillow (and we are leaving town next weekend) and she is a spitter...not a good combo. So I am going to have to go BUY a new cover which is just annoying!
I hope Tessa''s spitting will be under control by the time you guys head out.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Finally had a few minutes to catch up on my reading

TGal, wishing you a belated safe flight and a great time in Oz!!

Tacori, read your other thread on Tessa, and I hope your little baby starts feeling better soon! Your dad is a gyn/ob, right? You''re so lucky to have such a great resource on hand! In one of my twins books, there''s a Tessa, and I think of you every time I read on of their stories
Keep us posted on how she''s doing and whether or not she''s going to need that surgery (I haven''t read that thread yet today to see if there''s been an update ... )

Lili and MrsS, you gals look adorable!! I miss those first few months of feeling cutely pregnant -- enjoy it! How are all the preggo ladies feeling?

Jas, hard as it can be to cut back on your activity, if the doctor tells you to rest, then REST! It''s SO important to take care of yourself when you''re pregnant b/c you are the baby''s only life support right now, and a rundown mommy isn''t helping your little one any. I guess maybe because I read so many preterm labor stories from twins moms, I know how scary it can be to deliver early, so I really want you to take care of yourself, young lady!
(Now that I''m a mom, I can talk like that.)

DiamondSeeker, to go back to a question you asked a week ago, it''s common for moms of multiples to start pumping immediately to get the milk supply up and running to feed more than one baby. I started pumping my first night in the hospital and have been doing it many times a day ever since. I talked to my friend yesterday who told me that she only pumped once a day with her single child, and I was in shock!! To all you pumping moms, how often do you guys pump? I''m supposed to pump after every feeding -- so, 8-10 times a day!! I''d say I do it more like 5 times a day on a good day -- there''s just not enough time to get it done. I gotta say though that the milk is def. coming in stronger now, so it helps to see my hard work paying off at least

njc, your Jon is such a little cutie pie!! Oh, I''m all feklempt here looking at the cute little PS babies! How are you feeling these days? I''ve had a taste of the baby blues the past few days, and yes, the crying can just be exhausting. I think mine is a combo of hormones, frustration with having my MIL here (she''s a huge help, but I''m just annoyed with her being here -- the little things are driving me nuts! Like the fact that she rearranged a bunch of stuff in the kitchen for no reason whatsoever -- ummm, I like my dishes where we''ve had them for the past five months, thanks!), still feeling so clueless with how to handle two babies at once, and on and on. Some things come naturally (maternal instinct, I guess), but so many things DON''T, and feeling helpless and lost is a scary feeling when all of a sudden you''re responsible for a baby''s/babies'' well being. I hope you start feeling better soon, sweetie! Are you able to get any time to get out and just go for a walk, get a latte, get a manicure, or anything to have some "me time"?

Chrono, wow what a week you had there!! Glad Baby C is feeling better (you still owe us photos from his birthday party, lady!! Unless I missed them?) and that your hubby''s back is better too.

Re: pumping ... I also had to get bigger breast shields per recommendation by my lactation consultant, and it''s made a HUGE difference in the comfort level. My boobs aren''t that big (36C right now), but I''ve got big nipples, and they were rubbing up against the sides of the tubes when pumping, and that was pretty darn painful. I also slather them in Lansinoh before every pump and so far, so good. No cracking or irritation, and just moderate soreness when the babies first latch on but it goes away within about 30 seconds. I''ve figured out how to hold both sides with one arm, so at least now I can browse the Internet or change TV channels or something while I''m pumping, so it''s not so godawful boring anymore.

As for Gabriel and Katelyn, they''re doing great
They had their first pedi appt. on Tuesday, and Gabe is still slightly below his birth weight but has grown taller, and Katelyn actually was up an oz. from her birth weight and also taller! Gabe is an eating machine (did 40 minutes on the breast this morning and was in a total milk coma after), and Katelyn is pretty good at it too -- she''s not as consistently good as he is, but when she''s good, she''s really great (I think her record is 25 minutes)! Other times though, I just give up and give her formula or bottled breast milk. Gabe makes the *cutest* noises when he eats -- he meows and purrs, I swear! I call him my "gatico hambriento" -- my hungry little kitten
Katelyn is still a teeny tiny little peanut, but she''s definitely starting to look "older" now. My little peanut girl, she''s so adorable it just kills me! All her clothes *swim* on her and unfortunately so do diapers, so she soaks through everything all the time, the poor thing. She''s been so alert since the second she came out of my belly, and even though they say she can''t see beyond what, like 8 inches from her face right now, I swear she''s taking everything in the room in, the way her big eyes roam all around -- so funny!

So for the most part, they''re two happy little buckaroos, and I just love ''em to pieces!! It''s funny how all single baby parents are like, "I couldn''t imagine having two!" because I couldn''t imagine having just one baby!

Holy crap, this is a long post! Guess I''ve missed you guys
Oh, and a quick question -- any of the moms here had c-sections? I don't think any of you have ... ? I'm just curious about people's recovery times ...

On the topic of c-sections, here's some info I figured I'd pass on that I hadn't known ahead of time:

1. Oh, the gas!!!! One of the worst pains from the whole surgery was the gas pains. And not just in my stomach (where they press up against your incisions, making lots of uncomfyness) but everywhere in the body -- the shoulder, near the ribs, etc. I was drinking decaf tea and walking the halls as often as I could to try to relieve some of the pressure, and I guess that helped somewhat, but YIKES. I did not expect to have such painful gas.

