
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Lili--i hear ya on the rib pain--i have pains alllll over and although i generally feel good, i feel really pregnant as well. DH is heating up magic bags for my hips as I type. Only 6 more weeks of being able to order someone around without an ounce of guilt.

Tgal--i went a little nutty with baby prep while on xmas school holidays so my hospital bag is packed and the diapers are washed (i decided to go the cloth route) and things are pretty much set up, but i still need to buy a few key items like the car seat and the cosleeper...seems like there is always something, but if the baby does come early I am certain someone will come to the rescue with the goods


Forgot to mention I got my Adiri Natural Nurser bottles in the mail Tues--they are really nice--hopefully they are as good as the reviews say b/c they cost a pretty penny to get shipped here--anyone tried them?
ooo, i''m right there with you gals on the hip pain. the worst of it comes for me at night on the side i''m sleeping on. I feel sooo pregnant too and i must really be getting huge b/c my dad was here tonight and said i looked like i could deliver any minute...common theme anyone
. and to make matters worse, I still weighed at least 10 lbs more than I do now when I delivered my other 2, so I know i''ve still got another 10 lbs to pack on
. and you gals are all a few lbs behind me. i was at 30 3 weeks ago, so my guess i''ve gained a couple more so we''re looking at appox. 32lbs at 31 weeks

I''ve got my pack n play set up, no sheets yet since all my other ones were pink. the crib is up, no bedding on it yet either, no diapers and not much else. I''m heading to florida next week though and my aunt who has a young son is giving me all her stuff so once i see what i get then i''ll hit the BRU. My sister is throwing me a shower in a few weeks too so i''m hoping to get the car set/stoller that i need then. i''ll probably wait until week 36 to pack my bag..
Eph: Good news on your numbers!! I''m sure you will be fine...congratulations!

Ok...I got hit with the mother of all poopstorms tonight.

Delaney decided we needed a little excitement, aromatherapy, whatever....

So she blew out her diaper all over DH, his clothes, the throwpillow they were resting on, the carpet, which dh stepped in the poo on the carpet unbeknownst to him & tracked it from my living room, to her changing table in our room & then back through the bedroom, living room, & down the kitchen.

can I just say I''m glad her poo is very green? Contrast on my brown carpet. I could see it with my steam cleaner.

Can I tell you ladies how many times I went over that traffic area? I''m SOOO grossed out.

I''ve scrubbed, mopped, rinsed, washed, and now I''m on my 3rd mirror pond pale ale. (but I knocked over the 1st one and spilled 3/4 of it...just to top of the night''s messes).

But on an good health ins. company approved my retin a & 4% hyrdo prescription to lighten my spots...LOL! So I''ll get some spendy meds for $20 to fix my left cheek. (I''ll post pics melasma was pretty odd) And today at my new dentist I got a FREE Sonic Care toothbrush (new patient!) and a deal on some awesome toothwhitening gel for my trays. YAY!

I''ve lost another 1.2 yellow teeth will get white again, and my face will be even. I''ll be the belle of the Poop Ball.
Should I wear a brown (I mean, green) dress?

Thanks for the support about the scare ladies...I would have been fine though...Just cuz something isn''t planned doesn''t mean its not a good thing.
Diver, Diver, Diver, your poop story makes me giggle. When my little man was wee (as opposed to the 28 lb monster he is now), he would have these monster poops. Several times, I took his diaper off to change him, and he shot a blast of poop at me - I had to block it with my hand!!

And then the little boys and the peeing on the wall. At his first doctor''s appointment when he was a couple days old, they wanted to weigh him without a diaper, and not even put a cloth over him, and as soon as he was on the scale, pee''ed all over the wall. Very good pressure - daddy was impressed.

