
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I am a lurker on this thread, but I wanted to wish TGal, TGuy and TTot the very best! When I read Toxemia I was really scared for you both, but all of that worked out for the best thank God. Best wishes to all of you!!!
Tgal, thanks for updating us. I''m so sorry to hear things didn''t go/aren''t going as planned. My prayers that everything resolves itself. Take care.

p.s. I''m so glad you''re still with us, I''d miss your sense of humor terribly.
Still pregnant...beautiful day again so another long walk. Too bad these walks are so painful, otherwise i might enjoy myself
More false labor "stuff'' all last night...
Forgot to mention the Flu ban has been lifted at the hopital!! So maybe that is what baby was waiting for!

Tgal--HOORAY for poo and pee--lets hope Amelia starts to eat now and gives you one less major thing to worry about. I hope you are resting today.

Qtiekiki--wow, how scary about your cousin''s twins. I pray they make it through. It''ll be a long road ahead for them. 22 weeks is so early, i couldn''t even imagine how small and fragile they would be. Makes me thankful for knowing i have a full term baby--even if its a little too "full term"!

MrsS. Sorry i missed your Q--i have the old iphoto 4--but just spoke to a friend who has ilife 08 and is going to give me the CD to upgrade. I am going to try posting two pics right now the way Sunkist suggested (which is SO much easier than what i have been doing!)''s hoping

couple pics from my AM walk--this lake is about 5 mins from my house--the ONLY nice thing about where i live IMO
(no close-ups of me! hehe)
10 days overdue!

TGal, I am sorry to hear about your tough labor. How scary! I am so glad your water broke and the toxemia was caught in time. Good to see your sense of humor is still intact. Yay for poos and pees from Amelia! Get lots of rest Amelia's mommy! My thoughts are with the TFamily!!!
Yay, it''s a normal size and not blurry!!!

THANKS SUNKIST--that is soooo simple, why did i mess around with Photoshop--now i can post baby pics!!!!!

One more, a written plea to bebe....

qtiekiki, best wishes for your cousin''s twins.

jas, cute pictures! How strange to see a beach with frozen water. You look great and you are handling being overdue very well! Yay for the flu ban being lifted! Head south baby!!! It''s your time to make an appearance into this world! We all can''t wait to meet you!

Labor vibes to MrsS and lili too!
Coming out of lurkdom to say my thoughts are with T-gal, T-guy and baby Amelia. I can't imagine how scary your experience must have been - you probably haven't had much to time to really let it sink in. I'm relieved to hear that you are doing well and are happy and healthy!
Looking forward to hear the full birth story!
TG, so good to hear an udpate on Tfam!! But like DeeJay and Lorelei said... no pressure from us, just take care of yourself and get some rest (ha, easier said than done, I'm sure) and check in for venting purposes if you need to.

Welcome home, Amelia!!!
Congrats Tgal, I'm so glad you're okay and I can't wait to see pics of little Amelia! I had no idea what toxemia was so I looked it up--when we're ready to have kids we will absolutely keep an eye out for that. In a weird, obscure kind of way, it sounds like Amelia saved your life by wanting to come out when she did.'re such a pretty mommy-to-be. LOVE the sand picture! I would love nothing more than to live 5 minutes from a lake like that. Can I ask what you don't like about where you live? Is it in the Northeast? It totally looks like a northeast winter to me...hehe...probably why I love it. I'm DYING to move back there. :) I'm sure a lot of people would be dying to have the 75 degree weather we're having today in Texas though....but all it says to me is that this summer is going to be FIERCE.
jas12- you really do look great. is there any chance your due date is off at all? you seriously look like you are still around 38-39 weeks!! the pic size it pefect too. once you upgrade to 08 let me know b/c you have to upload differently than the other versions. you no longer enter pic dimentions when exporting. anyway, i really, really hope your baby decides to make it''s arrival today!!
Jas12 -- just had to add what a gorgeous picture that is. Definitely frame-able!! You look beautiful, and it somehow captures just the slightest bit of impatience
mixed with that soothing, peaceful ocean background. Love it!!

