
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

ohhhhh...heartburn....don''t miss that!
I was popping tums like candy and then switched to zantac 150 towards the end. I thought her kicks/punches got VERY painful the last few weeks...oh and when she flipped

MrsM, glad you are feeling better

MrsS, I know all my quotes get lost or take forever! Awww well! Which color are you getting in the chicco? I have the silver/green. Looks great with my graphite bundle me which I am completely in love with BTW.

I am so excited for you ladies and can''t wait to see new baby pics. Something is going on with T b/c she has been VERY fussy the last few days. Too early to teethe so I am not sure WHAT is going on. She''s been quite unhappy!
Date: 2/26/2008 10:35:03 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

MrsS, I know all my quotes get lost or take forever! Awww well! Which color are you getting in the chicco? I have the silver/green. Looks great with my graphite bundle me which I am completely in love with BTW.

I am so excited for you ladies and can''t wait to see new baby pics. Something is going on with T b/c she has been VERY fussy the last few days. Too early to teethe so I am not sure WHAT is going on. She''s been quite unhappy!

here''s a pic of the carseat. my sister registered for the silver/green one. she needed a neutral color since this is her first baby. I wanted something all boy looking

sometimes baby''s just get grumpy or fussy and there really isn''t anything wrong. i''d keep an eye on her though and make sure it''s not tummy trouble or something else

I like the chicco! I got the safeseat because I initially was going to use it with my BOB (Chicco isn''t approved for BOB), but now that I am going to just use the BOB alone, I am having second thoughts. Should I get the Chicco and get a snap and go, or stick with Graco Safeseat and the Snugrider frame. Hm. I think they are both good, but I may have to look into it more indepth.

Jas, believe me, I am not a perfect preggo.
Have you not forgotten I have the biggest gut out of all us shortly due mamas? Yeah, I know, I need to post a pic. This week, I promise. However TGuy pulled a BAD stunt this week. Not on purpose, but Australians have a way of inviting people to stay and meaning it. And because it''s assumed that you mean it, they actually come. TGuy told a friend when we were in Oz to come stay with us. Well this friend is coming. On Friday. And staying for a WEEK. And the kicker? TGuy forgot he asked and planned a BUSINESS trip and leaves on Thursday through Saturday. So I have this guy coming over and staying that I have to entertain by myself. Oh...and I''m bloody nearly 9 months pregnant!!!!

Amazingly, I stayed pretty zen while finding all this out...amazingly despite the hormones! TGuy was afraid, I could tell. He even admitted to "screwing up." I just said it was a good friend of his and it was important to make him feel welcome and I would make do the best I could. It''s not the friend''s fault my husband is a dolt.

I have had other symptoms besides heartburn. Really achy back (although that could have be due to the two accidents and pre preggo back pain), swollen painful fingers, greasy hair, pink toothbrush, and hip pain. I''m mortal, I swear.
But the heartburn is definitely the worst of all that I''ve experienced thus far.

So we were at my friend''s house tonight for dinner. They are pretty loosey goosey with their son, who is now three. Well, I was sitting there talking to my friend when her son comes flying at me out of nowhere and hurls himself and a fist at my stomach. POW! Ouch! The other women who were watching gasped, but all was said to him was "You''re going to hurt the baby." He just walked off. Obviously he may not realize that there is a baby inside my tummy, but hitting people period is not acceptable. Boy, it riles me when there is no discipline....

