
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Jas, what a cute idea!!!

LC, I am glad Miller is feeling better poor little guy. They do love the anything goofy!!!
Thanks all for the well wishes for Miss Tayva....she needs them. Turns out she has a nasty virus. She had a chest X-Ray and the doc said there''s a lot of "gunk" (yep, that was his technical term) on her lungs. No wonder the poor girl is so miserable. He prescribed an antibiotic...said she should be feeling much better in a few days. I barely slept last night because I kept hearing her coughing on the monitor. There is nothing worse than hearing your 7 week-old cough like that. And, to top matters off, I think I got whatever she has. So, I''m off to my doctor today. Yuck.

LC-glad your little man is feeling better.

Snlee-way to go girl!! The pics look beautiful.

JackieJas~here''s to hoping your pap comes back favorable!

Jas12~Cute idea for the announcements! I was going to do announcements, but never got around to''re on top of things!
hi ladies, glad to hear all the updates!

As for weight gain in the 1st trimester, I''m only at 11wks, but at my appt yesterday, my dr. said I ganed one pound. I feel fatter, but apparently I need to eat more! So will be stuffing my face I guess. The doctor said it was fine, but it doesn''t sound like enough to me!
Date: 3/11/2008 10:13:16 AM
Author: janinegirly
hi ladies, glad to hear all the updates!

As for weight gain in the 1st trimester, I''m only at 11wks, but at my appt yesterday, my dr. said I ganed one pound. I feel fatter, but apparently I need to eat more! So will be stuffing my face I guess. The doctor said it was fine, but it doesn''t sound like enough to me!

1 lb is fine. your body will catch up, no worries there. my sister is at 29 weeks and has only gained 15 lbs so far.

litchick-glad miller is doing better today. i hate it when my kids are sick, i feel so bad for them.

so, i had my 36 week appt today. All is well, Jake is down and i''m dialated 1 cm
my doc fully expects a march delivery for me. so although i walked around dialated for 2 weeks with Lily, it still makes me feel like things are close and progress is being made!

how are all you other *close* mommies to be doing??
Those announcement cookies look delish

Send some over and we''ll gladly do a taste test for you

Are those the names that you''ve decided? Mira and Collin are so cute.

Anyway, my lamaze class was over a few weeks ago. It was 5 weeks long.
We did meet some interesting couples, but we didn''t stay in touch.
I''m really a shy person IRL and it takes me a lot longer before I start talking to anyone.

Glad to hear that Miller is back to his jovial self.
I hate it when children are sick. You just feel so helpless because there''s nothing you can do to take the ickyness they feel away.

Awwee....sorry to hear Miss Tayva (and you) caught the nasty virus.
Hope it will pass soon!

1 lb is fine. My sister actually lost 7 lbs during her first trimester due to m/s. Don''t worry about trying to stuff your face.
If you are eating enough and don''t feel hungry, you should be okay. I didn''t gain anything for the first 9-10 wks and I was eating like crazy.
Eventually, like MrsS said, the weight caught up with me because I was putting on about 1.5 lb a week til recently.

Oh wow, Jake is going to be here so soon -- maybe next week!

So back and hip pain will be over soon!
MrsS, that is great news!
Litchick--glad Miller is feeling better and got a full night''s sleep--i am sure you benefitted from a night of uninterrupted zzz''s just as much as him!

Burk--your poor babe--i hope you guys both feel better asap! Tis the season for viruses--tons going around here

MrsS.--great 36 wk appnt! Yipee for being one cm dilated! Any progress in that area is good news even though its no guarantee--at least it''s one cm less you have to dialate on the day of ;-)

lili--you can''t tell you are shy from PS--that''s the beauty of the internet. Yes, we have *kinda* settled on those names--we want Mira pronounced (Meer-ah) and the ambiguous ''i'' sound is the problem, and we will probably spell Colin with one l..need to finalize those details.

Janine--i wouldn''t worry too much--your body will more than likely catch up later as long as you are eating normally and nutritionally i don''t think you need to go and increase your intake (unless of course you want to, maybe in the form of a cakester-hehe). I gained lots in the first tri--but only a few lbs so far in the 3rd, so its all evening out to the high end of an average pregnancy weight gain.
Are you currently underweight ? I think that is the only situation where you need to be more concerned with packin on the lbs.

