
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Curly~Good luck at the amnio and I can''t WAIT to find out if it''s a girl or boy either :))

Don''t worry about m/s disappearing, I''m sure it''s all fine and to be expected in 2nd trimester. I never had one bout of it, and it freaked me out (and people still look at me weird when I tell them I never had m/s), but I''ve just come to accept it''s how this pg is for me.

Sorry to hear about the liquid diarrhea weekend--ah fun stuff to look forward to for the rest of us I suppose!

Nothing new with me, another 4wk wait till next appt and some more bloodwork this Friday. I keep wondering when I should tell work--a co-worker''s wife is newly pg and he''s already announced it. Granted it''s #4 for them so I guess it''s old hat. I originally thought 4mo mark would be an appropriate time to tell my boss, but that''s next week and now I''m wondering if I should wait till 20wk ultrasound. I guess for you you''ll know all by Weds!!

TGAL: CONGRATULATIONS and a lovely name. That is one hell of a story though and not one I would have ever guessed. I thought you''d have the easiest labour! Glad to hear it all turned out well, and can''t wait to see photos and read the full story!

MrsS: Can''t wait to hear the news!
Quick drive by...Tayva is sick and so I'm running around trying to get stuff in order at school so I can take her back to the doctor. (last week he said she was just getting over the pneumonia she had a few weeks ago and it would work itself out....I was skeptical....looks like I was right).


Holy cow Tgal! How scary. So glad you and Miss Amelia are okay. Good for pee and poop...hope your milk comes in soon!

Mrss~ I can't believe they didn't keep you since you're inducing tomorrow. You'll have Jake in your arms soon!

jas~love the pics! You look perfect!

sorry for everyone I missed....I'll be back.
Iam watching Martha right now and she has Darcy Miller on (the wedding mag editor) is showing the diamond rings on the latest cover of MS Weddings. Has anyone seen the new cover? (different styles of diamond e-rings in colored velvet boxes) it is yummy and delicious. I saw the mag at Walmart yesterday and stood there and literally stroked it, DH said "ahh, jas, you can buy it and do that in the privacy of your own home okay"?
Burk, I'm sorry to hear that Tayva is sick. I hope she has a quick recovery and that you aren't too frazzled!

Mrssalvo, wish you all the best for tomorrow (if not before!) and I hope that all goes smoothly for you and Jake. Good luck!

Jas, your photos are lovely! I sort of sense your frustration though! Poor you - hang in there, can't be much longer now.


Just thought I’d pop in quick before work and see if Jake had made his appearance yet. What a little teaser he is! At least you’ll have him in your arms in the next 2 days, MrsS.

Curly and Burk, sorry to hear your little girls are not feeling well. Curly, thanks for the advice on the diaper doublers.

Jas12, you’re cracking me up with the diamond ****. I think you ought to buy a copy to take to the hospital to distract you while you are in labor. I hope your time is soon.

Lili, I hope you are at the hospital.

TGal, hope you are resting and recuperating and your milk comes in soon. Can’t wait to see photos of Amelia when she is feeling up to having her first photo shoot.
Thanks MrsM and Kay!

I just wanted to pop back on to see if there was any word from Jas or Mrss before I head out to get Tayva...Maybe no news is good news........
MrsS-- I hope you have a great delivery, whether today or tomorrow

Jas -- loved your photos! I hope your little one decides to make an appearance before Thursday!

LIA -- welcome!

jackie -- have a good appt.... how often are you getting u/s''s? I have an appt thursday and it''s been 2 weeks since an u/s and i was just wondering if i should hope for one or not
I''m 10 weeks tomorrow....

hi everyone else!

Date: 4/6/2008 2:01:06 PM
Author: Jas12
Yay, it''s a normal size and not blurry!!!

THANKS SUNKIST--that is soooo simple, why did i mess around with Photoshop--now i can post baby pics!!!!!

