
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Burk, the pictures of Tayva are just gorgeous! I'm the crazy mom who takes pictures of her child EVERY DAY!! I have to document all of her different outfits. What did we do before digital cameras?!?!

Jas12, I wore the hospital gown. There's no way I would be naked during that whole thing! I actually changed into a BLACK nightgown that I had brought with me the next day. I didn't have any leakage but there definitely is gunk to worry about so I figured black would be a good color to hide any accidents. Plus, it's slimming!!

ephemery, I have to admit that I puffy heart my Bugaboo!!!! It is so awesome for the city. And you don't need the Cameleon, the Frog is just as good and $100 less! I would have considered the Quinny had it been available before Lily was born but it's just come on the market in the past 6 months or so. They are cute and fold up super small which is a huge selling point. I think we're going to be considering a Phil and Ted's double stroller thingy when the time comes. UGH. We already have the Bugaboo and a Maclaren. I can't believe I'm going to have more than 2 strollers in my NYC apartment!!!!! Hope your appointment goes well on Thursday. Mine is on Wednesday. I can't wait for the ultrasound. It's super cool to see a blob with a heartbeat! And I'm with you on the queasiness. I haven't broken out my Sea Bands yet but I'm living on ginger ale and club soda. I have the problem of being hungry, eating and then feeling like poop. I can't win! The only consolation is that it will pass in a few weeks.

ellaila, congrats on being a SAHM!! I'm anxious to hear how you like it. Although I love my job and might go crazy if I didn't work, I would love to consider that option at some point but with 2 kids in NYC, it ain't happening any time soon!

Tacori, we moved Lily out of our room at exactly 12 weeks. I was getting ready to go back to work so it just made sense to do it then. She had no problem with it. I think I probably missed her more than she missed me!!!
And Jas there is a lot of gunk!
I would never want to be a recovery nurse. Yuck! Funny about my mom. The reason I KNEW Tessa was about to come (after hours, and hours of pushing) was the look on my mom''s face. Her eyes bugged out. That look gave me a burst of energy to get me through L&D. Even with an epi it was still hard work for me. I was surprisingly comfortable with my mom staring at my privates. Maybe b/c I knew it meant so much for her to be there. Plus she''s my mom. And who doesn''t want their mom when they are in pain?!? No photos where taken. That is just something I could not EVER do. So maybe I am still a touch modest. I still don''t ever BF in front of my dad, FIL, brother...I was BFing at a friend''s house in another room and the girl came in and started to talk to me. Then her fiance. I was like okkkkkaaayyyyy...I guess if they are comfortable...don''t forget though things are more complicated for me b/c I use a shield. Neither one saw anything but I still thought it was funny it didn''t bother them.

Lili, I love the idea of giving her something when she is 16. I have a pair of 1/3 diamond studs I''ll probably give her (I am sure I will have an upgrade by then). I really want to wait on the ring b/c it will be sentimental and I rather wait until she is a little older and more responsible. But then again I guess I''ll have to wait to see what kind of teen she is. I have jewelry that was given to me when I was 13 and always saw the importance. But if she is careless no way! I am waiting!
Burk- your portraits are adorable. i so wish i would have gotten propics of Ian at that age. But we just didnt look into in advance and it was the last thing on my mind. I am actually doing 6 months pics with a pro coming over at the end of next month. I have become obsessed with taking his picture and am actually buying a DSLR camera this week and just registered for the mamarazzi school workshop when they will be in OC later this summer!

birthing clothes...I spent the first 15 hours of my labor at home in sweats. the 2 hours at the hospital i was in a gown, but didnt take my bra off for somereason. it was a total PITA when it was time to BF as they were stitching me and i was trying to get my bra off!

Ephemery. Those are the same strollers i was interested in. I really didnt want to get the bugaboo, i felt everyone has it. I loved the quinny but it wasnt released in the US yet and also really like the orbit. But just before the quinny was released I was given a bugaboo. It really is a great stroller. I was obsessed with strollers the first was the biggest purchase and something you could really study up on on that early without knowing the gender! YAY! for your upcoming Ultra sound!