Tgal--we''re 38 weeks this week!! Woohoo (like you didn''t know--i just needed to type that!)...hope you are doing well--haven''t heard from you in a while so please confirm that you are still around and haven''t gone off to give birth or something crazy like that ;-)


So as of this week i am no longer participating in my regular fitness routine--my pelvis is too sore and i just look ridiculous so I decided last night i needed to start least that way i am out of the house, in a weightless environment shrouded by the blurring effects of water. One problem: No bathing suit. I am a bikini wearer and i am not subjecting innocent gym-goers to that sight so my mom dropped off one of her attractive one-piece suits for me (she''s bigger, taller and busty so we figured i could squeeze into it) Well, let me tell you--i am a sight to behold.
If you can imagine pale, pudgy, tree-trunk like legs (yep, cankles) poking out of a big, blue, shiny round abdomen with somewhat normal looking arms-- that would be me. I look nothing short of hilarious--since the bathing suit is not maternity it just stretches in one giant spandex ball around my belly--no distinction b/w boobs and belly...anyone remember violet in charlie and the chocolate factory when she turns into a blueberry....yep, me!

I vote for Colin with one "l".
Anyway, thanks for the laugh with your "blueberry" image

I know you don''t anything like that! I''d say you should wear your normal 2 piece swim suit since you are still so fit.
You''d be one of those cute preggo ladies with their darling bellies.

Oh, forgot to ask if you''ve did your maternity pix. Weren''t you thinking about having those done at some point?
I like "Colin" with one "l".
OK gals...I told myself I wouldn''t come back to this thread until I made good on that preggo shot. So here it is, taken yesterday night at 37/nearly 38 weeks...

Wow Tgal, you look great!!
I think you''ve banged your head one too many times on that wall,
because I don''t know what you were yapping about your "sack of flour" look.
I definitely see a cute ball there!
OK, now that that''s done....

Jas, I''d be jealous too about the cervix check ups too. I don''t know why we want them though, because as you said, it means nothing. Still, I guess it''s because we''re so near the end it''s just nice to go in for something other than the pee, weight and measure.

The cookie announcements are cool! And I do like Colin with one L. I haven''t even thought about announcements like that yet. Am I supposed to give something out? Sheesh!

Qtiekiki, congrats on your girl! Now you can go nuts and buy all the cute little girl things out there!

snlee, I agree that cramping and ab pain are normal. I had that in my first tri too. Which may be a reason you might want to take it easy on those 10 mile hikes girl!!!

For the first tri preggos, re: weight - everyone is different. I think Jas gained more than I did in her first tri. I only gained 3. Now we are both about in the same don''t worry, it all evens out!!

MrsS, woo hoo! I really think you are going to go in the next two weeks. What do you think the odds are that two of us PS preggos will be in labor at the same time?

re: inductions. Everyone is different. My best friend had one. Easy as pie. Another had one but she ended in a c-section. Healthy baby ladies...that''s all that matters....

As for dropping...I have not yet. I''ve jumped up and down a few times thinking it may help...hehehe. Like I said, at this stage in the game, it''s all about "signs" and something different. The life of a third tri preggo is''s all about waiting and getting fat.

LC, a kid with the flu has got to be the worst thing...hugs to your boy and glad he is better.

Ella, twins, and you fit into your pre-preggo clothes! You b*tch you!
Wow, you are impressive and your little ones get cuter by the day!

Jackie, I have HPV, but I think it "cleared" a few years ago. You should be fine, but I will keep my fingers crossed for you. And that''s excellent news about the results! I got a 1:10000 chance of downs but I still did the amnio. Don''t feel bad if you want to go ahead with it. You just have to do what feels right to you, although I do agree with such good odds it''s probably fineto skip it.

lili, sounds like you are doing well. You don''t seem that shy on the net, but was previously said, that''s kind of the beauty of it! I love having you gals to chat with because I hate boring people with this stuff IRL.

Speaking of boring people with anyone else finding unsolicited advice coming thick and fast (and annoying?) I like coming here because I ask what I wanna ask and answer if someone has a question. But boy, everyone''s an expert in real life eh? Seriously slap me if I do the same thing. I see things that I think may be iffy all the time, but I don''t say anything because what the hell do I know???? Every kid is different!

Doing well...and as Jas said, nearly 38 weeks now. Tomorrow I go to the doc''s again so maybe there will be fantastical cervical news.
Heartburn has not come back, thank god, so the only real problem I am having is my fingers. My knuckles hurt a lot and I can''t bend my fingers in the morning. There must be a ton of fluid in there.
Date: 3/11/2008 3:52:39 PM
Author: lili
Wow Tgal, you look great!!
I think you''ve banged your head one too many times on that wall,
because I don''t know what you were yapping about your ''sack of flour'' look.
I definitely see a cute ball there!
This was the best photo of the lot. I am holding my hand beneath my belly to create a ball "look". If I let the maternity shirt just hang, I just look massive.

I''m fine with posting belly shots, but believe you me, I''m posting the best one of the bunch.
Jas12, I vote for Colin with one "l" too.

MrsS, that''s great news! Woohoo!

TGal, you look great! I don''t care what you say, you DO have a cute belly!

I am so excited for you ladies! You''re almost there! Yay! I can''t wait to "meet" your little ones!
MrsS, woohoo you''ll be holding baby Jake soon!!! So exciting!!