2. The swelling. I had some ankle/feet swelling near the end of the pregnancy but it was nothing compared to what my feet looked like when I got home from the hospital. They were HUGE. I guess being pumped full of liquids when in the hospital will do that to you. Keeping my feet elevated -- and I mean *elevated*. Not just resting on a pillow but resting on a stack so my feet were waaaaaaaay up in the air -- for two nights while I slept has returned them back to their normal size finally though -- hallelujah!!

3. Taking care of babies is hard -- taking care of babies when your belly is swollen and full of gas and you can't get off the couch and you're in pain is beyond hard. Like everyone tells you, take the help when you can get it. I didn't want to admit at first that I couldn't be SuperMom right away, but once I started resting more and letting my MIL make me sandwiches and do all those "But I can do it myself!" things, I started feeling better.

4. Nurses are wonderful people. (Dani, I was thinking of you when I was in the hospital!) Truly. We had one nurse in particular that I just wanted to throw in my suitcase and take home with us.

5. No matter how miserable your recovery is, it's all worth it in the end. The pain is temporary -- the love of your babies is permanent
Hi Ella!

Its so great to hear from you!!!! I am so happy that you and the babies are doing well!!! Thank you so much for your kind words. Its wonderful to know that some people really do appreciate what you do for them (sometimes you can get down about feeling like no one cares and appreciates the care you give them). But anyway, when I read you broke your water, I was so excited for you, and I made sure to say a little prayer for you and the babies ....that everything would go smoothly, and I am so thankful it did!! Looking foward to lots and lots of pics!!!!!

Its so exciting and I am so happy for you and Q!!!! What a wonderful early Christmas pressie you both received....its such a blessing to have healthy and happy children!!!!

Best of luck with everything!!!!
Lili, thanks.

Ella, so good to hear from you! Sounds like the twins are doing great (as are you mama!) My dad is actually a pediatric anesthesiologist. He works in the delivery unit a lot giving epis. My FIL is a former ER doc (now a GP). So between the two of them it does help, like this morning. I guess I will post this in both of my threads.

Around 8 am Tessa was hungry and I have been SO sore lately. She must be latching wrong b/c I have cracks and pain. Anyways I decided to let DH give her a formula bottle (she''s been having them maybe 5 times a week (once a day) to give me a break). She SUCKED it down very quickly (which was probably the first problem). She threw up all 4 oz right away. It kept coming out her nose too. We actually sucked out the formula with the bulb thingy they give you at the hospital. Well she was obviously upset but still rooting so after we changed her I began to nurse her. Well, nursing was not going well b/c her nose was still stuffed and she couldn''t breathe while nursing. Then I noticed her face was getting red (like right before she cries) but she was also getting raised white bumps (like hives) all over her face. Alarmed I called DH over and we examined her. She was getting them on her chest and legs. They were also getting worse. So I called the pedi and waited for the nurse to call back. AND I called my dad, DH called his. My dad said to wait it out and watch them. Perhaps she is allergic to the formula. I told him she has had it at least 10 times and he said they don''t get reactions the first few times. Then the nurse called and asked if her lips were swollen? No. Was she having trouble breathing? No. Were her joints swollen? No. She advised us to go to the ER anyways. So I start getting ready and call my dad who said to wait. He said we will be there forever, not get any answers, and she might pick up a bug there. Well as fast as they showed up they started disappearing. Within 20 mins they were completely gone. So strange.
gosh tacori, it does seem like she had some type of reaction to something..i''m glad the little bumps went away..

ella, so good of you to check in. you''ll have to post some more pics of your little one''s when you can..
I feel so bad for little Tessa. She must be so pooped out from all that spitting and stuffy nose.
And the rash thing sounded scary. You must have been frantic when you see it. I''m glad that it went away.
Hope it doesn''t happen again. Are you going to have her checked out for pyloric stenosis (sp?) before you head out on your trip?

So glad you checked in, although I have to admit that I was a wee bit disappointed that you didn''t post new pictures of your little cuties

Hehe, was hoping to see some darlings before I head out on my vacation where I will not have access to the internet for a while.
Hopefully, you (and all the new mommies) will have something posted by tomorrow

Anyway, sound like your delivery was smooth and that you are recovering nicely

I hear you on the gas thing. I know, I didn''t go through the ceasarean, but I know what it felt like to have gas leaking out of your shoulders and ribs.
It is probably 10x worst with the c-section than my laparascopy where the doctor blew up my stomach with gas to look at my fallopian tubes.
The procedure itself wasn''t too bad (because I was sedated), but the gas seeping out of your body was no day in the park.

Anyway, just a quick drop in to wish everyone a happy holiday.
I will be gone for almost 2 weeks and with NO internet access
so it will be a while before I check in.
My heart goes out to you and to baby Tessa. Hope it gets sorted out soon. You are a trooper, for sure!! Hang in there!!!

Ella ,
You sound great, so glad to hear the twins are doing well. I had 2 C sections. Everything you wrote was spot on. Oh the gas, I think that was the worst. Funny how you DO forget. Reading your post reminded me, LOL.

Have a nice break, we'll be thinking of you!!
Ella!! So good to hear from u and all ur updates :) have u tried doing the twin BF at the same time?? I have seen a few tv shows about how some mothers (with twins) B/F both at the same time..for the life of me i have NO idea how they can manage, but that is some accomplishment for sure!!

as for pumping, i did it 4 times a day initially with my son..after my milk supply started coming in regularly and in the right quantity, i decreased it to 3 and then 2 pumps very quickly....

Tacori: I am so sorry to hear about Tessa
hang in there and please keep us posted ( i still havent read ur other thread completely yet)...