Maternity pics- I made my DH take some shots of me at the beach. they turned out fantastic! I looked into pro ones...but seriously, $600?!? Its not like i''m blowing up and framing them in the living room!

Tacori- Hope the quote is reasonable...i really want you to get this ring!
Once again the thread is jumpin''. I lurve this thread.

DH has the worst case of the flu. Thank goodness it''s not the stomach virus...I absolutely cannot handle that. He is stuffy and achy and feverish and full o'' mucus. Popsicles are a godsend at this point! Am I eating more of them than he is? Yup!

I am laughing about the modesty issues...I am so sure that I will just get to the point that once I''m in the hospital, I will open my legs for just about anyone. Which, I''m sure, will be a tremendous shock to the candy stripers and janitorial staff.

Haha. Gunk. Is it possible to shudder and laugh at the same time? I am putting this in the same category as the "drippings" I saw in the birthing movie a few weeks ago.

Has anyone read "Diaper Diaries"? It''s a really hysterical look at pregnancy and the first year of motherhood. Pretty darned hysterical. She does a bit about how nurses have to "check" on you the first 24-48 hours after birth and how this is the direct cause of the current nursing shortage. The book is by Cynthia Copeland and is good for more than a few giggles!

I''m really excited because friends of DH''s are going to be opening a coffee shop/baby care center (sorta like gymboree). I am going to camp out there, I''m sure, once the little potatoes (hereafter referred to as Spud and Tater until we learn the sex) arrive.

Jas12 -- I hear ya on being "assaulted" by students first thing. They are going to miss you a lot! Please take an "after" shot of the glider...I''d love to see it! Let me know if the love for the cakesters continues
Mrssalvo -- Hey! How are you? I am so sorry that sleep isn''t comfy for you right now. That must be so frustrating!
Ella -- yea for SAHMing! You have two very lucky little ones! Itsy Bitsy Yoga sounds so precious!
Burk -- sigh! Gorgeous! Is that also you in the picture? You are both models! I''ve been teaching middle school for eons (I "retired" a few months ago...I needed a year off, but it looks like I''m on a longer break) -- what subject do you teach? Lord love ya, don''t you feel you can handle anything after dealing with middle schoolers?
Tacori -- yea on the quote. I hope you will be able to get something you really want!
Ephemery -- Heya! Some of us are still early on...come and commiserate! I want to be able to cyber-spacely roll my eyes and look horrified when I can no longer button my pants...which considering my tummy, will be in about 3 days. I am glad you are feeling better and am looking forward to your report on Thursday. It''s the greatest thing in the world!
lili -- how are you these days?

I''m off like a herd of turtles to administer cough medicine and mothering to DH. I love the man but he is the WORST patient. I know, so surprising.

Back later. Have a wonderful afternoon!
MsF, you are too funny! Are you getting anything for Ian? You should!!!! *enabler* My nurse made sure my bra was off. She said otherwise if I needed an emergency c-sec they would cut it off (or they HAVE in the past). I didn''t wear a bra the entire hospital stay.

Jas, sorry your DH is sick. Hope he feels better soon. I am so glad I FINALLY feel better. Are you going to find out the sex? Sorry if you already said. I have baby brain!

So I am watching "bringing home baby" and everything is pink! It is their first child. What happens if they have a boy next time? Even the car seat is pink.
Date: 2/25/2008 3:35:33 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
MsF, you are too funny! Are you getting anything for Ian? You should!!!! *enabler* My nurse made sure my bra was off. She said otherwise if I needed an emergency c-sec they would cut it off (or they HAVE in the past). I didn''t wear a bra the entire hospital stay.

Jas, sorry your DH is sick. Hope he feels better soon. I am so glad I FINALLY feel better. Are you going to find out the sex? Sorry if you already said. I have baby brain!

So I am watching ''bringing home baby'' and everything is pink! It is their first child. What happens if they have a boy next time? Even the car seat is pink.

Tacori -- I wish someone would cut my bras off now. They are ugly and make me feel like some pioneering reject from Little House on the Prairie. Wrap me in some more linen, stick a bonnet on my head, and call me Nellie.