MrsS, if it comes back as bad as it was today I will get the tums. I''m no martyr....
OMG! What did that child''s mother say? I would have been so upset.
Date: 2/27/2008 3:01:56 AM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
OMG! What did that child''s mother say? I would have been so upset.
Just "You''re going to hurt the baby." That was it.
Date: 2/27/2008 3:08:23 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 2/27/2008 3:01:56 AM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
OMG! What did that child''s mother say? I would have been so upset.
Just ''You''re going to hurt the baby.'' That was it.
40.gif a child...= not cool. Gah! I can''t believe the only repurcussion was "You''re going to hurt the baby." I take that back...I CAN believe it...even as a "non-parent" I''ve seen too many instances of children not realllllllly being disciplined. So sorry this happened to you, TGal. I don''t know what else to say. But I''m really taken aback by what you wrote here, and how there were basically zero consequences for the child who punched you in the tummy. Even if you weren''t pg I''d have something to say about it.
I hope that mother does something about it, I guess.
TGal - you noted that Britax is having a sale. Even though you gals are still preggo, I might suggest snapping one up. My little man grew out of his bucket by 4 MONTHS! (he was and still is very "tall"). We love the Britax seat - so well made and he seems to like it.

Jas12 - stylish, non black diaper bag. Check out "Skip n'' Hop" (I think that is the name). We have the camo one, and it has lots of pockets, etc. Not too monster big. Lots of the ladies I know have them.

Jas12, you also mentioned a natural stool softener. Stool softener is a girls best friend after delivery. Trust me.

I can''t believe how close all you chickas are to L&D! Hang in there, TGal, I think you will do it au natural (I''m cheering for you!!!)
Date: 2/26/2008 6:26:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 2/26/2008 5:51:56 PM

Author: mrssalvo

tacori, did you hear back with your quote?

hopefully it will come tomorrow.

hey tacori, I just talked to Bill b/c i''m waiting on my quote too and he told me sometimes it takes a few days to get quotes from BK b/c they are coming from overseas. So hopefully, we''ll both here something today!!

So, it actually snowed here last night and this am. I''ll have to post a picture b/c although there is snow, i can easily see the grass, the roads are basically clear and they closed school. I''m from ohio and they NEVER close schools up there so it totally makes me laugh that TN can get a 1/4 of an inch and school closes. My girls love it though and have already been outside playing in it. I''m going to load them in the car though and hit an indoor pool for a couple hours just so they can burn some energy.

tgal, i hope your heartburn went away and that is just awful about your friends kid. i just don''t get some parents and the behaviors they let their kids get away with. at 3 it may be harmless enough but those 3 year olds turn into teenagers. anyway, i know ttot is well protected but still...

jas12, i''d love a nice black diaper bag too and haven''t found anything I want. let me know if you do ever find something. at this rate i''ll probably end up using the one''s the hospital''s give out..

oh and i have the britax car seat and lOVE it so i''d suggest going ahead and getting one if you can.
MrsS, thanks for checking on my quote. I *hope* we get them today. I thought the price was listed for yours. Are you having something custom done to it? I like the carseat you are getting. Very nice color.

TGal, I can''t believe that mom was so laxed about that. I would have been SO embarrassed and angry! I like my chicco carseat. It is always tested as the safest and girl you KNOW I am in love with my snap ''n go!

Jas12, I have a vera bradley. It is funny b/c I am not a huge VB fan but I really like their diaper bags. So cheery and colorful. Makes me happy when I see it.
tgal and jas12: sorry about the hearburn. I too had it and it was miserable. tums are great and they''re a source of calcium too!

tgal: I''m sorry about the incident with your friends'' child hitting your stomach. That puts you in such a hard place when they are not disciplining him and he is doing things that really could be harmful. I have been there and it''s so frustrating. It caused DH and I to talk about how we will handle those situations (NOT like your friend did) so that is at least positive...always good to have a united front when parenting.

mrss: i have the chicco carseat and love it. I love the orange!

tacori: I hear you on the unhappy baby..must be the "t''s" because Tayva has been a crabapple the past couple days too. I feel for you. Tayva was up for 2 hours last night..didn''t want to eat, didn''t want to sleep, just wanted to hang out. I hope Tessa snaps out of it!!! Oh, and can''t wait for you to get your quote already...

