
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

He''s sooooo cute!! The girl''s must be in heaven with their little brother!!
Oh he is so cute, well done MrsSalvo, you have a beautiful family!!!!!!!
Wowzers Mrs. Salvo -- Quite the story! You have beautiful children and I am glad you are in recovery! Congratulations!

And thank you for your kind words!

I am currently baking your red velvet cupcakes in your honor (oh, ok, I just wanted to try them)
oooh, Mrs. S, Jake is just precious. Absolutely lovely. Congrats!
Congrats, Mrs.S!!! What a lovely little man you have there - as a mommy to a little boy, I think it is the greatest thing in the world. And the clothes are sooooo cute!!!

You labour story sounded great, although it sounds like you got a little more "sensation" than you wanted! The good thing is no tearing/stitches, and a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.
MrsS~What a beautiful little man you have and his big sisters look like they are loving him! Sorry your epi wore off....but sounds like you were a champ!
Morning ladies!

Thanks all again for your lovely compliments about Amelia. She''s blushing. (Actually she is probably red from breastfeeding...her face looks like she has a red mustache/beard when she''s done!)

Little booger (I''ve decided that''s a more fitting name than TTot or Amelia) was up a bit last night because she slept ALL day yesterday. I just knew that was going to happen. Boy am I sleep deprived but got a couple of hours this morning so I feel much better. Before I had the little booger, I don''t think I could have survived on this little sleep, but now I am just amazed.

Kay, as curlygirl said, the amnio is probably a 2 out of 10 on the scale for pain/discomfort and a full 10 out of 10 for mental ICK factor. It truly is not bad at all. Just relax. You''ll feel maybe some cramping when they pull the needle out, but if you are relaxed like Curlygirl, the discomfort should be minimal. I didn''t expect the cramping at all, so I tensed up, making it worse.

Curlygirl, so glad your amnio went well! (Did I say that already? I think I''m delirious...)

Jen and Kay, love the u/s pics! Kay, I have one of TTot that is nearly IDENTICAL to the one of your baby. Trippy!

Jas, I hope you are doing better today! I can only imagine how sore you must feel. Did you really WALK across the street or did they wheel you? So excited to hear your story and see pics!

MrsS, WOW...what a story. You are so right...we are all proof that things will go the way they want to go during L&D and not always the way we planned. You''re a trooper! See, you could totally go natural. Hahaha. Jake is such a cutie and I have told you before that your girls are just stunning. I have to say, the first thing I thought of when I saw your boy was "He seems small for a 9 lb baby!" which of course is the same thing I thought upon seeing Amelia. Hehehe.

Well, things are good around here. Every day is different. I''m not normally one to share not so hot news, but yesterday was a tad stressful. My mom went to the hospital via ambulance because she was having difficulty breathing. She has been sick for two weeks and is TOTALLY stressed out about not being able to take care of me and hold her granddaughter. I keep telling her she needs to rest and that I am strong!

I went to the hospital because her senior residence home called me and she was SO upset! She was afraid that I''d catch something. She really needs to chill out. I managed to calm her down and talk to the doc, who said all looked good and that they could send her home. After that, I promised her I would stay away from the hospital if it made her feel better. Well, when it rains it pours because not more than an hour later after I left, my brother calls me to tells me that my dad was admitted to the same hospital (he''s in a nursing/care home because my mom could not take care of him anymore). To show you that my weird sense of humor runs in the family, when the doctor saw my brother again after talking to him about my mom and asked what he was doing back, my brother said the hospital was having a 2 for 1 special and that he decided to throw my dad in the ER too.

My dad''s situation is more critical. Blood in the brain and he could die today or it could drain out and he could be OK. He''s really sick anyway (diabetic) so it''s only a matter of time. My brother and I sat last night and discussed resuscitation issues and what not for him. I am hormonal and couldn''t stop crying because my dad has not seen his granddaughter yet (I was advised not to take her to the germ ridden nursing home) and I really just want him to lay eyes on her before he leaves this world.

