
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 1/30/2008 1:19:43 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Why do you need flame-retardant sleepwear?
I have no idea!!! Can anyone explain this?
Ooh Mrs S, what a purdy hike! I am going to try to go for a walk today... anyone else doing kegels like they are supposed to?

I had PB&J early on in my pregnancy too. It was a craving, I I went through a two weeks period where I was all about the PB&J. TGuy thinks it''s disgusting...they don''t really do PB&J in Oz...or in Europe, I''ve heard.

Hm, Ella...maybe it''s a burst vessel or something below the skin layer? Hopefully it''s nothing!

I only had ONE hair fall out yesterday after my shower. ONE. Oh my goodness, I am SO going to be a fuzzhead.

Aw Tacori, I''d be stressed too! I''ll keep my fingers crossed that you and Tessa will have the pleasure of DH''s company. But you''re a tough girl...even if you have to go at it alone, you will be great!

So I picked up some baby books yesterday. Happiest Baby on the Block (Tacori, I think you read this one?), and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. A friend of mine told me a few months back to read parenting books when pregnant, and not too many pregnancy books. She said the body can take care of knows what to do, but generally people need a little more help in the parenting department. It made sense to me, and when looking at the reviews of books out there, I found a lot of people complained it didn''t work for their 4 month old or whatever and they wished they got the books earlier. I can''t imagine doing a ton of reading while sleep deprived, so I am getting mine in now.

My friend and her SIL all sleep trained their kids with HSHHC, so I bought the book. I have no issues with letting babies cry if necessary. Both of my friends kids are extremely bright and happy...not to mentioned very well behaved. It''s kind of funny...I realized I am kind of "granola" in some things (like thinking about a natural delivery) but so not in others (like sleep training). Time will tell if I turn 180''s in both!!
Date: 1/30/2008 1:21:40 PM
Author: LitigatorChick

Date: 1/30/2008 1:19:43 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Why do you need flame-retardant sleepwear?
I have no idea!!! Can anyone explain this?
It''s the law that baby PJs are supposed to be flame retardant anyway, from what I''ve read.
Date: 1/30/2008 1:27:24 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 1/30/2008 1:21:40 PM

Author: LitigatorChick

Date: 1/30/2008 1:19:43 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Why do you need flame-retardant sleepwear?
I have no idea!!! Can anyone explain this?

It''s the law that baby PJs are supposed to be flame retardant anyway, from what I''ve read.

But why?
TGal, LOVE "Happiest Baby on the block." Saved our sanity for sure! We are getting close to trying the cry out method. Funny how I had been looking forward to this but now....I just hate when she cries!

Oh, I am not that tough! It is all an act! Argggg... I don''t know if I would have planned this trip if I had to fly alone...
Maybe strangers will feel sorry for me and be extra nice. I do look rather young....
Date: 1/30/2008 1:44:11 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 1/30/2008 1:27:24 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 1/30/2008 1:21:40 PM

Author: LitigatorChick

Date: 1/30/2008 1:19:43 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Why do you need flame-retardant sleepwear?
I have no idea!!! Can anyone explain this?

It''s the law that baby PJs are supposed to be flame retardant anyway, from what I''ve read.

But why?
So babies don''t turn into roasted marshmellows should an accident happen? You don''t want the PJs to melt on them...

Which sleep training book are you using? My friend''s kid was put to bed at 5:30 and woke up around 6 am. It was awesome by me because evenings were spent just hanging out and doing girl things.
TGal, I have the Happiest Baby video -- useful stuff, and it DOES work! I just got HSHHC, and a friend is sending me the Baby whisperer too -- the problem is i hve no time to sit down and concentrate on reading!
I wouldn''t be surprised if there is a flood of baby girls this year.
There seems to be more baby boys last year, so there need to be more girls this year.
3 friends and my SIL all had baby boys last year
This year, 2 friends and a SIL and myself are having girls.
And with you and TGal having girl dreams....I''d put my bet on you two having girls too

Wow, that is a pretty hike.
I don''t know if I can hike 3.5 miles of that.
You and your preggo sis must be in pretty good shape to be able to do it in an hour!
Speaking of your sis, has she gone up in weight yet?

I know she was really small at 13 weeks.
So is she going to be surprised or does she knows what she''s having?

I hope that the closing happen soon too.
If it doesn''t, I''m sure you''d be okay. You are one tough cookie

You''ll probably have people offering to hold Tessa for you being the cutie that she is.
ella, sounds like you and the twins are doing really well. Those toothless smiles are the best. Could the mark on Katelyn''s nose be a stork bite or angel''s kiss? Lily had these on her eyelids--red marks--and the pediatrician said that''s what they were. It''s just some extra pigmentation that lots of babies have and it eventually fades. Lily''s are almost totally gone now. I wouldn''t worry about it but you should probably mention it to the pedi next week.

