
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 2/11/2008 8:57:04 PM
Author: butterfly 17
I suppose I should start posting on this thread. I posted about 2 weeks ago about my doctor saying that there was no heartbeat detected on my vaginal US and how upset I was about it. I had just found out I was pregnant that Saturday and then when I went for my visit on Tues, they could not find the HB. My doctor told me I would miscarry and if it did not happen in a week, I would have to make an appointment for a D&C.

When I told my friend she was pretty mad at the doctor since he just let me go home without taking hcg levels, which is the normal protocol when they are not certain about a pregnancy. He was supposed to take them and then I was suppose to come back in two days and have them taken again and from then we could decide on what to do next.

Well, he didn''t do that, he just told me to go home and wait for my miscarriage. So, that''s what I did. For a week and a half.

Well, I took my friend''s advice and decided to just go to another doctor for a second opinion. I never had the miscarriage and was afraid that they would tell me that I needed a D&C.

Well guess what? Today I had my ultrasound and there was a heartbeat and it was 148 bpm.

So I guess the first doctor was wrong? So, here I am!

My due date is Sept. 23rd, 2008 and as of today I am 8 weeks, 1 day. I am so excited!!!
I''m so happy for you! I''ve been offline for a few days and I missed this, but what a wonderful surprise! CONGRATULATIONS! So glad to hear this news. Hugs

Date: 2/11/2008 9:34:15 PM
Author: Dani
Oh my!! Just read through the last 2 pages of this thread, and although I am tired from working my 13 hr day, I just feel like I have to comment.....

Litigatorchick- I have been an L&D RN for almost 10 yrs now. I work in a major medical center just outside of NYC, where we deliver over 8,000 babies per year....I think we are #2 or 3 (in terms of delivery numbers) on the east coast. So, I feel that I can shed some light on the issues at hand here.....

First of all, every woman has the right to choose whether they want an epidural (or any other means of pain relief, for that matter) during her labor. No one should make them feel that choosing to receive an epidural is wrong, or that they are putting themselves or their baby at risk if they do so, ESPECIALLY someone with NO FORMAL medical training. No offense, but really, what basis do you have for saying that epidural placement in early labor leads to increased risk of c-section? An article written by a midwife? Come on, now!

The reality is, is that epi placement during early labor was seen as a no-no for a long time because the thinking previously was that it lead to increased rate of c-section- that is true. However, newer studies have indicated, (just as Icekid presented) that that is just simply not the case. Most of my grad school work and research had to do with this topic...I can cite numerous studies to prove my point, if you like. I can also tell you personally, that MANY of my patients receive epi''s in early fact, most of them do, and they still deliver vaginally!!! The bottom line is, there are so many variables, its almost impossible to come to definitive conclusions when it comes to this topic...

This kind of talk just upsets me so much..I really feel strongly about this topic....Will comment more later...tired now....

ETA: In addition, Litigator, the WHO source you cited includes references and research from the 80''s and 90''s. Its 2008.
If we would like to discuss the issue of epi leading to c-section, we can do that. I am aware that research goes both ways (like pretty much all studies or any other "good" issue for that matter). My own labour experience, those of other mom''s, the massive epi and c-section rate in Canada/U.S. versus European countries, and several other factors leads me to believe that there is a link. I think it is good for everyone to discuss this and understand the issue: if you disagree and believe that there is no link or it is minor, that will inform your own labour and delivery decision. I never in this thread "judged" anybody or intended to offend anyone - choose epi, c-section, giving birth in a field - I don''t care or judge. If you take a read through my posts above, I think this will be more than apparent.

I cited the midwife page because I had it bookmarked from my earlier research and I thought it was an easy to read summary.

This does appear to be a hot-button issue. If anyone wishes to discuss it further, can we debate the issue without attacking PS gals?
I love all the boozin'' baby pics. I will post some tonight!!!
First off, congratulations to Jas and to Butterfly on their great news!!! So happy for both of you!!!!

Diver- Love the pics!!! I still get chills everytime a baby is delivered and the parents see him or her for the first time!!! Such an amazing moment!!!!