The hospital is actually a better environment as he is in ICU and there are not many patients up there today so after TTot''s noon feed, I am going to bathe her and take her to see her grandpa! Hopefully he will be awake and aware!
TGal, I am so sorry about your mom and dad. I hope he''s awake and aware when you visit this afternoon so he can see his beautiful granddaughter. There are never the right words for something so difficult.
Oh TGal I hope all works out ok with your father. A million wishes from me that he gets to see beautiful Amelia.

All the PS babies are so cute. I keep checking to see more pictures. I told FI yesterday, hmmm...all the PS ladies are having babies and maybe we should jump on the bandwagon. He was like, ""
MrsS -- Jake is fabulous and what a great delivery story you had!! You are a very lucky girl not to tear during all of that!! Looking forward to seeing many more pics of that precious little guy

TGal -- I am SO sorry you are having to go through all of this, especially during such a transitional time in your life. I''m really glad you are able to take Amelia up to the hospital today to see you dad. We all know how strong you are, but you know, too, that we''re all here to listen when you need us...I hope your day gets better!

MrsS, congrats again! Jake is so adorable! He looks big to me. The picture of him with his big sisters is so cute!

TGal, I am so so sorry to hear about your father. I hope he gets better so he can see his beautiful granddaughter.
thanks gals for all the comments. he really is such a sweet little guy. it''s funny having a baby in the house again. my dog gets the curious "what''s that" look whenever jake makes a sound.

tgal- wow, what a day for you!! sending prayers your way for both your mom and dad. i think it''s great you''re taking amelia to see him, i''d do the same thing.
Tgal, sometimes sharing the not-so-hot news here helps us put on our game face and do what needs to be done IRL. Sending lots of hugs to you and the Lil Booger. (love it!)

Mrssalvo -- I love your description of how the dog reacts to Jake.

Are you both feeling better (physically)?
TGal am so sorry. I''m glad you are taking Amelia to see him in the hospital. Sending prayers to your whole family.
Tgal, I am also sending hugs and lots of prayers to you and your family.
MrsS - You are a trooper. You could''ve totally went natural. Jake is a cutie. The girls are adorable holding Jake.

Tgal - So sorry about your mom and dad. Hope they get well soon.

I went for a 2 miles walk around the track today while DH was ranging. I really need to get on it and walk more.
Tgal, I will be sending out prayers for you and your family.
MrsS~ He''s adorable!!! Congratulations! You have a gorgeous family, you really really do!!

TGAl~ I am so sorry to read about your parents. I can''t imagine worse timing for you... My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now. Thank God you are so strong! **Hugs**
mrssalvo, what a story!!!! You are a survivor--you can say you pushed him out without an epidural! Jake is absolutely gorgeous and I love the photo with his big sisters. Too cute!!!!! I''m so impressed that you had no tearing either. You''re going to be back to your teeny self in no time. I''m so happy for you!!

TGal, I am so, so, so sorry for everything you are going through with your parents. I can''t even imagine dealing with all of that on top of taking care of a newborn, especially with all the hormones and sleep deprivation but as always, you sound calm and rational. And it''s ok to break down every now and then--you have so much on your plate. I hope Amelia''s visit with Grandpa went well. I''m sending tons of prayers and positive thoughts your way. I wish we had a "hug" icon on here.

Thank you all so much for the L name suggestions! I''ll be back soon to respond to each of you and let you know what direction we''re leaning in!
Oh my goodness, Mrs.S, all three of your kiddos are gorgeous!!

Congratulations on the new baby boy. He''s a cutie pie, indeed!!
WOW - a baby boom on PS!


I know I''ve been MIA lately but things have just been so busy for me the past two weeks. Major computer problems at work and lots of family stuff going on - nothing bad - just a bunch of stuff in general. My SIL went to the hospital yesterday but no news yet if there is a new baby here. We''re all hoping for the phone call any minute. She is 3 days past due if she delivers today. This is baby #4 for she and her husband.

