
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tacori--sleep the first day or so and then have some fun
I know it''ll be months before i even think about *fun* sex again....
but yes, be careful of the pregnancy possibility!!!! I just found out today that my hairdresser (also a friend) is 9 wks preggo with her second--a total surprise b/c she is still BFing her 7 month old and wasn''t careful on a recent trip

sex talk....

Morning sickness sex, postpartum sex and 41 weeks sex--ohhhh our husbands are lucky, lucky men!!

I think i''ve had more sex this past month than i normally do not preggo! But there is *nothing* sexy about it and i am certainly not getting much out of it beside some prostiglandins that are so NOT working obviously

Speaking of hubbies...i''ll post a pic of mine that''ll mortify him (shhhhs, don''t tell him!)
back story: His mom dropped off this baby wrap/sling that she bought for us, along with a picture ''how-to'' manual. I was making dinner the other night and he was pretty quiet so i went up to the spare room looking for him. I find him alone, with a stuffed animal from the nursery, the manual on the table and the sling wrapped around him! Practice makes perfect i guess. poor guy is more anxious than i am !

I call this photo "desperate for baby dear??!"

(i''ll pre-apologise for crappy pic posting---i''ll never figure it out)

OMG---WHat is up with my picture posting?????!!!! I am gonna get kicked off of PS...pleeeeeeze someone teach me how to do it. WHY when i follow the same steps the pics come out all different sizes, clarity etc???
Remember that huge pic i posted of my 31 week belly--sheesh

Good thing DH doesn''t go on PS!!!
Jas, that has GOT to be the cutest thing I have seen in awhile. OMG!!! So sweet! How are you feeling? It''s probably funny by now huh?

Don''t worry I am on the mini pill. I got on that before I even got cleared for sex (not that I was planning on having any but I am scared I got preggo so fast). No irish twins for me....hopefully
How cute is that??

You guys can talk away about sex, as long as you don't go into too much detail. Hehe.

When do you guys leave for Mexico? You so deserve this trip, hoping you and your hubby have a wonderful time. Can't believe Miss Tessa is 5 months old. My how time flies!!
Jas 12, that picture is priceless! It is so cute that he is practicing.

I guess I can tell my hubby he is not alone. Between the nausea and the general exhaustion, I have not been in the mood much lately. The only place I have gained size so far is my bbs, so DH thinks we''re good to go. Meanwhile, I''m thinking every other week is plenty. I guess our trip to Paris this summer is going to be really romantic.
Date: 4/3/2008 9:53:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
eph....I think it is open game in here. Luckily there are *other* ways to please a man. I think we only had sex maybe 2-3 times in my third trimester (and once was trying to induce me). It gets awkward and uncomfortable.
Yeah, ESPN and cold beer.
Date: 4/4/2008 1:18:09 AM
Author: divergrrl

Date: 4/3/2008 9:53:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
eph....I think it is open game in here. Luckily there are *other* ways to please a man. I think we only had sex maybe 2-3 times in my third trimester (and once was trying to induce me). It gets awkward and uncomfortable.
Yeah, ESPN and cold beer.
LOL! Sad but true.


Thanks Jess for your welcome too!

So I had a scan on Tuesday and everything looks great-currently 7 weeks pregnant as of today, great heart rate, and....drum roll... only one baby! Twins run in my family big time so that was a bit of a moment for me. It could happen down the track but I don''t think I''m ready for it in my first pg. Ella and JackieJas, you girls are my heros!

Eph, I''m so glad you posted that about ''evening'' sickness-I think mine is just starting but OMG you totally described every evening this last week. I bought ''What to Eat when You are Expecting'' this week and am now regretting it as it is a very restrictive diet. I had hot chips (french fries) for dinner the other night because that was about all I could stomach but felt soooo guilty afterwards (Sample quote: ''Your baby has no choice about what s/he receives-any junk you take is all that is available to the baby for development''. True I spose....)

Must go and catch up on the rest of this thread.

TGal, if you are reading, wishing you a good recovery and some quality time with TGuy and Amelia!
That is so cute and precious, Jas!

Good luck on going the last stretch!

