
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I saw the cakesters at Walmart last night (I hate that place, but Miller needed a toy motorcycle!). I did not give in, but now Jas12''s discovery makes me think, maybe!!!
So just got in from the OB. My Report card: Baby is still in birthing position. Yay! Baby is growing on target. Yay! Weight has not changed since Jan. Yay!
Cervix is closed and looong. BOOOOO

So my convo with the OB, just after the exam, went like this......

Him (in thick east indian accent): "so you need to do some exers"!
Me (with blank look on face): "Pardon?" (thinking it''s something technical)
Him: imitates a sort of jumping jack
Me: "ohhh, exercise!--but i DO--4 or 5 days at the gym, weights, treadmill, step.."
Him: Yes, aerobicize is good. But then you need the sex!
Me: "pardon"
Him: "lots and lots of the sex"! "Tell your husband 3,4 times the sex"!
Me: "A day"?!!!
Him (matter of factly): "Yes."
Me (and nurse together)" Noooo!"
Then he giggles and leaves. For good.

So gals, i guess i''ll try to get busy this week and see how next Thursday''s appointment goes

I just called DH to let him know how the appnt. went and he only half jokingly said: "so should i call our guests and tell them not to come this weekend"?
i am thinking hun, if we DTD at all this weekend, believe me, it aint gonna to be an all day affair!!!
Litchick: I love your son''s name, great choice. I can''t believe how tall he is! Jake was 37inches a few months ago & I think his pants are a little shorter these days,but who knows. Miller is going to be a tall drink of water! Does he like his toy motorcycle? Boys are so funny with wheeled toys, Jake is obsessed with making "vrrrrroooom" noises and also pretending he is a truck backing up. "beeeeep beeeeeep". Riot. Hey I meant to respond to you, having DH gone...I''ve been thinking about you. I''m sure its hard if you aren''t used to it. I''d try a picture & having him talk to him on the phone. My kids are used to it, but its a weekly thing for us. Jake only gets funky if DH is gone over a weekend, which only happens a few times a quarter. The long trips grate on me. (7 to 14 days). I don''t know how my MIL did it. My FIL was military/secret service & DEA, so he''d be gone for 18 to 24 MONTHS at at time on assignments. She had 3 little kids, no car(she didn''t know how to drive) & a bad attitude. LOL. Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, I think of wives/mothers whose partners are deployed for years and I snap out of it. I know that doesn''t make the next few days any easier for you, but just hang in there. Take little man on some "dates" and do some things you normally would not this weekend. If you have family in town, go have dinner with them (or with friends---take Miller) and if you can swing a sitter, go get a pedicure or something. I always do that on dh''s long trips, helps reset my buttons. HTH.

Mrs.S: Just so you know...Jake''s are naturally awesome, cool, handsome, and sweet. Just want you to be properly prepared. LOL

Ella: You do that high finance!!! It''s a total savings! I got mine during the big sale & I saved $107 dollars! Thassallottadiapers. Plus MIL contributed about $225, so I only had about $200 out of pocket before accessories. (I spent $80 on the carseat adaptor & $60 on the rain cover) Oh I get what you were saying. I thought you were likening the paci type issues with hitting. I had a friend who totally judged me for letting my kid have sugar (she''s got 3 kids). But dang...what is life without a little treat here and there? I mean, I eat cake, cookies, and ice cream, what kind of hypocrite would I be if I ate that stuff but didn''t let my kid? She not my friend no'' mo''. LOL. Besides, after being pregnant twice, I''ve determined that ice cream is dairy...all chock full of calcium. LOL!!!!

If anyone has any POTTY TRAINING advice, I am at a total loss and need all the help I can get. I am failing miserably and while I''m not pushing Jake, he''s very uninterested. But, he''s totally "ready" according to all the readiness guides. I don''t want to be a hard a$$ about it, but I do want to pique his interest. Even his Elmo potty video hasn''t spurred him on & he ADORES elmo & the potty video.

