
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tgal, honestly, labor/delivery is not a smorgasboard, you pick one method, not all!
(I saw you wanting to EAT beforehand and thought, oooh, that''s not such a good thing...but I wasn''t about to preach at ya in your condition!)

I''m so glad you and lil Miss Ameila are doing well. Can''t wait to see pics.

Rest up, the rest of your life begins shortly!
Ellen, I was worried about that too. L&D is certainly an adventure!

Ella, I hate the tomato paste poop! So hard to clean!
LitChick--heartbreaker indeed--gorgeous boy! Is his hair a strawberry blonde? hard to tell on my comp.

Janine--Tgal had mentioned she would like a little girl and i think she had a dream and also a feeling (Tgal can correct me later if i am wrong--sometimes i mix up all the mommy reports on here). That stuff, intuition etd. interests me as well. I''ve only had one strong pregnancy dream and it was of a girl as well, so iam interested to see what i have. Most of my family has very strong boy feelings, so who knows.

Just got in from my NST--all is well, baby was a little wild when they put that monitor on so no trouble getting a variety of HBs.
I had an exam and things are working down there--a little bit of everything going on--cervix still mostly closed but he mentioned a few things, i think i could decipher the words "softening'' and ''effacing" (i honestly can''t understand the man, but he told me to just keep having sex and things would keep on progressing bit by bit--that man never tires of that joke!). He was happy to meet my DH for the first time so he could share the good advice.
I need to go for a NST every 2 days now. We''ll discuss induction on April 10th...if i haven''t gone into labor by then I am sure i''ll be willing to do anything!

Kinda glad i didn''t go into labor last night--there were 6 women laboring when i got to the mat ward at 7am. For a small city with only 3 birthing rooms that is apparently nutty--the poor nurses (only 3 on duty) were running around. I heard a baby being born down the hall while there, The "it''s a girl" announcement followed by the sound of a newborn cry--so neat! DH and I just looked at each other wide-eyed knowing that will be us in no time.

so, i continue to sit and wait today
Welcome amelia
!! Congratulations t-gal and guy. this thread has been beyond entertaining and exciting these past couple of days!!! So happy to hear the good news.

hang in there jas!!
CONGRATULATIONS TGAL AND TGUY!!! Welcome to the world, Amelia Skye!!!!

, thank you so much for the updates. Poor TGal. She went through a lot and ended up with a c-section but all that matters is that she has her perfect little princess. I can''t wait to see photos and here all the "poop"--maybe that''s why the cake was a bad idea?!
Anyway, sending tons of good wishes their way. If you hear from her again, tell her we''re all overjoyed for her and dying for the whole story. Yay for TEAM PINK!!!!

jas12, hang in there, sister. I hope you don''t have to wait till April 10! At least you are effacing, that''s a good thing. Sending progress vibes your way.

mrssalvo and lili, where are you?! Anything going on? Bring on the rest of the diamond babies!
Jas12, his hair is more blond than strawberry. The pics do tend to highlight that undertone, though.

Hang in there - only a few more days to go. Are you trying any of the other labour inducing remedies out there (other than sex, which your doctor is apparently obsessed with!!!).
CONGRATS TGAL!!!! I love the name Amelia, the meaning is just so special. I can''t wait to see a pic, all the PS babies are too cute!
Do you guys know if it''s against the rules for me to post a link to a video on Photobucket? I''ve got the funniest video of Katelyn laughing that I want to share with you guys but not if it''s a no-no. Anyone know? (And where are the forum rules posted anyway? I can''t seem to find them.)
Congratulations TGal!!! Welcome to the world Amelia Skye.
Congratulations TGal and TGuy! And welcome baby Amelia! I just love her name. Sending quick and easy recovery dust! I am so happy for you guys.
Date: 4/1/2008 11:04:17 PM
Author: Mara
We have news!!! The batter for my ''one bowl cupcakes'' is rapidly deflating as I sit here typing this but I had to fill the PS''ers in and not make you guys wait another 10 minutes til cuppies are in the oven!!!

This is from her text:
Amelia Skye was born April Fools Day at 11:32am. 7lbs 2oz by CSection.
She said it''s a long story and she will fill in PS''ers when she returns, she''ll be home on Friday.
YAY! Thanks for waiting everyone...!!! I told her Congrats and that she had everyone on pins n''needles!