TGal, you look terrific.
What a cute Ttot you have goin on, TravelinGal. It''s a cute picture. :0)
TGal! You look great!!!
Colin with one L it is
My preference as well--DH was leaning toward two but that''s only b/c some old dead relative that we knwo nothing about had two.

Tgal--are you kiddin me, i don''t see overhang!--your belly looks quite smaller than mine. Mine is really out there right now--if i get up the courage i''ll put a 40 week shot as the last horrah.
Yep, life at 38 wks is all about wait and seek--seek out signs. I got my first real back ache this weekend and I was all excited thinking it may be a sign--nope.
I have my 38 wk appnt on thursday--maybe i can bribe the OB into another exam--i asked the nurse 2 weeks ago if I would be having another one b/c i was closed up tighter than ''fort knox'' (her words) and she just said nope, you could be sealed shut with no sign of anything right till the moment of labor, so there is no advantage to keep checking--i was thinking-- noooo- i need ''a sign'' gimme something to work with and something to report back to the PS gals

I have this feeling i''ll be overdue. I don''t have that fed-up, ''get this thing out of me'' desire yet, the last few days have actually be really good. I feel like desperation has to set in to trigger labor or something....

Lili--no i never did end up doing the mat shots--i am afraid i''ll regret it, but right now it''s a money issue--my car just died and now we need a new vehicle, just did some house reno etc. so i am trying to really cut costs. Do you think you''ll do any?
tgal- you look great. i''ll try to get a shot at 38 weeks if i make it that long..

jas12- love the birth announcements. and don''t really worry about the progress. with my first, she had not dropped nor was I dialated at 37 1/2 weeks but my water broke the night of my dr. visit. so you really just don''t know. i also have a friend that was dialated to a 4 for 2 weeks and didn''t deliver until 41 weeks. you baby will come when it''s good and ready.

lili- i hope you''re doing well too.

tgal, i do think it would be funny if a couple of us delivered at the same time. it could easily happen.
Hello ladies,

I''m fairly new to Pricescope and have enjoyed reading everyone''s story. You all have beautiful babies.

I just found out last week that I''m pregnant. I have a dr appt tomorrow but I''m freaking out a little because I have Rh negative factor in my blood and I''ve just read that this could be a problem. Has anyone here dealt with this?

Welcome and congrats Doxielover! Unfortunately, I have no insight for you as I have not dealt with it.

Thanks ladies. I think I need to find a more representative pic to post, but for now the one I posted will have to do.

Jas, just don''t pack your bags or do anything else. I think that would guarantee you''d go early. Of course, I can''t get myself to be that slack, so I packed half my bag today.

Anyone else banking cord blood? If so, which service are you using? I haven''t researched this yet and will ask about it tomorrow at the docs.
Tgal--ha--my bags were partially packed months ago!
--I am cord blood banking. I ordered the kit around x-mas and I just bring it to the hospital with me. When the cord is cut, instead of throwing it out they withdraw the blood left in it and store it for around 15-18 yrs. The amazing thing about that blood is that the cells don''t have ''jobs'' yet so they have the potential to aid/cure in many illnesses (sorry if you know all this stuff already!). Of course i am in canada so the services are completely different so i can''t help there. Canada is looking into making cord-blood banking a public service for all babies, but right now it is still private so i paid and it wasn''t too cheap.

Doxielover--welcome to the thread! Don''t stress about the RH neg factor just yet--go to your dr. and get all the details. I think it is more a factor in the second pregnancy (but don''t quote me on this) and from what i can remember from reading, should not be an issue for your baby during pregnancy--you can get a treatment to prevent complications. Good luck, let us know what you find out...maybe someone on here has had firsthand experience they can share.
Date: 3/11/2008 9:48:21 PM
Author: doxielover
Hello ladies,

I''m fairly new to Pricescope and have enjoyed reading everyone''s story. You all have beautiful babies.

I just found out last week that I''m pregnant. I have a dr appt tomorrow but I''m freaking out a little because I have Rh negative factor in my blood and I''ve just read that this could be a problem. Has anyone here dealt with this?


hi doxie and welcome. My blood type is A neg. it''s nothing to worry about. you will get a shot of Rhogam at 28 weeks. then if the baby has a different blood type than you at birth, they will give you another shot. my my girls are A neg. too so i never had the second shot.

tgal, i didn''t do the cord banking thing at all so can''t help you there. I haven''t packed my bag yet either. although I did get all the clothes washed and laid out the few things I want to take for Jake. i also have my little travel bag pretty much ready with my shampoo/lotion/razor etc.
Thanks MrsS and Jas...

Jas, I am looking into this now. And course, with every think I look into, there are always new issues. So if one decides to cord bank, they have cut the cord quickly. I''m reading that there may be benefit to delay cord cutting to give your baby back its own blood.