I am glad you feel better too. This is a weird, nasty strain.

We are definitely finding out the sex(es). Learning it was twins was surprise enough. Besides, if I need to lay in a good supply of those "pee pee tents" I want time to shop.

I''m watching all that too. I alternately am fascinated by the Baby Story and horrified by it!

Pink pink pink.
True, true. Plus, you get to wear it longer the longer you wait to give it to her

I''m hanging in there.
Just a little over a month to go.
Hopefully, I won''t be like Tacori
and will go before my EDD.
I probably shouldn''t wish to go too early as I haven''t gotten any of my baby stuff together yet.

Sorry to hear your DH is down with the flu.
You are right, there is some nasty string out there (that is not in the flu shot.)
My family were telling me tons of people at their workplaces are coming down with the flu.
Hope he recovers quick and that you don''t catch it.

So when will you be able to find out the sex of the babies?
How exciting. Can''t wait to find out soon.
I was going to say that I envy you for having twins, but after the last two weeks of belly expansion,
I''m glad to say that I am not carrying twins.
Oy, my belly is so stretch with just one in there already.
You and Ella are tough cookies to be carrying twins!
Jas, I would of found out if I had twins also. Actually I DO know a girl that waited (she had a boy/girl) My neighbor just had boy twins. I had to go buy bigger bras and *I''m so ashamed* all the wires popped out the last few weeks and I REALLY didn''t want to buy new ones since I wouldn''t be able to wear underwire again (for a long time) so I just wore them painfully.
I should have just ponied up and bought one b/c comfort IS important.

So Tessa and I just came home from a walk (blissfully she is asleep) and I met a neighbor who said last time she saw me I was pregnant (halloween, trick or treating) not sure why I felt embarrassed. I guess b/c I was so huge though I WAS 3 days overdue! She has a 1 year old daughter who is very cute and an older son. Fun meeting our neighbors after a year of living here.

Lili, I do want to wear it as long as possible
I can''t believe you only have a month left! That is crazy! I hope none of you go over your EDD either but the odds are against you. I forgot the exact number but very few first time pregnancies go early and even fewer on your exact EDD so it is pretty common to be late. In the long run it doesn''t make a difference. But she''ll hear about it later!
Date: 2/20/2008 5:53:36 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Curlygirl, I''s gone by really fast. I have a feeling these last 5 weeks will be the slowest, which is why I am procrastinating getting things done - time always seems to speed by if you need more time.

I also know what you mean about loving being pregnant. I wouldn''t say I LOVE it, but it''s been fun.

Re: BRU...yeah, it''s really close to where I live so it''s convenient. But I am going to check out USA Baby again, which is also close and doesn''t seem as nutty as BRU.

Tacori, I saved your awesome detailed post from a few weeks ago and was looking at it last night, so I have mentally noted to get those nursing tanks. It seems like the way to go. Thanks again for all that info you posted...I was going through it and making notes for what I need to do.

lili, my line only runs from my chest to my bellybutton. Nothing on the lower half...except stretchmarks. Fun!

Diver, ha...don''t need a pretty nursing bra. I like the sensible bras. But at least they are still nicely shaped. The one I tried on was heinous! I''m going with the tank idea for sure. Do you have to buy nursing pad inserts for them?

And one more question for you Diver (or anyone else that has an opinion.) I put my BOB together today. Love it. But I think I may have mentioned before it''s the 2006, so the recline isn''t what I want. I was going to get the infant carseat adapter, but now I am thinking of bypassing that and just getting the Graco carseat frame (like the snap and go thingie). SOOO many people love it and I think it would be easier for quick errands. Then I am thinking of getting the snuzzler when the baby is a bit bigger and putting the baby directly in the BOB stroller. OR, should I get the adapter too if I want to go for walks with the BOB? Money isn''t too much of an issue...we got lots of money and giftcards and what I rarely spend money on myself and don''t mind spending extra on TTot. Just don''t want to buy a $50 piece of metal if it''s a total waste, yanno?