Oh wow!!! Many congrats to TGal and TGuy and a BIG WELCOME to Amelia Skye!!!
Rest up and hope you have a speedy recovery TGal and can''t wait to see pictures of momma and daughter!!

Mara, thanks for the update
CONGRATULATIONS TGal and TGuy!!!!!!!!!!! I''m so happy that Amelia is here and can''t wait to hear your story (i''m expecting it to be as amusing as you are, TGal
) Just SO glad to hear that everyone''s well and i''m wishing you an easy recovery! (PS Donovan''s middle name is Skye too -- it''s my fav. name ever and sounds beautiful with Amelia!)

Jas, MrsS, Lili -- sending you all some labor dust...

jackiejas -- ah, well, twin gestation bites this morning. yesterday truly was april fool''s day and i''m glad i ate then, but i am paying dearly for it today
how''re you 3 feeling?

i had another boy/girl dream last night, so that made me happy... and it''s wednesday and i''m not at the doctor (like the last 2 wednesdays) so that''s positive...other than that, i feel

Happy thoughts to everyone else here!! I hope you are feeling better than I am!
This is a poo-poo obsessed group today....i am looking forward to that first diaper with the black tar poopies...mmmm

I told DH since i''ve changed thousands of diapers from my daycare days and he has changed nil that he gets the honor to kick off his duties of fatherhood. We''ll see if that happens. I also bought some disposable diapers for the first week or two cuz i don''t want to totally stain my cloth ones with meconium.

So, i shouldn''t eat in early labor? Our prenatal class told us to eat during the early stages, if we wanted to, to get some energy. I get nausea when i am in pain so i doubt i''ll want choco cake or anything, but what was everyone''s experience? I am trying to think of how food could cause a major issue that early on as i am assuming she was waiting a while before her contractions got going and that''s why she needed the pictocin??--i figured tgal was just jokin about the cake problem. I am so interested in hearing her story. She''ll make it funny despite how difficult it must have been!

Ella--not sure about the rules, but i would luv to see the clip!

Litchick--These are the natural induction methods i have tried so far. I should get the evening primrose oil, haven''t tried that yet. Do you know of any others?
*Sex (often--just as the Dr. ordered)
*Red raspberry leaf tea--a cup or two a day
*exercise--some cardio and lunges and squats
*Basking in the full moon
*bumpy roads and washing the floor on all fours

* Castor oil (bad experiences)
*accupuncture and foot massage
* Fresh pineapple and spicy foods
Date: 4/2/2008 12:42:09 PM
Author: sk8rjen
jackiejas -- ah, well, twin gestation bites this morning. yesterday truly was april fool''s day and i''m glad i ate then, but i am paying dearly for it today
how''re you 3 feeling?

i had another boy/girl dream last night, so that made me happy... and it''s wednesday and i''m not at the doctor (like the last 2 wednesdays) so that''s positive...other than that, i feel


Awee Jen, sorry you are feeling icky again. Well, at least you got some good meals in. Just hang in there and you''ll be out of the first trimester soon.

I really feel that a mother''s intuition is pretty accurate. Yours seem to concur with this pregnancy even from the very beginning. I think you are going to have one of each as well. When will you be able to find out? Are you going to do the amnio?
Date: 4/2/2008 12:42:17 PM
Author: Jas12
This is a poo-poo obsessed group today....i am looking forward to that first diaper with the black tar poopies...mmmm

I told DH since i''ve changed thousands of diapers from my daycare days and he has changed nil that he gets the honor to kick off his duties of fatherhood. We''ll see if that happens. I also bought some disposable diapers for the first week or two cuz i don''t want to totally stain my cloth ones with meconium.

So, i shouldn''t eat in early labor? Our prenatal class told us to eat during the early stages, if we wanted to, to get some energy. I get nausea when i am in pain so i doubt i''ll want choco cake or anything, but what was everyone''s experience? I am trying to think of how food could cause a major issue that early on as i am assuming she was waiting a while before her contractions got going and that''s why she needed the pictocin??--i figured tgal was just jokin about the cake problem. I am so interested in hearing her story. She''ll make it funny despite how difficult it must have been!

Ella--not sure about the rules, but i would luv to see the clip!

Litchick--These are the natural induction methods i have tried so far. I should get the evening primrose oil, haven''t tried that yet. Do you know of any others?

