
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hey all!

LC, Miller is a great name. Glad we broke you down

Jas, oh I bet they would be good cold. So jealous you get free promax bars! We did DTD I think in the 39th week. Obviously didn''t work. My doc said it is the sperm that softens the cervix but I think if baby ain''t ready there is nothing you can do naturally.

snlee, DH came to maybe 1/3 of them (all u/s of course).

MrsS, any news on your sapphire rings? Julian is going to try to explain what the 4 different pinks are. BTW engraving can be done for $5 a character. to go....
Yes, TGIF!!

Ella--i just luv the name Itsy Bitsy yoga--i think i would go for the cuteness factor alone--i wish i lived somewhere that had something half as cool as that--urrg, maybe i should start something up. I am sure it would be nothing but good for you and babes.
As for post baby sex, i''ve heard from friends it takes a looooong time for that urge to really return. Didn''t diver say it took her around a yr for the first.?And with twins you are dishing out double the boob time, sooth time, play time, iam sure alone time would be more arousing than having to have to touch *another* person!

Lili--whatever you have gained up until this point hasn''t shown on you so dont worry about 3 lbs. As i mentioned this week my weight gain came to a halt in the last little while, but i was already at or past the high end of the normal range for the rest of the pregnancy so i think things just even out--a little extra here, a little less there...
And IMO the fact that your Dr. won''t induce till at least 10 days past your DD is a good thing! I have yet to ask my OB what his thoughts are on this-i am curious. Hopefully none of us will go over by 10 days, but anything b/w 38 and 42 (ick) weeks is still considered normal--DD are such an estimate. baby rules in that domain.
MrsM, Tessa didn''t flip until really late. Of course now I can''t remember I want to say it was 35-36 weeks. I know I posted it in here when it happened. Whenever it was it was late b/c we were going to pick a date for a c-sec at that appointment if she hadn''t flipped. So don''t worry. I will warn you it was very painful when she did (since we was pretty big to be doing that) but she never went back. I didn''t do anything special. I told my dad about an exercise the nurse told me about and he started manically laughing
Of course he has seen babies flip (both ways) during labor.

Speaking of babies coming early I read an article with Christina A and she had an ELECTIVE c-sec at 37 weeks. Not sure how I feel about that....
re: babies flipping. I never did anything special, have no idea and didn't even really think about them not being head down. both girls were head down and during my last 2 visits jake is too. My *guess* is he's too big at this poing to flip back and I sure hope he doesn't. just based on the birth weights of my other too, he's probably a little over 5 lbs, maybe even closer to 6..but of course that's just a guess. mrs.mitchell I do think you still have plenty of time for the baby to flip and it's not even breech, so it doesn't really have a far way to turn. Do try some of the things tgal and Jas12 suggested, it sure couldn't hurt.

tacori- i have to put the push presents on hold for just a bit. DK would not size my ring so I have to pay extra for the remake..i don't mind at all b/c I really do prefer that it be made in my size and i still have to buy the wedding band so there went my push present budget
. of course, i think just getting my e-ring will keep me content for a while until i can replish the ring fund. I definitely plan on doing 2 pink bands and one blue though, with the sizing bars. good to know about the engraving too. what are you going to have engraved on your band?

lili- girl you are so tiny, it's about time you gained some weight and caught up
Congratulations Jen and Ephemery!! I haven''t checked out this thread in awhile. I''m so happy for you both (and to anyone else I missed having only skimmed the last 2 pgs)!
Hi all, I had my u/s today! Like ephemery, I was surprised to get an external u/s. The tech said she would try externally first. She was able to get some measurements and as suspected the EDD is 10/22. We saw our little blob and the heartbeat!
It was amazing. I am still in awe. I loved seeing the heartbeat and I was bummed when it was over. I wanted to see more, even though it's a blurry blob.
The picture we took home is very blurry but still the most precious picture ever!
Now I can't wait until the big u/s! It has become more real as we've seen our little bean. I am just so happy and I feel blessed I get to go through this wonderful experience.