Now, on the baby prep list - boobs. They come. Oh god do they come. I have always been very small (32 - actually 32 altered down to 30.5 - B) and then I had the baby. At our first doctor''s appointment, I said "what the hell is with these things" - they were freakin'' huge and hard and gross! I hated the big boobs, and was very very very happy when all has returned to normal.
Mrs.S. --your weight gain isn''t much ahead of the rest of us, i wouldn''t worry there--but it does hurt the body doesn''t it?! It''s hard to support it with a tiny frame like you have. Did you find you hurt a lot more after exercise in your 3rd tri? I am still wondering what to do about that. Again, I was absolutely *toast* after the gym last night--pelvis was aching, hips sore, huffing up the stairs--discomfort all night. That can''t be good. Only seems to be a problem at the end of the week when i guess work/coaching/gym/life all catches up, and lifting weights doesn''t bother me, just cardio. Just wondering if you found the same thing?

I don''t know how ''ready to pop'' i look. My Principal just said to me "you still here?" (as in still working) which makes me think i must look ready to deliver. But just last night some women i don''t know asked my due date and when i told her March, she said "oh, really, I was thinking you were going to say around May" (i luv her!)...guess it depends on what i wear

Litchick--not looking forward to the extra boobage. I''ve gone up about a cup over the pregnancy (from a large A to a large B) and my rib cage has e-x-panded so much....wondering how much bigger they will get? Iam with you, i like smaller boobs... they are easy to handle. My sis is a DD and had to get a reduction due to back pain so i don''t complain about my little ones.
Hi Ladies, I''m getting induce on 2/11/08 monday. I''m very nervous and scare, the doctor said it''s going to be more painful then going it on your own. Can anyone share their induction experience?
Can I ask why you are getting induced? IMO (not a doctor, etc etc.), doctors are quick to induce when nature will likely take its course soon enough.

2/6/08 was my due date and it has passed. At our 39 weeks appt. we talked about indction but she said she''ll probably wait a week before inducing me. Yesterday was my 40 weeks appt. after the internal exam she said she still hope the baby will come naturally this weekend, if not we need to set a deadline which is Monday.

My guess is for the past 3 appt. my cervix is the same, just open a bit and soften a little but no big change. and she probably feel it''s going the be the same if we waited longer.

I haven''t been around much because my back has me in so much pain its hard to type. I cant believe the pain hasnt gone down...I''m on all kinds of drugs and giong to accupuncture. Itis 3 herniated discs, I was supposed to get them injected today, but the stupid Dr. office wont call me back to make an appointment! And he only does them on Fridays, so I guess its another week. ARRGGGHHH!

LC your son his one handsome (and very stylish) little man. I am part looking forward to Ian getting that big, and the other part of me just wants him to stay like this forever. A friend of mine owns a store in kansas city and he just started carrying boys clothes and sent us some. have you ever heard of the brand

BoBo I also am not a huge fan of inductions for no reason. At my 41 week appt my midwife said i wasnt dilated or effaced at all and she would probably schedule an induction at the beginning of the 43rd week as two weeks past your due date is a good time to do it. She told me to try evening primrose pills, one orally and one vaginally each day hoping it would soften my cervid. I bought some at whole foods and I went into labor that night!!! If she wants an induction, I would see if you could push it back till at least thursday or friday. The risk of your body not being able to keep up with the inductions causes an increased chance of c-section...but who knows the little one may come today!
Thanks msflutter, I hope you feel better soon..
There are lots of things you can try to get little baby moving on its own. If there are no real issues for your health or the baby''s health, I would try to put off induction and attempt some other methods - like some sex or lots of walking (I did a fire drill - went into labour that night!). I was not induced, my it does not sound like fun at all.

Msflutter - what brand of little boy''s clothing were you asking about? I missed it in your post. He actually wears a lot of baby gap, pumas in the shoe department, and yes, designer jeans. I know it is naughty, but he is my only child and I plan to have fun! At a baby store, they are getting some "Knuckleheads" clothes. I just saw the catalogue, and it looks so sweet. I can''t wait to see it when it comes in. Check out this little pic from their collection - too cute!!!