Had an OB appt. today and everything is great. I''m up to 131 pounds so that''s about 21pounds total gain so far. Doc says I look really good and am right on track. He scheduled a u/s for next friday so we can get a peek at our little one
I also have to take my GD test sometime in the next two weeks so I''m not really looking forward to that. I''ve only heard bad things about it so I''m a bit apprehensive about taking it.

Hope our new mommies are doing well and thank you all so much for the pics - such cuties!

AHHHHHH--too much to catch up on !!!! I can''t read everything now--b/c its nap time or PS time and I need a little nap!

First off--congrats to Mrs.S, Lili and Tgal once again--can u believe i was the LAST to deliver of the group!
--we have diamond babies, and the pics are gorgeous--i''ll post one of my own soon--i promise!
second--Charlie apologizes if he sent the same msg 3 times--he didn''t know how to get to pg 200 on here to check if it was sent--he was a little sleep deprived as well--so he thinks it got posted 3 x (i didn''t check) so sorry.''s the story

A day shy of 42 weeks i was feeling overwhelming emotions when i got up in the morning. I really felt desperate to have the baby and although totally in faith that my body would know when it would happen, the constant phone calls, emails etc. were making me a wreck. I went for my NST that morning and even the nurse was shocked i didn''t want to induce at that point. I went home and ate almost a whole fresh pineapple (someone told me to try that) and went for an hour long walk. Near the end of my walk i got a sharp pain and i waddled home. At around 6pm that night i decided i needed to bake some coconut bars to distract myself (DH was at a hockey pool ''meeting'' with friends) and while he was out i felt my water break. My first thought was "the PS gals are NOT going to believe this!" , my second thought--shows where my priorities lie ---was" shit, now i really have to go on antibiotics for strep b. I have a ''risk factor'' (just this week my dr. suggested i not take the drugs unless a risk factor arose)
sure enough i was now the 10% with early broken waters. I called DH and told him not to rush home, no labor yet, but to be on call. I was leaking like crazy but finished my baking (which is still in the fridge) and tidied the house.

Now i know that broken water should mean ''go to hospital'' esp when GBS positive, but i knew that would mean a timeline to deliver. I realllllly did not want to be placed on time line and since the AF was clear and i was feeling good i decided to stay put at home till labor kicked in. I called the midwife who delivered me and asked for her opinion and she agreed--stay home till things get rolling. I was healthy, full term and nothing was going on.
By midnight what i *thought* were contractions were kickin in---they were painful, regular and consistent in intensity, but very manageable--i remember thinking, "boy, if this is it I can do it" was i naive. When these early labor contrax were around 5 mins apart we left for the hospital. At triage i got the disappointing news--80% effaced, but only 1 cm dilated and cervix very high......i had a looong way to go, and the clock was tick, tick, tickin

When DH wrote i had a "natural birth'' he should have said "vaginal'' without painkillers, b/c other than that there was nothing ''natural'' looking about it....
I was hooked up to a fetal monitor while in triage, and this would be the first of my loooong line of hospital interventions. this monitor, the same one that had broken down during my many NST tests that same week was giving ''strange readings''--apparently the baby''s HR was dipping with each contraction (tgal--sound familiar)? What did this mean i wanted to know?
The OB on call came in (not my own. He was cold, calculated and not positive. He had with him a young intern and proceeded to overwhelm me with a 1/2 hour lecture of what could go wrong with the birth and quizzed the intern during his speech. In short i had a choice: A) take a small dose of induction drug (can''t recall the name) to kick-start more active labor, hoping that it would result in a vag. birth by the end of the 12 hr ''time limit'', all the while monitoring the baby to ensure he/she could handle the stronger contrax that would ensue or B) let things progress naturally, but risk c-section later that day if i was not ''progressing'' and b/c the HR was dipping it could indicate a cord around the neck or abdomen and my loss of AF would make the cord pressure more dangerous and thus more risky, coupled with higher rate of possible infection b/c water had broken or C) just "play it safe" and have a c-section by 3pm cuz there was an anaethiologist on call till 3pm