Travelingal- Although I would have to say that many of our patients choose to receive epidurals, we also very much encourage each woman to make her own informed decisions..... I have been the nurse in MANY deliveries where there were doulas, squatting bars, and birthing balls involved....I respect my patients decisions....whatever she wants to do is fine with me, as long as it is safe for her and baby!!! I do realize that some of my colleagues feel differently when it comes to this topic, but they would still respect each patient's decision for sure. I think its fine if you want to labor as long as you can without an epi....just see how it goes.....I dont think anyone can make any solid decisions until they are actually in the situation, you know? Not everything can be planned, especially something like this. So, just go in with the mindset that the epi is available to you if you need it, should you want it....

Litigator......I understand that you didnt mean to offend anyone or make any of the PG's feel bad about choosing to have an epi during their labor with your original post. However, with the epi leading to c/s comment (better set up the OR's!), you have to understand that you are surely going to offend and upset some people here. I know that that is your own personal conclusion that you have come to, but you really didnt need to post that on this thread.

Enough said...

Wholly Smokes--this thread is rockin! When I posted last night there must have been about 5 others putting up pics/ funny that everyone has Boozin pics with their little one....

Kaleigh--I don''t think it''s necessarily a bad thing that topics get strongly debated--as long as we all maintain respect--I think it''s an important topic. I think we all really luv each other on this site (i know i look forward to using work time each morning to catch up with my cyber gals) i am so thankful you started this thread--it''s been great for me since i don''t have many pregnant friends close by to talk with...

Diver--thanks for posting those ''first moments'' pics for us--puts things in perspective---a reminder of why we discuss this pregnancy and birth stuff so passionately--just look who it is for!!!

Dani--i am interested in Tgal''s question as well. Do nurses roll their eyes when women come in with birth plans, or do they welcome them? I know my hospital does not do epis unless there is a very strong reason to do so. They are not an option for us, so I know I will be expected to deliver drug-free but I have other requests in mind and wonder how I''ll come across.

Mrs.S--yep, women are so judgmental--starts with who has the best Barbie doll and grows from there. I have strong views and I don''t hide them, but I work hard to remember they are mine alone. I don''t always succeed--but I am conscious of it.

Tgal--I''ve been getting some "ouch" kicks as well--almost a scraping sensation sometimes. I can even feel it against the bone internally. Last night I thought I may go into early labor--the downward pelvic pressure was intense...can’t'' imagine what it''ll feel like in a few more weeks. Hope that''s normal?

Butterfly-Thank goodness you went for the 2nd opinion--oh boy, what a shock! Cheers to a healthy pregnancy!

Litchick--i think you bring up some good points about looking at other countries--i do agree that there is something going on in Canada and the US that just does not occur in other countries--and we are not necessarily better off for it. I too have done exhaustive research on this topic (luckily I was paid to do it at a university--b/c it was tedious, thankless work for someone who then got to publish journal articles from it!) one thing I''ve learned is that it is a complex, multidimensional issue that needs more attention so we can continue to make informed choices.

Date: 2/12/2008 8:32:17 AM
Author: LitigatorChick

If we would like to discuss the issue of epi leading to c-section, we can do that. I am aware that research goes both ways (like pretty much all studies or any other ''good'' issue for that matter). My own labour experience, those of other mom''s, the massive epi and c-section rate in Canada/U.S. versus European countries, and several other factors leads me to believe that there is a link. I think it is good for everyone to discuss this and understand the issue: if you disagree and believe that there is no link or it is minor, that will inform your own labour and delivery decision. I never in this thread ''judged'' anybody or intended to offend anyone - choose epi, c-section, giving birth in a field - I don''t care or judge. If you take a read through my posts above, I think this will be more than apparent.

I cited the midwife page because I had it bookmarked from my earlier research and I thought it was an easy to read summary.

This does appear to be a hot-button issue. If anyone wishes to discuss it further, can we debate the issue without attacking PS gals?

Litchick, no pun intended, but it''s all in the DELIVERY.

I know you didn''t MEAN to offend. That''s why I was (I think) somewhat delicate in my first post pointing that out. Have you ever heard it is not the INTENTION in the end that matters, but the PERCEPTION? Even in your post above, it seems to say "I don''t judge. Read what I wrote and you will see that you took it the wrong way." Sometimes all you have to say is, "I didn''t mean to offend, but certainly apologize if I did offend anyone." Simple.

