
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi ladies...I''m still baby just yet. I did have my 39 week appt. today. i''m dilated to a solid 2 and everything else was normal and the same. for the first time in this pregnancy I didn''t gain a pound so woo hoo. anyway, my dr. totally said he''s up for inducing at this point whenever I wanted. I said ASAP
. well the hospital didn''t have an opening for an induction until next friday
. my dr. said if i could wait a few minutes he''d call and see if anyone scheduled early in the week had delievered and I could snag their spot. good news, a tues. am opened up so if Jake doesn''t come on his own this weekend, I''ll have a tuesday April 8th baby
...i do have my bags packed, stocked up on all my favorite magazines and snacks and am ready to go just in case...

jas, hang in there gal. my dr. actually said he wouldn''t even consider inducing me yet if it was my first. he said many times inductions with first babies just don''t go well and he really does not like to do it. i hope it''s soon for you though and you too miss lili!!

tgal, thinking of you...not sure when you get to come home but if you''re reading know we''re thinking of you and can''t wait to here your story and see pics of your sweet baby girl.
Bobo, if you can get 3-4 hours at 2 months you are doing pretty good! I used to pray for 3 solid hours. I have no advice on the sleeping front. I have been living in a fog for 5 months (though it''s Friday...that means MY night off! Whoo Hoo! Though I have to get up and pump anyways...

MrsS, sorry you aren''t in labor. Good news is the latest you have to wait is Tuesday!
Tuesday April 8th sounds like a nice date to deliver if not before. Good for you on the weight!! Hang in there!!

Jackiejas, so glad you got to hear the 2 heart beats!!

Hoping Lili and Jas 12 go soon. We are in the home stretch here.

TGal, hoping you got home today, and am looking forward to hearing your story and meeting your precious Amelia Skye!!!!
Just checking in to see if anyone''s in labor. mrssalvo, where are you?!?!?! Hope this is it!

jas12, girl, you are a trooper. LOVE the photo of your husband with the wrap. Too cute. Hope you get to use it realllllly soon!

I''ll be back after I get Lily to bed--bad diarrhea all day and a fever. No fun.
thanks tacori and kaleigh. tuesday is not far off at all so that''s great with me. my ring is also at the 5 week mark so i''m waiting to here anyday now if/when it will be on it''s way to me. between the baby and that i''m going nutso..waiting, waiting, waiting
Lili~yea, I am pretty lucky Tayva is a good sleeper! Can you believe you just had your 39 wk appt?? I delivered at 39 weeks! It won't be long......

Mrss~good news on the induction date! At least you know he'll be here by Tuesday at the very latest! What time is your induction? We screwed up and agreed to come in at 3pm the day before my actual scheduled induction. BAD idea. I got to the hospital at 3 but didn't actually have my water broke or start pitocin until 5:15. I had a 4:30am delivery. YUCK!!!

Bobo~so sorry you're having a rough time with sleep. My daughter is 2 1/2 months...she is a good sleeper so I can't complain. But, I've read that at this age it is normal for them to be awake up to 10 hours in a 24 hour period. Is he awake more than that?

Jackie Jas~how fun to get your doppler! That's awesome!!

Hurray Tacorri for a good night's sleep!!! Enjoy!

Well, Tayva just went down so I best go get something done around my house. I haven't done laundry or dishes all week. When I got home from work all I wanted to do was spend time with my baby. I miss her so much during the day.....

Yea for the weekend! Hopefully we'll have some news from Tgal and some more babies soon!!!
Yay, how exciting MrsSalvo!

Jas12, what a cute photo of your hubby-he is just going to be
over your little one! Those contractions and cramps don''t sound fun- hang in there! How much longer is the flu lockdown?

Jas, YAY on the two heartbeats!

Thanks ladies for all your support on the eating thing. DH was telling me about something that he really likes to eat the other day and I was like ''ewwww'' and then started gagging. Fortunately no really bad moments at work, and it hasn''t been so bad on the whole-I''m still eating at least a bit at most meals!