Tacori, I really hope DH can get his work done in time to travel with you. I don''t want to freak you out but you are definitely going to want an extra set of hands while dealing with the airports, plane, etc. I''ll keep my fingers crossed for you. And TGal is right about the pjs. You certainly wouldn''t want them to melt on your baby if god forbid there was a fire. I think they are all made of flame retardant material.

TGal, I read a lot of HSHHC while I was pregnant and it honestly made no sense to me. It''s hard to read that stuff when you have no frame of reference. And I had a difficult time retaining what I was reading!! There are only a few things that I really believe in from that book and one is "sleep begets sleep". I have found it to be true that the more Lily sleeps during the day, the more she sleeps at night. I don''t understand why but it''s true. And I think he believes in eat, play, sleep which works really well. Feed baby, play with baby for an hour or two, put baby to sleep. Newborns rarely stay up for more than a few hours anyway. I enjoyed the Happiest Baby on the Block dvd and definitely used Harvey Karp''s methods (5 s''s) more than Weissbluth''s. Honestly, before having a baby I was convinced that I could handle CIO. But I tried it once with Lily for 5 minutes and my eyes were on the clock the entire time. It killed me to the point that I was in tears with her and as soon as that 5 minutes was up, I RAN to her. It''s REALLLLLY hard to do. We do more of a Ferber type of sleep training. We go in and soothe with the pacifier or rub her back and whisper sweet nothings and it seems to work. Lily has always been a great sleeper and is giving us 10 hours/night now at almost 9 months. It''s impossible to know what kind of child you''ll end up with so a lot of these books may be useless. I think you have to just learn to read the signs that your baby is giving you and take it from there. It''s all trial and error and you just have to do what works for you...

mrssalvo, what a gorgeous place to go hiking! I love that you and your sis go together! People must love seeing the 2 cute preggos hiking together!!!
I know it will be tough. I haven''t even used our baby carrier yet. Better learn how to do that myself. I am traveling alone with her in March but it is only a two hour flight and direct. I feel confident with that but with the layover and stuff...keep your fingers crossed for me!

TGal, what sleep training?!? HAHAHA! I should read something but like Ella, not much time to read. I need to start a bedtime and try to stick with it. Hopefully with time she will learn to enjoy sleep like her parents.

MrsS, that is a pretty park!

Curly, I am already freaked out. Just hoping, praying, begging it won''t be an issue. How are you feeling?

That makes sense about the flame retardant fabric. Kind of scary though....I wonder how much it really helps.
Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and try to get caught up on the happenings... new babies coming soon right?!

This is week 4 back at work and I'm not sure I'm supposed to be a working mom, or at least working out of the house! I still like my job and designing, but I dont get the same thrill I did before. Its more of just going through the motions, not to mention juggling everything and the commute.
After 7 glorious weeks of solid night sleeps, Jonathan started to wake up once a night my 2nd week back, so that hasnt helped any. This week is by far the worst though... I was up 6 times Monday night
and three last night... I am totally on empty and chugging coffee like there is no tomorrow.

Jon is growing like crazy, which I think is part of our sleep problem... still BFing and pumping while I am at work, no issues with supply so far... over my PPD, or so it seems, although my last week home was a doozie... still loving the cloth diapers... daycare is great, he seems to be having a good time. We are going for his 4 month check up next week and I am really excited to hear how big he is.

I read back a few pages to try and get caught up, but didnt catch too much detail...

Curly - Congrats!!! I dont think 17 months apart is bad at all!

Diver - I'm 3/4 of the way to bald with the amount of hair i've lost and its EVERYWHERE.

Tacori - Yikes on the plugged ducts! I got 2 at the begining... i'm sure youve tried it, but message and expressing a little in a hot shower always helped me. I have yet to be able to sleep on my tummy again, too painful on the boobs. Jon was 11 pounds even at 2 months (50th percentile), so I think Tessa is fine.

Anyways... I hope to be around a little more now. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll take some new pics this weekend (Jon will be 4 months on Sunday), but this is from his 3 month b-day...

And one more for Indecisive if she still lurks... our Orange Bowl get-up.

njc! LOVE the socks! Tessa has the "mary jane" version. Jon is too cute. Honestly nursing on my knees and hands REALLY helped. I tried the massage/hot shower/pumping but it was a nasty one. Seriously, 1/3 of my boob was hard and you could SEE the lump. Yuck! Last night she went 5 hours (!) So of course I woke up with a painful lump, nursed like that once and it went away. Pure bliss! Sorry you are not enjoying your job. Can you afford to quit? Maybe try freelancing from home? That is the great thing about being a graphic designer!
Hehehe, njc, so cute!!!