Today is TravelinGal''s return home, right? Welcome home TGal and baby Amelia Ttot!!
Date: 4/4/2008 1:18:09 AM
Author: divergrrl

Date: 4/3/2008 9:53:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
eph....I think it is open game in here. Luckily there are *other* ways to please a man. I think we only had sex maybe 2-3 times in my third trimester (and once was trying to induce me). It gets awkward and uncomfortable.
Yeah, ESPN and cold beer.
Diver, yah crack me up! For mine, the pleasure combo is his macbook and scotch.
Date: 4/4/2008 1:18:09 AM
Author: divergrrl

Date: 4/3/2008 9:53:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
eph....I think it is open game in here. Luckily there are *other* ways to please a man. I think we only had sex maybe 2-3 times in my third trimester (and once was trying to induce me). It gets awkward and uncomfortable.
Yeah, ESPN and cold beer.
Haha... that exact combo has been working great thus far. Besides the occasional plaintive looks. Not sure what I''ll do when hockey season ends though... the morning sickness better end first!
Jas12, that picture is sooooooo great (in all it's full-screen glory... hehe). Glad you captured that moment on film!

Gemma, sorry to hear the "evening" sickness is kicking in for you too... but I would NOT worry about what your book says. One of mine actually says "your baby is 2 inches long and could live off of the nutrients in one tortilla chip for a month, so don't worry about what you eat right now"... follow that advise instead! My doctor (and lots of other books/websites) seem to agree... it is more important just to eat something that you can stomach. As long as you're taking vitamins, you can worry more about nutrition later. Although for the record, I've craved fruit nonstop for the past 2 months, which luckily is healthy for baby too... maybe see if anything like that sounds good to you?
Jas12, that picture is outstanding! So sweet!
Diver, you are too funny! You made me snort decaf out my nose!
Gemma -- Yea on the US!

I've only gained 1 or 2 pounds or so in the last 4 weeks...but considering how much weight I put on in the first tri (12 pounds), I'm not too the last 4 weekd I've had energy and am actually not sleeping 15 hours a day.

The baby heart monitor comes today, and I'm looking forward to using it!
Morning Gals

I apologise again for the gigantic pic (i am just happy it''s not of my 41+ week belly or something!!) Does anyone know if there is a way to remove a photo if you''ve put one up and it''s too small/blurry/or big?

I looking forward to maybe hearing from Tgal today (although i am also kinda scared too--good thing she is funny cuz otherwise i am sure i''ll be terrified to go into labor)

Tacori--ya, it is kinda funny now--i''ve lost track of time and have stopped counting how many days over i am (no one remind me
) I had my meltdown the other day and i am okay now.

I am still showing signs of impending labor--i had heavy cramps and irregular contractions all night, some so strong they jolted me awake. I am happy for the signs, but at the same time it''s so frustrating to constantly think you are going into labor (and experience some pain etc.) only to wake up still preggo.
It never ceases to amaze me as to how much variation there is in how this stuff happens--there are women who show no sings that labor will start, or like Tgal who start with a ''pop'' of AF and are off to the races, and then weirdos like me who are apparently in intermittent labor for like a month-lol

MrsS. and Lili --how are you guys? Lili, if you go into labor before me i am so NOT your friend anymore!
Now there''s a phrase I don''t like the sound of much: "in labour for a month."

I really hope things progress for you asap Jas!



i opened this thread to see if anyone else was heading off to have their baby and the picture of your husband still has me giggling. it is just too cute!! now go have that baby


jackiejas--1 lb in 4 weeks with twins?!--wow, that''s nothin. I bet you''ll be like ella and barely look like you had a baby, never mind two! You are already very small.
--i think the last 2 weeks have kicked me in the a** as far as weight gain goes. I am not weighing myself again till post-baby, but going overdue, sitting on my butt eating snacks and not being able to exercise much is maddening after such an active pregnancy *sigh*

I agree Diver is hilarious--i am going to tell DH that the NHL playoffs and a beer will be his new lovers until further notice.
Jas, hang in there, honey! You''re being such a trooper - yay you!!!! That photo of your hubby is adorable. We''ve got two Mobys too, and yes, they definitely require practice! I feel bad because they were gifts but we really don''t use them much. It''s impossible to babywear one baby and tend to another, so it gets no use when I''m home alone, and when we go out we use either the stroller or the Baby Bjorns. They''re just so much easier than the Moby if we''re in a parking lot of a store or something, you know? I think with one baby though, it''s a lot more doable. And I think they''re pretty cool how you have so many different wearing options with it.

As for photo posting, we downloaded some free software that lets us right-click and get a "resize photos" option. I just click "medium" and the photos are always sized right. Do you use a Mac or a PC? Google it and I''m sure you can find something!

Q would''ve been ecstatic to get any action at all in the third tri! I neglected the poor guy, but i just wasn''t feeling sexy with 55+ lbs on my frame and major pelvic pain. As for pp sex ... let''s just say a little vino goes a long way! I think Q considers wine with dinner to be foreplay now
Tacori, the "extra stitch" cracked me up!

