
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 4/2/2008 2:00:28 PM
Author: ellaila
ETA: Just read the forum policies and saw ''To reduce the number of broken links and keep the forum clean, photo hosting sites (Photobucket, Imageshack, Flickr, etc.) and personal web pages are not allowed to be linked on Pricescope.'' so I guess not! Aw, rats.

It said no link....but that doesn''t mean you can''t give us the path so that we can type it ourselves.
Date: 4/2/2008 2:00:28 PM
Author: ellaila
Jas, your ''basking in the full moon'' made me laugh! Got a very strange vision of you in my head outside at night on all fours on a rock howling at the moon. How I got that out of ''basking in the full moon'' I have no idea! I think I combined your ''cleaning on all fours'' with the full moon thing. Sleepless nights as of late are turning me into a weirdo, I swear.

Hehe, you are not the only one. That''s the image that came to my mind when I read that
Burk, love that closed eye and gummy laugh of Tayva

Yup, it''s getting pretty close for me.
I can''t believe that my EDD is next week already!
Still feeling pretty good.....I can stand to have baby wriggling in there

I''ll definitely miss all the movements once she come out though.
Date: 4/2/2008 1:56:21 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 4/2/2008 12:42:17 PM
Author: Jas12
So, i shouldn''t eat in early labor? Our prenatal class told us to eat during the early stages, if we wanted to, to get some energy. I get nausea when i am in pain so i doubt i''ll want choco cake or anything, but what was everyone''s experience? I am trying to think of how food could cause a major issue that early on as i am assuming she was waiting a while before her contractions got going and that''s why she needed the pictocin??--i figured tgal was just jokin about the cake problem. I am so interested in hearing her story. She''ll make it funny despite how difficult it must have been!
jas, as far as eating in ''early'' labor, one never knows exactly what that means (what is ''early'' vs. how long labor is total). My first one (usually the longest labor with multiple children, but not always, but was in my case), was only 7 hours from the time I woke up until I delivered. So I would be careful about eating too much once you know you are.

As for why, I don''t think I was ever told anything more than it could make me really sick. I did a search, and found some real life answers, which go into more detail than the obvious, that you don''t want to be throwing up! Hope this helps.
I liked the one answer posted: "maybe we should tell the doctors not to eat for more than 12 hours than push a 10 lb baby out of a lemon sized hole!".

Wow, I took a break for a couple days to concentrate on work, and I missed a lot!

Yay for TGal and baby Amelia Skye!!!! (What a great name, BTW.) Congrats on the first PS “diamond” baby of the year. Amelia may have been born on April 1st, but she’s no fool – she waited until she could snag herself a sparkly birthstone. Poor TGuy is going to have 2 diamond obsessed women in his life.

BTW, I am LMAO that TGal was baking a cake and chatting on PS while in labor. I’m waiting to hear how the cake made it all go to pot.

MSB700, little K is so cute. I love that he was headed to the remotes – such a guy.

MsF, sorry to hear about your accident, that must have been scary for you. Glad you and Ian are both ok.

Lili, you look so cute – all belly. Your legs still look slender and toned.

MrsS, you look great too. Just cute preggo belly on a slim body. Come on out Jake!

Tacori, that’s great news that Tessa is gaining.

Tacori and Diver, love the baby and doggy pics. So cute! And congrats to Delaney on the two new Irish teeth.

Gemma, congratulations and welcome to the preggo thread!

Ellaila, love Katelyn’s bathtime Mohawk! They are both so cute.

Burk, Tayva looks so cute all bundled up for baseball.

LitigatorChick, what an adorable little man you have there -- heartbreaker indeed. I wish we had the same maternity policies here. I have a feeling the three months I get off is going to fly (especially since I know people from my firm are going to be calling/e-mailing me with questions while I am out.)

Snlee, DH and I both keep referring to the baby as “her.” It’s our first, and we don’t have a real preference. A little girl would be more fun to dress up, but a boy would probably be less work for me (daddy can deal with teaching him to play sports and all the “boy” things). I know a girl would be more expensive, between the clothes and jewelry, LOL.


