
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Lili--I am a "half innie, half outie" as well--DH and I have a bet going on it. He is sure it''ll pop completely. The rules: It has to fully pop (the whole inside part) for a 24 hr period or longer--we had to put the time frame on it b/c sometimes after a big meal it is looking a little more lively. Whomever wins has to take the other to their favourite restaurant (when/if we ever eat out again post-baby!)
I didn''t take any classes--lamaze didn''t really appeal to me. I am reading Bradley method material and i like the approach so i am practicing their stuff once in a while and it''s pretty basic so it''s doable. What i do wish is that i had some way to meet mommies to be--most of my friends are out of town so i hope i don''t feel too isolated once on mat leave--that''s what classes would be great for IMO.

Tgal--you make me laugh--your nursing bra story reflects exactly how i feel every time i get dressed in the morning. I think my first Tri self esteem issues are back--at least this week anyway. DH is so wonderful and tells me i am beautiful about 10 times a day--you''d think that would cheer me up--umm, nope. At dinner i tossed a soggy noddle at his head when he was trying to be all nicey nice b/c i feel like ass and basically I am turning into a bee-ach...i am getting easily annoyed with the world so I don''t go clothes shopping any longer or do things that require me to be really friendly.
I just bought a jersey type nursing bra-kinda looks like a 12 year old''s training bra but with those snaps at the straps--SEXY!

Curly--Thanks! I think that was the site i was looking for, so many nice ones on there--i am excited to pick on out once I know who i am annoucing ;-)

Burk--neat! I had a feeling there was something unique behind that name.

I am glad we don''t have a BRU (closest one is over 3 hrs away) cuz it sounds like i could do a lot of damage there!
Date: 2/20/2008 6:56:52 PM
Author: snlee

I have some good news to share! I''m pregnant! It''s still very early...I''m 5 weeks. Due date is October 22nd. My husband and I are so happy and excited! I am still in shock! I can''t believe a little being is inside me growing as I type.

Seeing the two lines on the HPT was an amazing experience! I couldn''t believe it. We were so happy to see that BFP, especially after seeing 10 BFN''s!

I have my first prenatal appointment next week. We can''t wait! I hope they do a ultrasound and I get to see the blob and maybe the heartbeat. Maybe it''ll become more real after that.

Keeping it a secret it hard! We''ve told a few close family members and I''ve told one coworker who is also pregnant. There''s about 11 women currently pregnant in my department now. People have been pointing fingers at me saying I''m next for awhile now and I can''t wait to tell everyone. I''m trying to wait till the I''m in my second trimester.
YAY!!!! I am sooooo excited for you snlee!!! Best wishes to you and your hubby!!!
Burk, I know what show you are talking about and remember asking my DH about that name. How funny! My daughter went 5 days w/o pooping once. We tried the basic things, prayed to the poop g-ds, warm bath, moving her legs around, and taking her temp. Didn''t work. We ended up giving her a suppository and she pooped an hour later
I have heard about putting dark Karo syrup in their bottle (and that was going to be our next step. The nurse told us about that). Since she is only a month I would talk to you doctor. My daughter is almost 4 month and still hasn''t had juice. I am a little scared about introducing things too soon.
I swear PS has the cutest babies and kids on earth.

ella - The twin still kind of look alike. It''ll be interesting to see how they change growing up. Love those smiles.

Jas - Congrats on twins!!! That explains why your uterus was big.

Snlee - Congrats!!! We found out at 4wks 4days and it was kind of surreal at first. Seeing the u/s really made it real for us. Wishing you an easy healthy 9 months.

Tgal, Jas12, and moms - Is nursing bra really that horrible and hideous? I kept reading recommendations for nursing tanks instead of nursing bra. I was checking out the other day, and I just thought DH must think it''s sexy. hehe.

I have a question about boobs. I know everyone is different, but I am just curious what kind of "typical". How much did yours grow during pregnancy? did they get even bigger after birth? and do they get smaller once you stop breastfeeding?
Snlee- I posted in the TTC thread, but wanted to say congrats again, and best of luck!!!

Just catching up a little on this thread!!! All of these pics are so cute!!!!