And the written plea mostly just captures impatience... hehe.
Luckystar--i live in northern ontario, canada. It is a very pretty city. Having a 5 min walk to the lake is great and it is a nice, safe place to raise a family but i just don''t like the lack of diversity and how isloated it sometimes feels. I luv to travel and so my passions are things like food, cultures, history etc. I am not exaggerating when i say there are maybe of handful of families in this city that are not white, and their idea of ethnic food is a deep-fried chicken ball from the local chinese take out joint! lets just say there are no shortage of mullets and pick-up trucks with dogs hanging our the window in my area!
I am just happy to have a sister who lives in Toronto (an amazingly diverse city) 4 hours south of me, so i get my fill of dining, shopping, arts etc. My hubby has his business here so we are staying put for now.
Where are you living now? I guess there is always something we don''t like about where we live whether it be the cost, the size, the opportunities etc.
TGal, how scary! I am SO glad you are okay. I had complications but nothing as scary as yours! You poor thing. Be sure to take good care of yourself. I am honored I could be inspiration with you regarding BFing. I *PROMISE* you everyday gets a little easier (in all aspects of this baby business
) Accept help, rest up and cuddle that baby. I am glad you home. Being in the hospital sucks! I hope your milk comes in soon. It took me 4 days (I think). Tessa lost a lot of weight in the hospital too. She was born 7 lb 2 oz and left at 6 lb 8 oz.

Jas, you look great! I hope that baby listens to your plea.

Better go! The monster woke up and is NOT happy.
Tgal: ohhhhhhhhhh biggest hugs to you all!!! I am so sorry you went through all that.. lots of poopy dust your way..
fwiw, jake was a jaundiced weight losing fool as a newborn...its stressful, but they do takes your milk a few days to come in....are you doing that syringe & tubing taped to your boob feeding thing? always your humor impresses simply rock...Amelia got herself one helluva great mom!

Jas---your pics are gorgeous! what great memories and i love your coastline.

dani/mrs.s: they would not let me have my epi prior to AROM & Pitocin...said my contrax had to be consistent. Fortunately, the pit never bothered me and the water breaking didn''t make my contrax hurt like it did w/ jake (2nd baby easier perhaps?) but i begged for my epi before they wanted to break my water & got a NO! i guess it depends on the HOSP/STAFF? it turned out fine though....

tacori: where is yer pressie???? i am sooo jealous of your trip!
Date: 4/6/2008 4:08:52 PM
Author: divergrrl

tacori: where is yer pressie???? i am sooo jealous of your trip!

I don''t know!
I doubt it is my ring but just in case I haven''t mentioned anything about ordering it (he would get pissed if that was the surprise and I was bugging him about it) but honestly I would be shocked b/c we never talked about the details (besides price) so he would have to do some undercover work to find out who to order it from. I get the sense it is coming in the mail though...hmmmm....suspense! I am so excited for the trip. I tried on my new dress & shoes today and I looked pretty good!
MrsS.--i should have the ilife 08 by tonight and when it''s installed i''ll let you know and will take you up on the offer for help--thanks so much!
As for my DD--i could be off by about a week. My cycle is very strange and varies b/w 26-30 days ''in between'' my periods (so not counting the time when i have my period, i guess that is a long cycle) I only know this b/c for months leading up to my wedding i charted it just cuz i was curious if i was going to have my period on my wedding day. If i conceived during one of my long cycles i am only overdue by a few days--but no way of knowing for sure b/c it was wedding and honeymoon time
i am now starting to think baby was a result of the romantic dinner near the Trevi fountain in Rome.....

Tacori--yes, did you get the gift yet? we wanna see! Of course, if it ends up being something completely unrelated to a PP like tix to your DH''s favourite sporting event or something--we still want to know, that would be too funny
That''s such a great pic!!! I think you look terrific. Hoping your little one comes soon. I know how hard the last days are!!!

How is Lili, has she checked in??

How are you feeling today. Two more sleeps till Jake!!! If not before, right??
Jas, did you have an early u/s? They are usually the most accurate. Regardless I hope baby J makes his/her appearance soon! I really am starting to think it is some random gift. Who knows! Part of me wants to snoop in his e-mail but I am trying to be a good girl (though he has been taunting me with this for a week
Date: 4/6/2008 5:05:20 PM
Author: Kaleigh


How are you feeling today. Two more sleeps till Jake!!! If not before, right??

Hey Lisa,

feeling the same. starting having some cramping for the past hour or so. nothing we''ll call contractions just yet, but maybe??? i''m getting ready to head out to dinner which is blocks from the hospital so i''m taking my suitcase just in if i don''t post later tonight you all will know where i am

could be those pesky false alarms though...but you are right 2 more sleeps if not before....woo hoo...
Date: 4/6/2008 5:29:35 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 4/6/2008 5:05:20 PM
Author: Kaleigh


How are you feeling today. Two more sleeps till Jake!!! If not before, right??