I could feel my chest tightening up, my labor almost stopped completely due to my adrenaline. I didn''t know what to do--the options were overwhelming. It was important for me to have a natural birth and this was looking like anything but. I wanted to do what was best for the baby and was tempted to "play it safe" but my gut told me that if i could just calm down and keep laboring we would both be fine. I decided to take the dose of induction drug and get to it. The nurses agreed that was the best sounding option.

Well, let me tell you--i felt contractions begin that will take me a while to erase from my memory. Once the OB was gone and my massage therapist got to work my body surrendered to full-on labor. the drip was stopped but i was still hooked to a fetal monitor, IV, HR monitor--a marionette like tgal described is a perfect analogy--not what i had anticipated. I labored in a trance-like state for about 8 hours with heavy contractions that were 4, then 3, then less than one minute apart. I rarely opened my eyes, spoke or talked to anyone. I remember the OB coming in and saying 3 anesthesiologists were in town that day and i could have an epidural--when i said no he asked "why would you want to be in pain?" Apparently i told him to "f*ck off".

Part way thru the labor the OB decided that the regular fetal monitor was not showing any signs of fetal distress (good, right?). Well he wasn''t sure the monitor was accurate enough and decided to place me on an internal scalp monitor (the one they screw on to the baby''s head). At that point i was so into the labor i didn''t care--what was one more strap on my cord-filled body. My mom later told me my DH came out crying in the hall--it looked like i was going to have open-heart surgery or something--not a baby. The monitor did not pick up any signs of distress and the baby was fine.

It was close to 5 pm and i had started heavy labor at 8am. At this point i thought i was going to die--the contractions were so strong my entire body would heave with each one and the noises coming out of me were primal. There was no break in b/w, i kept asking the nurse "how long could this go on for" cuz apparently my cervix was high and i was only about 5-6 cm dilated. I started to doubt myself--i wanted to give up. I didn''t see how contrax. so strong and so close could continue for much longer. But they did...

After a while the nurse suggested i pee b/c i had been in a rocking chair for several hours--i had 2 contrax on the way to the toilet and while sitting there i got the most powerful urge to push--i screamed at the nurse and she could tell by my expression i meant business. She quickly rushed me to the bed and did an exam. The news was not good--i was still only around 7ish cm and my cervix was VERY swollen. I heard her call for another nurse and they got me to go on all fours to relieve the pressure. I was told i couldn''t push and had to pant. Inside me i knew where this would lead, i could hear the nurses discussing options. I knew i had to dilate--i started picturing my cervix as a big neck of a sweater opening up. My next contractions were like a freight train--everyone was trying to get me to pant and not push, but it was completely impossible--my body took over. The head nurse came in and said something like "this baby is coming'' she turned me over, stuck her hand in and amazingly i dilated to 10!!
I was not told this but i could tell by the frenzy of activity that something was happening. I heard someone to tell the OB to come right away.

Finally i was allowed to push......ohh sweet relief. I was so happy to do something with my contractions. This was the best part of the labor. I just kept thinking about all the squats i did while preggo and how i needed it now. I opened my eyes and came out of my trance. I started to remember everything i read about bearing down, not using my face or voice (although animal sounds were coming out of me!) and i pushed for about 30 mins and Cohen was born
. He was perfectly healthy, 8.5 lbs and well baked (no signs of being post dates--he wasn''t dried out or anything)

During the pushing i told the OB "no episiotomy" and he laughed. Apparently he showed the young intern how to support the head to avoid a tear and she tried hard but i felt the extreme burning sensation and i knew i tore a little (second degree).