I have my next Dr. appointment on Monday. As long as everything is still fine, I may tell my boss, because I’ll be at 12 weeks, 6 days. I haven’t gained any weight yet, in fact I am still down 2 pounds from my January weight thanks to nausea and food aversions. At least that has faded some. I wonder when I will start to show.

Ok, time for more April "diamond" babies on PS. Any bets on who is next?
Ella--LOL--that''s hilarious, me, on all fours howling away in my overdue misery--what a sight
(it was actually *much* less funny-- just standing in my driveway for 3 or 4 mins when coming back from somewhere on the night of the full moon--sorry to dissapoint!)

Lili--that''s crazy about your sister and her dreams/predictions--very neat.

Ellen-- i see what you mean, my MIL had a start to finish labor of 4.5 hours with my DH (her first), my mom had 48 hours of labor with me. My mom probably would have passed out had she not eaten, whereas my MIL definitely didn''t need, moral of the story, i''ll play it by ear and avoid choc. cake!

All this talk of food is making me hungry--i am off to do groceries for the 3rd time this week (i don''t want to stock the fridge at this point, keeping thinking every dinner is my last a home for a while)
Ella -- dang, i wanna see the video...
i loved the mohawk... reminds me of a halloween pic from eons ago of *my* gabe in punk-rocker mode... maybe i'll have to dig that one up....

lili -- wow, your sister's intuition is spot-on, huh? very cool! i really enjoy hearing about other mommies' intuitions... so often they are accurate. i remember being pg with DS2 and trying to convince myself he was a she... and i had the "boy" dream and kind of starting doubting myself. we found out pretty early he was a boy... which i was good with b/c i knew i might want one more child. donovan (my 3rd) also had me convinced he was a she early on (this would be a case of me HOPING) so when i had the "boy" dream with him i woke up and cried. i know that sounds pitiful and he is an amazing little man, but at the time i just remember thinking i'd never have a chance to experience a girl... everyone i know seems to think it's funny to tell me i'm gonna have 2 boys, btw

kay -- glad to hear you are starting to feel better!

burk -- LOVE the avatar

litchick -- what a charmer you have!

snlee -- i hope you get your girl -- will you be finding out?
eta: lili -- i DEFINITELY will find out the sexes as soon as they'll let us! I figure we'll be having a lot of u/s's so there will lots of chances to see something. re:amnio, no, i didn't with the boys and i won't with these babies unless my dr. makes a strong argument for it. i don't like the risk, honestly, even though it's small.

one more thing -- did any of you find out what you were having but keep it a secret to the rest of your family and friends? I found out with the boys and told everyone right away, but for some really strange reason, as much as i want to know the genders, i think i''d like it to be a surprise for the rest of our family... is that weird? dh doesn''t know where i''m coming from, but i''d kind of like to have something to ourselves for a change.

dh''s family is both large and gossipy -- when i *suspected* i may be pg with twins, i mentioned it to his mom (big mistake) and then everyone knew. So then when i found out i really AM having twins i wanted to share it with 2 of his cousins that i really like and they already had been told -- just took the fun out of it i guess.

so am i being selfish or weird to want to keep their genders a secret? (NOT from you guys, of course!!)

holy cow this thread is hopping and jumping....

snlee, i never had a clue what the sex of my baby was. i was 100% sure Lily was a boy and shocked at the ultrasound when the tech said girl. i didn''t have a hunch with jake one way or the other.

jas12-hang in there girl. This is now officially my longest pregnancy and I''m so ready, i cannot imagine having to go 2+ more weeks to where you are. anyway, it does sound like there is progress so maybe today will be they day for you!!

off to take the munchkins to the playground, will check in again later....
I hope you have 1 or 2 girls this time around. I know children are a blessing and any gender would be nice. But I want to experience both! So whatever I have this time, I''d really want to opposite the second time around.

Yes, we''ll be finding out as soon as we can. I can''t wait to know!

I don''t think keeping the genders a secret from your family is weird or selfish. It''s nice to have a secret just between the two of you. I myself wouldn''t be able to keep it a secret. But if you and your DH can, I say go for it.

lili, that is very interesting about your sister''s dreams and intuitions. Crazy!