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Congrats, Snlee!!! It is so exciting to actually see your little person for the first time. My little "bean" just ate of bowl of oatmeal and is pushing a truck around. They grow from beans to little people so fast!!!
Awwww Snlee I am so happy you got your US and saw the heart beat and your little bean. Isn''t that the best?? So happy for you!!
Lili and MrsS, I''m really hoping the baby will move! It''s starting to push my hip joints out a little and it hurts a LOT! Plus, my mother just told me that she had a section because I was transverse and her sister had two sections for the same reason. I sooo hope that isn''t hereditary! Tacori, I think (although I could be wrong) that elective in this context can just mean that it was planned, rather than done as an emergency - could be planned for medical reasons.

I''m trying visualisation every spare moment I have! I''m still optimistic that the baby will move into position.

Jen, I''m sorry - I missed your post. Congratulations to you. Hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy.
Thanks for all of the welcomes and congrats!

Snlee and Ephemery -- congrats to you both on happy u/s''s!! What a relief to see that little heartbeast :)

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful weekend so far!

Well, I am just recovering from a baby shower I gave for DH''s cousin. It was really successful and we all had a good time, but I am just beat! I had a little scare the other day with a tiny bit of pink spotting (Thurs AM) but none since. Anyone else feel like they are having tightening similar to early braxton hicks contractions? That''s the best way I can describe it -- not crampy at all, just tight every now and again. Leaves me sort of breathless for a second even. It doesn''t seem like something I should be concerned about, just something I''m taking note of (different than my 3 boys'' pgs).

Well, I need to eat...just wanted to check in :) Now that the baby shower''s over I feel like I can relax! BBL :)
Okay, I got brave and hubby took some shots of me tonight in all my preggo glory. For the record, I''m about 5''0" and pre-pregnancy weighed around 110-112. At my last OB appt. I was up to 122 so not so bad.
Trying again.....

mid prego 004c.jpg
Yeah, I know. The doctor said that we are not late until it''s 2 weeks after the EDD.
I sure hope that none of us will go that late.
I''d probably wouldn''t be too concern had I not have the recent growth spurt

Since I''m not a big girl (5''), if the baby grow any bigger, it is just going to be out.
Plus, I''m more concern that the baby may be a little too big for me to deliver.

So, one more week of work huh?
Lucky girl!!

Hehe, I have been gaining at least 1 lb a week since the 9th week.
Just hoping that it would slow down a bit. At this rate, I will be basically gaining a whole half person of me.

Bummer about the push present.
But with that new e-ring, I''d probably don''t have eyes for any other piece of jewelry

Yay for getting the quote.
So, what did you decide on the pink sapphire? Light or dark?
Wow, can''t believe they''d charge that much engraving.
Are you going to have Tessa''s name and b-date on it?

Congrats on the u/s.
Isn''t it just precious?
If you are amazed now, wait till you see the 20-wk u/s.
And it gets fun once you start to feel your "little bean" move.
I''d never get tired of the movement, even when they keep me up at night

Heheh, you are my height.
I didn''t think anyone is this small.
What a cute bump you got there
How far along are you already?
Have you been feeling your little one moved more consistently?
Oh, are you going to find out what you guys are expecting?

Was there a reason why the doctor was not optimistic about the baby going into position?
Is your uterus shaped a certain way?
Anyway, like Jas12 said, be positive and just keep picturing your little one rotate into position.
My lamaze coach did tell us that she did witness the baby flipping on the hour the mother was in labor!

I did have that tightening feeling you are talking about.
I noticed it pretty early on in my pregnancy -- I think it was around 9 wk.
It usually happens in the early morning or late night when I''m in bed.
Good morning, ladies!!! Little evil (aka Miller) had a great night last night - he has been "off" for the past 2 weeks with DH gone, but hubby is back from Vietnam on Tuesday, and hopefully things will get more normal.