*Sex (often--just as the Dr. ordered)
*Red raspberry leaf tea--a cup or two a day
*exercise--some cardio and lunges and squats
*Basking in the full moon
*bumpy roads and washing the floor on all fours

* Castor oil (bad experiences)
*accupuncture and foot massage
* Fresh pineapple and spicy foods

Jas12, still just sitting here and waiting huh? At least your cervix is softened and effaced, so that''s a good sign.
Anyway, the lamaze instructor told us to eat something that is easily digestible during early labor because you will need your energy.
Oatmeal, yogurt, steak or filet mignon
Those are for hubby.

Sending you lots of labor dust.
I sure hope you don''t have to wait until April 10th to deliver.
What''s the word on the flu lockdown by the way?
Date: 4/2/2008 11:50:54 AM
Author: ellaila
Do you guys know if it''s against the rules for me to post a link to a video on Photobucket? I''ve got the funniest video of Katelyn laughing that I want to share with you guys but not if it''s a no-no. Anyone know? (And where are the forum rules posted anyway? I can''t seem to find them.)

What could happen if it is against the rule?

I''d love to see that clip.
Your Miller is a heartbreaker indeed!
Love his strawberry blond hair.
Jas12 - I ate in early labour and had juice throughout labour. I think they want you to have an empty stomach if they need to do a c-section (not sure). I think you need the energy, so I would eat.

I think you have covered it for all the possible labour inducing activities. I''d love to see you at 40 plus weeks doing your lunges!!!
I can't wait to hear TGal's story and see pictures. TGal, you are one tough cookie. I am so glad you haven't lost your sense of humor even after a hard labor. Get lots of rest!

Jas12, hang in there! I hope you don't have to wait until April sending heaps of labor dust your way! MrsS and lili, how are you feeling?

jen, I hope you feel better soon! I think your intuition is accurate too. I think you'll have one of each. You were right on about it being twins!

LC, your son is adorable! What a cutie!

jackie, curlygirl, ephemery, kay, janinegirly - have you had any intuition about the sex? lili and MrsS, did you have any intuition before you found out you're having a girl/boy? Jas12, did I miss your intuition if you're having a girl or boy?

I haven't had any dreams about the baby's sex but I think I'm having a girl. Every time I think about my baby, I picture her as a girl. I don't know if it's because my DH and I slightly prefer a girl over boy or if it's really intuition.
Lili--that's what i heard too (re: food)
Still a flu lockdown in place--when i arrived at the hospital at around 7am no one asked us where we were headed (however maybe my belly was a dead give away!), but by 8:30 when we left there were security ppl at the main doors and signs up.

Litchick--ya, i can understand not eating later on, that makes more sense to me.
--I am a pretty sad lunger now--certainly don't need weights any longer--my 30+ lb weight gain is resistance enough!

Snlee--i have more of a girl feeling and always have, but i think it could be b/c i've only grown up with my sister and so i just picture families with girls (if that makes any sense). DH has a girl feeling as well. I am SO curious to find out who i have in my belly. I would be thrilled with a girl, but less surprised and I am all for the big surprise right now so a little boy would be really exciting! AHHH, the suspense
snlee, T was a surprise but I was convinced she was a girl. Just a feeling plus she was a girl in all my dreams.

Jas, I was more concerned that her water broke and her contrax were not regular or strong. I was worried about her progression but only have my own L&D to base it upon. I went around 14 hours between my last meal and her birth.
Ella~ I think you should post your video!

msb~we've adjusted when we go out to dinner. Tayva goes to bed around 7:30 or so and she is crabby if she doesn', like lc, if we go out to dinner we just go earlier, like 5:30. She usually just sits in her carseat and looks around.

jas~I think you'll have had that baby and be home before April 10th gets here!! I cannot believe that your hospital still has that flu lockdown.

Jen~sorry you feel crappy. Hurray for the boy/girl dream, though!

Re eating during labor...I was induced and they only let me eat ice chips once they started the induction. I was in labor for about 11 hours and by the time I had Tayva I was STARVED!! I had my mom go get me McDonalds breakfast.
I was scared to eat much before, though, so that was probably part of my starvation, because I didn't want to poo on the table as I was delivering.

snlee~I thought I was having a boy...I was shocked when the ultrasound tech said it was a girl. Happily surprised, pink is sooo fun!