Does anyone have any tips on working night shift in the first trimester? I am working nights next weekend and dreading it!
Date: 4/4/2008 9:36:15 PM
Author: Burk

Mrss~good news on the induction date! At least you know he''ll be here by Tuesday at the very latest! What time is your induction? We screwed up and agreed to come in at 3pm the day before my actual scheduled induction. BAD idea. I got to the hospital at 3 but didn''t actually have my water broke or start pitocin until 5:15. I had a 4:30am delivery. YUCK!!!

aw burk, that does not sound like fun!! i go into the hospital at 6:15am so i should have him sometime during the day.
MrsS, I am so excited for you. I know you are not yet overdue but I felt SOOO much better after I was given my induction date. My doc said he''ll be fine with inducing me at 39 weeks next time
Can''t wait to hear all about Jake. Your girls must be so excited!

Burk, why were you induced early with your first?

Gemma, I agree whatever you CAN eat is better than NOT eating. Just take your vitamins, your baby will be fine
But I understand the worrying. It starts so early huh?
I missed welcoming Gemma. I hope the eating gets easier for you. With my first, I was queasy. Saltines and Gingerale helped. Luclily it didn''t last too long. Hoping the same for you!!!
Tacori, I know I''m doing pretty good sleeping 3~4 hours, but it will be really great if I can get like 5 hours of sleep so I don''t fall asleep while at work.

Burk, I didn''t really track his sleeping time, but I don''t think he is up more than 10 hours.
Mrs.S: yay! What a cool bday! 4-8-08!! 4 and 8 are my fave numbers...i use them in so many things!

My SILs anniv is 8-4-84! Love it!

I can''t wait to see Jake!

And where is Tgal? hee hee...

Hey L.A. ps-ers...I''m going to be in LA 5/16 to 5/18....but I have a shower on the Bev. Hills...oooh la la. I don''t know how much time I''ll have being on my bff''s shower schedule...I''m hoping to fit in friday mani/pedi/massages....oh please God... I need some pampering...
How exciting, MrsS!!!!! 4/8/08 sounds like a great day to bring Jake into the world!!! Will you just go in on Tuesday morning for the induction? Remember to get your epi FIRST before they break your water and start the pitocin!!!!! Ha ha!!!! (Im serious though).
Just popping in to wish MrsSalvo all the luck in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soon you will be holding Jake in your arms!
Wow...I guess it''s time for me to officially jump in here. This is my first post on this thread, and yet I feel like I already know you guys so well. Slightly scary, but I went back and read through ALL of the old posts. It was so much fun to be able to speed through some parts and watch all of you guys get through your pregnancies/deliveries!

First, a huge congrats to Tgal/Tguy/Ttot. I had a feeling it was going to be a girl!! I live in AZ, but have been vacationing in AMELIA ISLAND in Florida this week!
So excited fo Mrs. Salvo''s induction on Tuesday. You must be so ready!! Can''t wait to see Mr. Jake.
And Jas...I can''t believe how well you''re handling being so overdue! You are my idol!
Lili...I know it will happen for you soon, too! Hang in there!

And of course, to all the veterans, thanks for sharing your experiences along the way. I LOVED reading all about Tacori''s and Ella''s pregnancies, and Curly''s and Diver''s etc etc etc! You are all amazing!! And of course, I love hearing all the mommy experiences too. I seriously need to start taking some notes.

And finally, to all the current preggo women: so excited to go through this with you. I am only a little over 8 weeks along, but am really thankful that I found this thread! I know all of you will be such an invaluable source over the next 8 months or so!

About me: EDD based on u/s last week (heart beat--yay!!) is November 14th (although according to my calculations--this kid is another one of those one shot wonders--it should be more around November 11th). Like I said, currently living in AZ, but I grew up in the LA area so I''m kind of living vicariously through all of you LA girls! DH and I got married last June, and as of late December, we were officially not not trying. :) Like a lot of you, we were shocked at how fast this happened (especially since we weren''t able to not not "try" for over 4 weeks from mid-Jan through mid-Feb).