Kay, are you going to find out? I am thinking about telling my boss next week too. I''ll be 12 weeks.
My chat with my "boss" (managing partner) about my pregnancy was so awkward. Imagine me telling a 65 year old man that I am pregnant. He now pretends to be happy, while secretly thinking "I''m supposed to be happy, but why again are we letting women be lawyers??? This will affect my partnership income - may need to downgrade the Jag". So awkward.
All of our thoughts are with TTot and TGal...I hope she is home and feeling well soon! (and cant wait to see a pic of little Amelia). I have been told that U/S weights are not a reason to induce as they are often off by a pound or two!!

as for eating during labor...i was told in my natural childbirth class to eat during labor, my instructor said it will give you energy. She also suggested baking cookies for the nurses...I did not though. After the first 5 hours of contractions i ate an energy bar, then did not eat all day! I was starving by the time Ian and I were back in our room. I didnt read the link about eating, but i''m pretty sure its the drugs that make you vomit up the food!
Jen--i don''t think it''s strange at all that you would find out the genders and keep it to yourself. In fact, i thought i may do that with my second if/when i have another. DH says he never wants to know, so it would be a surprise from him as well which would be hard but kinda fun.
How do you think you''d take the news if you found out you were having 2 boys? Would you be extremely upset or think you are just destined to have a small army of boys ;-) I think finding out is good--if you get your girl you have an extra few months of excitement--if not, you''ll need the extra time to consider how you''ll feed all those boys once they hit the teens!

I am getting a kick out of the general public these days. This morning I got a call from my cord blood banking company. The young woman rep left a msg on my phone asking if i was still pregnant b/c they didn''t get the sample yet--and if so to try a warm bath--hehe
Then, just now at the grocery store (with a line behind me) some stranger asks when i am due, to which i joyfully reply "exactly one week ago", i get the appropriate "ohhhs" from those within earshot and a man who tells me to please not go into labor while in line (only the men think it''s an instantaneous process) but this women then proceeds to very loudly tell me to "go home and have sex!"
--good thing i don''t blush easily, I just told her that she sounded like my OB and left it at that...ha!

This has nothing to do with pregnancy but Paula Deen (that southern food network chef) just made what i believe is the most disgusting meal i have ever witnessed--on TV or otherwise. She''s preparing a breakfast and it includes some grit dish that has 2 massive blocks of processed cheese flavoring, shredded cheese and eggs and some topping , bad enough right? but NOTHING compared to the main course--breakfast hamburgers, topped with eggs, bacon, cheese and (wait for it....) instead of buns....Krispy Kreme donuts!!!!
You''d think it was a joke, but oh no. If you don''t believe me--i had to find a photo
KK hamburger!!

I am so bored
Jas12, DH and I watched a Paula''s downhome Thanksgiving or something. I think a defibrillator was necessary after that meal!! But the Krispy Kreme burger takes the cake!!!
OMG that KK hamburger is disgusting! I think I just had a minor heart attack looking at that picture and thinking how unhealthy that is!!! Yuck!
Had an improptu dr''s visit today--I had some sharp cramps pretty much all night. Anyway, she says it''s stretching (hmm, hope so). Things look good otherwise, but my dr. is one of those who rushes. She told me the baby measured fine, but did not take a measurement. Hummph, I like numbers! I guess will have to just ask in 4 more wks. She tried to peek at the sex, but said the legs were crossed. I''m thinking 20wks is when I''ll have to find out, even though DH is so impatient!

Oh and remember last time (4wks ago) I was going on about only gaining 1lb. Well I gained 5lbs this time round..what?! I guess giving permission to myself to eat full fat foods did some damage. Might slow down a bit now..although I''m really liking my nightly Nutella habit
Jen, Curly found out the sex but she and her DH kept it a surprise.

Jas, hope your water breaks tonight. Poor thing!

So a new kind of fear struck me today at Target. I was looking at stuff when I heard the dreaded wet fart sound.
I was so afraid of a blow out in the middle of Target (and I left my diaper bag at home) and the face she made while doing it did not make me feel better! Never checked out of there so fast. Turns out it WAS contained but still made me nervous.

Baby Food....anyone make their own? Is it worth it?
Date: 4/2/2008 4:44:21 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Jen, Curly found out the sex but she and her DH kept it a surprise.