He friggin potty trained Henry. (Henry is his "lovey" a stuffed monkey he''s carried EVERYWHERE since he was 6 months old). ARGH!
Hey Diver...

Just thought I would have a little drive-by.. and give you some potty training tips...

I nannied for 10 years. and did LOTS of potty training.. so here are just a couple tips to help:

1... make it a game for Jake... I like to throw cheerios in the toilet and have them take aim.. sounds funny.. but hey... you gotta do what you gotta do right? just throw three or four in there.. have your little man stand on a stool and take aim. He might have fun with it.. and it will prolly be a little messy at first.. but he will probably enjoy the little "game" I believe there is a product out now that is called Pee target or something like that.. I forget.. but cheerios are a staple in most houses with small children so why spend the extra cash-ola!!!

2. Rewards are huge... HUGE.. so... I always used m&m's or skittles ... Pee's get 2 and Poo's get 4... pretty soon.. he'll be droppin his drawers just to get a little treat.. and besides.. whats the harm even if he wants to sit on the pot but doesnt have to go? It teaches him that the toilet is the place to go...

I believe the hardest part of potty training is teaching your child or getting them to understand the URGE.. what it feels like and what has to happen when they get the "urge" ya know.

Good luck with it.. I hope that helps!!!

Ok.. drive-by over... Hope all the preggies and newly preggies and mommas are doing well.. Cant wait till I can join this thread... sucks that it will more than likely be later rather than sooner
Wow, great job on the nursery.
It is by no means tiny.
Very shabby shick. I love the color palette.
I would never have guessed that the glider was $20 dollar find.
Awesome work!

Yay for another great appt -- baby is growing on target w/o the weight gain!
Bummer about the long and close cervix though.
Perhaps you need to do what the doctor ordered

I''ll echo what others have Lily is sooo cute.
Love her adorable v-day dress.
I hope you get another girl too, otherwise all those gorgeous outfits will go to waste.
If not, you can always donate them our way , hehe

That''s such a cute name for your little man!
He is a tall one.
I don''t think I was much taller than him when I was in 2nd grade
curly, Lily is so cute!

Jas12, your nursery is gorgeous! It's not tiny! You did a great job! I love it! Your convo with your doctor is funny! Sex 3-4 times a day? You've got to be kidding me!

My appointment yesterday was uneventful. Turns out the practice doesn't do ultrasounds in the office unless it's an emergency. We have to go to another place to get it done. I have an appointment tomorrow and I can't wait! They gave us a lot of reading material, answered my questions, went over important things and that was it. No exam, which I found odd, but maybe it's because it's still early. Next appointment I'll be 10 weeks, they'll examine me and I'll get to hear the heartbeat! Yay! I also had 7 vials of blood drawn, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We need to make some decisions about which prenatal tests to get done. I have about a month to decide so I need to start doing my research.

Did/does your husband go with you to your prenatal appointments? Yesterday my DH said he wants to go to all of them, which surprised me a little. I thought he'd go to a lot of them but not all. So when he said he wants to be there at all of them, it was really sweet.
I am thankful he wants to be so involved in the early stages.

I haven't been feeling that great this week. The morning sickness started at about 6 weeks.
I want to stay in bed all day and sleep a lot!
snlee-- sorry you didnt get an ultrasound yesterday, but at least one is coming.

regarding the appointments my DH came to about 90% of them. Which is totally unnecesary. But he works from home and my midwives were kinda far away so with him we could take the carpool lane and then always went out to eat. I think the ultrasound appointments are important, but the other ones you sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes, get called, pee in a cup get you BP taken and then listen to the HB the appts last for about 5 minutes...not really worth taking work off for in my opinion.