Jackie, we borrowed a heart monitor from a friend and we were never able to hear a dang thing with it! I swear it was made by like Fisher Price or something though. Hope yours is better! But don''t get too stressed if you don''t hear anything with it. As for weight gain ... oh, it''ll come!!! Did you ever check out twinstuff? I saw what I think is my all-time favorite post there last week. Here it is: (Subject) Shooting a shot gun. (Post) I just wonder if anyone knows if it''s safe or not......Spring turkey season is almost here and I keep forgetting to anyone else shot guns while pregnant? It doesn''t have much of a kick if''s just a 20 gauge." That actually made me laugh out loud. And the replies were priceless too. Someone wrote back how she understands b/c she missed squirrel season. SQUIRREL HUNTING SEASON?! And another wrote back that she knows someone who made sure she shot while she was VERY pregnant because "she didn''t want to stop doing what she was doing and trying to get the baby used to the ''loud'' noises." Ummmm, ladies, yes, you do have to stop doing certain things while you''re pregnant. That''s called taking responsibility for your baby''s/babies'' health and safety. Jeez Lousie!! Is it really that awful to miss one year of squirrel hunting? I just don''t get it.


Hope all you morning and evening sickies start to find some relief soon! Like Ephem said, I think any sustenance is good sustenance in the first trimester so don''t feel bad if you''re off the recommended charts, Gemma. Vitamins are key, and calcium is really important too so try to get some calcium in you if at all possible.
Date: 4/4/2008 1:18:09 AM
Author: divergrrl

Date: 4/3/2008 9:53:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
eph....I think it is open game in here. Luckily there are *other* ways to please a man. I think we only had sex maybe 2-3 times in my third trimester (and once was trying to induce me). It gets awkward and uncomfortable.
Yeah, ESPN and cold beer.
Ha ha! This combo would not work for Q in any way though. For him, it''s cycling and reading his bike ****.
Date: 4/4/2008 10:01:57 AM
Author: ellaila

Jackie, we borrowed a heart monitor from a friend and we were never able to hear a dang thing with it! I swear it was made by like Fisher Price or something though. Hope yours is better! But don''t get too stressed if you don''t hear anything with it. As for weight gain ... oh, it''ll come!!! Did you ever check out twinstuff? I saw what I think is my all-time favorite post there last week. Here it is: (Subject) Shooting a shot gun. (Post) I just wonder if anyone knows if it''s safe or not......Spring turkey season is almost here and I keep forgetting to anyone else shot guns while pregnant? It doesn''t have much of a kick if''s just a 20 gauge.'' That actually made me laugh out loud. And the replies were priceless too. Someone wrote back how she understands b/c she missed squirrel season. SQUIRREL HUNTING SEASON?! And another wrote back that she knows someone who made sure she shot while she was VERY pregnant because ''she didn''t want to stop doing what she was doing and trying to get the baby used to the ''loud'' noises.'' Ummmm, ladies, yes, you do have to stop doing certain things while you''re pregnant. That''s called taking responsibility for your baby''s/babies'' health and safety. Jeez Lousie!! Is it really that awful to miss one year of squirrel hunting? I just don''t get it.
I don''t hunt and I don''t understand the fun in shooting a gun, even at targets, so this just makes my head spin a little. But I don''t want to get flamed by asking all the questions pouring out of me. I will say, "Squirrel Hunting Season? Really?"

Again, I fully admit I just don''t get it. More disturbing to me is that someone (i.e. BABIES) could get hurt here. Not to mention squirrels.

Thanks for the heads up on the monitor. I won''t freak out if it doesn''t work.

Twinstuff is fun...I haven''t spent much time on the boards, but I did order the twin carrier thingie, which should arrive in a few days.

Oh, question...when did you start to feel movement with the twins?