Jas, hope your water breaks tonight. Poor thing!

So a new kind of fear struck me today at Target. I was looking at stuff when I heard the dreaded wet fart sound.
I was so afraid of a blow out in the middle of Target (and I left my diaper bag at home) and the face she made while doing it did not make me feel better! Never checked out of there so fast. Turns out it WAS contained but still made me nervous.

Baby Food....anyone make their own? Is it worth it?
I have made my own baby food from day one - Miller has never had a jar of baby food. It is so easy - I just bought a few of those plastic ice cube trays from Ikea - little heart ones. They hold about 1 tbsp, which is about all they eat at the start. I then used a little hand blender and pureed fruits/veggies - bananas, carrots, sweet potato, avocado, etc. You just freeze the cubes, put them in bags, and then defrost a couple at meal time. When they get bigger, use the Ikea ones that hold about 1/2 cup. So easy, so healthy, so convenient.
Janine I cramped throughout my WHOLE pregnancy so don't worry! Your body is stretching....a lot!

LC, what do you do when you travel? Make it when you get there? Is it a special blender? Would a food processor be better? My cousin actually gave me these little plastic trays with lids for freezing baby food.
jas -- i *knew* better than to click on that link. OMG. i didn't realize exactly HOW sensitive my gag refex is right now....

snlee and jas-- i always have told people i have boys b/c i work with girls
my students are like my kids in a lot of ways, so it makes perfect sense... but now that i have a chance -- shoot, a DOUBLE chance, yeah, i'd be disappointed if they were both boys. The good news is that's a a disappointment that passes within a day when you just realize how grateful you are to have a healthy baby (or more) in there! I went through that disappointment with donovan (ds3) -- Funny enough, Donovan is SUCH a little princess -- totally a flaming 5 year old. i dunno if he's going to just relate really well to women someday (he has "a million and one girlfriends") or if he's going to be really gay. Doesn't phase me in the least and even ex-dh has come to terms with it(!) He's just so darned entertaining -- each boy is SO different -- that i am just SO lucky. I'll probably get the total tomboy girl (i was). i wanted boys from the beginning, btw

snlee--i hope you get your one-of-each!

Date: 4/2/2008 4:48:29 PM
Author: LitigatorChick

Date: 4/2/2008 4:44:21 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Jen, Curly found out the sex but she and her DH kept it a surprise.

Jas, hope your water breaks tonight. Poor thing!

So a new kind of fear struck me today at Target. I was looking at stuff when I heard the dreaded wet fart sound.
I was so afraid of a blow out in the middle of Target (and I left my diaper bag at home) and the face she made while doing it did not make me feel better! Never checked out of there so fast. Turns out it WAS contained but still made me nervous.

Baby Food....anyone make their own? Is it worth it?
I have made my own baby food from day one - Miller has never had a jar of baby food. It is so easy - I just bought a few of those plastic ice cube trays from Ikea - little heart ones. They hold about 1 tbsp, which is about all they eat at the start. I then used a little hand blender and pureed fruits/veggies - bananas, carrots, sweet potato, avocado, etc. You just freeze the cubes, put them in bags, and then defrost a couple at meal time. When they get bigger, use the Ikea ones that hold about 1/2 cup. So easy, so healthy, so convenient.
Not at this stage yet, but I plan on doing it. Seems so easy - why not? This site is supposedly a great place to start: Wholesome Baby Food
Date: 4/2/2008 4:49:57 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Janine I cramped throughout my WHOLE pregnancy so don''t worry! Your body is stretching....a lot!

LC, what do you do when you travel? Make it when you get there? Is it a special blender? Would a food processor be better? My cousin actually gave me these little plastic trays with lids for freezing baby food.
When we travel, I usually make food when we get there. A just bought a little hand blender at Costco - it is smaller than a food processor or a full size blender and therefore, really easy to clean up. But anything will work.
Now I''m the first to admit that I''m not a great eater but even I''m turned off by that donut sandwich thing! Blech! I don''t think I''ve ever made any of her recipes because I''m not a fan of mayo and she uses a bucket of it in each recipe.