As Dani said, the "better set up ORs" post was destined to get people''s hackles up. I''m hoping you can now see and understand that. Trust me, we have been discussing hot button issues on this thread for awhile now...we all have different opinions. But we have all managed to be very polite about it, and even more learn a bit from each other''s views. We certainly welcome your views for you (which aren''t too different from mine, btw) and hope you can feel like you can continue to discuss them here.

Dani, thanks for the info! Maybe you can come be my nurse?

Jas, downward pelvic pressure eh? I haven''t felt that, but last night I DID have a dream that I was in labor and did feel that pressure. I also dreamed that there was a huge party of my friends outside our delivery room, and that they wouldn''t leave TGuy alone and got him drunk! My mom kept wanting to help out and was stressing me out and my labor refused to progress. Hm. Think I have some fears about all this?
good morning all. i just got back from my 32 week appt. All is well, bp is good, baby's heartbeat is excellent, he's head down and so far still up high. the best news for me for the day...i only gained 2 lbs since last month. that is my smallest increase since I got preggo and it's so nice to finally be slowing down. so, i'm up 32 total which is right on track with my other 2 pregnancies and right on track from my size. anyway, i join tgal and jas12 on the 2 week appts..

litchick. i totally think it's great that you did your research and came to the conclusions you did. Dani is correct that the epi/get the c-sec rooms ready comment is what pushed the button and wasn't really necessary or even completely factual. your insight's and opinions that come from your personal experience are always welcome..we just like to avoid the snarky commments here and save them for the american idol thread

ETA: tgal was typing at the same time as me, but ditto what she said

oh and forgot to mention, i'm right there with you gals on the kicks, seriously, he's kicked me a few times that it really, really HURT. he's a mover and shaker though and i love it.
Tgal and MsS. Well, said, i think we can put any snarkiness behind us. I luv debate, but personal topics such as this can get ppl really worked up--throw in some preggo or mommy hormones, and well....

MrsS. see, your weight gain is perfect
I slowed down a lot too. But I have an appnt. on Thursday, so we''ll see if it was just a fluke. Isn''t it funny that we get excited about just 2 lbs of weight.

Tgal--about the dream: hmm, sounds like you''re afraid your Dad''s antics will surface within Tguy, hehe--keep him away from the booze
come delivery time.
I am not dreaming of labor yet but i am NOT sleeping well--in addition to not getting comfy my mind is whirling around and doesn''t want to shut off-yappity yap yap allll night long. Happens to me before any major event so I know i am just working through any doubts, fears, excitement and boy, if any event would trigger restlessness this would be at the top of the list...

Dani--thanks for the info--i asked my question as you were posting your response to Tgal!
If you still get emotional after seeing a baby in mom''s arms for the first time, esp after witnessing sooo many births, you must really love/feel connected to your job--that''s amazing.
MrsS, woo hoo on the 2 pound only gain! I don''t think I ever only gained a mere two pounds during check up!

OK, for some midweek fun (I know it''s only Tuesday...I need a pick me up) anyone game for putting up their baby pic and their hubby''s?

I am not going to put up my newborn pic (like I said...ugly, plus they need to be scanned in). But I did find these from a wedding project I did. I''ve been looking at them and really wondering how our kid is going to look!

First, here is TGuy. Hm...didn''t think he was all that cute, but doable. Hee hee. And that little bubble nose continued to grow, believe me!!

TGUY 003final.jpg
And here is mine (I think I am about 9 months here). I have the opposite problem...a near non existent nose. TTot needs a nose balance!!!

Thank you so much everyone. I am so amazed sometimes at how nice and thoughtful people can be. Sometimes even a little post for someone can really make that person''s day and to find so many of them all at once, well, it''s just so nice!

To be completely honest, I am actually quite shocked that I am pregnant and at first was quite amibivalent about it, but now very very happy.

It''s actually funny how I found out.

I didn''t even realize that I had a missed period, I thought it was due around the time I started to feel pregnant. I noticed my breasts hurt. Alot!! I came home on Saturday, the 26th and thought, it''s wierd, but they only feel that way when I am pregnant.