Lili~I just saw your due date in the preggo in waiting list...I didn't realize how soon it's coming up!! how are you feeling?
Date: 4/2/2008 12:42:17 PM
Author: Jas12
These are the natural induction methods i have tried so far. I should get the evening primrose oil, haven''t tried that yet. Do you know of any others?

*Sex (often--just as the Dr. ordered)
*Red raspberry leaf tea--a cup or two a day
*exercise--some cardio and lunges and squats
*Basking in the full moon
*bumpy roads and washing the floor on all fours

* Castor oil (bad experiences)
*accupuncture and foot massage
* Fresh pineapple and spicy foods

Wow, Jas12, you''ve really exhausted all your options!!
Just about the only thing that I''ve done on the list is the spicy food (but that''s not to induce but rather because I love my food spicy).
Doesn''t seem to work since the only thing I get from eating spicy food is episodes of baby hiccup

Hmm...I may try the washing the floor this weekend since it''s been a while that I''ve clean the house.
Might as well clean 2 birds with one stone.

So have you tried the primrose oil like MsF suggested?
Date: 4/2/2008 11:50:54 AM
Author: ellaila
Do you guys know if it''s against the rules for me to post a link to a video on Photobucket? I''ve got the funniest video of Katelyn laughing that I want to share with you guys but not if it''s a no-no. Anyone know? (And where are the forum rules posted anyway? I can''t seem to find them.)
The link to the forum rules are located at the bottom of every forum page. Forum policies

If you ever have a question whether or not something is against the rules, or you don''t understand the policies, please feel free to contact us using the ''Report post'' or ''Msg Admin'' buttons.
snlee, I didn''t have the feeling until late in the pregnancy and even then it was like a glimpse of the sex.
It''s not like I see her face or anything, but just a feeling that it''s a little girl.
My sister, however, dreamt little girl growing right in front of her eyes. Her dreams are eerily accurate.
She actually told me that she dreamt I was pregnant a few weeks before I found out that I was preggo!
Congratulations T-Gal and T-Guy!!! I also love the name Amelia - very pretty! Looking forward to keeping the scoop on your labor and seeing some pics!!!
Date: 4/2/2008 12:42:17 PM
Author: Jas12
So, i shouldn't eat in early labor? Our prenatal class told us to eat during the early stages, if we wanted to, to get some energy. I get nausea when i am in pain so i doubt i'll want choco cake or anything, but what was everyone's experience? I am trying to think of how food could cause a major issue that early on as i am assuming she was waiting a while before her contractions got going and that's why she needed the pictocin??--i figured tgal was just jokin about the cake problem. I am so interested in hearing her story. She'll make it funny despite how difficult it must have been!
jas, as far as eating in "early" labor, one never knows exactly what that means (what is "early" vs. how long labor is total). My first one (usually the longest labor with multiple children, but not always, but was in my case), was only 7 hours from the time I woke up until I delivered. So I would be careful about eating too much once you know you are.

As for why, I don't think I was ever told anything more than it could make me really sick. I did a search, and found some real life answers, which go into more detail than the obvious, that you don't want to be throwing up! Hope this helps.
It's funny but I totally have the mindset of a c-section mama because my first thought re TGal's cake was NOOO!! A friend of mine actually went to the hospital b/c of low amniotic fluid found during an appt (she was 39 weeks), and they made her wait for hours before they'd do the surgery. Why? Because she'd had a few clementines to eat that day. They made the poor girl wait for stinkin' fruit to digest before they'd deliver her baby! Jeesh. Also I can attest to the horror of bumpy roads and answering questions while you're having contractions. NOT fun!

Jen, boooo to m/s! BABIES, respect your mama!

Jas, Lili, and MrsS ... tick tock, ladies, tick tock!

Jas, your "basking in the full moon" made me laugh! Got a very strange vision of you in my head outside at night on all fours on a rock howling at the moon. How I got that out of "basking in the full moon" I have no idea! I think I combined your "cleaning on all fours" with the full moon thing. Sleepless nights as of late are turning me into a weirdo, I swear.

Waiting to hear back from Ali on whether I can post that video link, but I'm thinking no. It's SO cute though, so I hope I can! I guarantee it'd make even the grumpiest grump giggle.

ETA: Just read the forum policies and saw "To reduce the number of broken links and keep the forum clean, photo hosting sites (Photobucket, Imageshack, Flickr, etc.) and personal web pages are not allowed to be linked on Pricescope." so I guess not! Aw, rats.