This one is my favorite from Knuckleheads - but smaller this time - sorry ladies!!!

Thanks LitigatorChick, sex is out of the window for now because my husband feel he will hurt the baby and it''s not a comfortable thing for me right now. As for walking, I can''t walk more than 10~15 minutes...I will be out of breath by then and the doctor said not to push myself if I can''t walk...
I thought for sure that we don''t see you around because you were busy with your little one.
Sorry to hear that you are still waiting

At least it''s only 3 more days of waiting.
Good luck and hope your wee one decide to come out on his own soon!

Funny "poo bomb" story

And yay for the prescription approval, whiter teeth, and slimmer you

Hope you find relief soon for your back pain.

Your son is styling.
Love the brown shirt he''s wearing.

Too cute.
Should be clear ladies - those pics of the Knuckleheads clothes are not my son - just pics from the website. Sorry for any confusion!
Bobo, waiting 5 days seems way early to induce. None of us are docs, but I think most of us know people who went naturally over a week past their due date.

It could be that your due date is off. I would ask your doc to give you an extra week...if the baby is not in distress, try and let your body do what it is meant to do. Induction means pitocin, and if that doesn''t wok, it can lead to a c-section. Docs are way too quick too induce. You can bet your bottom dollar that if I go over, I would resist an induction only 5 days past my due date.
I agree with Traveling Gal. Although I was early, my mom was about 3 weeks late with all of us girls!!! It is just the way some people''s bodies work. As Traveling Gal said, guessing due date is more art than science. I would be waiting at least a week, if not 2, before inducing. Talk to your doctor about some natural ways, and consider the link I posted about some ideas. From what I understand, induction equals a lot more pain than natural child birth or a c-section.
Date: 2/7/2008 9:19:08 PM
Author: Jas12
Lili--i hear ya on the rib pain--i have pains alllll over and although i generally feel good, i feel really pregnant as well. DH is heating up magic bags for my hips as I type. Only 6 more weeks of being able to order someone around without an ounce of guilt.

I would think we can still order people around guilt-free in our fourth trimester
Date: 2/7/2008 9:30:34 PM
Author: mrssalvo
ooo, i''m right there with you gals on the hip pain. the worst of it comes for me at night on the side i''m sleeping on. I feel sooo pregnant too and i must really be getting huge b/c my dad was here tonight and said i looked like i could deliver any minute...common theme anyone
. and to make matters worse, I still weighed at least 10 lbs more than I do now when I delivered my other 2, so I know i''ve still got another 10 lbs to pack on
. and you gals are all a few lbs behind me. i was at 30 3 weeks ago, so my guess i''ve gained a couple more so we''re looking at appox. 32lbs at 31 weeks

I may be catching up with you MrsS.
My belly literally grew overnight -- so I''m guessing I''m packing on a pound just that night alone.
Went over to my parents on Wednesday and Thursday night, and they were all amazed at how much bigger my belly got in one day -- it''s insane.
Bobo, I wish you luck. You are sooooo close!!!
Again, not a Dr. of course, but boy do I read a lot about childbirth---gotta agree with everyone else about holding off on induction--You are at 40 weeks now, right? So you won''t be dangerously over for another 2 weeks at least?! Your cervix will eventually change--when you go into labor--unfortunately there is no way of telling when that will happen (wouldn''t that be great!!). Some women are a little dialted or effaced for weeks in advance and some not until contractions start....

Maybe you would like the nipple stimulation (heard that helps sometimes) hubby would be more into that i am sure


MsFlutter--3 herniated discs!?! You poor thing...i can''t imagine the pain--I wish you a speedy recovery. Get lots of help!
Thanks LitigatorChick & TravelingGal,
I''m walking, and climbing stairs everyday. also just start squatting yesterday when a friend told me she saw it online that it might help. Eat spicy food etc.