Oh, and mrss and jas12, have you checked for a diaper bag. We ordered mine from there. It''s Oi Oi and black and doesn''t really look like a diaper bag. I love it.
MrsS.--luv that car seat--i would totally go ''all boyish'' if i knew what i was having. That is what I find most difficult about not knowing the gender--finding cute and nuetral.
Hope you get your Dr. for L & D--ya, they don''t do much but it would be nicer to have a familiar face in the room for the big moment. I have a 1 in 3 shot of getting my OB so i know how you feel.

Litchick--yep, i am going to remember the stool softener post-delivery (should pack it tonight)! And thanks for the diaper bag info--i''ll check it out

Tgal--okay, so you''re not perfect--damn, come down off that pedestal i had you on. It''s the 3rd trimester ''catch up'' it happens with weight, belly growth and symptoms apparently

--"you''ll hurt the baby"!??! That''s crazy--it realllllly bugs me when parents let things like that go. In education we call that "a teachable moment" what a perfect opportunity to let the kid know that hitting is never appropriate, especially out of nowhere--and a chance to explain why you have a big belly. A 3 yr old wont really get it, but maybe the kid was curious and that''s why he punched.
--I still think we are preggo twins--cuz guess what I get to do from Friday to Monday as a result of my DH--yep, entertain 2 male guests!
They kinda invited themselves (they want to go ice fishing before the season ends b/c they have never done so before) but DH did not object when they called to make plans (i think he just wants to use them as an excuse to go). The funny thing is, these are my close friends from university and they just bypassed me and went to DH to make arrangements. I think they are scared of me at this point. I don''t mind the company, and normally i luv, luv, luv to cook and entertain, but i think they''ll be a lot of take-out this weekend.
I go for my first internal exam of the entire pregnancy and strep B. test tomorrow! I hope to get an announcement like Tgal. Yesterday marked exactly 4 weeks to EDD
I had an OMG moment while trying to fall asleep last night. This is gonna happen soon!
Q: Can men nest?! DH was hilarious last night--he was in a frenzy around the house- dusting, doing load after load of weird laundry (pillows, stuff in storage etc.), vaccuming, cleaning out the fridge. I sat back and watched. i am certainly not complaining--he''s pretty good around the house, but this several hour spurt was unusual!
Date: 2/27/2008 10:42:37 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
MrsS, thanks for checking on my quote. I *hope* we get them today. I thought the price was listed for yours. Are you having something custom done to it? I like the carseat you are getting. Very nice color.

yes, I wanted to see about the sizing bar too. you mentioned passing your ring down and i thought neither of my girls will probably end up with hands my size so maybe something sizable would be better. also wanted to check on doing all sapphires instead of the alternating diamond/sapphire just to see what the price difference is. although I really like the alternating ones.

i''m glad you are happy with your carseat. i really wanted something blue/gray but BRU had that one in the store and I liked it. very sport boy looking to me. they had another blue one but it had a bunch of white and there is no way i''m dealing with white on the insides of the seat right where their faces and hands would be, it would get nasty dirty so quickly.

burk..i''ll check out there is actually a coach one i really want but just can''t justify the $ on a diaper bag, despite the gal telling me how many women buy them and use them for the computer bags etc. anyway, thanks for the tip..
Morning all!

Yeah, the kid punching me was just annoying. I actually love hanging out with his parents...they are very cool and generous people. My ONLY issue is the parenting of this child. Now, I think there are lots of parenting styles and while I don''t agree with them all, you have to do what works for you. This child is obviously loved and seems happy (albeit spoiled). But there are some things that are so flagrantly "wrong" about how he is managed sometimes. He gets to stay up late. Last night when he punched me it was about 10:30 PM. He was still up when we left at around 11. When he was 2 years old I remember him staying up with us until about 1:30 am. He was also hyper last night because he was given pie and cookies at around 10 pm.