Hang in there Jas. We''re all rooting for ya!
Date: 4/4/2008 10:17:45 AM
Author: jas

Date: 4/4/2008 10:01:57 AM
Author: ellaila

Jackie, we borrowed a heart monitor from a friend and we were never able to hear a dang thing with it! I swear it was made by like Fisher Price or something though. Hope yours is better! But don't get too stressed if you don't hear anything with it. As for weight gain ... oh, it'll come!!! Did you ever check out twinstuff? I saw what I think is my all-time favorite post there last week. Here it is: (Subject) Shooting a shot gun. (Post) I just wonder if anyone knows if it's safe or not......Spring turkey season is almost here and I keep forgetting to anyone else shot guns while pregnant? It doesn't have much of a kick if's just a 20 gauge.' That actually made me laugh out loud. And the replies were priceless too. Someone wrote back how she understands b/c she missed squirrel season. SQUIRREL HUNTING SEASON?! And another wrote back that she knows someone who made sure she shot while she was VERY pregnant because 'she didn't want to stop doing what she was doing and trying to get the baby used to the 'loud' noises.' Ummmm, ladies, yes, you do have to stop doing certain things while you're pregnant. That's called taking responsibility for your baby's/babies' health and safety. Jeez Lousie!! Is it really that awful to miss one year of squirrel hunting? I just don't get it.
I don't hunt and I don't understand the fun in shooting a gun, even at targets, so this just makes my head spin a little. But I don't want to get flamed by asking all the questions pouring out of me. I will say, 'Squirrel Hunting Season? Really?'

Again, I fully admit I just don't get it. More disturbing to me is that someone (i.e. BABIES) could get hurt here. Not to mention squirrels.

Thanks for the heads up on the monitor. I won't freak out if it doesn't work.

Twinstuff is fun...I haven't spent much time on the boards, but I did order the twin carrier thingie, which should arrive in a few days.

Oh, question...when did you start to feel movement with the twins?

Hang in there Jas. We're all rooting for ya!
Hahaha.... this made me LOL.
Wow... and here I am, afraid to get a mani/pedi due to the miniscule chance of harm that could come to my baby. And all this time I could have been out enjoying Squirrel Hunting Season.
Who knew?
Jackie, what''s the "twin carrier thingie"? The MaxiMom? Good for you for even attempting to carry them both at once. It''s beyond me! BTW, I just saw someone on TS who''s got twins AND triplets. YIKES!!! And there''s another woman on there who''s a surrogate with triplets. Now that''s amazing! Talk about selfless.

I first felt movement at 17 weeks but it was only once -- and then NOTHING until 22 weeks! I was starting to get a little freaked out because they say you should feel it early if you''re thin and if you''ve got more than one in there, but I just wasn''t feeling it. But then once it started, it was nonstop

When is your next appt? U/s with it?
Date: 4/4/2008 10:28:06 AM
Author: ellaila
Jackie, what''s the ''twin carrier thingie''? The MaxiMom? Good for you for even attempting to carry them both at once. It''s beyond me! BTW, I just saw someone on TS who''s got twins AND triplets. YIKES!!! And there''s another woman on there who''s a surrogate with triplets. Now that''s amazing! Talk about selfless.

I first felt movement at 17 weeks but it was only once -- and then NOTHING until 22 weeks! I was starting to get a little freaked out because they say you should feel it early if you''re thin and if you''ve got more than one in there, but I just wasn''t feeling it. But then once it started, it was nonstop

When is your next appt? U/s with it?
Yup, the MaxiMom (now with Wings!). We also got individual carriers, but I have strong-like-bull shoulders so I''m going to try to make it work.

Twins and trips. Oh my.

My next appointment is Monday. No US...for some reason they have a separate doctor doing the US in the office and we''d have to schedule separately with her. I''m guessing the full anatomical is coming up, and it can''t be too soon!

I''m spending most of this morning so far bemoaning the state of my skin. I have never had breakouts this bad...never. I can''t use any OOT meds or anything because they literally burn my skin, which then takes another few months to heal. I''m at the point I want to wear a full-face mask.

And now, off to do something productive, like not sleep with my DH. (So far, our "relations" have kept apace of our pre-preggo rate. I''m sure that will not last.)
All this talk about lack of "relations" is cracking me up. DH finally gave up even trying by the second trimester. My MS was so horrible until 14 weeks that there was no chance....I was afraid of puking all over him while in the act! And now, we''re tired, busy and afraid to have another baby!

Ella~that post from your twins forum is hilarious!! I didn''t even know there was a squirrel DH would be excited to know this since squirrels take over our back yard and kill our landscaping!!
So sorry about the bad news at the appt the other day!

Jas~Adorable pic of hubby!

Jackie Jas~ I can totally relate to skin problems. I would come to school and see some of my middle school students skin and think "wow, I''ve reverted back to teenage skin." Why, oh why, should we have to go back to puberty to have a baby?????