Jen, I could never wait to tell people the genders -- but I''m a horrible secret-keeper! With two, I felt I HAD to know because there was just so much stuff to buy and I didn''t want it to all be gender-neutral, and because we got so many gifts from other people I felt they had to know too. But if you''ve got the will power to keep a secret, then go for it! Would you tell your boys? Or would they spill the beans?

Jas, I can''t believe that a stranger told you to go have sex!
Seriously, what is wrong with people?!

Janine, glad everything is OK!
We travel a lot though....maybe I''ll do both...
It''s really not that bad for traveling. I buy the individual pouches of rice cereal, which are really convenient for travel. Yogurt is also great. A few bananas and avocados, which don''t need to be cooked, are also excellent. With those 4 staple items, you can cope really well.
YAY for Amelia Skye!! Hope she is letting her mommy get some well-deserved rest.

As for eating before labor, I've also heard it can be good to give your body some fuel if you can stomach it. Vomiting is obviously unpleasant, but it's only life-threatening if something went really, really wrong and you needed a c-section under general anesthesia, and aspirated it while unconscious. But that's definitely unusual.

Snlee, I had a strong feeling at the beginning (even before I found out I was pregnant!) that I would be having a boy... but I have no idea why. No dreams or anything. Since then, I've been feeling more like 60% chance of boy, 40% chance of girl.
I really want to have a daughter someday (I'm super close to my mom and would love to have a similar relationship), so it would be nice to have a girl first... although if it's a boy, I'll still be thrilled. DH desperately wants a son first, so either way, one of us will get their wish this time around... but both of us will be overjoyed regardless.
The "big" ultrasound is scheduled for May 13th... can't wait!!

ETA -- My 13wk doctor's appointment is tomorrow morning... just curious if anyone got an ultrasound at this appointment? I can't remember what he told me it would entail... I'm thinking maybe just the "basic" stuff, plus hearing the heartbeat.
emp, I got an u/s in my 6th week, 20th week, 34th week (b/c the baby was head up) and 40th week. I think the standard in my doc''s office is 2. One early to determine date and the 20th week one.
Date: 4/2/2008 5:48:03 PM
Author: ephemery1
YAY for Amelia Skye!! Hope she is letting her mommy get some well-deserved rest.

As for eating before labor, I''ve also heard it can be good to give your body some fuel if you can stomach it. Vomiting is obviously unpleasant, but it''s only life-threatening if something went really, really wrong and you needed a c-section under general anesthesia, and aspirated it while unconscious. But that''s definitely unusual.

Snlee, I had a strong feeling at the beginning (even before I found out I was pregnant!) that I would be having a boy... but I have no idea why. No dreams or anything. Since then, I''ve been feeling more like 60% chance of boy, 40% chance of girl.
I really want to have a daughter someday (I''m super close to my mom and would love to have a similar relationship), so it would be nice to have a girl first... although if it''s a boy, I''ll still be thrilled. DH desperately wants a son first, so either way, one of us will get their wish this time around... but both of us will be overjoyed regardless.
The ''big'' ultrasound is scheduled for May 13th... can''t wait!!

ETA -- My 13wk doctor''s appointment is tomorrow morning... just curious if anyone got an ultrasound at this appointment? I can''t remember what he told me it would entail... I''m thinking maybe just the ''basic'' stuff, plus hearing the heartbeat.
Ephem -- I had the NF test at 13 weeks...they obviously used the US for that!

Jen, I''m sorry you''re "paying" for your good day yesterday.

Snlee, I have a feeling I''m having at least one boy...and my guess is two boys, although DH and I were kinda hoping for a mixed pair. Of course, I could be wrong!

LitChick -- Lovin'' the Miller pix. He''s definitely going to have the girls calling him at an early age! Has anything been resolved re: your in-laws?
Tacori, your Target story cracked me up.

Woohoo, I get to look forward to talking about poop all the time. I''ve always been open about taking about poop. Haha. I guess I''ll be taking about it often when the baby is here.

ephemery, you''ll probably have just a normal check up - hear the heartbeat, no u/s. That''s exciting you set up your big u/s! I don''t know when mine will be, but probably in May. So now that you''re into your 13th week, do you notice any belly changes since the baby is moving up now?