
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

hello everyone! mrssalvo kindly brought this thread to my attention as i am about two months pregnant with our third. catching up and reading all of your posts sure brings back memories of my first and reminds me of how exciting it all is and how quickly things move forward!

a big congrats to all of you who are pregnant, and to all of you who have recently had your little angels!

tacori - tessa is such a doll! i''ve been enjoying seeing your avatar changes on other threads! your initial experience, i.e. massive sleep deprivation and BF challenges, really struck a chord with me as i went through that myself with my first. sounds like things are improving a little here and there, which is great! keep hanging in there, and remember to be amazed at yourself for what you are capable of!!

ellaila - congratulations!

mrssalvo - you look fantastic!! how far along are you now? (sorry, i''m sure it''s in there, but i had a lot of posts to skim through!!
) i''m a little nervous about having a third. we asked a lot of people with three and most did admit it is a big change from two. i''m excited to experience it all one more time, yet sometimes i have a

i had a lot of catching up to do with this thread so i am sorry not to have included more personal notes to everyone. in due time... heehee, pun intended. i''m a dork!

p.s. our first, our boy, didn''t go for swings and infant seats and such. but we found that both the swing and seat we had for him were angled oddly and he would slide out or slump into odd, uncomfortable positions. with our second, our girl, we tried the papasan and she/we LOVED it!! it seemed to cradle her much better and it was easy to carry her around in it, which was another plus. that is one of my top recommendations of things to have on hand for baby!
Congrats and welcome RainyDaze!
When is your due date?

Here''s the link with everyone''s due date.
There are a few more ladies who haven''t put their names on here yet.
Preggos In Waiting.
yeah, congratulations, ELLAILA!!!!
Hi everyone! I''m glad to hear that everyone''s doing well. Ella, congratulations to you and your husband!!! Yay for the new babies. I love their names.
msb, thanks. I may have to invest in a bottle warmer. I think the toys on that mat are really cute. I bought the wind chimes (or whatever they are called) seperately though.

Lili, you are TINY! Trust me. I was so big you could tell I was preggo in the dark. I really thought 5 weeks was too young for her play mat but obviously not. She had some fun on it this morning too. I STILL can''t figure out who the heck she looks like. Sometimes I see a mini me. Sometimes I think she looks just like DH. I guess a combo?!?
Axid is for reflux. We aren''t sure if she has it but we''ll see if it makes a difference. Yesterday she had so much vomit. It was adult size. Really scary. It is bubblegum flavor and I think she actually likes the taste of it. It''s cute.

Rainydaze, congrats! I am still having MAJOR sleep deprivation and sore nipples. BF is TONS easier and I even find myself enjoying it sometimes. I just have 2 more weeks until we head to Ohio for x-mas. My MIL is super hands on so I am looking forward to a little break (longer naps
). I seriously can''t imagine how much harder it is with 2, 3, 4+ kids
. Not having another ANYTIME soon.
yay rainydaze, so glad you popped in over here. I''m 22 weeks along with my 3rd so we can compare notes. I think my girls are bit older than your other 2 though. My oldest is 5, will be 6 when baby arrives and the next is 3, she''ll be 4 on thursday. I was just talking to my sister who is preggo with her first how crazy this summer will be having 3 kids to look after
. i honestly got a little freaked out thinking about 3 carseats in the car. But, i know once he''s here, i''ll not be able to remember life without him.

so when is your due date?
What age/weight do kids stop using car/booster seats? I parked next to a car that had three in the backseat. Looked so funny!
Date: 12/9/2007 7:45:45 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
What age/weight do kids stop using car/booster seats? I parked next to a car that had three in the backseat. Looked so funny!

I think each state is different but here in TN they have to be 8 years old and 80 lbs. 8 seems crazy old to me for a kid to still be riding in a booster but that''s the law. Lily will move up to a booster with the back next week, they can do the booster at 4 years old and 40 lbs.
thanks for the welcome!

lili - i will find out my due date this week actually.