Hope all the preggos are doin'' well!!!!
snlee- Yay, i''m so happy for you!!!

tgal- i''d take the free pump and replace the parts you don''t feel comfortable with. however, aren''t most of them diswasher safe? i''d probably just super sanitize the other parts too b/c I''m a cheapo and hate spending money on stuff like that.

tacori- so glad tessa is doing a little better. how are you feeling?
Q, it isn''t that they are that ugly but the tanks are more practical. Imagine nursing your little on in public. I PERSONALLY do not want to expose my belly. With the tank, it''s always covered. I wear a zip-up or button up cardi with them and it makes everything so simple. Plus they are great to sleep in b/c I have to always wear a pad (they leak)

Always remember NOT to get nursing bras with underwires. From someone who suffers chronic clogged ducts (I have a new one right now actually
) I would NOT take the chance. Yes they are cuter and sexier but trust me the pain is not worth it!

My boobs grew a cup and a number fairly quickly. I believe they are the same size (I don''t think they got larger once my milk got established. The first day it came in however I could have given the hooter''s girls a run for their money)

MrsS, I am feeling 100% horrible!
I haven''t been this sick for a long time. I am sure the lack of sleep is just making it worse.
WOW this board is moving...let me see if I can at least keep up with half the posters.

Burk & Snlee-CONGRATS (on the cute little one and the little one to be)
Also burk, when i switched the little guy to formula there were several time he only pooped once every 4 days. i ended up switching him to similac sensitive which is lactose free...but my pedi wasnt overly concerned..

Tacori- sorry you are still feeling bad. hope you can kick it soon. i was at the pedi today because of Ian''s eye. He has had this clogged tearduct since birth and it bothers him so he scratches it it gets infected, we get drops it gets better, the duct is still clogged and the cycle repeats. we are going to start an oral medicine tomorrow...hope it helps.

ephemery- sorry about the morning sickness, hope it doesnt last long!

Nursing Bras- Get the target tanks before the baby and after the baby determine how its going/how big you are before you spend a fortune. I bought a bunch of cute nursing bras at the pump station in santa monica and literally lived in the target tanks. i could sleep and go out in the same thing, and i didnt feel like the total bum i was.

TGal, have you been interviewing pedi''s. I interviewed several and seriously fell in love with mine. He is up on the hill but its worth the drive for me, and i think you are closer. he is AMAZING! he gives you his email and you can seriously email him any day of the week and he will usually get back to you in hours...sending a hug to the little one. It was a lifesaver for me, I was so worried and the first few weeks i sent emails every few days, and when Ian was losing weight he would just have me email him the weights from bright beginnings instead of trudging into the office. just thought i''d mention it.

I am going to the mommy and me spa tomorrow and i''m so excited. i totally deserve a break!
awwwwwwwwwwww ladies..ur just so sweet with ur comments about my son
i keep thinking im so biased when i say hes a beauty coz im his mom, but its so nice to hear u guys say it too..PS family is the best!! :)

Burk: Welcome to the community and congrats on ur little one..i love the name btw!! as for pooping, my son had days like that too, but i used to just rub his tummy with a little olive oil and give him a lite massage and that worked for also helped lessen any ''gas'' he had...

Snlee: CONGRATS!! this is such great news...wishing u a safe and healthy 9 months :)

re nursing bras: I dont know if u have these around but i LOOOOOOOOOVED my nursing bras..i got a few from Marks & Spenser (they were nicely padded plain white t-shirt bra typa thing, but had a hook that flipped the front part open..sooooooo convenient, EXCELLENT support and best of all!! no nasty lacey material that showed thru every single thing i own!!...Also, do u have a woman''s secret around? they have some great nude nursing bras too (also t-shirt bras)...

qtiekiki : i went up one full cup size, but stayed the same number wise..

Jas: cant believe ur gonna be off for a year so soon!! thats just like a dream come true to me!! being able to take a year off to raise my kid!! jealous :) (i was back in the office when he was 2 months old)...

Tacori: hope u feel better soon
feeling sick and lack of sleep just dont go hand in hand!!

okay..stupid question...i keep reading about BRU and i have tried and tried to figure out what that was and still have no idea (I know its a baby store of some sort, but wasn''t sure if it was an abbreviation for a larger name or if that is what its called!)
bru is babies r us

i didnt comment on your son before I tend to get lost in these posts, but i just went back to find his pic... and he is a doll! Has he always had such a great head of hair? Those semi curls are just too cute! there aren't all that many boys around here, diver you me and of course ella's little man.... here is the newest pic of my little slobberface...

And marks and spencer was my favorite store when i lived in edinburgh...i had completely forgot about it, where are you?

Thanks all for your opinions on the nursing bras and tanks. Stupid question...where do the nursing pads go? My friend gave me some that I checked out that must be from target (they are too small though) and it doesn''t seem like it would do any good hiding headlights and leaks?