Hey Lisa,

feeling the same. starting having some cramping for the past hour or so. nothing we''ll call contractions just yet, but maybe??? i''m getting ready to head out to dinner which is blocks from the hospital so i''m taking my suitcase just in if i don''t post later tonight you all will know where i am

could be those pesky false alarms though...but you are right 2 more sleeps if not before....woo hoo...
If it is good luck!!!! Hope your water doesn''t break in the restaurant like what happened to me, LOL!!
Welcome home, Tgal and Ttot baby girl!

I''m sorry you had a scare during labor, Tgal. We''ll be praying for little Amelia (I love how you came up with that name, by the way!!) to have a fabulous check up tomorrow, too!

Rest up and enjoy being a mommy!


Cute pictures! You''ll have to show your baby some day just how patient you tried to be while waiting for the big arrival.
It''ll have to happen soon!



I hope your dinner goes great and then is followed by a trip to the hospital! Good luck!
TGal, so glad you and Amelia are at home and thriving, by the sounds of it! Yay for peepoo! That sleep deprivation -I am not looking forward to it! You sound like you are coping great and your sense of humour is intact!

Jas12, great pics! Labour dust and yay for the flu embargo being lifted! Who are you having at your delivery?
Just checking in on the mommies to be and new mommy!

Tgal, congratulations on your precious baby girl! I can''t wait to see her! I am so thankful you were at the hospital where they were able to catch the toxemia!

Hope you other girls get to go SOON!!!!!!
Date: 4/6/2008 4:51:41 PM
Author: Jas12
MrsS.--i should have the ilife 08 by tonight and when it''s installed i''ll let you know and will take you up on the offer for help--thanks so much!
As for my DD--i could be off by about a week. My cycle is very strange and varies b/w 26-30 days ''in between'' my periods (so not counting the time when i have my period, i guess that is a long cycle) I only know this b/c for months leading up to my wedding i charted it just cuz i was curious if i was going to have my period on my wedding day. If i conceived during one of my long cycles i am only overdue by a few days--but no way of knowing for sure b/c it was wedding and honeymoon time
i am now starting to think baby was a result of the romantic dinner near the Trevi fountain in Rome.....

Tacori--yes, did you get the gift yet? we wanna see! Of course, if it ends up being something completely unrelated to a PP like tix to your DH''s favourite sporting event or something--we still want to know, that would be too funny
Hmmm, that must''ve been SOME dinner!
Hi everyone!

TGal- you are so welcome!!! I was happy to help you the night you went into labor!!! I just feel bad about the whole toxemia thing...I am just so glad everything went well in the end......Take care of yourself and little Amelia!!!

Jas- What''s going on with your induction? Will you be scheduled at some point? I hope you go into labor on your own soon!!

MrsS- If I dont get to talk to you before tommorrow, best of luck with everything!!!! I know you are going to do great, and cant wait to see pics of baby Jake!!!!
hI gals, I''m back...still not sure what''s going on but nothing that warrants a trip to the hospital just yet. I ate a very light dinner though just in case. having done this before full stomach and labor just do not mix.

and kaleigh, i''m very thankful my water didn''t break at the restaurant
Oh no MrsS! Not that I was hoping your water would break during dinner but I WAS hoping maybe in the parking lot
Oh well. Tuesday is ALMOST here and then Jake will be in your arms.
Glad you got a nice dinner in, Tuesday will be here before you know it!!
Hoping you get some good rest in the mean time.
ha tacori, the parking lot would have been ok
i''m still hopeful that something will get going. my FIL is here now so if something does happen hubby and i can easily leaving my other munchkins asleep and head for the hospital. hubby really wants it to happen on it''s own although he''s cool with the induction, he likes the drama of timing contractions and rushing to the hospital
and you are kaleigh are both right, tuesday will be here so soon so one way or another this little man will come into the world in less than 48 hours
I am so excited for you MrsS! I really am! I cannot comment on the drama of natural labor since that is not how mine happened
Either way 48 hours is NOT a long time at all. I used to play that game when I saw a commercial for a TV show on a certain day (or a movie coming out, etc)...oh baby will be here before that show airs (movie comes out). It is a fun game.