Have you read any of that stuff?
Date: 3/11/2008 9:48:21 PM
Author: doxielover
Hello ladies,

I'm fairly new to Pricescope and have enjoyed reading everyone's story. You all have beautiful babies.

I just found out last week that I'm pregnant. I have a dr appt tomorrow but I'm freaking out a little because I have Rh negative factor in my blood and I've just read that this could be a problem. Has anyone here dealt with this?


Congrats on your pregnancy!

Being Rh negative is usually not at all a big deal. Your doctor will probably do an antibody screen at some point just to make absolute certain you haven't developed antibodies to Rh positive blood. Assuming you have not, they'll probably give you a shot of Rh immunoglobulin if you have an amnio, then again at 28 weeks, and yet again after labor (assuming your baby is Rh positive). I'm Rh negative and had the shot at 28 weeks, but, as it turned out, my daughter is Rh negative as well, so no need for another shot. Being Rh negative is much more uncommon than not, but it's certainly very routine and usually nothing to worry about.

Here's a link for more info:

ETA Mrs. S beat me to it. Yup, not a big deal at all!

Mrs. S, is your hubby A- as well? I want to have mine tested so that I don't even have to bother with the shot at 28 weeks next time around.
doxielover, congrats and welcome!
jas12- Colin and Cooper were our top two names till about a week before my due date when we had an epiphany with Ian. The cookie announcements look great, we didnt pass anything out, but no one but our parents came to the hospital or over for the first month or so...we sent out photo announcements by the time he was 2 months.

Jackie- I also had HPV but after my LEEP its been gone and have had good paps since. I''m sure that with the amount of people that have it, it really isnt much of a concern in pregnancy...just make sure to do what the Dr says...

Tgal- you look great...seriously, i looked like that at 30 weeks i think. I cant believe that you and Jas only have two weeks left till your due dates. Hope your little ones have a better grasp on the calendar than mine did! Did I ever tell you my evening primrose oil story? I was not dropped, not effaced and not dilated at 41 weeks. My midwife told me to insert an evening primrose tablet before bed every night....within 24 hours I had a baby! It isnt supposed to be drastic like castor oil...but I guess its all Ian needed!

CORD BLOOD- I think its a good idea, we looked into since I had a brother die in childhood with cancer. We decided we will do it with our second child.

Burk- here some more well wishes that tavya feels better soon!
Wow! I missed so much being gone!

Ella: oh, such pretty twins ... Gabe is such a manly man, and Kaitlyn (omg...did i get her name right?) is so delicate and angelic looking. What a sweet girl. I love them. I always get this HUGE grin when I see your babies. Something about sweet. They are sooo tiny!

Tgal: you look fantastic. Lookit that cute belly!

MrsS: I was so supremely uncomfortable with Delaney. DH would ask me not tell D that I didn''t enjoy being pregnant with her. I wanted to slap him. Such a guy, he doesn''t get it. I liked being pregnant, I just didn''t like feeling like hell. LOL.

Induction: well mine were easy peasy. I didn''t find pitocin made my contractions any more or less painful, and once I got my epidural I FLEW to 10cm. With Delaney I went from 2cm to 10cm in one hour. Pushed for 25 minutes with both kids, full epidural power, didn''t feel one stitch of pain, but got to feel my babies being born (totally awesome sensation) and felt good afterwards. Like I was on top of the world. I had great births though, I feel truly blessed.

Cakesters: I saw them in the supermarket the other day & started chuckling. The checker looked at me weird. I almost grabbed them to try, but the dang weight is still sticking with me, so I figured, I don''t need any more food addictions. I just ate a bunch of Jake''s organic vanilla sesame street cookies. Taste like shortbread. mmmmmmmmm.....C is for Cookie..dats good enough for me. (and yes, cookie monster was on the box). I will NEVER buy those cookies for him again..they were TOO GOOD.

Doxielover: Congratulations & Welcome! When is your dd?

I''m very excited for the next round of PS babies!

Ok..Delaney says "If the tiara fits.................."

Diver: Ahhh, Miss D--she looks sparkling! I luv the joy in babies faces--she is just beautiful, wonder where she gets that from?

Tgal--i just got a call from my OB and my appnt is bumped to today--i am going to ask about the cord blood (i have thought about it too) I discussed it with the midwife who delivered me--she doesn''t deliver babies any longer so she''s not up with the blood banking, but her guess was that you could do both, since the cord can remain attached for a while. All my books advocated letting the cord pulsate for a while but i don''t know why it isn''t standard in hospitals--when i asked about it at my hospital prenatal class the nurse told me I had to discuss it with my OB. I''ll let you know what i find out.
Diver, Delaney is so beautiful;
I love those cheeks!!!