Braxton Hicks - never got them. Ever. Only contractions I had were the real deal and after my water broke.

Baby position - can the docs physically turn the baby??? I have heard of this before in some situations. Maybe try some positions to see if you can convince the little one to get the right way!!
Diva, you look lovely! All healthy and glowing! Really cute pics.

I don't know why the Dr wasn't optimistic, but I'll see him again on Thursday so I'll go with more detailed Qs to ask now I've had time to think about it.

Tacori, I actually wonder if the baby did flip last night - a new and different pain to the usual pregnancy aches, and the weirdest sensation! The pressure on my hip joints doesn't feel so bad today either. Hard to tell, but I will keep visualising and anyway, and I still have over two months to go. I have my prenatal classes next week, so it's something I can discuss with the midwife - LC, I believe I have read that they can manipulate baby into position sometimes, so I'll ask about that. Thanks for the reminder.

DH is painting the nursery today. He's so cute about all this baby stuff. He's bought all sorts of baby kit - crib, stroller, car seats, toys, bath, clothes, bedding, you name it, he's brought home multiple varieties. I have never seen him so excited. He even bought a new car so he would have a shiny clean one to take the baby home in.
I'm stunned by his enthusiasm and a little embarassed by the extent to which it outstrips my own! Mind you, he probably doesn't have heartburn!
Good lord, Diva, you are gorgeous. I swear PSers have won the gene pool (and so have their babies!)

Thanks for sharing the picture!

Hi to everyone else!
Just popping in to wish all the new mommies-to-be a huge CONGRATS!!
Wow, Jen. I totally missed your addition to this thread! How exciting! When did you find out? How far along are you?
Hi fisher -- I posted in your other thread, but I''m due nov 6th and have known exactly 1 week thanks to early testing!

which reminds me, is there a list of everyone''s EDD''s around here?? i thought i saw a post where actual dates were being given for that reason, but i noticed it''s not page one...?

jen :)
DivaDiamond, another 5 footer here and my starting weight is about the same as you, so if I look similar to you at 5 months, I'd be very happy! You look great!

MrsMitchell, stay positive! I hope the baby gets into the correct position soon.

Jen, I see you found the EDD thread.
Diva--you look fantastic! Don''t need bravery to post those pics!

Litchick--i am not getting a single BH contraction either. I guess some women don''t get them at all.

Lili--don''t worry too much just yet--it''s what''s inside that counts for L&D--my 4''11 tiny aunt had an easier delivery than my 5''6 muscular mom--and they both had BIG babies--you just never know. But isn''t it crazy to think that a child is going to somehow make its way out of us?! I think it was Tacori that said she looked at Tessa after birth and was thinking ''how the heck did you fit in there!?'' I think it seems even crazier when you are a tiny person to begin with.

MrsMitchell--oh, i really hope that new sensation you are feeling is a sign that the baby moved! Yes, midwives and OB often can flip them externally as well. Just keep trying everything! And your hubby, very cute. I do think hubbies nest a bit like us, my DH is cleaning like crazy! But you take the prize for most enthusiastic man--my goodness, a new car for baby!?! I am jealous. I just got bad news that my VW Passat is toast--i luv my car and now i have to basically sell it for scrap. DH and i just discussed that we can''t afford a new vehicle. I am going to have to use our truck (usually reserved for DH''s work and for winter driving) as my vehicle and it''s going to be such a pain to get baby + gear in and out of there, put the stroller in back etc. i am bummed

Tacori--i do remember you posting about DTD at 39 weeks--that seems like yesterday. Ya, u are right, i think all that stuff just makes us feel like we have some control over our DD, but no such luck. They come when they like. My sis is coming home easter weekend (week 40 for me) and she keeps talking like it''s a sure thing that''s when baby will arrive. I keep reminding her that she may be making another trip come early April.
--about the elective c-section stuff--something tells me it wasn''t for medical reasons--this is a women who looks like she has 4 lbs of makeup on in every single staged photo. The expression ''too posh to push'' comes to mind. Elective sections are pretty standard in Tinseltown--don''t get me started on that topic!
Thank you ladies so much for your lovely comments. I''m sort of a shy person so I really had to get the nerve up to post the pic of me - especially on a public forum! I was in my jammies and the front of my shirt says "I''m not fat I''m knocked up" - a gift from my hubby when we first found out. It''s getting smaller and smaller though so I wear it to bed a lot.