Tgal: don''t waste your money on the BOB adaptor. It sucks AND you have to completely dismantle the entire stroller frame (no lie, its frighteningly hard, and I''m very skilled at mechanical things) to get it on. Then the Graco seats don''t work well with it, and bobble about... so I have to roll up a bath towel to keep the carseat level in it or else it pitches forward a lot.

You can:

Get a snap and go...babies are only in that infant seat until 7 or 8 months anway...Tacori loves hers.

and let Ttot ride solo in the BOB sans Graco seat. As long as you recline as far as it goes, and then put a head support (I had the Nojo & it was perfect) Ttot should be fine. Jogging strollers have age limits of 6wks to 6months but truly, that''s just for off-road & running. If you are simply walking on paved sidewalks/streets/malls/paths, you don''t have to worry about neck injuries (the reason for the age limits).

The only reason I''m glad I got the adaptor? It provides a snack tray for later on. The side that Jake sits on has a snack tray on it & he puts his sippy cup in it. So for that reason, maybe, yeah...but just know that you need a rolled up towel to prop the carseat on if you do, and that you & tguy will have so much fun putting it on! NOT!

Ok...I need some wordsmithing help from my intellectual PS friends.

My best friend is having her shower here, but she lives 1000 miles away (has to fly in for it).

She''s registering at BRU and a boutique near her home (with full web ordering capabliities, so that''s a plus) that stocks her furniture, bedding, etc. She does have the type of friends & family that will go bananas on gifting her (plus its her first & the families are beside themselves with joy) so people here and in L.A. can order online from the boutique or BRU or in person at BRU.


If she gets a ton of gifts at her shower, how the heck does she get them all home? Is there a *polite* way I can specify on the enclosure cards that accomany the invitations (I''m in charge of ordering those) to ship presents to her home instead of bringing them in person? Argh.....4 of us who are planning this shindig (90 people invited--so it''ll be an issue for sure!) were brainstorming with her this weekend & really...its gonna be sticky.

She''s bringing extra suitcases (empty--or almost so TSA doesn''t freak) up with her & her hubby....& her mom & sis are flying back with her, and they will have extra she''ll have 4 suitcases to haul loot back with...but still...I''d like to have some of the gifts sent to her home.

Personally..I''m the person who sends wedding/big shower gifts directly to the recipients home, especially with weddings or large shower gifts so the honoree doesn''t have to deal with lugging it around.

But that''s just me & how I was taught to gift.

So what would an appropriate wording be? Or is there none?


Jessica* is registered at and
Please consider shipping gifts directly to the Smith* Residence as airlines have strict luggage weight regulations for their return home. Thank You

Is that tacky? *Names have been changed to protect the fabulous.

Ugh. I hate this kind of thing.
Diver, how funny. Awesome timing...

I went to REI over the weekend to look at 2007 models. Mine looked the same, but I couldn''t be sure. So I finally called BOB an hour ago and it seems mine is the 2007 model for sure, but it has an Aussie 2006 box. Go figure! So I am totally stoked that the recline is what I want and I will totally follow your advice and get the Graco snugride frame for quick errands and use this BOB for walking with something like a snuzzler, which I hear works great with this 70 degree recline.

But yes, I do want the tray but I figure in a year or two''s time, they might be selling it separately or I can pick one up secondhand. Thank you for your reply!

As for wordsmithing, how about "shipping directly to the residence is welcomed and appreciated to make Jessica''s return flight home easier." Or something like that?

Tacori, I''m late on this one but I''d say just bring your pump too. Funny, I was wondering how I was going to manage similarly when I go back to work in August and have to travel away from TTot.

And your survival kit sounds so thoughtful and awesome. I would love something like that too!

I wanna see your and MrsS'' push presents! Bling is exciting...but strangely, right now my stroller is MORE exciting. Apparently I am not the only one who''s gaga over strollers. Hehehehe.

Qtiekiki, I know...I have heard that about Medela too...but if milk in the motor and mold were the issue, wouldn''t Medela recommend a new pump for EACH baby? Instead they only recommend it be used by one person. I find that odd.