Okay, I need some HELP...MIL had a candle party the other night and wanted me to bring Tayva. The party was at 6:30 and I knew it would be rough. Tayva is ready for bed any time between 6:30 and 8 most nights. So, we go and Tayva is just fussy and tired and ready for we leave by 7:30. MIL made some comments the next day about putting her to bed since Tayva sleeps at least 7 hours (usually 8 or 9) that we''d have it easier if we just put her to bed at 9 or 10 and how we need to be able to be out of the house at 6:30. While I agree that it would be great if she would go to bed later for my sleep, I just don''t see how I can adjust her bed time. She is GRUMPY if she''s not sleeping (how did MIL NOT see that??)...usually by 7. And, when we feed her that feeding 7 ish or whatever, she falls asleep. I think it would be counter-productive to wake her up at 10 to feed her? Am I wrong? Is there something we should do differently? (She''s 2 1/2 months)
Date: 4/4/2008 11:31:25 AM
Author: Burk

Okay, I need some HELP...MIL had a candle party the other night and wanted me to bring Tayva. The party was at 6:30 and I knew it would be rough. Tayva is ready for bed any time between 6:30 and 8 most nights. So, we go and Tayva is just fussy and tired and ready for we leave by 7:30. MIL made some comments the next day about putting her to bed since Tayva sleeps at least 7 hours (usually 8 or 9) that we''d have it easier if we just put her to bed at 9 or 10 and how we need to be able to be out of the house at 6:30. While I agree that it would be great if she would go to bed later for my sleep, I just don''t see how I can adjust her bed time. She is GRUMPY if she''s not sleeping (how did MIL NOT see that??)...usually by 7. And, when we feed her that feeding 7 ish or whatever, she falls asleep. I think it would be counter-productive to wake her up at 10 to feed her? Am I wrong? Is there something we should do differently? (She''s 2 1/2 months)

With a 2 1/2 month old, you do what works!!! If 6:30 to 8 is bed time on Tayva''s little clock, then bed time it is. If you are find with it, and she is fine with it, that''s enough. MIL can take her candles and.....

If YOU want to adjust her bed time, try gradually by 30 minutes or so every few nights. It might work. But if she sleeps 7, 8, or 9 hours at 2 1/2 months, great! Don''t rock the boat! In no time, things will change (they always do).
Ella--I don''t know how often i''ll use the Moby sling either. I like the idea of kangaroo care, obviously my baby is not premature (haha) but i think DH will like to put baby skin to skin when at home--a nice way of daddy bonding. The twin positions look good in ''theory'' but i couldn''t imagine toting two at once (ouch on the hips). I don''t blame you for not using them.
I''ll look for a pic sizing program to download. Thanks for the tip! I have a mac and use iphoto and photoshop (photoshop is my problem--i don''t know what i am doing with it)
Well, i think i''ll wander across the street and go for my NST. Do you guys think it is a bad idea to go swimming or a walk by myself, even with my cell phone? My family is telling me to stay put but i am going stir crazy and have been going out on my own for the past 2 weeks and now all of a sudden they think i should be supervised 24/7!
Jas12, walk, swim, do whatever!!! This labour thing takes time, so you will be able to call, get home, have a shower, bake a cake
, and then head off to the hospital. Why sit at home???? Enjoy your last moments of freedom!!!
That''s what i think Litchick, over protective much?!--what''s the worst that can happen? I walk home looking like i peed my pants!
Okay, i am off to do something....
Well call me overprotective but I woudn''t go too far from home if I were in your shoes. Even walking around my house trying to get my bag together after my water broke was uncomfortable and nervewracking. I certainly wouldn''t have wanted to be far from home if I could avoid it. Just my two cents! But then again I tend to err on the side of caution. Guess that''s why I still ski the bunny slopes and you''re an instructor!
Thanks for the reply LC! I tried to stretch last night...she was starting to get hungry and discontent at 7 and I wanted to try to wait to feed her until 7:30 or so and I just don''t think it''s worth it. She''s usually such a happy baby, but she is just plain cranky if she doesn''t get to eat and sleep! She didn''t wake until she sleeps a good stretch.

Jas~I think you need to do something to not go stir crazy, but like Ella says, error on the side of caution. You have probably been in pre-labor for a while and who knows how fast things could go when "it''s time."
jas- i love the pic of DH. i really wanted a moby but never got one...and hardly use any of my other carriers anyway.

RELATIONS- my DH was lucky. we had sex nearly daily in the 3rd trimester...i let him know it was just for softening of the cervix...he didnt seem to mind. lucky for him, since i think i got that extra stitch and he has hardly gotten any since Ian was born!

Diver- you crack me up!

LC- i had no idea knuckleheads made socks. off to check into it.

heres hoping you go tonite jas!