Lili - the pic was taken at 19 weeks, 1 day and I am starting to feel more movement but nothing regular as of yet. Last night it was like there was a gymnastics event going on in there! I''d feel a jab and then a roll and then another jab in another spot - it was really quite amusing for me.

I''m trying to get over a cold that I''ve had for about a week now. Stuffy nose, coughing and sneezing has been my life lately. Sometimes I think my brain will come out of my nose if I blow it hard enough
I haven''t taken anything except tylenol, orange juice and chicken noodle soup so I feel good about that.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! See ya''ll tomorrow!

Date: 3/2/2008 10:08:26 PM
Author: Jas12

--about the elective c-section stuff--something tells me it wasn''t for medical reasons--this is a women who looks like she has 4 lbs of makeup on in every single staged photo. The expression ''too posh to push'' comes to mind. Elective sections are pretty standard in Tinseltown--don''t get me started on that topic!

HA!! Coming out of lurkdom to say I''ve often wondered myself how many actresses/singers etc elect to have a c-section before their due date in order to avoid those last few weeks of weight gain.

Having had two c-sections myself, I often wonder how many of them regret their decision post-op when they find themselves faced with an alarming amount of excess skin, no stomach muscles to speak of and a healing wound that prevents them from doing any exercise for at least 6 weeks. I guess thats what tummy tucks are for.

I don''t normally comment on this thread as I''m not currently pregnant, but I do enjoy reading about other people''s experiences. It''s amazing how interesting pregnancy and childbirth become once you''ve experienced or are experiencing it for yourself. Good luck to all those currently awaiting their babies and also to all the new mummies.
Softly, I think the celebs get the combo c-section and tummy tuck. Yep, too posh to push!
Happy Monday all. I''m finally starting to feel better from the flu -- what a horrible strain...the fatigue is ridiculous!

Cakester alert -- not only has my local Cosco started carrying them, but they handed out samples yesterday. Holy cr*p they are good.

I''m 11wks1d and my uterus is hard as a rock. I like to pretend it''s from doing situps, but situps don''t feel like I''ve swallowed a whole grapefruit.

Other than now needing the Bella band for all of my jeans (denim is a cruel, cruel mistress), I still don''t feel pregnant. Hungry, yes.

"Too posh to push" that''s pretty funny.

My guess is that due to my fibroid, there is going to be a better than 50% chance that I will need a c-section and an almost certain chance that I will go early (between my 10 cm fibroid and my 2 babies, there ain''t gonna be a lot of room in there.) However, if that is the case (and of course it is too early to tell) I''ll still be Jackie from the Block, keeping it real with only 3 inches of makeup on in the post-delivery pix.
Hi Ladies, So I''ve got a bit of news (posted in the TTC thread) that I''ve been holding back for a bit..I''m pregnant! I hope you all understand me not sharing it immediately, but I''ve been very nervous with the 1st trimester--this being #1 and me being 35! I''m 10wks now, so not out of the woods yet (next 3 weeks includes prenatal testing, 2nd u/s etc), but it was hard holding it in while others were sharing as soon as they got their BFP''s!!
Maybe some of my very specific questions make sense now, and thanks to all of those who helped with answers. I''m still a worry wart for the next few wks (only 3 people IRL know), but I figure you ladies would understand.
ANYWAY, it happed suprisingly quickly for us and the DD is our first wedding anniversary (Sept 29!). Sooo, I think Curly and I have even more in common now :)))