MsF, glad to hear you enjoyed your walk and the spa. I love living in the South Bay, don''t you? I''m curious said the spa was "ok". Does that mean the service performed? You seemed to give it good reviews for decor and childcare....

And the miracle blanket...yeah...I hope TTot likes being swaddled. But just in case, I am only opening one packet and will resell the other if s/he doesn''t. You just never know with kids, do you?

Ella, that is awesome you can stay at home! I would have a awful time leaving TTot too. My friend''s kid is 4 months and he is just getting so FUN. I consider myself very lucky...I can still work, but it''s from home. So I get to be around and not miss the "firsts", but still bring home the big fat bacon!!!

Burk, Tayva is darling!!! Love the collage....

Jas, I thought about fashion during my time on the runway as well. I''m thinking gown may be the chic way to go.

Ephemery, that hangover feeling is just NASTY. So far I''d take 3rd tri any day. It does go away, thank god. I can''t imagine full fledged morning sickness.
And yay for your ultrasound this week. It is pretty darn awesome.

People seem to like their bugaboos. Here in LA, it''s very easy to find them secondhand on craigslist. My guess is that they make great URBAN strollers (i.e. NYC) but they can be frustrating as suburban strollers. My friend says her friend who has it swears every time she gets it out or puts it in the car. Apparently it''s heavy and a b*tch to fold, but I may be thinking of a different model than what Jas is getting.

As I said, I am pretty enamored with my BOB. I so want to take it around for a spin but I think a pregnant fatty boomba pushing an empty stroller might look way too weird. Maybe the only thing weirder would be a non pregnant woman pushing an empty stroller.

Jackie, spud and it. I know I call the baby TTot here (and it''s the name that seems to have stuck in my mind overall) but the beginning, we called our tot, "Baby Snotty." For reasons that are printed around here somewhere but I won''t go into now.

lili, I keep hoping I won''t be late too. Then I realize I don''t want to be early! And what are the odds of us coming right on time? Eek!

Well, I am officially not wearing my rings anymore. My fingers swell randomly at will, so it is easier to take them off. And I had my first bout of heartburn recently too. It''s all good though...seems like my body is working the way it''s suppposed to because I feel these last 6 weeks or so are designed to aggravate me so much that I will want TTot out AT ALL COSTS. Otherwise I would have been quite happy to be preggo for another few months.
Diver: How about "Jessica will be flyin'', so consider what you''re buyin'' " hehe--just joking. Hmmm, that is tricky. Do most ppl know she is coming by plane? You could
a) just word it like you did--purists would say it''s a bit tacky--but personally, i wouldn''t think twice about it
b) make a few selelct phone calls and spread the word that way
c) mail some of the gifts after she leaves (not very economical)
d) encourage close friends to purchase of gift cards--they''ll understand and free up some ''room'' for the other gifts

Curly--I live in black. i totally get the black nightie
DH comments when i wear something colorful now--it''s that bad
Glad you like your bugaboo--i still have sticker shock. I contemplated b/w the frog and Chameleon. I went with the frog b/c i just wanted black anyway and i couldn''t see how color, adjustable handle and little wheel shocks were worth an extra couple hundred.

Jas--i think i would find out the sex of twins as well--just b/c you have to buy so much and there is more the ''digest''. I don''t know anyone who left them a surprise--but that would be so exciting as well!!

lili--how are you feeling? Yep, it''s crazy the bunch of us are getting close. 36 weeks tomorrow for me!
While eating dinner tonight my belly was warping into various shapes and DH was wide-eyed across the table watching the whole thing--dinner entertainment, and a constant reminder that an almost full-term fetus fits in there!!?
TGal, I''ll let you know if I hear anyone saying "pervert" under their breath. Life is just so much more complicated now! I e-mailed medela when I was having a problem with my breast shield (the standard was too small for me) and they were not only very helpful and nice but got back to me really quickly. Honestly I would just e-mail them and ask what they think. You don''t need a heavy duty pump since you will be working from home and trust me it is easier just to nurse ttot then pump so worse comes to worst (not that I have the proper fitting shield) I am pretty happy with my medela single deluxe. Best of all it is CHEAP! Haha!