I will catch up more later, the car seat info is pretty helpful. Ian is only 5 months but 19.5;bs and 28inches so the i better get in gear with the new carseat!
Date: 2/28/2008 2:17:54 PM
Author: msflutter
snlee-- sorry you didnt get an ultrasound yesterday, but at least one is coming.

regarding the appointments my DH came to about 90% of them. Which is totally unnecesary. But he works from home and my midwives were kinda far away so with him we could take the carpool lane and then always went out to eat. I think the ultrasound appointments are important, but the other ones you sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes, get called, pee in a cup get you BP taken and then listen to the HB the appts last for about 5 minutes...not really worth taking work off for in my opinion.
Thanks msflutter for your input regarding appointments. I will share this with my DH. He''s fortunate that his work schedule is flexible so he wouldn''t have to request time off to come with me. I don''t mind him keeping me company but I''ll let him decide. He''ll probably want to come to hear the baby''s heartbeat.

Sorry you didn't get to hear or see your little bean.
That sounded alot like what I went through on my first appt.
Actually, it was more like a class because we dealt with the RN instead.
They pretty much gather all the expecting mothers (group of 14) in their early wks 6-10 and hand out
information on better caring for yourself and then order your bloodwork
so that your ob will have the info ready when you do go see him/her.
My first appt with the ob was when 9 wks and that's when we got to see the little bean on the u/s.
The Dr also went over your bloodwork to make sure that everything is on par.

Like MsF, DH went to 90% of the appt which I feel really is unnecessary.
The only appts that he should attend would be the initial dr visit where they do a transvaginal u/s to determine how far along you are.
The prenatal tests (NT and/or amnio) and of course the mid-pregnancy ultrasound

Hope you get your u/s soon!

Sorry to hear about your m/s. Hope it passes soon!
Congrats to Jen on joining the PS mommies-to-be!! Crazy that we are into November due dates now... makes my 8 weeks feel very far along all the sudden!

Thank you so much to everyone (Burk, Kaleigh, Jas12, MrsS, Tacori, lili, Curly, MsF, Jas, TG, Anchor, Snlee, Dani) for your morning sickness and ultrasound well-wishes!! I'm doing okay with the m/s... the sea bands are still helping a bit. Just lots of queasiness and food aversions... poor DH is going crazy each night trying to cater to my every random whim when it comes to food. And I'm usually a total foodie, so this is weird... every time I ask for something excruciatingly boring (plain white rice, etc), DH looks deeply concerned. I am anxiously awaiting the 2nd trimester in hopes the hormones even out a bit.

Jas12, Curly, and MsF - so glad there are others that understand my stroller obsession! TG, I've heard that about the Bugaboo being a pain for suburban moms, but fortunately I don't even have a car... I think I'm essentially the market they target. We do leave the city via DH's car every few weeks, but for day-to-day stuff, I'm looking for a stroller that's going to be durable, versatile, and not take up a ton of room. I also like ones with a bassinet feature, because I think we'll use it as a portable bassinet in the apartment as well, and we won't use a carseat often at all. The Quinny is definitely great, but occasionally a BIT wider than I'd like... when babysitting, we have to avoid certain aisles in Barnes & Noble, etc. The Bug is just a few inches narrower, which is nice. But so is the Valco Rad, so I'd love to see one in person... haven't been able to find many reviews though.

Anchor, thank you so much for your congrats, and of course you can use any of my wedding pix you'd like! Just glad to be inspirational in some small way...

And my big news of the day.... we had our 1st ultrasound this morning and everything looks great!!
Our little pumpkin (more like a peanut, currently) is measuring 8 weeks, 1 day along. So our EDD is still 10/8/08... the doctor was impressed that I knew my exact date of ovulation... haha. We even saw a little flickering heartbeat (150bpm)... DH and I were both in awe.
I was pleasantly surprised that it was an external ultrasound, since many people seem to have internal ones instead during the 1st trimester. The doctor was awesome... really laidback and funny, and did a great job of including DH in everything too. He did the ultrasound himself and made us feel like he had all the time in the world for us, which was nice. I think all my obsessive internet research on Philly ob/gyns paid off!