Tacori - oh gosh, i feel for you in a big way. i had SUCH sore nipples (was it you who is using the shield and hoping to ween her off that? went through THAT too, what good times!) lansinoh really helped with the soreness, and i believe you said you''ve been using it which i was glad to hear. i remember even the softest bras and shirts would cause me agony - i don''t recall what i did to help with that. i do recall the joy i felt when we finally settled in with nursing and the soreness eased, and the shield was just a memory and nursing had finally become natural. it sounds like you are starting to exprience that, and i am so thrilled for you!

i wish i had a magic spell i could give you for her throwing and her lack of steady sleep! man, all i can do is shake my head with empathy. when i was so exhausted that i no longer felt human, i would joke that there is a good reason babies are made so darn cute! it''s amazing how a baby, a child, can keep you going through things you don''t think you could survive otherwise!

heheh - i had the opposite thinking from you on having more: we concieved our second when our first was only eight months old. i told him if you want another it needs to happen now because if i ever get sleep again i will NOT go back!!

mrssalvo - 22 weeks, yay! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your 2nd! i can''t wait to get to that point so we can find out what we''re having. two girls, and now a boy for you, that''s so exciting! my son is turning four next month and my daughter is 2 1/2. i find out the due date this week, woohoo! much like how you say you won''t remember life without your third, my DH has always looked around and said he feels like ''name'' is missing. i know what he''s saying, i feel it too. i know once this child is with us it will feel quite right even when all three are determined to dismember me.
Date: 12/3/2007 6:49:26 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Ok I just found out my Dr call me yesterday night, but I missed his call. So I called and got confirmed that I am pregnant
after trying for 1 yr. I think we could''ve saved some time if I found out about my asymptomatic UTI a year ago. Because I was treated for it during my last period, then this month I am pregnant. All of the past year, DH and I were worried that something was wrong with us.

qtiekiki - sorrry for being late with a big CONGRATULATIONS!!!! i teared up a little reading this, i''m so happy for you!
Girl, you are so tiny. What bump? I had to peer and squint to find it. Heck, my post baby pooch is bigger than that!

MSB, Lisa, Jas and Lili,
Thanks for the concern. KidC was sick too, so I spend the weekend looking after 2 sick children and an incapacitated HubbyC. No fun, I was completely wiped out at the end of the day.

Heating: I'd nuke a large cup filled with water, then sit the milk bottle in the cup to warm up.
Thawing: I normally put the bag in a cup or bowl (to catch any leaks) in the fridge and let it defrost overnight. If I need it in a hurry, I'll soak it in a bowl of hot tap water.
Mrs.S: LOL Jake won''t be in a booster until he'' s 21. Kid is 3 and 26lbs. LOL. His carseat goes up to 100lbs though.

Tacori: Thaw breastmilk in a bowl of warm water. Same with heating it. (Microwaving destroys it) HTH. Or use a bottle warmer. Tessa is so cute!

Lili: What belly?

I wonder how NJC is?
Tacori, your baby is ADORABLE!!!
Date: 12/10/2007 1:16:32 PM
Author: divergrrl
Mrs.S: LOL Jake won''t be in a booster until he'' s 21. Kid is 3 and 26lbs. LOL. His carseat goes up to 100lbs though.

ha diver, he''s a skinny little thing. how tall is he? Lily is *almost* 40lbs, so close enough for me. both my girls are tall and fall in the 90% tiles for height which they didn''t get from me. I was only 38lbs as a first grader and only grew to 5''3". good thing that law wasn''t in effect or I''d have been in a boster well into junior high

Chrono, sorry the C family has been ill. my two had the chicken pox and then caught colds on top of that and I feel like i''m running a hospital myself. At least one is back to school which helps a bit but with both of them still not 100% It''s hard to do after school playdates and such b/c I don''t want them exposed to anything with their immune systems still down.
Rainy, I am STILL using the shield
totally my fault b/c most the time I don''t have the energy to try it w/o. She has latched and nursed w/o it so I KNOW it can be done.

Chrono & Diver thanks. I was just running it under hot water but it wouldn''t heat up enough. Maybe I will just invest into a bottle warmer.

OFG, thanks! I think we will keep her
MrsS, sorry about your children''s bout with the chickenpox. It is also making the rounds at kidC''s daycare too. Hmm...I thought just about everyone is getting immunized against CP now. Maybe a few people turned it down...
Date: 12/10/2007 3:14:53 PM
Author: Chrono
MrsS, sorry about your children''s bout with the chickenpox. It is also making the rounds at kidC''s daycare too. Hmm...I thought just about everyone is getting immunized against CP now. Maybe a few people turned it down...