I think I may have mentioned this incident before, but once we were hanging out at their house and my preggo friend had a pillbury choc chip cookie craving. So we made cookies at about 9:30 pm. The child was actually in bed, amazingly. The mom thought the cookies tasted so good and asked us if she should WAKE HER CHILD to give him one. I was so shocked that it was the first time I just told her flat out "What? No! You don''t give cookies to a sleeping child at 10pm!" She didn''t wake him up, but a few minutes later she heard that he was up (it''s not uncommon for him to disregard bedtime and come back downstairs). She called out to him to come and have a cookie. I watched him eat 3 cookies (when she said he could only have one) and stay up past 11.

This same kid was allowed to drinkmost of his mother''s Thai Iced Coffee (an extremely sugar loaded coffee drink made with coffee and condensed milk) and his mother wondered why he was such a spaz that afternoon. OK, enough of my vent.

Litchick, I thought about getting one now. But there is a lifespan of 6 years on those things and I figure I will not need it for at least another 6 months. Apparently Britax runs their sales twice a year, so I will keep my eye out for the fall sale. Thanks for the tip though! I think maybe some of the moms here babies already should consider it. Their seats are so highly regarded...

And re: au, we will see.

Jas, this may not be the most sophisticated black diaper bag, but I saw it in person at Nordstroms in the brown/champagne and it really is a well organized bag. The only thing that I didn''t like is that these bags generally are heavier than a diaper bag should be. But it''s because of the material, and they are well made. Nordstorms I think has the brown one for $50 off, but it isn''t shown on their site. If you have one up there, the price would be noted in their system. (pic attached below). Personally, I think their patterned ones are too loud, but the solid bag was cute without being scary. I do have their citrus backpack one that I found off craigslist at a steal and that pattern is OK...kind of cheery actually. As litchick noted, check out the skip hop too. I think Ella has one. They are highly reviewed and I believe are very light and functional. Oh, and as Burke said, check out oi oi too. A bit more sophistcated than the Ju Ju Be''s, I think...

Ooh, very exciting on the internal exam (are we nuts to be excited about stuff like that?) I have my weekly appointment today, in about 30 minutes. And re: you entertaining this weekend...all I can say is "Men."

MrsS, hope that quote comes through!

Tacori, hehehe, yes..snap and go should pay you commission. I just KNOW how much you adore it! How''s Tessa today?
Thanks for all the diaper bag suggestions!!--now i have a few to consider.

I just found this one from bliss living Storksak --i like it, kinda looks like a coach purse, but it''s a little more than i would like to spend.
Tacori and MrsS, you guys are giving us all anxiety attacks here waiting for your quotes ...
Nice to be talking about something other than aches and pains and babies for a change! All this push present talk made me go back and look at the photo of the ring I want, and now I'm all jonesin' for it ... (sigh) Actually I'm really loving the bands that you guys posted too, so I may rethink my plan if/when this ever becomes a reality!

Tacori, I don't think 4 months is too early to start teething actually, so that could be why Tessa is being fussy? Is she making lots of spit bubbles?

TGal, it sounds horriffic to us as parents but can you imagine how psyched that kid must be to have parents like that?! Waking him up to eat fresh cookies?? My parents were slackers -- they never woke me up to give me treats! Anyhow, the nice thing about being judged is that for the most part, it's done behind your back so you're not even aware of what people are saying about you. I hope that's the case when people start judging my parenting skills at least! I've got one couple that I'm friends with and they are not having kids and are SO judgmental of all their friends' parenting skills -- I can only imagine what they've already told people about us. I now know that until you're in some parent's shoes, DON'T JUDGE!! You never know how you'd handle that situation until you're in it yourself. (True for all things in life, I suppose.) That said, I think that your friends need to discipline their child better

Jas, yep, I've got a SkipHop bag, and it's great. I've got the Duo though -- which is big enough for twins and also has a strap long enough to go on the handles of side-by-side strollers -- so it's plenty big. I really recommend going for a larger functional bag and not a smaller cuter bag because the last thing you want to have to do is pull everything out of a tightly crammed bag to get what you need when your babe is wailing his/her head off. Lots of space and pockets are key. SkipHop has some cute patterns. Not as cute as Petunia Picklebottom or the Fleurville (I think thats what they're called) ones, but for me, a diaper bag is really about function not fashion.