My mom was induced with my sister and my sister was induced with my nephew...I wonder if this is a genetic thing??

I''ve been busy getting ready for the baby''s arrival, but I do check out pricescope everyday, it''s a must ^__^ I''m just shy so I don''t post a lot ...

when my husband pick me up to go to the doctor''s appt. yesterday I was actually near tears and don''t want to go to the appt. I told him the doctor will just tell me the same thing for the past 3 weeks, nothing is happening down there.

so when she told me let''s set Monday for induction so I can have something to look forward to, a light at the end of tunnel. I was really relief...there is finally a end to the achy pain, the sleepless night, worrying if he is moving (he''s movement has slow down and it''s hard getting those kick count in two hours which is what concern me the most) and all the discomfort...and to finally meet my little man.

But now we have a sure date when he is going to be here...I''m starting to get nervous, am I going to be a good mom, is he going to be healthy and is labor going to be a nightmare etc...just a lot of thoughts racing thru my mind....

Don''t worry, Bobo!!! You will be the best mom for your son - I know that because just by being his mom and being so worried about him already, you will be great for him. Not perfect (we all do silly things - I think I was freezing my little guy the first night or two!), but great! So relax - enjoy as much sleep as you can and maybe your body will start to relax into labour.

And don''t fear labour - it hurts like crazy, but you will amaze yourself with what you are capable of.

Hang in there!!! We are here for you.
LC- it is funny you posted the knuckleheads...i forgot the name as soon as i wrote it and was going to go upstairs and check the clothes...sure enough its knuckleheads. He has some of their clothes, but I think they will be cuter for him once he is moving around! He also has a bunch of puma''s they make great crib much cooler than robeez. He also has some vans, but they are kinda pointless. I do have him in american apparal clothes alot. I really like the colors an the fit of them. But you cant go wrong with baby gap. Here is a pic of Ian all dressed up in his snazzy nikes with no where to go.

BoBo- i was an induction baby, actually 3 of my moms 4 kids were and we all turned out fine, so dont worry too much about it. The concern is some doctors like to do c-sections to hurry the process along as insurance only covers so long in the hospital. you already sound like you will be a terrific mom....oh, and you still will have some sleepless nice once the little one gets here! But it is so worth it!

oh- and my husband loved that my midwife suggested sex in the 3rd trimester...we had it almost every day...he would wake up and say "want to try to soften your cervix" it was far from romantic sex, more of a comedy...but when my brother told us his wife was pregnant my dh said "just wait till the 3rd trimester, you can have sex every day"...I dont think DH knows how lucky he was!!

Thanks for all the kind words about my back. it is beyond frustrating to not be able to lift my little man. I cant express how useless I feel around the house! It doesnt help that I''m so drugged up. I''m hoping I can get in for epidural injections next week. that is supposed to relieve the pain.

LitigatorChick & msflutter, Thanks for the kind words...
Don''t worry, you''ll be a great mom.
Lots of L&D dust to you for a speedy and easy birth
Date: 2/9/2008 4:55:04 PM
Author: lili
Don''t worry, you''ll be a great mom.
Lots of L&D dust to you for a speedy and easy birth
Ditto. Best wishes to you!!
Bobo''s woes made me thing about something. When I had my little guy and sent an email around work to announce his arrival, my mentor replied "I envy you and the special relationship you will now have with another human being". I remember thinking - oh thanks - but now it means so much more to me. He has 4 kids, so he knows of what he speaks.

Bobo - soon, in one way or another, you will have your little one. And I will envy you, as you fall in love and have the most special relationship with another human being that I believe any person can have.
Bobo, just wanted to say good luck tomorrow. we''ll be thinking of you and sending thoughts and prayers for you. I also agree with those who previously said to not worry, you are going to be great mom...
lili, kaleigh, LitigatorChick & mrssalvo,
thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. It really help calm my nervousness.