That''s all for now! Hope to see pictures of more of all of your beautiful babies soon!!!
Welcome Lover in Athens! (I think I''m going to nickname you LIA because I just can''t bring myself to call you "lover" - I mean, we just met
) Congrats on your pregnancy and welcome to the best place to share it! I can''t believe how many new people there are on the thread right now -- it''s awesome!

MrsS ... ooooooooooh yaaaaaaaaaaayy!!!! So excited for you!!!

Oh Amelia Skye, where are you?? You''ve got a gajillion people here just dying to meet you, girly!

Jackie, glad you could hear the heartbeats with your monitor. I bet you''re going to become an addict now! I know we were pretty hooked on trying to hear them (until we gave up in frustration) so I can only imagine how often we''d have done it if we actually could hear them!

Curly, hope Ms. Lily''s feeling better! Poor baby girl. Maybe she''s showing you some sympathy morning sickness?
Lover in Athens -- welcome! November 14 is my birthday, so I''m rooting for that! Congratulations!
Ella --''s pretty cool. They are still bunk bedding, and twin A has a faster heartbeat than twin B. Yeah, we''re definitely going to be addicts until I feel them moving regularly.
Skippy! Hi! And thanks. I hope I''m a good mom. If not, well, I''ll make sure to find them the best therapist possible and turn them into the next Woody Allen (talent-wise, not romance wise!)
Mrssalvo -- hooray on having a real honest-to-goodness finish line!
Thanks Kaleigh!
Thanks Burk! Please send sleepy baby vibes to me (and Tacori, of course...her first, cuz, well, mine sleeping is not an issue at the moment)
Gemma -- Night shift? Ugh. Please remind me, where do you work again?
Tacori -- was there any progress with the sleeping last night?

I can tell my fibroid is going to be giving me more and more issues as this progresses. It''s fighting for its right to party.
Date: 4/5/2008 10:23:49 AM
Author: Dani
How exciting, MrsS!!!!! 4/8/08 sounds like a great day to bring Jake into the world!!! Will you just go in on Tuesday morning for the induction? Remember to get your epi FIRST before they break your water and start the pitocin!!!!! Ha ha!!!! (Im serious though).

Dani, yes, i just go in at 6:25am tuesday morning. and believe i will ask for the epi first if will if they''ll let me. with lily, they wouldn''t let my have the epi until after they broke my water
but i also didn''t have pitocin with her (would that make a difference?)

still hope jake will decide to come on his own before then but it is nice to have a finish line for sure! thanks for the well wishes everyone

congrats lover in athens and welcome
Date: 4/5/2008 12:09:30 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Date: 4/5/2008 10:23:49 AM

Author: Dani

How exciting, MrsS!!!!! 4/8/08 sounds like a great day to bring Jake into the world!!! Will you just go in on Tuesday morning for the induction? Remember to get your epi FIRST before they break your water and start the pitocin!!!!! Ha ha!!!! (Im serious though).

Dani, yes, i just go in at 6:25am tuesday morning. and believe i will ask for the epi first if will if they'll let me. with lily, they wouldn't let my have the epi until after they broke my water
but i also didn't have pitocin with her (would that make a difference?)

still hope jake will decide to come on his own before then but it is nice to have a finish line for sure! thanks for the well wishes everyone

congrats lover in athens and welcome

Hmmmm...I am not sure why they wouldnt let you have your epi when you wanted it....The fact that you didnt have pitocin shouldnt have made a difference.
Bottom line is that you should be getting your epi when you want it....If they give you a problem, just tell them you are in pain/uncomfortable so they dont think you are getting a "prophylactic" epidural, you know? Some practitioners like their patients to be in active labor before they get their epi. But, this is your third baby, so once you get going this labor will probably go really fast (so you want to give that epi time to settle in and work well for you.....
jas, yay for two heartbeats! Was it easy to find?