So I am feeling very content but exhausted... didn't sleep much last night in anticipation of today's big event! We are trying to decide when to tell people... the doctor said our risk of miscarriage is as low as 3% now that we've seen the heartbeat, and we are having a big 30th bday party for DH tomorrow night, so we might tell a few people then. It's hard to decide! I'm excited for people to know, but it's kind of nice letting it be our secret for now... so we shall see. OK, thanks for letting me babble everyone!!
Snlee, sorry you didn't get your ultrasound yesterday... but good news that you still get it this week! I've been keeping my fingers crossed for you. Can't wait to hear how it goes tomorrow!
Also sorry to hear the m/s is kicking in for you... mine started right around 6 weeks too. The good news is, it hasn't gotten any worse since then, just stayed the same... so hopefully the constant queasiness is the worst of it and it won't escalate into full-scale puking at any point.
And if you feel like climbing into bed and sleeping, I say go for it!
ephemery, what an exciting appointment! I''m glad you got to see your little bean and heartbeat! And it''s great you found an awesome doctor. Wow, you haven''t told anyone about the pregnancy yet? I''m impressed. It was too hard to keep it a secret. We only lasted 1.5 days.
Date: 2/28/2008 3:18:47 PM
Author: snlee
ephemery, what an exciting appointment! I'm glad you got to see your little bean and heartbeat! And it's great you found an awesome doctor. Wow, you haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet? I'm impressed. It was too hard to keep it a secret. We only lasted 1.5 days.
Oops... should have clarified that.
We've actually told both sets of parents, my brothers, and my best friend so far. So this would be the next "tier" of people to tell... aunts, uncles, cousins and other close friends. Many of which will be here for the party tomorrow night, so in some ways it would be a good time to share... I just can't decide if there is a good enough reason to wait a bit longer! It really is HARD to keep the secret.... I almost feel like I'm lying by omission in a way!
Hi all,

Re deals and steals (on carseats and whatever) do you all know about babycheapskate? Or did I read that here? Can''t remember where I found it but it''s a blog where they mark weekly specials on everything!

Diver totally agree about kids like that becoming "cases". He''ll be one of the older kids in our group and I worry that he''ll be a bit of a bully. But it''s the parents and not the kid...they all test boundaries, it''s natural. I remember when he was around 2, he was next to me, hit me in the arm and yelled "MOVE!" I was shocked! I was like, WTF? Well, months later, I witnessed WHY he did that. Apparently it''s a game he and his parently play. They sit on the couch and she pushes him lightly and yells "move!" and he pushes back and says "no you move!" and so on and so on. For him, it was just a game he was taught. For the innocent bystander, it was some kind of weird form of aggression.

Litchick, Miller is a great name for the "little man". Hehehe, totally fitting! And thanks again for the tip on the birthball and rocking. I did it last night for quite some time because it is so much more comfy than being all fours. I almost drifted off the sleep doing it.

Ella, that is great you got it! I''ve been looking at duallie deals for you but was coming up empty! Definitely return it and buy for the 20% off. The details for the 20% are on the REI site...don''t think you need an actual coupon.

Jas, your doc is on drugs. Sex 3 or 4 times a day? I didn''t even do that when TGuy and I first met!! I can believe you haven''t gained any are still so small. I am still gaining about a pound a week. So the baby is totally in position eh? Lucky duck. But keep doing the exercises to avoid posterior positioning. My friend''s baby was in position until week 41 when it became sunny side up! Hopefully you come back negative for the GBS...I was happy to hear that I was (although I guess it''s no biggie if you are).

snlee, my hubby went with me until he got a new job, which was November. He made it to all my early appointments and my amnio. And honestly, that is all that was needed, and even then it was probably overkill. Since then I''ve only peed, been weight and measured. Hardly anything exciting and I haven''t asked him to go to any more because it''s a waste of time. Definitely go together for your early appointments. Those are always exciting. At least the ones where you hear heartbeats and get ultrasounds.