One more, a written plea to bebe....

you''re welcome, jas
Just wanted to pop in out of lurkdom.

TGal ......Congrats on your precious little sorry you went through all of that..and yay for poo and pee. Who would have ever thought we would be saying that? Wishing you a SPEEDY recovery...and big hugs to the TFamily.

Mrs. Salvo....wishing you a quick and easy labor with baby Jake.

I love the preggo forum....made me want to have another baby!
thanks ladies for all the well wishes. I've had some mild cramping today but i'm not going back to the hospital unless my water breaks on the contractions are pretty full on. at this point i really do hope he'll hold off until the planned event tomorrow. i've got all the arragements made for the girls etc. and would just rather go with that plan..
TGal, I''m glad everything is ok now. hope little Amelia is doing well..

Mrs S, Good luck to you!! wish u a smooth labor

Jas, love your photos.
MrsS, bummer! That sucks that they sent you home. But tomorrow (at the latest) you will be holding him. So exciting!

Jas, hang in there. The baby WILL come out. When do you talk about inductions?

Burk & Curly, sorry Tayva and Lily are sick! Hope they both feel better soon.

MsF, you are a riot.
A fairly baby centric day today -- went in for the 16 w check up...and my HAAAATE for the nurse continues. She looked at me as I walked into the room w/ DH and said, "Oh my goodness, your breasts are so big now."
Apparently she and my MIL are in cahoots. I''m starting to wonder if I''m some sort of medical miracle, or if my BBs were just a lot smaller than I thought they were before I got pregnant.
Then she went on about how "glorious" and "beautiful" my urine was.
Suffice it to say, I thought DH was going to wet himself from laughing.
Weight is fine, up 4 1/2 pounds from last appointment (I think I put it all on in the last 2 days), BP is good.
Doc put me on extra folic acid and made sure I am getting enough iron. I told her I cannot get enough red meat, so not to worry! I''m soon to be on 2 week appointments, with the possibility of 1 week appointments soon after. (really early)! I''m measuring 23 cm...which basically means I look like someone who''s 23 wks. pregnant with one. Doc is really pleased I am at home, as I will need a lot of rest in the coming weeks.
Next appointment -- May 5, big old Level 2 U/S...we''ll find out what we''re having.

After that, we went to pick up the two Peg carseats we won on Ebay -- one is green and one is pink, and I swear it was such a cool moment. DH is going to spend the next 4 months playing Transformers with them and seeing how many configurations he can make out of them.

It''s hitting me really hard that no one from my side of the family, with the exception of my parents, has even asked me about the babies...and they''ve known for 2 months or so. My sister has removed herself from the picture completely, and my mom makes a lot of excuses for her. The woman is 38 years old and we all still are supposed to treat her like she''s a fragile teen. I''m more upset for my babies, as I feel that their aunts, uncles, great aunts, etc. don''t really care. Everyone did not act like this (with the exception of my sister) for the wedding, so who knows.
I don''t mean to sound selfish, I just am not feeling the family "bond" that I so very much want to feel for me and for the babies right now. I''m not the type of person to blast an email or make calls all about the babies or anything, cuz that feels selfish. But these are the first grandchildren on my side -- both my mom and dad''s families! It would be so nice (and maybe I''m being bratty here) to get an email or a text message or a smoke signal, "Congrats!" or even the more subtle, "Hope you''re feeling ok!"
I contrast this with my sisters-in-law and other in-laws who, while totally kookie (and some completely inappropriate) are so very excited about the babies. It''s not a constant barrage, but that whole side of the family has made contact...we''re talking about 100s of people. It''s reassuring.
End of rant -- sorry.

Anyway, lesse how you''re all doing...