MrsS, 4/8/08 is a great birthday. I like the 8's. I hope Jake makes an appearance sooner but yay for a finish line!

LIA, Welcome and congrats! It's great to have lots of new moms-to-be on this thread!

TGal and Amelia, where are you? We're all looking forward to meeting Amelia and hearing your story!
I am still pregnant. I don''t think i *really* have a baby inside me anymore--maybe a tumor that often gets the hiccups?? haha

Just went for a loooong walk by the lake, it is gorgeous out. It was weird to walk on the sandy beach, but with the water still 100% frozen on top. Very pretty.

Obviously the indian food did NOT work last night--booo. My mom dragged me to some home-show after to walk around. That was a BAD idea. When you live in a small city and know a lot of ppl, don''t go out to crowded places at 41+ weeks pregnant. I had at least a dozen ppl do the whole "OMG you are STILL pregnant" routine, to which i smiled polietly but really wanted to say "yep, now f-off!" , or, my fave--some guy yelled out at my mom "Judith, what did she have--boy or girl"?! my back was turned so i swirled around and said "ah, you can take a guess?" it was kinda funny, but everyone is sure that i''ve had the baby already.

LoverinAthens--Welcome!!--wholly smokes, you read thru all 200 pgs. Well done! I am so glad i found this corner of PS as well, you''ll get addicted as i did. Congrats on your pregnancy!! Luv your ring BTW, nice taste ;-)

MrsS.--glad you got your induction date and don''t have to wait till Friday! And if you go into labor in the next 2 days, well, even better. Jake will be in your arms SO soon!!!!! You must be so excited now. I am excited for you!!
Wouldn''t it be kinda funny if i were the the last to go of our group, yet with the earliest DD
?? I am trying to keep a sense of humor. Your doc''s advice for not inducing for the first is good advice for me in this city--rates of sections from inductions are very very high here (i think it has something to do with not being close to a major city/health care center so OBs are really cautious and rates of everything seem to be higher). I am healthy so i can hang in, just running out of patience.

Tgal--hope you are resting at home and your recovery is going well! Can''t wait to meet Amelia--you know you are killin us with the suspense, but we''ve gotta cut you some slack i guess
I am late in responding to some of the stuffs, but I''ve been busy at work.

Jas12 - That pic of your DH is so darling; he can''t wait til baby Jas is here. Hang in there. Your little one will be here soon.

Kay - I was looking in gDiaper. But after researching and thinking about them, I am not totally convinced that they are better for the environment, in a sense that it will still contribute to creating trash. It''s great that it doesn''t contain plastic though. Right now we are back to disposables.

Gemma - Welcome and congrats on seeing your little peanut. Isn''t he/she cute? Hope your m/s gets better soon. In the meantime, just eat whatever you can keep them.

Diva - How was your massage? Awww, your little one loves good music.

janine - I first felt DD moving at around 18wks; it was very gentle. It could feel like gas in the beginning. At 20wks, it was a lot more obvious and feel more like kicks.

JackieJas - That''s so cool with the two HB. So they sound distinctly different? DH was hoping for twins when we first found out I am pg, but he is happy with our little girl. hehe.

MrsS - Yay for your scheduled induction! Can''t wait to see Jake.

Lover in Athens - Congrats and Welcome. You will love it here.

Tgal - Where are you & Amelia? We are waiting.

I just found out yesterday that DH''s cousin had her twin girls last weekend. She was only 22wks along. I don''t know if she is still in the hospital, but the babies are in NICU. We are really sad, and not sure what to say or do. We are only one week apart, and the thought of something like that happening this far along just scares me. I just pray that her and her babies will be OK.

On a lighter note, we will be going to a friend''s going-away dinner party at a lounge tonight. It''s the first time since I got pg that we''ll be in a lounge type environment and for our friends to see me with a belly. It''s weird, but I am kind of excited to be mingling/socializing. I feel like a dork. hehe.
Date: 4/3/2008 11:19:10 PM
Author: Jas12
OMG---WHat is up with my picture posting?????!!!! I am gonna get kicked off of PS...pleeeeeeze someone teach me how to do it. WHY when i follow the same steps the pics come out all different sizes, clarity etc???