Ephemery, great news on your bean! Telling people was so much''ll have to let us know how it goes. And you''re right...I think you''re the ideal bugaboo owner. If you don''t have a car, the stroller is essentially your transport for the baby and will be well worth it IMO.
Did the doctor tell you that your baby was sunny side up during your last appt?
snlee, sorry about the uneventful appointment but they will definitely get better--especially when you get the ultrasounds!! I had all those vials of blood taken again yesterday. I figured I wouldn't have to do it again this time but no such luck! It's not bad though and trust me, after actually giving birth a little blood test is like a walk in the park!
Regarding whether or not DH should come, it's totally up to him but if you ask me, it's pointless for him to be there for anything other than the ultrasounds. The monthly appointments are pretty boring--pee in a cup, get weighed, blood pressure, listen to baby's heartbeat (which is definitely the coolest part!) and then the doctor comes in, asks if you have any questions, tells you what to look out for/expect next and then you're on your way. Kind of a waste for the guys. The ultrasounds, though, he should definitely be there for! DH didn't come with me yesterday because he had to take Lily to daycare but he'll be with me at the NT, amnio and big anatomy scan. It's a good way to include them and it makes it so much more real for them when they see the little creature on the screen!

ephemery, sounds like you had a great appointment!! I'm surprised you didn't have a vaginal ultrasound. I did and the funny thing is that the technician was concerned about hurting me! Again, I use the experience of childbirth to make comparisons--nothing really fazes me anymore and a little wand stuck up my hooha is not an issue after pushing out an almost 7 lb baby!!! I think you'll love the Bugaboo if you decide to get it. It's totally a car for us city dwellers!! And Lily slept in the bassinet for a few months in our apartment--one less thing to buy to clutter up the space!!! It's definitely not a suburban stroller or for people who are constantly in and out of the car. It's a bit of a pain to break down since it's in 2 pieces. But you won't be disappointed! I'm a wreck about telling people. We've only told our immediate families, I told one friend and DH told one friend. But then I freaked out and blurted it out to Lily's daycare teacher!!! I HAD to tell someone, plus I need to get the new baby on the waiting list! But I don't think we're telling anyone else until after the 1st trimester is over so less than 3 weeks to go. It's so hard to walk around with such a big secret!

Diver, tell Jake that Lily's dance card is open!!! She's totally available on Saturday and would love to make the cross country trip to see him!
How cute would that be?!?!

Jas12, sex at almost 9 months pregnant?!?! Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah!!! Yeah, right! I know they say it helps bring on labor because the semen is a prostaglandin which helps ripen the cervix but come on! I don't know of anyone who has actually had sex when they were that pregnant.

TGal, I get all my sale info from babycheapskate. It's awesome!

Thank you to everyone who commented on Ms. Lily. She is a trip--she definitely has developed her own fabulous personality. And she's so much fun to dress up!!!!
lili, TTot is currently facing sideways...but is mostly headdown, I think.

Curlygirl, my friend had sex at 41 weeks in the hopes to get things moving. It really didn''t help. I''d like to have sex because TGuy hasn''t wanted any! It''s like I''m some sort of sacred temple or something...he''s totally scared to touch me. We did have sex in the second trimester, but not once in the 3rd. And even then, he did it way too "gingerly."

Ephemery, forgot to mention, check out the baby products site at
Then you can do an advanced search on the stroller you want (don''t just do the simple board search). Make sure to select at least a year or more in the "updated from" pull down box. Then you can peruse through the threads and thoughts of stroller owners.

Congrats on u/s and hearing the heartbeat!
I too am surprised that they were able to see your little peanut with the stomach u/s.
Anyway, I loved the first u/s.
It confirmed that there is indeed a little being growing inside of me.
Did the dr. give you a printout of the u/s for a momento?
Wait till you see the 20-wk ultrasound
Date: 2/28/2008 4:06:08 PM
Author: TravelingGal
lili, TTot is currently facing sideways...but is mostly headdown, I think.