Qtiekiki, I don''t know if they all hideous or not...I just started looking into this and I am not impressed!

I think I will look into replacing the pump parts. This one is just fine and it would save me $200. I just hear it''s an "open system", and can be contaminated. But if that is the case, there''s arguments that you shouldn''t use it for multiple children as well. Hm...

Tacori, I hope you feel better soon!

Boobs...grew a cup or two and a number.

MsF, I have not, but all my friends go to the same guy and they LOVE him. So I am going to use him too, as he is close. Yours sounds great though...he''s up in PV? And you have to report back in on the spa!

And that pic of Ian!
Date: 2/21/2008 12:49:30 AM
Author: msflutter
bru is babies r us

i didnt comment on your son before I tend to get lost in these posts, but i just went back to find his pic... and he is a doll! Has he always had such a great head of hair? Those semi curls are just too cute! there aren''t all that many boys around here, diver you me and of course ella''s little man.... here is the newest pic of my little slobberface...

And marks and spencer was my favorite store when i lived in edinburgh...i had completely forgot about it, where are you?

now dont i feel stupid!! babies-r-us..bahahahahah!! that for some reason did NOT click with me..unfortunately the BRU that we have is tinnnnnnnnny and doesnt have much so not one of my favorite stores to go to!!

I actually live in bahrain..and yah, we dont have many boys on this forum!!

my son had a full of hair when i gave birth, then lost almost all of it when he turned 3 months, then got it all back by 6 months :)

love that pic of ur son!! (is that the rainforest jumperoo i see in the background?? ihave one of those too and i LOOOOOOOOVE it!!! my son just has a field day everytime hes in it and it just give me some time to relax as he bounces away in the background :) )
My boobs grew a bit during pregnancy, but nothing major. But after giving birth - yowza!!! At my first doctor''s appointment, I pointed to my chest and said "what the &*(&*!". I was really engorged, and it did get better, but they were massive (for me). So I was happy that I waited until after I delivered to buy most of my nursing bras and tanks. I liked glamourmom for the tanks. Also, after you delivery, the lack of sexiness really does not bother you.
Burk, Tayva is gorgeous!! What a little beauty queen she is!

msb, your little dude is quite the looker too. I agree with everyone that the hair is just so cute! He''s one of those kids where you can see what he''ll look like when he grows up (doesn''t have a babyish look to him), and he''s going to be a heartbreaker for sure!

And of course we all love Mr. Ian with the huuuge blue eyes
enjoy your spa day , lady!

Congrats snlee!!!
How exciting that those of you from the TTC thread are jumping to this one now!! Whoo hooo for baby making!

I didn''t like the nursing tanks I got (from Destination Maternity), but I think they were too big on me -- I just wasn''t fitting in the boobspace correctly and was leaking all over the darn thing. I should try the Target ones because it''s pretty annoying always whipping off my shirt (at home, I don''t nurse in public) to nurse them. Speaking of nursing, I finally had another appt. with a LC yesterday b/c it''s been going pretty badly lately, and it turns out that I DO have a low supply -- poor Gabe only took in 4/10ths of an ounce when I fed him during the appointment
I''m relieved to know that it''s ME and not the babies because hopefully I can fix the problem: I rented a stronger pump, have a prescription waiting to be picked up, and am going to try goat''s rue (MsF, I think you said you take that one, right?). So hopefully that''ll boost me up enough that I can actually FEED the babies during a nursing sesion and not just give them an appetizer! I know I''ll still have to give htem formula sometimes, and I''m totally OK with that -- I just want the formula to be given because I want to give it at a certain time and not because I have to.

Jas, TGal, MrsS lili, and Rebot, I can''t believe that you guys are all due so soon!! It''s funny but watching other people''s pregnancies really makes time fly by! I cannot wait to find out what the "surprise" babies wind up being!

re belly buttons ... ugh, i dont even wanna go there. i hate hate hate mine right now! i''ve still got the linea nigra, and my bb is all discolored and soggy looking. i was just telling q this morning that i know it''s silly but i really miss my old cute belly button!

re poop ... my friend did the karo syrup, and it worked for her but my dr doesn''t recommend it. they told me to give gabe 1/2 oz of juice (apple or any "p" juice - pear, prune, peach) mixed w/1/2 oz water.

hope the tacori clan gets better soon!

and yeah tinyprints has some gorgeous birth announcements -- very pricey though! and i heart bj''s for diapers and wipes too!
I am so happy for you! I can''t believe you''re having an appointment so early! I''m jealous!!!! I''ll be almost 10 weeks when I go for my first appointment next week. Looking forward to sharing your journey with you and wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

lili, if you go to all the websites, you can sign up and they''ll send you stuff. I get so many coupons in the mail. Regarding the belly button, mine looks so weird even now at 9 months post partum! It''s back to being an innie but it''s bigger and deeper and just looks different. I had the linea negra too. I can''t remember when it started fading but it''s pretty much totally gone now. I hear you on not sporting a bikini any time soon too!!!!