Looking forward to spending some time here now!
Date: 3/3/2008 9:27:51 AM
Author: janinegirly
Hi Ladies, So I''ve got a bit of news (posted in the TTC thread) that I''ve been holding back for a bit..I''m pregnant! I hope you all understand me not sharing it immediately, but I''ve been very nervous with the 1st trimester--this being #1 and me being 35! I''m 10wks now, so not out of the woods yet (next 3 weeks includes prenatal testing, 2nd u/s etc), but it was hard holding it in while others were sharing as soon as they got their BFP''s!!
Maybe some of my very specific questions make sense now, and thanks to all of those who helped with answers. I''m still a worry wart for the next few wks (only 3 people IRL know), but I figure you ladies would understand.
ANYWAY, it happed suprisingly quickly for us and the DD is our first wedding anniversary (Sept 29!). Sooo, I think Curly and I have even more in common now :)))

Looking forward to spending some time here now!
CONGRATULATIONS Janinegirly! I am so glad you''ll join us here. Us "granny" mommies (I''m 35, too) can nurse and take our Geritol at the same time.

Such wonderful news on a Monday! Hooray!
Softly, Softly, that''s what I don''t get--I hear ppl who have gone thru both (the natural and the c-section) say the section was generally more difficult to recover from...for the reasons you mentioned...but i guess in a world where appearance reins supreme (*gasp* stretch marks in the final weeks!), and if there is going to be surgery performed anyway (the tuck) i guess they want to get it all over with in one shot?

Mornin all, Hope everyone had a good weekend. Can you believe March is here (seems like Christmas was just yesterday)?! I am hoping spring is just around the corner.
I am happy this is my last week of work, but i am afraid i''ll be bored/anxious at home for the next couple of weeks (yes, i know, i should enjoy boredom b/c i won''t be experiencing it for a long time right?). If anyone has any suggestions for what to do to keep busy please pass them along (i am going to make some meals, reorganize the house--but that''s all i have on the list so far)
Jas12 - I was also worried about boredom at home. That was why at stayed at work until I had the bambino!!!! My goal was to have my water break at the office - I missed it by just 7 hours!!!

I would make some meals to have on hand when you are too tired to cook after the baby is born. I would enjoy some alone time - read a book, take a bath, get a pedicure.
JANINE!!!!!!! Congratulations!
I am super duper excited for you!! We are practically due date twins!! I will hold your hand through the whole thing, don''t worry! Yay, I''m so thrilled for you and overjoyed to have a city buddy to share all of this with! We may have to actually meet up one of these days. Hope you''re feeling ok!!!!

Diva, you are teeny tiny! What a great 19 week belly!!!!! I can''t remember if you said you''re finding out the sex or not. I hope you do--I''m curious!

Mrs Mitchell, I hope your little one flips. Get on those hands and knees!!! I still think you have plenty of time so I wouldn''t worry too much.

Jas12, I never had BH either. At least I don''t think I did!!! I definitely didn''t have anything that even remotely felt like a real contraction so I''m guessing I didn''t have any BH. In terms of trying to speed things up, the only thing I did was continue to exercise and I drank lots of red raspberry leaf tea. It doesn''t bring on labor but supposedly it "tones the uterus" to prepare for childbirth. It must have done something because by week 39 even though I was only 1 cm dilated, I was fully effaced!

Jackie from the block, your sense of humor is going to get you through this pregnancy with flying colors!!!! I''m so impressed that you''re not having any really yucky symptoms. I am just constantly nauseated and I''m carrying a singleton! I hope you have a totally easy and effortless pregnancy. Your attitude is just awesome!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well. I''m just dying to get through this trimester. I can''t stand the nausea and the severe exhaustion any longer! I guess I have heartburn and hot flashes to look forward to but I''ll take that over this stuff!