Curlygirl, my friend had sex at 41 weeks in the hopes to get things moving. It really didn''t help. I''d like to have sex because TGuy hasn''t wanted any! It''s like I''m some sort of sacred temple or something...he''s totally scared to touch me. We did have sex in the second trimester, but not once in the 3rd. And even then, he did it way too ''gingerly.''

So going into the camel position helped with the positioning?

Anyway, I have to laugh at how much alike TGuy is to my DH.

He''s afraid of traumatizing his baby girl.
He''s even scared to put any pressure on my belly when we cuddle.
I told you he''s always yelling at me for feeling the baby.
So at the last dr appt when the dr was palpating my belly for the head,
he was pressing really hard on my belly. I asked the dr to do it again so that DH can see that it''s not doing the baby any harm.
Anyway, guess we''ll just have to rely on other methods to get our cervix moving.
Curly, LitChick, Tacori, Jas, and Diver -- thanks for putting my fears to rest (for now
). I know it can be done, and actually, lurking on this thread helps a lot. I''m learning a lot so far and I just wanted to thank you for sharing your stories. We''re still a long time from being ready to try (things like marriage coming first and all that). We briefly considered trying for the honeymoon baby but I don''t think we will. We may change our minds though.
So no one is having sex at all in their 3rd tri? TMI i know, but i''ve still been DTD--not often b/c i find it really awk now, but still happening. Now i am going to be doing it purely for the hormones and cervix enhancing powers! How romantic!

Tgal--sunny side up that late into the game--urrg, how discouraging--i am blowing up my exercise ball asap!

Eph--yay for hearing the heart beat and getting your first ultrasound--it''s pretty amazing stuff! You''ll feel like being a foodie again soon--i promise. I had the exact same issue and i am eating anything and everything now.

Lili-i do find it strange that i am not gaining weight but the baby is--how does that make sense? Also, my legs have absolutely gotten larger since Jan.i know b/c i wear the same crap everyday--i have a 3 day rotaion with my ever-tightening pants! I told the nurse the scale was wrong--i don''t think she cares.

Snlee--ya, the sex 3-4 a day is hilarious, would never happen (never did happen), pregnant or otherwise

My first internal exam of the entire pregnancy was today. Like you I thought that it was odd i didn''t get one early on, but i guess if you are healthy and don''t have a reason to have one done they don''t do it.
My DH came to the ultrasounds and that was it. As MrsFlutter said they are realllly uneventful if you have a normal pregnancy--your wait will more likely be longer than the actual appointment. I think it''s important for hubbies to be there when you have to make decisions about anything.

So i went for another prenatal massage after work--didn''t really need it but it was nice. The therapist is a friend of mine trained specifically in prenatal stuff--and we decided this aft she is going to attend my birth
--she''ll do massage as long and as much as i need through all stages of labor. She has attended a birth with my OB before and knows he''s supportive of her role in the event. I am really happy about this cuz she is a wonderful, funny, easy going friend from childhood and i think she''ll calm me. She also brings music, cold compresses, a birthing massage chair and relaxation tools! DH is down with it--i am sure he''s relieved to have some support other than my mom!
Jas, I just came off my exercise ball. I do it when I think TTot is if that will help him/her move more...

And re: sex. It''s not from lack of wanting it on my I said, it''s my husband who''s freaked out about the whole thing. I''d tell you an amusing story, but really, it''s TMI.

lili, I am going to force the issue if I hit 40 weeks. We''re having sex whether he likes it or not. Hehehehe.
Hi ladies..

not much new to report here. My hubby only came to the ultrasound appts. he actually didn''t even meet the dr. who delivered Lily until I was actually having her. i switched doctor''s mid-pregnancy with here and it was past all the big appts.
my big news for the day is my ring is offically being remade in my size as of today with a 5 week estimate on i''m wondering which will get here first, my ring or Jake

I''m glad the rest of you are doing well!!
Jas, I can''t remember last time! It isn''t that DTD doesn''t appeal to me, it''s just that DH is convinced we''re being observed! I should never have told him that babies can hear things in the womb. He doesn''t even swear anymore.