Jas12, I hope that site helps you with your announcements. I know you need to wait to find out who you''re going to announce but you might want to pick a couple of top choices now because you just may not have the time (or interest!) to deal with it once the little one arrives. So if I were you, I would definitely choose a few, figure out the wording and have them almost ready to go so all you''ll have to do is fill in the blanks after the baby gets here.

Boobs. The boob fairy skipped my house. They did not grow at all during my pregnancy with Lily. But I will say that after she was born and my milk came in, I looked like a **** STAR! It was insane. Instant boob job. Unfortunately, they were hard as rocks and beyond painful since I didn''t nurse so I never really had a chance to "enjoy" them! No growth yet this time either.

Mornin gals

Snlee--> Congrats momma-to-be

, I must have been posting last night at the same time as you cuz i missed that announcement. Welcome aboard--I hope everything goes smoothly!!!! Waiting to tell everyone is so hard I know, just keep yourself busy and hopefully the time will fly by.

Qtiekiki--about the boobage--i was very small to begin with and increased almost a cup size within the first 6 weeks!, but i can still fit a lot of my old bras. The main issue for me was rib expansion--i went up at least a number, but even that was tight. I bought the bra-extenders at walmart to save buying new bras. It'll be interesting to see what size boobs i have when the milk is in---i've never had voluptuous anything in my life


Msb--I took my mat leave for granted till i came on PS--a year is pretty standard in canada so i never really thought about it--but now when i mention it on here i feel like i am spoiled

--two months is not a lot of time at home. You must have found it so hard to go back--not to mention exhausting.

Curly--thanks for the birth announcement tip--i am going to do that--maybe get the envelopes addressed and stamped as well. I often wonder what i will/will not want or be able to do once the baby arrives. I don't know if I over or underestimate the amount of work it'll be (probably underestimate!)

Ella--my BB aint a pretty sight either. I had a belly ring that i took out about a month ago--the hole is stretched and discolored--lovely.

So, in my AM rush i was looking for a new pair of mat jeans i just bought --off the hanger I pulled down a pair i thought were the right ones and in a hurry started to pull them up....i got mid thigh...progress stalled...and then i realized they were pre-preggo jeans. I took them off and held them up.....stared for a good 2 minutes....then i almost cried. There is no way i USED to wear those itty bitty things
--i swear my legs are 3X thicker! There is no way baby needs these thighs, i am not buying the 'maternal stores' theory----mother nature is just e.v.i.l.!!
Thanks for answering my boobage question. I am just concerned because I already went up two cup sizes but same number. I don't want them to grow anymore. I got new bras and the straps are weighing down on my shoulder. It's just a PITA. I can't imagine getting bigger. I want my old boobs back. hehe.

I don't know if I feel comfortable nursing in public, so maybe nursing tank or nursing bra wouldn't really matter. I guess I'll just wait and see. It's too early for me to decide anyways.

I just made the appt for the big u/s. It'll be in two weeks (one day before I am 19 wks). I can't wait.

MsF - wow Ian has such beautiful blue eyes.
I hear ya''ll on the belly button thing. Mine still looks relatively normal, but my scar from my belly ring has decided to turn into some psychedellic seems to change color and shape all the time. It''s wigging me out.

Just came back from my doc appointment. Man, going first thing in the morning is awesome. Out of there in 15 minutes vs 1 hr and 15! I''m at 30 pounds now, with 5 weeks to go...right on track. Everything looks great...they did some kind of culture for bacteria, and then, my first annoucement:

"Cervix is still closed but looks like you''re starting to efface."

I had to stop from laughing out loud as I thought about Jas'' post yesterday on "announcements." But boy, it did make the appointment a bit more exciting!!

I''m on every week here on out. Don''t know why, but that got my blood''s like the final stretch in a marathon. Woooowheee!!