MrsS, have a great shower this weekend!! Want to see more photos of you and your sister's bellies!

Quick update on my BFing situation: so I went to the natural food store yesterday to get my goat's rue and wound up speaking to a guy there who used to work with prenatal, preggos, and postnatal women, and he recommended a few different things for me to try. So now I'm doing (ready for this?): my prescription pill 4x a day, goat's rue 4x a day, steeping fennel seed and dill seed and drinking it as a tea 3x a day (which actually tastes pretty good!), and also making barley water (simmering barley in water for an hour) and drinking a quart of that a day! Seriously, if I'm not Elsy the Cow in the next few days, I'm going to cry!! I barely have time to pump between all my pee trips (oh, I guess I shouldn't complain about peeing to a bunch of preggos, eh?
)! I've noticed a *slight* increase in what I'm pumping out, but it's still not very much at all. I think I'm just not a milker. But again, I'm going to give all this a week and see how things are then ... please send some PS fairy milk my way! (eta: also pumping 4-5x a day w/hosp-grade pump)

Oh Diver I thought of you the other day. I went for a walk around our town center -- can I just say what a workout it is pushing a double stroller through snowy streets?! YIKES, my arms were killing me! -- and I found a dance studio, so now I'm really thinking about taking an adult tap class again ...
Ella, I know...people judge other people''s parenting. But I honestly feel that even though I don''t agree, it''s whatever works for them and it''s not wrong vs right. Like attachment vs detachment, etc. I think there are solutions for everyone. I have a lot of friends who I think are more on the laidback side when it comes to parenting, and that doesn''t faze me. But wanting to wake up your child to give them treats is just plain weird, IMHO. And I can''t imagine any doctor agreeing that giving coffee to a two year old is a great idea. Not disciplining your kid when he hits a pregnant woman in the gut? Well...that one is probably more common than I''d think...

Slight scare this morning...

RN could not find the heartbeat and I realized the baby had not moved today. The Doc came in right then and asked if she wanted him to do it, so I actually had a quick ultrasound. Oh my god the relief when I saw the heartbeat! I was trying not to panic, but boy, not a good feeling when the nurse was trying to find it all over my belly but could not detect the heartbeat! She even started to look nervous. The doc went straight to an ultrasound because he didn''t want me to panic...I must have looked scared. I''m thinking great...a lifetime of this kind of worry. I want a refund.


Baby''s back is on my right side and the baby''s head is down to the left of my pelvis, which was my exact guess! It will keep moving around though...


Jas, I forgot to attach the pic I''s below.

OK, ladies, we have a heartbeat!!!!! I had my first ultrasound and appointment this morning. Everything seems to be on track for an EDD of September 27. The doctor was happily surprised to see me back so soon but she said it''s probably a good thing because of my age and was impressed by my fertility!
It''s funny how the second time around isn''t as overwhelming and exciting as the first but seeing that little blob with that flickering heartbeat made my own heart skip a beat! It''s just so surreal to be going through this again! So, back to peeing in a cup and yeah, I peed all over my hand because I had to go sooo badly! My weight is actually a pound UNDER where I started last time so that was a nice surprise. BP is low and everything is good. They took a million viles of blood again and sent me on my way. I have my NT screening in 2 weeks, next appointment in 4 weeks and then probably amnio in 6 weeks. Sooooo crazy!

TGal, I can''t believe that kid hit you in the stomach and the parents didn''t freak out!!
I mean, a little discipline can go a long way--not physical but a few words in the right tone would work. I''m so sorry you have to deal with the Aussie visitor on your own. I would be LIVID. And girl, Tums are a lifesaver. Plus they have calcium in them! I know Britax is having their sale and I had planned to buy a Marathon but then I saw the Maxi Cosi Priori and fell in love with it--well, as much as one can love a carseat!!! We''re not car people so it''s not like we need something super heavy duty because if it gets used once a month, it will be a lot! I love the look of the Maxi Cosi and it''s European so it''s gotta be good!
If we used a car all the time, I''d go with the Britax Marathon. The Maxi Cosi is comparable to the Britax Roundabout--not as big and more stylish!