Ella, that is why I am trying to read a lot now. Then I can just review after the baby is born. I don''t think my mind will be functioning well afterwards.

Curlygirl, I had skimmed the book at my friend''s house and agree it is not the easiest read. But I am convinced enough to give it a shot. She sleep trained two kids beautifully on this book, and her SIL sleep trained 3 kids. I know a lot of parents say they can''t bear to hear their kids cry...and I can understand that. I am sure my heart rate is going to go through the roof.
TGal, read it fast so you can easily explain it to me
You can be my baby sleep tutor.
Tacori--hope DH is able to go with you--i don''t blame you for stressing out, but even if you have to go it alone you''ll be fine. Wheel chair stalls are great for brining in baby while going to the bathroom (did that a lot when i worked at the daycare and we went on walks) and flight attendants would be more than happy to hold Tessa for a min during the flight i am sure!

Tgal--yep, finally been doing the kegels-- regularily forgot for the first 5months but now that i think about labor/baby 24/7 i am doing ''em and I hate ''em. They annoy me for some reason.
Let me know what books you enjoy from your recent purchases--i wasn''t going to read parenting info but the moms all seemed to have gotten something useful from select titles so heck, why not.

Got off work early today b/c of the blizzard and went into a fierce nesting mode as soon as I walked in the door. Cleaned/organized the weirdest things. I kinda wish i would always have this desire to be neat and tidy--so not typical of me!
I need a nap--hips are killing me!
Date: 1/30/2008 4:26:18 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, read it fast so you can easily explain it to me
You can be my baby sleep tutor.
LOL, except every baby is different!

You know, I swear, some of this just seems like money making opportunities. The attachment parenting people say the detachment way is cruel. The detachment people say that attachment people are overcoddling and nuts. At the end of the day, you have to do what is right for your family...and I think all the babies turn out fine! I see my friends are doing it both ways. Sure, I prefer one set of traits/effects than I see over another, but I think all the kids are happy and won't turn into Ted Bundy.

Balance, it's all about balance, IMHO. I mean, does anyone else think Happy PARENTS = Happy babies too?
Date: 1/30/2008 4:27:55 PM
Author: Jas12
Tacori--hope DH is able to go with you--i don''t blame you for stressing out, but even if you have to go it alone you''ll be fine. Wheel chair stalls are great for brining in baby while going to the bathroom (did that a lot when i worked at the daycare and we went on walks) and flight attendants would be more than happy to hold Tessa for a min during the flight i am sure!

Tgal--yep, finally been doing the kegels-- regularily forgot for the first 5months but now that i think about labor/baby 24/7 i am doing ''em and I hate ''em. They annoy me for some reason.
Let me know what books you enjoy from your recent purchases--i wasn''t going to read parenting info but the moms all seemed to have gotten something useful from select titles so heck, why not.

Got off work early today b/c of the blizzard and went into a fierce nesting mode as soon as I walked in the door. Cleaned/organized the weirdest things. I kinda wish i would always have this desire to be neat and tidy--so not typical of me!
I need a nap--hips are killing me!
Jas, they kind of annoy me too, but I can''t pinpoint why. Weird eh?

And we must be getting into nesting mode. My brother comes this week to pick up a futon in my office to make room for the crib, etc. I''m am chomping at the bit to get it all done! Most likely because I am a BAD procrastinator and am starting to feel the pressure.

I think it''s good to read parenting info and file it away in the back of your mind. For me, it''s just a comfort thing. I really don''t know the first thing about babies and at least will have some ammo in the arsenal when the time comes. Basically I''m trying to load my case I need to use it on myself.
Jas, thanks. You are right. I am sure a flight attendant would be happy to hold her for a minute. I am sure me pulling out my hair and sobbing will help my cause
just kidding! If the word comes down and I am solo I will suck it up and manage. Might need a drink at the other end but I WILL get through it! And I WILL guilt DH.

TGal, I agree happy parents=happy baby. Why can''t tired parents=tired baby?!? Awww...she''ll get there someday hopefully. My friend said it wasn''t until her baby started on solids. I do think that sometimes I might baby her too much (like feed her when maybe, just maybe she is crying for a different reason, not hunger). Last night I think she was having gas pains (I could feel something going on in her stomach) so I had to rock her to sleep (big no no according to the professionals). What are you going to do? She didn''t feel good (probably) and it is MUCH harder to have your baby cry AFTER you meet them
I totally agree that it will be much harder to hear them cry after you meet them. After all, I''m already freaked when TTot doesn''t move around and show me s/he is fine. I can only imagine what it will be like out of the womb.

