Tacori E-ring
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Yeah, that''s what I was guessing... I actually told DH not to bother coming tomorrow, since we saw and heard the heartbeat via ultrasound at the NT scan last week. Our big ultrasound will be done at the same place as the NT scan (not our OB''s office), so we scheduled it while we were there... I will be just about 19 weeks. It seems so far away... I don''t know if I can take the suspense!Date: 4/2/2008 6:31:24 PM
Author: snlee
Tacori, your Target story cracked me up.
Woohoo, I get to look forward to talking about poop all the time. I''ve always been open about taking about poop. Haha. I guess I''ll be taking about it often when the baby is here.
ephemery, you''ll probably have just a normal check up - hear the heartbeat, no u/s. That''s exciting you set up your big u/s! I don''t know when mine will be, but probably in May. So now that you''re into your 13th week, do you notice any belly changes since the baby is moving up now?
Yes, she has. I think she said she''s going to the playground with her kiddies.Date: 4/2/2008 6:52:56 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Has MrsS posted today????
Date: 4/2/2008 6:58:47 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 4/2/2008 6:52:56 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Has MrsS posted today????
Yes, she has. I think she said she''s going to the playground with her kiddies.
Snlee, we are going to find out the gender. I don''t know whether the amnio results will include gender, or if we have to wait for the 20 week u/s. We wanted to wait until we received the amnio results to tell people I''m PG, so we could maintain some privacy in case we have to make hard decisions, but I will be at 17-18 weeks by the time the results come in, and I am sure I will be showing by then. I think I''d feel better if we had the NT scan done, but by the time I get in for my appt on Monday, it may be too late to schedule it. (The N.P. didn''t ask if I wanted one when I scheduled the amnio and I didn''t think to ask.)Date: 4/2/2008 4:19:47 PM
Author: snlee
Kay, are you going to find out? I am thinking about telling my boss next week too. I''ll be 12 weeks.
Date: 4/2/2008 4:22:31 PM
Author: LitigatorChick
My chat with my ''boss'' (managing partner) about my pregnancy was so awkward. Imagine me telling a 65 year old man that I am pregnant. He now pretends to be happy, while secretly thinking ''I''m supposed to be happy, but why again are we letting women be lawyers??? This will affect my partnership income - may need to downgrade the Jag''. So awkward.
The study of 670 lawyers at an Alberta law firm found that mothers with school-aged children billed fewer hours than childless women, while fathers with preschool-aged children billed more hours than childless men, according to a synopsis posted on TaxProf Blog.
Researchers Jean Wallace and Marisa Young conclude that billables dropped for the mothers because they were more likely to have partners who also work, putting more of the onus on the moms to handle household tasks and childcare, according to a blog published by business consulting firm Abeceder. The fathers, on the other hand, were more likely to have a partner who did not work and could take on more responsibilities.
Female lawyers without children had the highest billable hours of all the groups studied—more than male lawyers with or without children.
The study also found that men and women took advantage of family-friendly benefits in different ways. Fathers took advantage of flexible work policies to pursue leisure activities while mothers used them to tackle domestic duties."
I was hoping to have the amnio at 15 weeks so we could get the results ASAP, but they scheduled me at 16 wks, 3 days. I read it can take up to 2 weeks to get the results, but I hope we have the results from the 5/2 amnio by 5/9 so we can tell our parents on Mother''s Day.Date: 4/2/2008 7:36:04 PM
Author: lili
The amnio will definitely let you know the gender of the baby since they are basically looking at the baby''s chromosomes.
You can have the amnio done as early as 15 wks as that is when mine was done.
The mid-point u/s is usually done at 18+ wks and it is not 100% accurate in terms of telling the sex.
I don''t think you''ll be showing that much at 17 wks since this is your first pregnancy.
Hmmm...I''ve met with my Dr on the first visit official prenatal visit.
The way the hospital is set up, my doctor may not be the one delivering my baby though.
Date: 4/2/2008 7:36:04 PM
Author: lili
The amnio will definitely let you know the gender of the baby since they are basically looking at the baby''s chromosomes.
You can have the amnio done as early as 15 wks as that is when mine was done.
The mid-point u/s is usually done at 18+ wks and it is not 100% accurate in terms of telling the sex.
I don''t think you''ll be showing that much at 17 wks since this is your first pregnancy.
Hmmm...I''ve met with my Dr on the first visit official prenatal visit.
The way the hospital is set up, my doctor may not be the one delivering my baby though.