Jas12, I have a Skip Hop Dash in pink camo. It''s kind of small but good for short outings. They have GREAT bags. I also have a Fleurville sling tote which I LOVE! They are pricey but worth it and can easily double as a purse!

Tacori, she may be teething--definitely not too early for that. We love Tylenol and/or Hyland Teething Tablets. And lots of bibs for the drool!!

mrssalvo, I hope you have a great shower this weekend. So much fun and I''m sure you need boy stuff so it will be great!
Ella, I read your BFing update more carefully...oh my god! I''m having cereal right now and am looking at the milk, praying to the milk gods that you will turn into Ella the cow!!! Poor thing, hang in there!

Gawd...if this is all supposed to be "nature''s way" then why the f*@! isn''t it easier?????
Tacori - I doubly endorse Tylenol and teething tablets. And infant advil (just to mix it up a bit). My guy starting teething about about 4-5 months. It sucks, and I really do believe that the first tooth is the worst. It sucks later on, but not as bad.

TGal - sorry about your scare! To get/keep baby in position, and especially back facing "out", my doula recommended staying on all fours for about 1/2 hour each day. I leaned over my birthing ball to do this.
Date: 2/27/2008 1:30:20 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Ella, I read your BFing update more carefully...oh my god! I''m having cereal right now and am looking at the milk, praying to the milk gods that you will turn into Ella the cow!!! Poor thing, hang in there!

Gawd...if this is all supposed to be ''nature''s way'' then why the f*@! isn''t it easier?????
Wanna hear the funny thing? So supposedly BFing is free and formula costs money, right? Well, our formula is free (insurance is paying for it b/c the babies were preemies and they''re on a higher-cal one -- not that Gabe needs it!) and this BFing is costing me a #$(%!!ing fortune!
Hey curlygirl...neat to hear your experiences as a second timer! I think while the novelty wouldn''t be there, the thrill would always be. TTot has been moving for months now and while it''s not a weird feeling anymore, it''s still a wonderful one!

Re: peeing in a cup...hehehe. I tell you, at this stage in the game, it''s like some kind of challenge and I am always so pleased and proud when I get the same sample without any "splashy splashy." Oh the little things that give us joy.

Looking forward to hearing all about your tests...sending my best vibes your way!

Oh...and the tums. No heartburn last night or today, which is great considering I had a huge meal. But will definitely get them!

MrsS, wanted to wish you a great shower too. Come back and post what goodies you get!

Speaking of goodies, I am so into stroller research that I am now checking them out for a friend (she doesn''t research anything.) She said she won''t ever jog with the kid but may like long walks. I''m checking out Valco, Mountain Buggy, Bugaboo, and Bumbleride as possible candidates. What strollers do you all have again?
Yup litchick, good advice. I have heard the same thing, but didn''t think about the birthball. We have that exercise ball downstairs so I will do that every day from now on...thanks for the tip! Can''t give birth naturally if I can''t even get the tot in position to give birth VAGINALLY. Hehehe.

Ella, that is actually really funny. But you''re a trooper...and your babes are so worth it!
TGal, yikes about the scare this morning! Isn't it bizzare when you start to think at each appt., "Wow, they could wind up delievering me TODAY if the appt. shows anything weird!" Just a few more days till we're in birth MONTH for you and Jas -- eeeeeeee!!!!!
Oh babies babies, I can't wait for the new babies!!!

Curly, congrats on a great appt!!! I'm so glad you're actively back in the thread -- you're such a fun and warm and positive person to have around, I always like reading your posts (and seeing your photos. You know, you can post those DAILY photos you take of Lily -- you know we're suckers for baby pix here!). September sounds so far away right now, doesn't it? But as we all know, there's nothing like being pregnant to make time fly by!