Remember that huge pic i posted of my 31 week belly--sheesh

Good thing DH doesn't go on PS!!!

Hi Jas12! First I wanted to tell you how lucky you are to have a husband that is sooo excited for your new babe. That pic is so precious! Yes, I've been lurking on this thread even though we're not quite TTC and I'm learning so much from everyone's experiences. You're doing so great, such an inspiration. Hang in there, I know it will happen soon

But, RE: posting photos. I use iPhoto on my mac too (I thought you said you use iPhoto but for some reason I can't find where and if you really said that...) Anyways, I use the export function from the menu and select format as JPG and scale it to about 600x450 pixels. Before you post it on PS you can open it and make it show you the actual size, that way if it's too big just export it again and make your pixel numbers a little lower. I hope that helps! Cause you know you're going to be posting pictures of you baby soon!!!

<-- Here's me cheering all you mommies on! Congrats to you all, and I'm so happy for all of you!
jas12- what version of iphoto do you have?
Curly~ Hope Lily is feeling better. It is so hard when they''re sick and they can''t tell you what they need.

Tacori~I was induced because I asked to be. We were expecting a very large baby (my mom had all 9 lbers and DH and I are both tall.. Dr thought she was going to be at least 9 lbs) At my 38 week appt I was actually 38 wk 5 days and I was uncomfortable and so I brought it up and my doc was on board so we scheduled it for 3 days after my appt. Of course they told me all about inducing with first babies having a higher c-section rate and so forth but I was just so big and tired of being preggo and not on board to have to deliver a 10 pounder my first try. I know this wouldn''t be the choice for many, but it worked for us. I loved being induced.

LIA~ Congrats and welcome! Isn''t it just great to hear the heartbeat? Btw-love your ring in your avitar!

Jackie Jas~of course I''ll send some sleepy vibes your way!! Tayva went 10 hours last night....we''re pretty luck so we can share our sleepy vibes!

Mrss~Epi before pitocin!!! No one told me I could do that!! I had to deal with stupid pitocin contractions for two hours before I got my epi! Now I know what I need to be asking for. Still hoping Jake decides to come on his own before Tuesday!

Jas~You have such a good attitude!! I was so over being pregnant at 39 weeks. You''re a stronger woman than me!
Hope your little one decides he or she is done cooking soon so you can meet him or her!!

Tayva and I went to a volleyball tournament this morning. I coach high school volleyball and some of my players had a club tournament here in town so I took Tayva out. She was soooo good. I was worried with all the noise and action but I should have known. She is just so alert and she just watched the volleyball until she got tired, I gave her the binky and she was out. Slept for an hour with 15 courts of volleyball in action. I was so proud....and everyone was so in love with her. It was fun. But, now I need to get some laundry done. YUCK!
LIA (taking Ella''s cue
), congrats and welcome to our little community! I hope you are feeling good and will find this thread very helpful. This thread was seriously like my therapy when I was preggo! I did lots of venting (as you know since you read all the posts which must have taken you forever!!!!)

Burk, I was induced too but b/c I was overdue. I loved being induced also and hope to with my next baby.

Jackie, yay for hearing the heat beats! Well, *I* slept last night. DH did not much! Haha! It''s okay. She is such a good baby in other ways so I have to forgive her for needing lots of nursing time. Though it IS tiring. She''s worth it.

Jas, sorry hun! I hope you go into labor tonight/tomorrow!!!! Head south baby!!!

Dani, my dad told me the same thing (ask for the epi before they break my water) but I ended up not needing them to break it.

Q, hope your cousin''s twins are okay.....I heard before 23-24 weeks it is not good (not that it is good then either).
Thanks Kaleigh for your welcome too!

Welcome LIA (I think that nickname will catch on)! I''m so impressed that you have read the whole thread!! I hope you are feeling well! Yay for a November EDD! Don''t forget to add yourself to the Expecting thread!