So I ran around the bathrooms looking for an old pregnancy test. I remember having an extra one from my previous pregnancy. I knew it must be expired, but I figured, whatever, it should still work.

So I took it and I just could not believe it!!! I was shocked. I showed it to my husband and he was like, who''s is it? I was like, yours of course and he was like that''s impossible. We don''t even have sex anymore ( I know, TMI, LOL!)

So, I convinced him to run to the store and pick up three more and I took them at all different times the next day and each one came out positive and I stilll didn''t believe it.

Quite frankly, we are on birth control, we hardly ever have sex anymore and on occasion we use condoms when we want to be really really sure!

So, How it happened, I really don''t know. But I guess it was meant to be.
Butterfly, this baby surely is meant to be part of your family!! We werent expecting little Ian either, I had taken a test and was sobbing, my DH came home from surfing and he thought the house had been robbed!! But now we cant imagine our lives any different! Enjoy this unexpected journey.

Tgal- You were both adorable the little one is sure to be a cutie!!I'm game for showing pics. I'll show you mine and DH's and then proof that Ian looks exaclty like his daddy!

nh first bday1.JPG
here they are...

just like daddy.jpg
Wow butterfly, it does seem like it was meant to be!

MsF, you are such a doll! And LOL...that is so cool...he does look just like his daddy! Both cuties, but isn''t it freaky sometimes to look the photos and think, wow...twins a generation apart!

With TTot, I don''t think there is any way s/he can look exactly like either of us, but the blend will be interesting to see.
tgal and msflutter....lOVE the baby pics. I''ll see if i can get hubby to scan a few when he gets home..i''m too lazy to do it all of the baby pics of my girls are on a different hard drive but i''ll see what i can find..

butterfly, i''m glad your excited now. that is how i felt when i first found out i was preggo with my second and this one
both were planned but i got pregnant with Lily a lot faster than i thought and just cried. i had just weened my oldest who wasn''t quite one. Then i had a miscarriage back in april and after all that i just wasn''t sure i really wanted to be preggo again. we decided to just see what happened, so again, no BC and as fertile as I am i don''t know why i would have thought a baby wouldn''t happen, but i was only giving it to my b-day in nov. and then hubby was getting the snip. so, i was happy but kinda not too. of course now i''m over the moon and really can''t wait for him to get here. and like all kids, after they are here, planned or not, we really just can''t imagine life without them
Yanno MrsF, I am looking at the pics a little closer. I think your boy looks a lot like you too.

The eyes look like yours (shapewise). The nose and mouth look like your DH''s...but it also resembles yours from your pic too!
Wow, I just didn''t check in a day and this thread jumped like 3 pages.
So much going on and so many cute pictures.
The beer pictures are a riot!
The old baby pictures are so cute.

First off--
Congrats Butterfly17!
I am so glad that the first doctor was wrong.
Hope the next 32 weeks are smooth and easy.

Hope Lily feels better soon.

Welcome back!!
That''s great that great aunt and Tessa got to bond.
Sorry to hear that Tessa was a bit fussy on the flight back,
but that''s only one leg out of 4 -- not bad for her first trip.

Congrats on hearing the heartbeat.
It is so unreal huh? there a reason why the dr might suspect you are further along?
Was your period irregular?

Yay for the 2 lb gain.
Like Tgal....I don''t think I''ve ever gotten such a small gain.
I''ve been gaining a pound or more a week since week 9.
Hopefully, it had slowed down as well, but I don''t it is since I''ve noticed a pretty huge belly
growth spurt in the last 2 weeks. We shall see this Thursday when I go in for my appt.

Jas12 and TGal--
I''m curious to hear about your birthing stories in terms of whether or not you caved in with the epidural :)
I am still on the fence about it right now.
I want to try natural but just don''t know if I can handle the contraction pain.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.
tgal and lili, the 2 lb gain is huge for me because i gained 12 lbs, 6 lbs in the second and third month of my first trimester. so 1 lb a week or a 4 lb gain would have been ok with me, but to see me up so high so quick freaked me out a bit, although my dr. said all was fine. it does just go to show that in the end, most women will end up gaining about the same amount give or take 5 lbs, whether you put it on in the beg. or the comes....
wow I missed alot! Hope I remember everything I want to say.