Diver, When I had my bridal shower afar I returned most of the gifts and re-bought them when I got home. This would work well for BRU. Otherwise she probably will be ok with the extra suitcase. I was since most people bought me clothes, books, or other small things for my WI shower. I don''t think it is rude to say that in the invites and even if it is who cares? I know people who did send me gifts printed out a picture to put in the card. Maybe you could include a card and make a game out of it. Like have people draw what they bought or put clues down.
Ella, so I am NOISY and wanted to see what had and they have "thing1", "thing2" Dr Seuss''s onesies. You HAVE to get them for the twins. Jas/Jackie too!!!
MrsS, the band you are considering is beautiful! I love the idea of getting two pinks and a blue. Or 5 total.

Burk, Tayva is beautiful. I love the collage of pro pictures.

ella, congrats on being a SAHM! That's very exciting. I can't imagine leaving your little ones at home and missing firsts. Makes me sad thinking about it. I'm glad you get to stay home with them.

ephemery, sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope something in your anti-morning sickness bag helps. curly, hope you feel better soon too!

jas12 and MrsS, sorry you aren't sleeping well right now. That must be so frustrating! I guess our bodies really do know how to prepare us for the lack of sleep we'll get with newborns.

curly and ephemery, we all have our first appointments this week! Exciting! I can't wait!
My appointment is Wednesday too. I'll be 6 weeks. I hope I get an ultrasound so we can see our blob and maybe see the heartbeat. *crossing my fingers* I'll be disappointed if they make me wait till the next appointment.
not exactly a pregnancy article...but did anyone else read this article about old fashion play? NPR article

Tacori- I''m not getting anything for Ian...its just not in the budget right now. I really want a ritani endless love with two saphire sidestones for my two men....but another time. Right now my gift for ian is being able to stay home.

Tgal- The spa was good, the mani/pedi was actually pretty awesome...i was just a bit pissy that i couldnt get the facial I had made an appointment for. It really is worth checking out. I also have the BOB and I had the infant adapter and have used it maybe 3 times, one of which was yesterday up on the cliffs watching the should have seen the swells from up in PV!

I so remeber wanting this guy out. i was convinced he would come early... he did not 6 days late!!

Diver I dont think that is tacky at all. I went to a shower that after the invites went out one of the hosts actually emailed everyone a suggestion she had ''heard'' from a friend to print out a pic of what they were giving her but send it to her to save hassle of traveling. She did end up shipping a ton of stuff back... I say it never hurts to direct people!
Jackie, that was sooo funny - candy stripers and janitors! I have this amazing vision of you in hospital...

I haven''t been around much lately, as I''ve had a few problems. My Dr thought I had pre-eclampsia. It was all very scary, and I was beyond relieved to find out that I don''t have it - I''m fine. Apparently I have a muscle detatching from my rib cage due to the weight (and odd position) of the baby, which caused horrible abdominal pain. That, along with stress and worry raised my BP a bit and I had flu, so had a temp- Dr was convinced it was pre-eclampsia and sent me straight to hospital. Such a panic. In a way, it''s comforting because I think that pre-eclampsia is often missed in primary care settings here (from what I''ve read) so I''m reassured that my Dr was so switched on to it and reacted so quickly. Also, I went to the hospital where I''m planning on giving birth (in the attached midwife unit) and it was a really positive experience. The staff were fantastic and really sympathetic and understanding. For me, that makes all the difference (I had a dreadful hospital experince when I had a miscarriage and it put me of TTC for a very long time).

Has anyone else had problems with muscle detatching? Any tips on pain relief? Lying flat on my back helps but less practical at the office!

I never actually thought what to wear when I''m giving birth. I need to add that to the list of stuff to ponder!