That''s good you''ll get another u/s at 7 months. Usually they don''t do one then. Too bad the u/s results are 100% accurate about the sex. I was looking at some u/s pictures online showing boy and girl parts. Can''t remember where it was. It was so difficult to tell! They really look similar!Date: 4/2/2008 8:19:35 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Funny you said that, lili. My dr. said at my appt last week, ''we''ll do another u/s when you are around 7 mos to make sure everything is growing properly and that she is STILL a girl.''
I already gave up 9 vials last week! I am so screwed up on my prenatal appointments. I didn''t take my first HPT until I was already past 7 weeks because I didn''t have any symptoms until then (I thought I was just having irregular cycles after coming off the Pill). I called the OB/Gyn dept of my previous health care provider the next day to set up an appt and they said someone would call me back. After 2 weeks, I gave up and switched providers. (They finally called me back after 3 weeks and said "ok, we can schedule your appt now." I said "no thanks, I gave up on you and switched.") The new doctor''s office said the first appt I could get was in 4 weeks (which put me at 13 weeks). They got me in for a quick u/s last week so that could give me an EDD and I could make the amnio appt. So, my first official prenatal visit is at 13 weeks. Thank God for PS, otherwise I would have no idea what I was supposed to do or not do in the first trimester. I have to call the doctor''s office tomorrow to see if I can schedule an NT scan before I miss the window. I know they are going to tell me to wait until I come in on Monday, because that is what they tried to tell me about scheduling the amnio (but waiting to make an appt is a problem since they seem to book so far in advance).Date: 4/2/2008 8:21:42 PM
Author: curlygirl
Kay, the amnio results most certainly will include the gender and they can''t get it wrong like they sometimes do with ultrasounds. You should definitely be able to schedule the NT. It can be done between 11 and 13 weeks so you should definitely ask them to fit you in. I actually met with my OB at the first appointment and she was at every appointment thereafter. The nurse does the routine stuff (weight check, blood pressure, tells you to pee in the cup and lets you hear the baby''s heartbeat) and then the doctor comes in to go over everything, feel your uterus, tell you what to expect next and answer any questions you may have. You will probably have to give up about 7 or 8 vials of blood at your first appointment so don''t be surprised!
Date: 4/2/2008 8:37:24 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 4/2/2008 8:19:35 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Funny you said that, lili. My dr. said at my appt last week, ''we''ll do another u/s when you are around 7 mos to make sure everything is growing properly and that she is STILL a girl.''
That''s good you''ll get another u/s at 7 months. Usually they don''t do one then. Too bad the u/s results are 100% accurate about the sex. I was looking at some u/s pictures online showing boy and girl parts. Can''t remember where it was. It was so difficult to tell! They really look similar!
If they tell us we''re having a girl during the big u/s, we won''t fully believe it. Our friends were told they were having a girl (they even had a 3/4D u/s done) and they had a boy. Big surprise! My husband and I know two other couples who had this happen to them as well.
Nighty night, sweet dreams!!!Date: 4/2/2008 10:16:15 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Hi all...just a quick check in and then off to bedno baby yet...![]()
I love the word "nappies" - so much cuter than "diapers".Date: 4/3/2008 8:43:45 AM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
LC, he certainly is cute alright! Glad you get a stay of execution with the inlaws. Sounds like such a painful situation and I really hope you manage to find a solution that works for you.
Tacori, I still have just over five weeks to go before I actually deal with the poop issue for myself, so obviously this is second hand info, BUT several of my friends with small children swear by cotton or bamboo fabric nappies rather than disposables for that reason. They say it stops the blow outs. They all use the ones that are baby shaped, rather than the ones that need folded, if you know what I mean. Every one I know who uses them raves about them. Might be worth a try?
Sorry you got such a scare in Target!![]()
msb -- the official reason is that not all ultrasounds are covered by insurance. They have to be "medically necessary" in some way. The unofficial reason (from what I've learned) is that while there haven't been any studies showing negative effects on babies from multiple ultrasounds, this is such a lawsuit-happy country, that I'm sure OB offices/hospitals/insurance companies feel more comfortable being safe than sorry. There just isn't enogh longterm data out there, and it is obviously quite difficult to study something like that, since researchers aren't allowed to potentially put mothers/babies at risk.Date: 4/3/2008 1:30:26 AM
Author: msb700
QS about ultrasounds: hearing all of u hear talk about the dates/milestones when u get an ultra sound made me wonder a little....over here we can get an ultra sound as often as we'd like..some hospitals stick with the milestones, but a lot of other hospitals offer Ultra sounds as many times as the patient would like (could be every visit even!)...im just wondering if there is a reason why U/S are only done at milestones (is it just coz thats when u see changes happening/or when doctor needs to find things out) or is there a harmful reason to do more often??