Mrssalvo -- the clock is ticking...I hope everything works out as you wish it to. You must be so ready!
Lili -- Where are you hon? Are you holding a newborn right now?
Curly -- I''m so sorry your Lily is ill -- maybe the baby is giving you a break so you can tend to her?
Jas12 -- I''m rooting for you! LOL at the diamond ****.
Tgal -- still sending lotsa positive vibes your way!
Janine -- no morning sickness here, either. I''m all for celebrating it!
Burk -- I''m sorry lil'' Tayva is ill...I hope she gets well soon!
Jen -- I would not expect the U/S unless you are getting the nuchal fold test...but that''s just my schedule.
Hi Tacori!

I''m making dirty rice tonight (sounds so naughty, doesn''t it?) and we''re picking up a quart of Baskin Robbins Cookies and''s a whole lot of useless calories and I can''t wait!

Have a wonderful night, all!
Your nurse does sound strange. Sorry that more of your family hasn't been into your pregnancy. Sometimes it is too abstract for some people. My DH was like that. I know he'll be different with the next one (since he sees how wonderful being a dad is).

Enjoy those calories!

ETA: Tessa has just started to notice the cats. She will reach out to pet them or follow them with her eyes. It is so cute.
Morning everyone (well, it is where I am

TGal, how did you appointment go with the paediatrician? Looking forward to your birth story!

MrsS, bummer about the false alarm. Sounds like Jake isn''t going to wait around to be induced though! Good luck for today and I hope you have a chance to get a little rest!

Lili, come out, come out whereever you are! Hope you are well and resting whether you are busy with pre-baby stuff or BABY stuff!!

Jas12, I totally agree with the others-you look great and not overdue. Good luck for your appointment!
I really hope you can get some decent sleep in the next little while-I really feel for you with the false alarms! Hee on the magazine stroking-I totally do that!

Curly, this is my first so I''m panicking over everything. I read that morning sickness can just disappear overnight and frequently does early in the 2nd trimester-which is where you are, right? I had a great day yesterday with energy levels so rushed around, but thinking in the back of my mind ''Oh no, maybe I''ve had a missed miscarriage''. Then last night cooking dinner for DH it was back with a vengeance soooo..... I think if you have the other signs there is probably nothing to worry about-of course you can always make and appointment to see the dr. Great tip on the nappies too btw-I am stocking up any and all information on explosive poo-ing! I hope Lily is better soon!

Janine, yay for another ultrasound coming up! I''m interested to hear when you tell work as that is something I have to think about.

Burk, I hope Tayva is better soon! What a lovely name too, btw-this may have already been asked but what is the origin of it?

Jackiejas, your nuse sounds like a character
. I cannot imagine any social context where I would comment on the size of another woman''s breasts! I''m so sorry that your family has been unsupportive. That would be so hard.
Have you talked to your mum about it at least? I don''t think it''s selfish to say ''Hey, I''m really feeling a bit let down that no one''s asked me how I am or for results of the ultrasound etc.'' Also, after the 20week u/s have you considered taking some photos to show family? That might make it a bit more real. So sorry you are having a tough time!

Hey Tacori! Hope you had a good weekend!

Eph, snlee, LIA and fellow 1st trimesters-hope you are doing well out there!

One little yay from me-I have been waking up at least 2-3 times a night for *ahem* various reasons. The last two nights I have only woken up once! Hooray for sleep!
Jas, your nurse sounds a little wacko. Commenting on the size of your breasts and your "glorious" urine is just weird. I''m sorry your family is not being more supportive.

I had my appointment this afternoon. I didn''t think the nurse practitioner would do another u/s today, but she did. She showed me the baby was sucking its thumb -- sorry DH missed that one. I don''t know why I am always worried something will be wrong when I go in. The u/s is so reassuring.

I am thinking about telling my managing partner and department chair tomorrow. I had to decline attending a meeting today because of "medical tests." It would probably be easier to just tell them what is going on so they don''t keep wondering why I am am taking time off.
Wow, "glorious" urine? What in the world? Maybe she''s just so positive that everything (and I mean everything!) makes her want to proclaim how great stuff is. Hmm. Interesting, indeed!