Date: 2/25/2008 8:01:56 PM
Author: Jas12
Diver: How about ''Jessica will be flyin'', so consider what you''re buyin'' '' hehe--just joking. Hmmm, that is tricky. Do most ppl know she is coming by plane? You could
a) just word it like you did--purists would say it''s a bit tacky--but personally, i wouldn''t think twice about it
b) make a few selelct phone calls and spread the word that way
c) mail some of the gifts after she leaves (not very economical)
d) encourage close friends to purchase of gift cards--they''ll understand and free up some ''room'' for the other gifts

or e) let people bring gifts (I imagine most people would rather see her open their gift than a picture of it), then return them and repurchase when she gets home. I imagine this only works for BabiesRUS, so if most of her big stuff is at the other store, probably doesn''t help much.

option a wouldn''t bother me (unless everyone shipped things and she had nothing to open), but if you think some might be offended, maybe go with a combo of b and e.

Ooh, another thought, could you somehow put a note on the boutique registry encouraging people to ship to Jessica''s house, since they''ll have to ship those gifts anyway?
MrsMitchell--glad you don''t have pre-eclampsia--what a scare. Geez, you''ve had your share of fun eh--flu, BP, stress--hope you are feeling better. Good to hear you like the hospital staff. I still get a little anxious about the hospital, but i hear the nurses are great (they seem to be in general i think) so I am holding onto that.

So Tgal--remember how you mentioned about a week ago that Ttot booted you so hard you let out a yelp--and you reconsidered your possible need for an epi.....well, I had the craziest fetal assult last night that made me think the exact same thing! I was on the couch, leaning to one side, sorta resting on DH in an awkward position. My whole belly was pressing and stretched a bit in one direction. Baby must have hated it b/c all of sudden i got a sharp, deep, strong, scraping sensation along my side--must have been an elbow or a knee?. I literally jumped off the couch, spilled my glass of water, yelped and then laughed b/c it hurt but also shocked the hell outa me--it felt like what you would imagine a pumpkin would feel when it''s getting the insides scraped out...that is, if pumpkins were living creatures hehe
Jas, Yeah, it''s been a fun few days! Over it now, just back to the usual heartburn and back ache...
Glad you''re happy about the nursing staff, it makes such a difference to how you feel about going into hospital.

Hi ladies,

so, i fell asleep last night at 8:00..i''ve just been so tired lately. hubby instructed our girls to let mommy rest so he got them into bed and when our 6 year old woke up in the night, she actually went and woke up daddy
. so, i still woke up in a little uncomfortable hip/leg pain but i did get some sleep and feel better today. also went to the doctor and everything is just moving right along. one more 2 week visit, next time they check the cervix and i''m down to weekly''s too!! so, offically 6 weeks for me but hoping and praying it''s more like 4...

i hope all you other mommies and mommies to be are doing well!!
Wow MrsS you are getting so close!! I am sorry you have leg and hip pain. I ached all over towards the end. That''s cute your daughter went to her daddy. I think your girls will be a big help to you, they are at a great age to be mommie''s helpers.
I just saw on another thread that Ephemery mentioned being pregnant... so I just wanted to drop in and say congrats!
BTW, do you mind me using one of your wedding pics as an inspiration for my veil?
So is this "push present" going to be a RH ring?
Anyway, I can''t believe it myself -- Jas12, TGal, MrsS and I are all so close.
I think I may be the last one though since both TGal and Jas12 are 2 weeks ahead of me.
And MrsS has her history of going in early, lucky

Yup, I''ve heard that most first pregnancy tend to be later than the EDD.
Fortunately, the first one tend to be a little smaller than the later pregnancy.
So if I have to carry a few days extra, it probably wouldn''t be as bad...hopefully.

Hehe, same here.
Don''t know if I''m ready for the baby yet if she should come early.
So, are you still betting that Ttot may come on April 1?
My hubby has bet that mine will come later right on our anniversary

That''ll be fun.