TGal, just saw your last post, and FWIW, my friend who's got a million strollers hated her bumbleride. Not sure why, but I know she sold it pretty soon after getting it. Will ask her what her fave stroller is (don't think she's got a Bugaboo).
Date: 2/27/2008 1:48:43 PM
Author: ellaila
TGal, yikes about the scare this morning! Isn't it bizzare when you start to think at each appt., 'Wow, they could wind up delievering me TODAY if the appt. shows anything weird!' Just a few more days till we're in birth MONTH for you and Jas -- eeeeeeee!!!!!
Oh babies babies, I can't wait for the new babies!!!

Curly, congrats on a great appt!!! I'm so glad you're actively back in the thread -- you're such a fun and warm and positive person to have around, I always like reading your posts (and seeing your photos. You know, you can post those DAILY photos you take of Lily -- you know we're suckers for baby pix here!). September sounds so far away right now, doesn't it? But as we all know, there's nothing like being pregnant to make time fly by!
Or reading about other PSers pregnancies to make time fly!!

ETA, thanks Ella. Bumbleride has interestingly very little reviews out there right now by consumers compared to strollers like BOB, Bugaboo and MB. I think a friend of ours had one too and wasn't too impressed, but I can't remember...

Did you see my post on REI? In case you're still interested in the BOB. I'm really fixated on mine, and I can't understand why except my hormones must be making me a bit loopy.
TGal, Sorry about your scare today. How scary! I'm glad everything it ok!

jas12, MrsS, TGal, lili - almost there! I am so excited for you ladies! Yay!

curly, so exciting you got to see the heartbeat!

My appointment is this afternoon and I am so excited! Yay! My DH is so cute, this morning he kept saying, "today's the big day!" We can't wait to see our baby blob and I'll be relieved to know everything is progressing normally.
Hi everyone -- it''s been a while since I''ve hung out on PS regularly, but that was a side effect from shopping for/buying/moving into new home :) I''m so happy to finally get to be part of this thread -- I''ve been looking forward to it for a long time now! My EDD is 11-6-08. Good to "see" you all again!
Date: 2/27/2008 2:24:49 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Hi everyone -- it''s been a while since I''ve hung out on PS regularly, but that was a side effect from shopping for/buying/moving into new home :) I''m so happy to finally get to be part of this thread -- I''ve been looking forward to it for a long time now! My EDD is 11-6-08. Good to ''see'' you all again!
Jen! Long time no see...congrats on your pregnancy! Definitely stay and hang out...this thread is awesome.

So you had your wedding? I don''t remember pics or anything, but remember seeing your dress, etc.
Date: 2/27/2008 2:03:37 PM
Author: snlee

TGal, Sorry about your scare today. How scary! I''m glad everything it ok!

jas12, MrsS, TGal, lili - almost there! I am so excited for you ladies! Yay!

curly, so exciting you got to see the heartbeat!

My appointment is this afternoon and I am so excited! Yay! My DH is so cute, this morning he kept saying, ''today''s the big day!'' We can''t wait to see our baby blob and I''ll be relieved to know everything is progressing normally.
Ooh, you have to come back and tell us all!! Watch your DH''s expression when he sees it. It''s either the most touching thing you''ve ever seen...or really comical if he looks like TGuy looked...i.e. "what the hell is THAT?"
Tacori, I just got off the phone with pearlmans and the quotes are in. I actually spoke to Julian and he said he''s sent you a few emails and hasn''t heard back and suggested you call him again if you can.

ella, i will take pics this weekend. my sister and i want to get sister preggo shots too although she''s still only gained 12 lbs and is at 29 i will look like a whale next to her.

tgal..OMG how scary
i''m so glad everything is okay though and that baby is down..won''t be too much longer for you now girl!!

curly- congrats on the great dr. visit. the second time around is so much different than the first and i bet this pregnancy flies by for you..

snlee- can''t wait to hear how your appt. goes today...have fun!!!