MsF, Ian is a CLONE of his daddy! Too cute. I love the cheesehead pic as well. Tessa is going to visit Janesville for the first time when we go back to WI in March. How exciting
but great-grandmas are pretty important. I wish we had a scanner. I would totally scan in our baby pics. Oh well!

Ella, how are you holding up? Glad my photo classes in college are becoming useful. Wish I lived closer so we could have a massive photo shoot. Are they smiling more?

Butterfly, congrats! That is an AMAZING (and scary) story. I am so happy for you and your family.

MrsS, you are getting so close! I can''t believe you are 32 weeks already and since you are an early bird perhaps the boy will be here in a month!
I remember those painful movements. She was a crazy woman the last month!

TGal, you guys were adorable. I KNOW Ttot will be just as cute. If not, you''ll never know right? Actually I was looking back at Tessa''s pics and can''t believe how much prettier so looks now than during the first month. Her first pic doesn''t even LOOK like her. She was so puffy.

Diver, BTW I finally got the boppy cover. Better late than never. Love all the pics. You looked so good after delivery...I....

LC, I am going to be honest. I was *slightly* offended by your anti-epi remarks. It felt like you were judging the moms who had them. Seems like a lot of us did decide to have pain relief and have beautiful and healthy babies. It IS such a personal decision like all things parenting. But I am sure you meant no harm. Pie?

So Tessa has her first play date tomorrow! I am excited even though she won''t really interact yet (she is the youngest by a few months). Still it will be fun to hang out with the moms.
Well Mrs S, I wanna know why yer fingers are still so skinny, judging from your upgrade ring post!
And I have to say, that is one dy-no-mite ring. I thought Leon was where it''s at, but obviously I am wrong! I just love that style of ring...I tried some on before I picked my more modern setting. It just didn''t look right on me...I didn''t have the "panache" to pull it off. Too much of a tomboy, but boy, it still makes me go pitter pat seeing that style!

Jas, you''re right...lots of insecurities at play here. I think my mind will be whirling a lot more too in the next few weeks like yours is.

Lili, who knows...however, I will have no problem coming back to report "Nope! Natural birth NOT for me!" I know too many people who had healthy, bright babies with an epi to turn it down if I need it. Plus all these kicks and weird pains I''ve had in the last week (both in reality and in my dreams) make me wonder about my tolerance.

Like, I said, it''s more about curiosity than anything.

Ha Tacori...I think playdates are as much for the sanity of the moms as they are for the babies! Take lotsa pics!
Lili, you are right. At least 3 of the flights went smoothly.

msb, forgot to mention you will be fine! At least you can kind of distract a 1 year old. Do you have a mini dvd player? Might come in handy if it is a long flight.

TGal, totally agree. I am in charge of bringing the wine! It will be my 3 month old, a 5 month boy, a 7 month girl, and a 15 month boy. We''ll have fun!
Oh, TGal, don''t worry if you do decide on having an epi there will still be time to feel the pain
I had about 3 hours of heavy, strong contrax before I finally got my epi. That was enough for me.
Date: 2/12/2008 2:45:34 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, totally agree. I am in charge of bringing the wine! It will be my 3 month old, a 5 month boy, a 7 month girl, and a 15 month boy. We'll have fun!

Hehe, this brings to mind that chip commercial I saw a while back about the mommies and their babies' playdate

Don't know if you've seen it.
It showed the babies just lounge around in their baby seats and then zoomed out to the mommies talking away and enjoying their drinks and chips.
And one mommy said "we should do these playdates more"

So yeah, I agree with TGal about these playdates being more for the mommies.
Lili, I have seen that. It is a cute commercial.
Date: 2/12/2008 2:27:36 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Well Mrs S, I wanna know why yer fingers are still so skinny, judging from your upgrade ring post!
And I have to say, that is one dy-no-mite ring. I thought Leon was where it''s at, but obviously I am wrong! I just love that style of ring...I tried some on before I picked my more modern setting. It just didn''t look right on me...I didn''t have the ''panache'' to pull it off. Too much of a tomboy, but boy, it still makes me go pitter pat seeing that style!