At least you and your hubby got a good chuckle out of the visit! :)
That nurse needs a break if she''s calling urine glorious, hehe.

Good luck tomorrow MrsS!!! You''ll be holding sweet baby Jake soon!!

Hi everyone! back from florida (finally) and glad to see this thread is hopping as usual. i''m doing ok, just SO exhausted from the travel and my official christening of 3 different airports last night. argh, nausea/vomiting is SO not fun!!!

here is my attempt to catch up:

qtiekiki: how are you cousin''s babies doing? i hope they''re ok. what a scary thing to go through

tgal: cannot wait to hear your full birth story. i think you''re amazing with your positive attitude and sense of humor. toxemia is never a good thing. when i did my ob/gyn rotations in medical school (i''m finishing my derm residency and GOSH do i wish now that i had paid more attention to ob then!!), i remember that preeclampsia/eclampsia was one of a very few things that REALLY made the docs run fast!!! thank goodness you and amelia are ok. hope that the recovery is going ok, and that the little one is gaining some of that weight back!

Jas: your photos are BEAUTIFUL. you look amazing...they should be in a magazine or something! oh, and yes, we definitely have similar taste in rings, huh ? :) i love it! hoping NOT to see you on here soon!

diamondfan: the name lia really is pretty isn''t it?? my husband is really into biblical names (not necessarily my favorite), so he''d prob be ok with leah, but somehow i don''t think that''s quite as nice....

tacori: your daughter is SO beautiful. i love hearing the updates. i also want to say that i LOVED hearing about your pregnancy. like you (and mrs salvo) i am on the small side (about 5''1 and 105 lbs). i cannnot imagine gaining all this weight. it made me feel SO much better that you were in mat clothes by 8 weeks. i''m pushing 9 now and i had to break out the bella band today (not showing obviously, but soooo bloated)!!! so scary to imagine what''s going to happen in a few months. esp when i hear that ephemery isn''t showing at all yet (so jealous, btw)!!

ella: your babies are so cute too (or should i say two?)! and you''re so funny about my nickname. don''t even ask where lover in athens comes from. i''ve never even BEEN to athens! when DH and i were ring shopping we happened across this website and wanted to take advantage of all the expertise here with some questions. he signed me up (don''t ask me why he picked that name!).

kay: quick question for you: i noticed that you mentioned your 11 week u/s. was that the first trimester nuchal translucency test for downs? if so, how did it go? i THINK we''re going to do it, but still deciding for sure...

curly: i''m SO sorry that lily is sick. what a great idea with the diaper thingies though. something else to add to my notes! and good luck with the amnio on wednesday!

janine: i can''t believe your willpower! i let it slip at work right away. i am SO bad at keeping secrets about myself (but surprisingly good with other people''s!). whatever you decide, i''m sure it will be the right decision.

burk: i am so sorry to hear that tayva is sick too. must be so hard to go through (for everyone!!). btw, i also LOVE the name tayva. so beautiful. IF we have a girl, we are kind of considering tova (or tovah)...kind of similar...

jen: i hope you get an u/s tomorrow! good luck. let us know how everything is going.

jackiejas: what a CRAZY nurse. seriously, you have to wonder how these people end up in healthcare. i always try to joke around with my patients...but i definitely think there is a line that you can''t cross. and scary thing is...sounds like she might not even have been joking!!!

kay: how amazing to see the little one sucking its thumb. what a beautiful picture. i wish your husband could have been there!

gemma: yay for only 1 awakening in the night! my husband and i only get to see each other on the weekends (long story) so when we were together this past week in florida he was shocked (and definitely more than a little annoyed) with me getting up multiple times in the night!!

mrs s: can''t wait for tomorrow''s update! hope you get a GREAT night''s sleep tonight (or hope everything is going well if you''re at the hospital already!!)

where is lili?????

ok, this post is rapidly getting out of hand. i better stop. i apologize if i forgot anyone and anything too exciting! and for my rambling. and for any blatant grammatical or spelling errors... i am SOOO tired (pretty much my excuse for everything these days!)... it''s only 7 but it''s bedtime for me. unfortunately i have a bit of studying to do for tomorrow. UGH UGH UGH.