Ooh...doorbell just rang. Got my miracle blankets! They are on sale right now...10% off if you buy one, 15% off if you buy 2, and there is a clearance one in beige with lavender trim that is 20% off. If I have a boy, he may look a bit funny!
Date: 2/21/2008 1:28:57 PM

Ooh...doorbell just rang. Got my miracle blankets! They are on sale right now...10% off if you buy one, 15% off if you buy 2, and there is a clearance one in beige with lavender trim that is 20% off. If I have a boy, he may look a bit funny!
Yep, we got that beige w/lav one and a blue w/green trim. the lav was bought to be hers and the blue his but honestly i just grab whichever one doesn''t smell like pee. ( ahhhhh, the truth about mommyhood!) it''s def a matter of function over fashion when it comes to baby sleepwear. and yes, like tacori says, def. get those nightgowns that are open at the bottom -- a godsend for middle-of-the-night diaper changes!

congrats on a great appt!
i''m envious that you''re getting "announcements" -- I got one "you''re dilated 1 cm" at my3week appt and then my next one was gabe saying, "i don''t need this fluid anymore ... I''m breaking outta here asap!"

you are def. in the home stretch now!TTot is waiting in the wings getting ready to make his/her big debut ...
Date: 2/21/2008 1:28:57 PM
Author: TravelingGal
''Cervix is still closed but looks like you''re starting to efface.''

Woohoo, that''s great news TGal!
Good job on the weight gain front too --
If you are like Jas12, you may even come below your total goal

So has Ttot dropped then?
Snlee - CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

On boobs - mine have grown about a full cup size and one number and seem to be getting larger but not very quickly. I was a large A/small B before and now I''m busting out of a B and filling in a C nicely. I sort of like it

I got my hemmed maternity work pants back earlier this week and they are sooo much more comfortable to wear during the day sitting at the computer. My boss is probably glad to have his "proper looking" assistant back too.

A client of mine actually noticed I was preggo without me saying anything today! It''s sorta liberating to not feel just fat and to feel more round. I''m still not brave enough to take any pictures (or at least post them).

Are any of you dealing with jealous pets? Our youngest pug, Chewy, is 2 and is very jealous if you don''t pay attention to him all the time. Even if you cuddle our other pug, Nessa, or cuddle a pillow he gets all sad and will wimper and paw at you until you pay attention to him. We worry about how he will be when the baby gets here. I know that he wouldn''t hurt a child but he is so needy himself. This is what we get for spoiling him so much! My mom and dad could probably take him for a bit but he''s our little guy and we want to make sure that everyone is safe and comfortable. Any suggestions?
I love Ian''s gorgeous big blues!

His slobber face is too cute.
Is he crawling already?

Awee...sorry you are not feeling yourself sweetie.
Can you take any medicine for it? Or do you need to just ride this out medicine-free because you are BFing?
Hope you feel better soon.

I know, we are are so close.
It seems like yesterday when we were all waiting for you, njc, diver, and Tacori to go.
Now it is our turn.
I can''t wait either to find out what the "surprise" babies are!
Hmmm....wonder if TGal may be the first to deliver since she''s just got her "annoucement".
OOo..have fun on your date night!

Thanks, I''ll do that.
I''ll take any savings I can get. Plus, I have a feeling that DH is probably going to go through the diapers and wipes like crazy on that little butt.
I''ve seen how he cleaned -- 3 towels for one spill

I know what you mean about outing once baby comes.
Just the thought of bringing all the necessities for the baby when you go anywhere is enough to make me want to stay put.
yeah Ella, I totally don''t care about the color and what not. Function over form, that''s me. I hope I like these...

btw, I just reread your previous post...bummer about the milk supply. I had to laugh though when you called your current feedings "appetizers." I had this image of you serving milk on a silver tray to your twins and asking, "hors d''oeuvre?" Hehehe..

Lili, TTot has not dropped yet. Still riding high. I think it''s trying to come out of my ears...

DivaDiamond...sorry, I don''t have pets so can''t be of much help there....
ooo tgal, how fun and exciting to get your first *announcement* really won''t be too much longer now. the visits are a little more fun at the end b/c each time you hope there is progress.
ella, that twin picture is so cute! I love the new avatar! Such cute smiles!

msb, your boy is adorable! Love his hair!

msflutter, what an adorable picture of Ian! I love his blue eyes!

qtiekiki, how exciting about the big u/s! Are you finding out the sex?

lili, TGal, ephemery, Zoe, Tacori, Kaleigh, qtiekiki, Dani, msflutter, msb, ella, curlygirl, Jas12, DivaDiamond - thank you for the congratulations! I've always loved this thread and it's great to participate as a pregnant PS'er now!