Jackiejas, thanks for you sympathy-I work in an operating suite of a hospital that does a lot of emergency work
so I''m anticipating busy nights! I''m planning to just keep snacking on the saltines/pretzels all night-I think that is all I eat!

Jas, sending labour vibes your way!

MrsS, what a great birthdate! Hope you are having a restful weekend!

Tacori, yay for a night''s sleep!

Q, I''m so sorry to hear about your DH''s cousin''s babies. Thoughts and prayers coming her way. What a tough situation!
Gemma, Friday nights are my nights off. It came out of desperation when DH found me sobbing one day. It really helps and gives me something to look forward to (even though I miss her so much it is PATHETIC!) Unfortunately I have to pump during the night (well really early AM) but it is lovely to sleep and not have to worry about listening to the monitor or getting up early.
Date: 4/6/2008 12:07:30 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Gemma, Friday nights are my nights off. It came out of desperation when DH found me sobbing one day. It really helps and gives me something to look forward to (even though I miss her so much it is PATHETIC!) Unfortunately I have to pump during the night (well really early AM) but it is lovely to sleep and not have to worry about listening to the monitor or getting up early.
Awww, Tacori! I''m so glad that you get a night off-you deserve it! Such a nice feeling not lying there waiting for them to make a noise!

How often are you pumping? I may have to go back to work at 8 weeks so I''m thinking ahead to needing a breast pump.
Hey gals, real quick fly by...

I was discharged from the hospital today...a night of extra monitoring due to what happened during my labor. Amelia almost didn''t make it out, she has lost too much weight. We have a docs appointment tomorrow at 9 am to monitor progress and we may have to take her back to emergency. She is not going pee or poo right now so TGuy and I are taking shifts to feed and take care of her. My milk has not come in yet. Tacori, I am still using you for inspiration, but it has been a rough few nights, with another one on the way tonight. The problem tonight is that she is too sleepy so we have to coax her to eat (which we are doing with formula through a device called a SCS/fingertechnique so she won''t get used to having a''s a lot of work!). Could be dehydration so obvioulsy TGuy and I are worried.

Still need to write the birthing''s a doozy, but I was still able to maintain my sense of humor at the hospital, much to the amusement (or consternation) of the staff. But in a quick word what derailed the whole thing: Toxemia. All those weeks of perfect pregnancy didn''t catch it. In fact, in the hospital, still no protein in urine, no swelling. The woman thought the blood pressure machine was broken as it was getting high readings and I had no history. The doctor, upon finding out, though it was April Fool''s joke. The only reason they caught it is because of the blood test. It was the only real sign and it spurred on all sorts of panic as they tried to get my levels from my liver to stop dropping (or something like that) and feared I could have a stroke or go into a coma. I''ll write more later, but the doctor came by a few days later and said thank god my water broke, or I might not have come in and died at home. I still wonder if chocolate cake can cause the toxins in your body to go berserk.
Tee hee. But FYI ladies, I didn''t have much cake. Just one bite. Even I know having a big chunk of chocolate cake during labor is a recipe for puke pudding.

But despite this toxemia business, I am able to actually think the entire thing was kind of funny (I''m weird, I know) so I will have to write more later. Maybe tonight or tomorrow depending on how Amelia does tonight.

Jas, and Mrs S, I checked in and skimmed at the hospital from my blackberry. Mrs S, so glad they have a date set for you! Jas, I am still hoping for you everyday. I will write more later (as I need to read all the posts properly), but suffice it to say, enjoy it while it is in there (hard at this stage in the game, I know)...the major freaked out worry and helplessness comes in after the baby is born. The last few days have been the most trying and toughest of my life, but I''m still managing a laugh here and there...

Missed you ladies! I promise to write more soon. Thank you all so much for the well wishes. TTot isn''t a bad kid and we decided to keep her, although there were some really cute babies in the nursery that I was tempted to trade in for.