I had a scan yesterday and the baby is lying transverse. This explains my slightly odd shaped bump. I''m optimistic s/he will move round, but otherwise it''s a planned section rather than the midwife led birthing unit. Has anyone else had experience of this? I''m really hoping the baby will move into position but the midwife and Dr just weren''t too optimistic. I still have over 2 months to go. ANy tips?


Hi all. I''ve been MIA with the flu (still not over it yet). Please accept general congratulations...

Yea Jen! So happy you''ll be here.

Whoo hoo Ephermery on the US
Snlee, sorry about the US delay, but it''s worth the wait. I promise.

Curly, Lily is beautiful!

I know I''m missing tons of things, but honestly, my brain is fluffy this morning. And now two of my fingers are swollen (one on each hand) and it''s hard to type until I do some limbering up.

I feel bad for not keeping up, but please know that I cheering all of us on.

Goooooooo babies!
Mrs.Mitchell--that''s cute about your DH--it is strange that there''s a ''3rd party'' involved with pregnancy nooky--i think i am weirded out by it more than my hubby--which surprises me b/c he''s a little fanatical about other things like not pressing on my belly too hard, eating organic stuff, laying on my side etc.
-About the transverse issue--it''s too bad the Dr. isn''t optomistic. I would think babe has lots of time to turn. I''ve read transverse presentations at 40 weeks are exceedingly rare so chances are in your favor it''ll make a move . I know this sounds hokey, but in one of my books (by Ina May--she''s delivered thousands of babies) she swears that regularly practiced intense visualization (concentrating on picturing the baby moving head down) has worked in turning babies--sounds far-fetched i know, but doesn''t hurt to try. And spending time on all 4s should help too.

Tgal--You are a "TMI story" tease. No PG13 version?

Jas, if visualisation has a chance of doing the trick, then I''m more than happy to try! I have nothing to lose, and none of the alternatives appeal to me!

Thanks for the tip, I''ll get started tonight. I figure that I can do this every evening in the bath before I go to bed. Wish me luck!

Just a quick "morning!" to y''all!

I went to the Itsy Bitsy Yoga class this morning, and it was great! I really recommend it. It was a great way to bond with the baby, learn some things that supposedly help with digestion and sleeping, and meet some new people.

As for DTD, any fourth trimester mommies DTD? Cause this one ain''t! It''s not that I''m worried about the pain anymore (had a glass of wine last time, and that did help!), it''s just, who''s got the time or energy?!? Poor hubby. I feel so bad, but then again I think he''s too tired too!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Just take care of yourself and rest up.
You shouldn''t have to feel the need to type up a long post everytime.
Just a emoticon would suffice :P
Hope you recover from your flu soon.
Did you ask your DR about your hands?

Yay for the ring.
That''s great! You definitely have something to look forward to w/in the next 5 wk -- be it Jake or the ring.
I think your Jake will probably get here before your ring

TMI? Hehe, a PG13 version would do.

You still have lots of time for the baby to get into position.
My dr said that the baby can still do somersault up til wk 38/39.
Perhaps try doing what TGal is doing or what Jas12 is suggesting?

Sounds like you really enjoyed your class.
Are you going to go on a regular basis?


Just got back from my Dr. appt.
Ack, gained 3 lbs in 2 wks

Guess I haven''t slowed down yet.
I can''t say I''m surprised by the number considering
how much my belly has ballooned out in the last two weeks!
Other than that, Dr. said that everything looks good.
Will be going in on a weekly basis from here on out.
Next week, I''ll have the Strep B culture.
Found out today that he won''t consider inducing until I''m at least 10 days past the EDD!
Not something that I''d like to hear.
Also, he doesn''t check the cervix until wk39, so I don''t know what is going on down there.
Yay for having the support of your therapist friend for your birthing.
Looks like you got the doula that you wanted