Tacori, you will be fine. People are helpful, and don''t be afraid to ask for help. If situations were reversed and DH had to go alone with Tessa, I daresay he''d cancel the trip. But you see, we women are made of TOUGHER stuff than that, so I have no doubt you and darling Tessa will make it with flying colors.

And your tired parents=tired baby thing made me laugh. Wishful thinking, missy.
Can you guys tell I am bored today?

TGal, I think he would still go. He has annoyingly confident about parenting.
Oh, I am breaking another rule. Tessa is sleeping in her swing. At this age we are suppose to avoid that but that is the ONLY way I could get her to take a nap. And it is NOT a pretty sight when she overtired.

Jas, you are lucking you are nesting...I never did. Let me know how you enjoy those oreos!

Can't wait to "meet" some new babies!!! Get cooking ladies!

ETA: Oh I am so excited! I am going to help a friend register tonight!
I love spending other people's money
lili- my sister is 23 weeks and up 12 lbs. she still looks like she just ate too much at dinner, rather than preggo. But you can definitely tell her little girl is growing. she''ll pop soon, i''m sure of that

re:sleeping...i never read any of the books and did do the let them cry it out thing..but my 6 year old has never been a good sleeper, as and infant, baby, toddler, and even now. she''s just now starting to really sleep though the night and she''s 6
my 4 year old was a great sleeping from the get go. Never had big issues with her and she rarely wakes up in the night. So, same parents, same environment, same everything, yet 2 kids wired completely differently. maybe i should try to read some this time to ensure Jake does b/c a good sleeper..lord knows i am worn out now, add a new baby up multiple times and nursing and i''ll never get through my days

tacori, you''ll do fine if you have to fly alone. I flew alone with my almost 2 year old and Lily when she was 4 months. I did nurse her on the plane and she slept most of the flight, i think the hum of the plane just knocks them out.
Date: 1/30/2008 12:50:59 PM
Author: ellaila
G&K look so cute right now. They''re both sleeping in boppys next to me on the couch, and K is giving little sleeping grins now and then -- love it! They''re both legitimately smiling now too, though K is still a little stingy with hers. But when she grants us one, it''s just the cutest thing ever

Now you simply cannot post comments like that and not post pictures for us to see
Jon is so cute.
Love the first pix.

I tried doing the Kegels, but I don''t think I''m doing it right.
How can you hold the muscle and breathe at the same time?
Maybe I''m missing something.
Date: 1/30/2008 5:11:41 PM
Author: mrssalvo
lili- my sister is 23 weeks and up 12 lbs. she still looks like she just ate too much at dinner, rather than preggo. But you can definitely tell her little girl is growing. she''ll pop soon, i''m sure of that

12 lbs only? I''m so jealous.
I agree with you. In due time and she''ll pop

I thought I was big at 23 weeks. Boy, was I wrong. It looks like I''m carrying a beach ball right now.
Date: 1/30/2008 3:54:56 PM
Author: njc
And one more for Indecisive if she still lurks... our Orange Bowl get-up.
LOL that picture is TOO cute!! There is just something about a baby in Hokie gear isn''t there
? At least he is too young to remember what actually happened in the Orange Bowl though
. Your little boy is adorable!
MrsS, so Jake for sure huh? So cute! Thank you for your confidence. I have only nursed in public once and it was in Nordstorm''s bathroom, so hardly "public" do you use something special or just a blanket?

I had so much fun registering with my friend (more than when I registered for myself). We did it all in an hour. Hopefully I was helpful.
So I am really trying! I fed her and then played with her for a little bit (hour or so). Then I could see she was getting sleeping so I put her down in her bassinet, turned on the white noise, said good night and turned off the lights. She cried so I waited 5 mins and went in. Patted her tummy, told her good night and put her paci back in her mouth. I waited 10 mins went in and she was fast asleep! Now I know I probably just got lucky but hopefully they are on to something! I am so excited!
Date: 1/30/2008 11:12:44 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
So I am really trying! I fed her and then played with her for a little bit (hour or so). Then I could see she was getting sleeping so I put her down in her bassinet, turned on the white noise, said good night and turned off the lights. She cried so I waited 5 mins and went in. Patted her tummy, told her good night and put her paci back in her mouth. I waited 10 mins went in and she was fast asleep! Now I know I probably just got lucky but hopefully they are on to something! I am so excited!
Good for you Tacori, you''re doing all the right things. I have been so impressed with you. The breastfeeding, etc... You''re a great mom to Tessa.
Thank you Lisa. That really means a lot.