tgal, i am lucky that i pretty much gain all my weight it my belly and of course the booty and thighs
but no water weight in the fingers, feet or face. so from the neck up i look normal or from the elbow down to my fingertips
thank you so much for the ring comments, it really is just amazing and a little different from where i even began my search. i didn''t even want a plus, i have researched my brain numb about pros and cons of pave and really had covinced myself to go with the safe 24/7 type setting just b/c it''s easier. but pave rings have also made my heart skip a beat and when i saw that one, with that was it!! so over 2 years of waiting and saving finally paid off.

oh, and I think your attitude going into labor it great. you have a plan but are open to that changing which really should be the case for all of us. I''ll admit with my first I tested myself to see how long i could go b/f i asked for the epi, although I intended to have one all along. once the pitocin hit, the contractions were just too painful and I got a good 30 minutes of intense pain while i waiting for the anesthesiologist to get there. although i''ve been throught this 2x already, i know things can change on a dime and i still get a little nervous b/c things can happen so quickly. i promise though, once you are there and going through it, the fear just kinda leaves and is replaced by anticipation and excitment and for you i''m betting a load of determination..

tacori, have fun at your play date. i get together with my mom''s club gals a few times a week and it''s just so nice to have other grownups to talk to and get out of the house.
Well, I am very excited for your ring (and you!). I wasn''t kidding when I say we need lots of shots...and close ups of that cushion!

I would love a 1.5-2c cushion...but can''t get myself to spend the money. So I am trying to find joy in buying strollers and diaper bags.

And to make matters worse, yesterday was the first day I didn''t wear my fingers are finally starting to swell. Today though it''s fine, so I don''t feel so bad.

That''s interesting MrsS about your first labor...I can see myself doing that too - seeing how long I can go. Yes, I am a generally determined person, but I don''t want to confuse that with stubborness and there comes a time when you have to admit to yourself that you are just being plain ole stubborn, you know what I mean?

Tacori, sounds like an awesome playdate.
I''ve been away for a couple days, and boy it sure got heated in here. I am glad that everything had calmed down. I still haven''t done enough research on childbirth yet. So far, I found a lot of online sites not to be as detailed as I like. Right now, I am leaning toward unmedicated birth in the hospital if I can handle it. I mentioned to DH about maybe not wanting epidural, and he was like "but what if it''s too late when you want it and you can''t get it." So I still need a lot of research and info, so we can really talk about it. Please recommend some books/websites/articles on childbirths (on medicated, natural and c-section).

Thank you ladies for sharing your birth stories. It''s really helpful. I only have one close friend who had a baby; everyone else are still single, so I don''t really get to hear a lot of birth experiences.

LC - Your son is a hottie.

MsF - Hope you''re feeling better. Ian is such a cutie and looks just like daddy.

Tgal - You were a cute baby. My co-worker walked by when I was going through the thread and she said "whose baby is that?" I told her that it''s a girl who thought she was an ugly baby. Then she said "she is not ugly. She is adorable."

Jas - Congrats on the HB. If you are actually 12 wks, then 1st tri was a breeze. =)

Butterfly - OMG, I am so glad you got a second opinion. Congrats.

Tacori - glad your trip went well and the playdate sounds fun.
LOL Qtiekiki...the picture I posted I think is fine! I''m talking newborn...and I haven''t posted those. Ugggggggggly. Swollen eye, pushed up nose, etc. I got ugly again into my second year, but I blame that mostly on my mother''s odd fascination (and insistence) on mullet hairdos.

But tell your coworker thank you.

As for sites...I liked reading some positive birthstories on forums like babycenter. There is a natural birth forum there, but balance it out by reading other forums.
Yet another mommy question.....I have been using dreft and it is amazingly good at getting out the poop but while we were in Tucson I did a load at my cousin''s (with regular tide). She didn''t seem to have any negative reaction to it so I was wondering if you all thought I could do away with the "gentle" detergent? She doesn''t seem to have sensitive skin.
Tacori, I know a lot of moms who just wash with regular detergent and the baby is fine. I plan to try to start out with All Free and Clear (I think that is the name of it). Cheaper than Dreft apparently but works just as well.