Chrono, both my girls had the vaccine. apparently it''s only 80-85% effective so if they are exposed, do get it, they get a mild case. they also recommend a booster at 4-5, which my oldest did not get b/c I didn''t know. her dr. just now got the memo and they do it. some boy at her school never got the vaccine, came the school with the pox and i''m pretty sure that''s where she got it. I had hoped Lily would be spared and the vaccine would hold for her until I could get her in for her booster in the next couple weeks, but 1) the dr. office is all out until sometime in Jan. and 2) it would have been too late b/c she got it anyway. My friend''s dr. won''t give the booster b/c he thinks it''s too soon so who really knows. The upside is, both have them have now had it and won''t ever have to worry about it again. they did have very mild cases, compared to all the spots I had on me when I got it as a kid though.
I am relieved that your children had mild cases. When I was young (no vaccines then), I was fortunate to have a mild case. HubbyC and my sister picked it up as adults and it was terrible. They had flu-like symptoms for a whole week, horrible itching and left a few small scars.
Chrono - i hope your family is feeling well again soon. it''s no fun when anyone is sick, let alone more than one, and yourself to boot!

mrssalvo - same to you as well. chicken pox AND colds? that''s tough!

Tacori - once again, i can totally relate. don''t beat yourself up! i used the shield for a long time (i want to say two months!). even though using the shield was a PITA sometimes, it was mostly working and like you, i just didn''t have the energy to create another battle (weening him off of it). he also nursed without it a few lucky times so i knew it was possible as well, but many times when i would try it was a struggle and i would throw in the towel pretty quickly. however there did come a point where it was more of a pain to continue using it than to work through weening but i had anxiety about letting go. finally my DH ''lost'' the shield on me and i was forced to make it work. at first i was a little mad at him, but i knew that it was for the best and he did it to give me the push i needed, not to be cruel. it wasn''t a seemless and frustration-free transition, but we DID get through it successfully and it was SO much better! i went on to nurse my son until he was about 14 months old, so chin up!
Rainy I am going on 5 weeks so I might be there right with you! Doesn''t help that I just bought a new one (gives me a total of 3, the hospital gave me 2). My problem is when my boobs are full there is NO way she can latch on. I can''t even compress it for her. That is when it is nice to slap on the shield (I am getting good at it now). But I do need to graduate. And it will be nice b/c she knocks it off all the time before I can get her latched. We are leaving for Ohio soon and it would be great to not have to use it there. Doesn''t give me much time though....Was BFing your second easier then? I have heard it can be harder depending on the baby.

Diver, nice. It is cheap too (always a plus!) I''ll have to pick one up b/c the hot water in a bowl thing was a PITA. Guess I didn''t make it hot enough (though I microwaved the water). Did you pick out a new pack''n play? How is out sweet little D doing?
ella, just checked in on you, and see you are all here and doing well. YAY!! Congratulations mam.

A very quick log in to say hi and thank you all for the congrats on the babies! And congrats to all the new pregnancies here too! Whooo hoooo!!!

I hope to catch up on all the news (chicken pox?! yikes.) later today, but for now I just wanted to post a few photos of our little cutie pies. I can''t believe they''re almost a week old already -- they get cuter by the second, I swear ...

First up, daddy with the newborn babies just minutes after they were born. As my friend said, "You can see his huge smile behind the mask!"
A proud poppa indeed!

daddy babies.jpg
What might be my favorite photo of the two of them together so far. Laying on Daddy''s chest ... Gabe on the left, Katelyn on the right (with that head of dark hair!!):

gabe left_katelyn right.jpg
Our little girl caught in the middle of a BIG yawn!! Life if so tiring when all you do is eat, sleep, and poop ...

biiiig yawn.jpg
At home in their pack and play

k left_g right2.jpg
OK, that''s it for me for now ... gotta go pump! The first night home was *rough* for us, but last night was much better -- I got some sleep but missed a pumping, so the boobies are ready to go!

Hope you''re all doing well ...
Normally a lurker- but I had to say that your babies are beautiful- love all that hair! Glad to hear that you are all doing well.
Oh ella, they are just adorable!!!! Gosh, and so wittle.

I wish you all the best!
Tacori I had three shields too! I always needed backup shields because I was forever dropping one or misplacing them. What a hassle! Yet, I had forgotten all about them until I read your posts.

I wish I could tell you that nursing my second was easier but for me it was not. Maybe TMI, but I don''t have much to latch onto with or without being full and I had very low milk supply (didn''t figure this out until my second came along, ugh!). I only nursed her for about three months, and I was giving her formula as well. She was just doing so much better than my son at feeding, napping, and sleeping and I knew it was due to the formula, that I just didn''t have the incentive to struggle through it again. I gave up much easier the second time around. However, it sounds like you don''t have the same issues (nothing to latch on to, low milk supply) so I imagine for you it could be easier. Especially if you find a pump shield that fits you correctly. By your second, you''ll have the swing of pumping down so that if being engorged is the only real issue, you will be able to take care of that with ease.

continued best wishes as you work through it all!