I totally hear you on the belly warped.
It''s like she''s trying to find a comfortable position in the belly too.
It''s so bizzare feeling. Mine favors the right side.
She''s always pushing to that side of the belly. Which side does your little go to?
I''m feeling ok, though very uncomfortable.
It''s funny, even as a fetus, they have go through growth spurts like teenagers.
I swear she must have puffed up a good 2 lbs from wk 32 and 33.
Hehehe, my belly is so much bigger in one wk -- it''s a good thing I posted my 32wk bare belly

Yay for getting the night off.
That''s so sweet of your daughter to heed her dad''s instruction.
Wow, you are so close....
So did you have your baby shower this past weekend?
How was it?
Lili, yes it will be a RHR and I will get one with every child
and stack them. I sound spoiled but really I am not!
my baby shower isn''t until this sat. I''m looking forward to having the time with my gal pals but I really don''t like showers so that part of it i''m not so excited about
i do know my sister organized a gift go-in and a few family members got the carseat/stroller i''ve been wanting and i''m very excited about it. i realized the other day that i don''t really have any baby boy clothes, diapers, wipes etc and i really should get stocked up b/c 4-6 weeks will fly by i''m sure.

tacori, did you hear back with your quote?
Date: 2/26/2008 5:51:56 PM
Author: mrssalvo
tacori, did you hear back with your quote?

hopefully it will come tomorrow. Which carseat/stroller are you getting? Right now BRU is having a huge baby clothing sale, get on over there mama! They have some really cute boy things.
MsF, that makes sense re: spa. I will definitely go check it out...

MrsM, glad to hear you are doing better. I really think resting is key. I''ve probably had an easy pregnancy because even though I work, I work from home and can kick my feet up!

Jas, yup...I am getting a bit more..."hm" about the whole natural thing. Now I am dealing with heartburn and gosh darn it, I''m thinking gimme some tums! But I''m still not taking anything...I''m a TOUGH CHICK eh?

MrsS, I''m betting it will be 3-4 weeks, tops.

lili, yup, still thinking April 1. Or maybe if it''s early, March 23 for Easter...

OK gals...REI is holding their 20% off full priced items for members sale. Thought I''d mention it for you BOB stroller coveters. You have to be a member, but it''s $20 for a lifetime membership so you still come out ahead.

For those of you who need a bigger carseat, Britax is having their twice yearly sale and you can find various prices online and at stores.
Lili--i seem to get ''beat up'' on the right side as well--but i get huge belly bulges mid-left side--i also sometimes feel strong nudges on the top on my hip bone--not painful, but strange feeling...i think i''ll be with the other moms and really miss the movements post-pregnancy. It is very cool!
So you say you popped out more in the last 2 weeks--so you look what, 25 weeks pregnant now?--hehe

Tgal--i haven''t been hit with heart-burn surprisingly. Have to say I can''t feel sorry for you--miss preggo perfect pants. You needed to get at least ''one'' symptom to make the rest of us whiny things feel better ;-)
I am with you on wanting, but not actually taking anything despite various forms of discomfort. The most i''ve taken this pregnancy is a natural stool softener a few times. Even when my eczema flared up really bad at one point and I was sobbing at 3am i couldn''t give in and take the benedryl, i just get really stubborn--damn we are tuff stuff!


I am on the search for a stylish, black, non diaper bag looking diaper bag. Lost cause?
Date: 2/26/2008 6:26:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 2/26/2008 5:51:56 PM

Author: mrssalvo

tacori, did you hear back with your quote?

hopefully it will come tomorrow. Which carseat/stroller are you getting? Right now BRU is having a huge baby clothing sale, get on over there mama! They have some really cute boy things.

oh i hope you hear something tomorrow...that is so odd it''s taken them so long
. I''m getting a chicco travel system this time around. I had the peg perego stroller and car seat the first time around and athough it does live up to everything they say, I hate that it didn''t have a cup holder for me. i think they have some type of adapter now but i just wanted a nice mall stoller with cup holders. i have a van so the size doesn''t really matter. I''ll have to try and hit BRU this weekend.

tgal- take the tums woman. heck, i''ve had heartburn with this baby since week 6 and have been popping the tums ever since. I didn''t really have heartburn at all with my first, a bit more with the second and just about all the time with this one. I''ve got to try and make it 4 weeks b/c my doctor is going out of town from spring break the 3rd week in march. the other doctor in the practice is very nice but obviously i''d prefer my doc to deliver Jake. but hey, if Jake does decide to come in 3 weeks, i won''t complain too much. we all know it''s really the nurses that do all the work anyway. the dr. shows up for the last 5