Gemma, I did have a nice weekend. Thanks for asking. I hung out with my neighbor with 10 week old twin boys (and a 3.5 year old son) and felt SO much better about my life
She is doing an awesome job but I was overwhelmed for sure.

LIA, thanks. I think Tessa is pretty special myself. She is such a pretty girl. Her smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen (bias opinion obviously) she crinkles her is so cute. I was just thinking today how lucky I am. Yes, this is hard and tiring but so rewarding. Every giggle I hear, or smile, or the way her eyes light up, it just makes everything worth it. As for being 105 lbs....don''t think I have been that since high school
My GOAL weight isn''t even that low! You are tiny. I didn''t look preggo for awhile just really bloated. It is a horrible stage and I PROMISE it will get better. My stomach almost looked fake b/c it was so large and round. But don''t worry. Our bodies are amazing and WILL make room for your baby in there.
Good luck tomorrow MrsS! You'll be holding Jake very soon. Yay!

lili, thinking about you!

TGal, thinking of you and Amelia too!

jas, I'm sorry your family isn't into your pregnancy. They are probably all very excited for you. It just becomes more real when the babies are here! Your nurse sounds odd. Especially commenting about your boobs. Come on! And glorious urine. Oh...I have my own story about pee comments. Last prenatal appointment, the nurse commented on my pee. Right when she came in one of the first comments she said was, "That's the best looking pee I've seen all day! You get the best pee award." I just met the woman too. But I just laughed cause it was pretty funny. I do like her. At least she has a sense of humor. I wouldn't want her commenting about my boobs though!

Curly, I'm sure your morning sickness being gone is all normal since you're into your 2nd trimester. It's a good thing...hooray! I can't wait! Hope Lily feels better soon!

Burk, hope Tayva feels better soon!

Jas12, lol at the diamond ****. That is funny.

Gemma, hooray for a good nights sleep! Any night I sleep through is heaven! I love my sleep!
snlee and jackiejas:
what is UP with nurses and urine?!?! so funny. i guess it''s better than bad urine??

and for what it''s one has EVER commented on my breasts (um...what breasts?? still waiting for that pregnancy bonus to kick in. every weekend i ask DH, "do they look bigger at ALL??" the answer has been a resounding no....)
Date: 4/7/2008 10:31:01 PM
Author: lover in athens

and for what it''s one has EVER commented on my breasts (um...what breasts?? still waiting for that pregnancy bonus to kick in. every weekend i ask DH, ''do they look bigger at ALL??'' the answer has been a resounding no....)
LOL! Me too!
MrsS--you have probably gone to bed, but i just want to wish you a safe, happy, speedy delivery of baby Jake!!!! Just a few hours now......we''ll all be thinking of you!

Thanks all for the nice comments on the photos everyone

Jas--what a bummer about your family, that would be very upsetting. Maybe as you start to show more and/or the twins arrive things will change--if they don''t you need to surround yourself with the ppl who really support you. A few of my friends have really surprised me in their excitment and support over the past months, and others sadly i haven''t heard a peep from--it speaks volumes. Not that you expect ppl to go giddy on you, buy baby clothes and call you each week or anything--but a phone call and some interest in how things are going is all it takes.

Lili--where are you, you know what we are all thinking when you don''t check in with us

I am taking my crampy, fully preggo belly to bed...again...*sigh*
Oh Jas, I hope you go soon! How frustrating!

MrsS, I''m thinking of you. Good luck tomorrow!