I am all
right now, wondering when the
will happen, and hoping I don't feel too much of

ephemery, I'm looking forward to going through this journey together! I think we're 2 weeks apart! Yay for October babies!

I am really glad I got an early appointment. I read that usually the first prenatal appointment takes place around 8 weeks so I guess I lucked out. I was surprised that they scheduled my appointment before asking when my last period was. I am happy I don't have to wait that long.

Oh the boobs, I hope mine get bigger. I've always been very small so I wouldn't mind going up a cup size or two. Jas, up a cup size within the first 6 weeks? Lucky! I haven't had a noticeable change yet. They are very sore though.
Tgal--WOOHHOO that''s great news from the world of ''down below''.

Snlee--yep, boobs grew right away (but we''re talking like a negative A to a large A--i am small)--a couple ppl at my gym said to me (after telling them i was preggo) hmm, we were wondering b/c you didn''t have a belly but you all of a sudden got some clevage--i also lost weight before my wedding and boobs were big part of that--so when i got pregnant immediately after, the boobs came back. The growth stopped by the second month--but the rib cage grew. You''ll get some soon i am sure--most women do--the soreness come first i think.

Gotta go take care of my DH--he has a killer headache--poor guy, he never complains so i know it must be bad. May use him as an excuse not to go to the gym--i am not motivated anymore.
Tgal - That''s a horrible story.

Snlee - One of the first symptoms I had was soreness. I didn''t really notice the size change at first, but DH did. My bra started feeling snug around 8wks. I kind of like it at first since I was a small B. The soreness went down and I thought they stop growing. But a couple weeks ago, my old bra were getting really uncomfortable. I went to get new bras, and found out i am now a 34D. I was shocked. I am sure yours will grow soon.

Jas12 - Hope your DH feel better.
Hey ladies. Just wanted to let you know I am still alive.
I am feeling a little better today. I went back to bed this morning. Told DH he is on his own (I thought my head was going to explode) and when I finally woke up and Tessa saw me she broke out into a HUGE smile.
He was so precious. She sounds a lot better too. Still congested but the nurse called to check up on her and said cold symptoms can last up to two weeks. We both took a long nap and I know it helped me.

I meant to mention I have started to read short books to her and she LOVES them. She seems to really get into them and looks at the pictures. I think part of it is she LOVES listening to DH and my voice. I thought she would be too young but hey, gives us something to do.

Q, like ella said even at home taking off my shirt every time I nurse (which is STILL almost every 3 hours is a PITA). I have only nursed in public a few times. Once in Nordstorm''s bathroom (and they have a separate mommy room so it was HARDLY public. and the other times on the plane with my hooter hider. Also like MsF I wear them everyday (I am glad they are so cheap!)

TGal, the pads go over your nipples (bra holds them in place). You might soak a few but once your body KNOWS how much milk baby needs it is fine. I *think* both of mine flow at once so it is good to have something soak up the excess. I wear them 24/7.

MsF, He is so cute!!!! Love those huge blue eyes. What a cute spa idea!

Lili, I did take some Tylenol Cold. I can only take medicines that were okay during not that many...I got A LOT of sleep today so hopefully that will help.

I am sure I am missing people but I just wanted to pop in quickly. Hope everyone is feeling good! I probably should make something to eat since I haven''t eaten all day. Maybe I will lose a few pounds...
Date: 2/21/2008 12:04:56 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Thanks for answering my boobage question. I am just concerned because I already went up two cup sizes but same number. I don''t want them to grow anymore. I got new bras and the straps are weighing down on my shoulder. It''s just a PITA. I can''t imagine getting bigger. I want my old boobs back. hehe.

Don''t know what happened to my earlier post.
Guess I must have submitted it.
Anyway, I was saying that you probably can expect your boobs to grow a bit more when the milk comes in.
Both my sisters grew about a cup size during the pregnancy, but really blew up when the milk comes in.
As for the boobs shrinking back, it can go either way.
One sister was a bit fuller than pre-preggo and the other was flatter after they weened.

I hear you about it being a PITA to find a good supporting bra.
I still have yet to find one that fits well.
The straps or the width are either too long or big when the cups are right.
And I really need those straps for the support.

Woohoo, for the upcoming ultrasound.
I had mine at 18 wks and was pleasantly surprised to see how detailed the u/s is.
You can see the different acrobatic moves the baby is doing.
So are you going to find out the sex?