Lili, I hope you are having that baby!
Date: 4/7/2008 10:33:17 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 4/7/2008 10:31:01 PM
Author: lover in athens

and for what it's one has EVER commented on my breasts (um...what breasts?? still waiting for that pregnancy bonus to kick in. every weekend i ask DH, 'do they look bigger at ALL??' the answer has been a resounding no....)
LOL! Me too!
Me three!! Mine are MAYBE a bit fuller, but definitely not noticeable to anyone other than me and DH. Well, my BFF commented too... haha. But I'm still wearing the same bras without a problem. And LIA, I'm jealous that you're showing early!! I'll trade you my flat belly for your round one.
Mine does get a bit rounder by the end of the day... but it just looks like a little potbelly. DH thinks it's hilarious. I am very average height and build (5'5, 125lb) but with a long torso, so who knows when I'll really start showing.....

Curly, I'm jealous that your morning sickness is gone!
Although I can't imagine feeling like this with a little one already at home... all you 2nd/3rd/4th-time mommies are my heroes.
Curly, I loved those doublers but now cannot find them, a friend of mine remembered them and asked me and she has yet to see them in a store any more. I used to clean the shelves out when they actually came in to the drug store.

I hope all is well with all you guys...laboring, just showing, just having had thoughts are with all of you and hoping you all feel well!
MrsS - Good luck tomorrow.

Jas - You look really good. I love both of the pics. The first one is so peaceful and the second is just too cute.

Curly - Hope Lily feel better soon. Thanks for the tip on diaper doublers; I am sure it'll come in handy. Good luck at the amnio.

janine - Tell whenever you are comfortable. DH wanted me to tell my boss (now ex-boss) right away, but I just want to make sure everything is fine. So I ended up waiting til the 2nd tri. I still was hesitant to tell then, but I figure I better tell before I started showing.

Burk - So what did the dr. say about Tayva? Hope she feel better soon.

jackiejas - The nurse sounds so weird. I am sorry that your family aren't more excited about your baby. Maybe it hasn't really hit them yet.

Gemma - Yay for getting up only one time.

Kay - Did you get squeeze in for the NT scan? You saw your baby sucking its thumb... how cute.

LIA - I haven't heard much about the twins. Just that they haven't been moving in the incub. bed.
On boobs - No one ever beside DH mentioned anything about my boobs until last Sat when I went to lunch with my friend. She was like, "OMG, your boobs are huge." It's funny but I didn't felt weird. I was actually thinking "oh finally someone noticed."

ephemery1 - You will get the round belly you want. I was kind of frustrated during that stage because I felt fat, but then it was almost like overnight that I got a baby belly.

lili - Are you in labor?
LIA, I have not had the NT scan yet. My 11 week u/s was because that was my first appointment and they needed to estimate the gestational age before I could schedule amnio. They didn''t mention the NT scan to me as an option then, and I didn''t know to ask.

Qtiekiki, the nurse pushed through the authorization paperwork for my NT scan since it needs to be done in the next week. She said if the perio dept does not call me to schedule by tomorrow, I should call them.
Jas, thanks...I spit my wine all down my front from reading your run-in with your nurse. OMG..."glorious urine" and she noticed your breasts? OMG OMG OMG. I would have DIED. What a freakin'' WEIRDO! I''d have complained!

Mrs.S: Good luck & I hope you have an easy time tomorrow! I''ll be thinking of you and little Jake. I''m soo happy for you, Jake''s rock btw. Hunky lil'' fellas!

Tacori: go check the hangout thread.....I''m posting a Q that you might know we have a pressie yet?

Lili: where are you?

Kay: oh 1st trimester...I didn''t like mine. But I was putting together pictures in a folder on my laptop (graduated to digital scrapbooking...much easier...seeing as I"m only on month 11 for my son...who''s 3...oy) but I saw my 1st tri belly and was surprised at how small it looked...I felt so...flabby and fat. That belly gets there soon. hoo boy.

Ok..I have to get back to scrappin'' poor daughter will have no record of her life otherwise!