When my DH announced, "it''s a boy" i was in utter shock (still am). I really thought he was a girl, my intuition was so wrong. It actually took me a min to accept it. I pulled Cohen from b/w my legs and nursed him immediately and i didn''t know how i felt at first. I had pictured a little girl for 9 months and for my whole adult life actually--a boy was so foreign. I didn''t feel the immediate rush of love--more just awe and surprise.
I got stitched up, and it was a party like atmosphere in the room. The OB, who worked with my massage therapist joked around, we examined the placenta (kinda gross but fascinating) i nursed and sat with my mom and Charlie. All was good. Family came flooding in about an hour later.

The night in the hospital was fine, it was so good to be left alone and Cohen and I clicked, that mother luv came pouring in and i just could stop looking at him.
Cohen latched right away and so far no feeding issues. I am constantly changing poopy diapers so i guess that is good.

I was not prepared for how much blood i would loose after the birth--the first time i got up it poured out of me, left my bed looking like a murder scene. I am still heavily bleeding and my stitches are very uncomfortable, but apparently this is all normal. Birthing is certainly not a glamorous affair---i could have never guessed how messy it could be.

I was discharged by 8am the next morning, but had to stick around for blood work, so annoyingly we were there all day.

Our first night at home was exhausting, but Cohen has been perfect--he''s eating well and only cries when he''s poopy or hungry. I know that''ll change, but i am enjoying it while it lasts.

I am so sore and feel like i''ve had a bad workout at the gym--every muscle aches, but other than that, just fine.

As for the name change--my sister came up with it over Easter. After Canadian singer/song writer and poet Leonard Cohen (kind a long story why we liked it) since it was so close to Colin we did the switch (i had no real attachment to that name & thought it would be cool if my one sis had a say in the name and really--i didn;t think i would need the boy name cuz i was having a girl hehe

So that''s the story folks---sorry it''s a novel but we all like the details..

i''ll respond to all the other posts when i have time to read them
typing with one hand again so more later but...

chills!! i have chills! so happy for you jas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

awesome story...brb after beast is fed...
jas, holy crap! What a story!!!!!! Girl, you should be soooo proud of yourself. Even though you had a few interventions, you still did it pretty much the way you wanted and I give you all the credit in the world!!! I can not imagine doing all of that without pain relief. I''m so glad to hear that Cohen is doing well and I''m sure you will heal up in no time because you were in such great shape. It''ll be rough for a few days so don''t overdo it, just go with the flow and take care of your little man. Can''t wait to see photos. Congratulations, again!!!
Jas, you are the woman!!! Wow. Between you, TGal, and MrsS, I''m starting to feel like my birth story was totally lame and boring (no offense, babies). Seriously though, I''m wicked impressed by you and hope you know how awesome you are for sticking to your guns! Can''t wait to see the new love of your life

MrsS, Jake is one handsome little man! Such a cutie puss. That photo of your girls with him is just too cute!

TGal, I''m so sorry to hear about everything going on with your parents. Sending along good wishes that everything works out OK ...

Love all the new u/s photos, ladies!

Burk, jeez, poor little Tayva! And as a result, poor you and hubby! I totally feel your pain, since we''ve had a few rough nights with Gabe with the reflux, and it''s just exhausting and draining. Hope your little sweetie is feeling better soon!

Oh, Tacori, I was in the Gap today and got a onesie for Katelyn, and I was thinking about Tessa too when I bought it -- it''s pink, long sleeves, and says "little peanut" but the peanut is a peanut, not the word "peanut". It''s cute for our little peanut girlies.

Too tired to go back through the past few pages to reply to everyone now, so I''ll try to write more tomorrow! (For some reason I was awake from 2-6 am this morning, so I am just wiped out!)
Jas - That''s an amazing birth story. Doing it without painkillers. Can''t wait to see Cohen.
What a surpise!! Congratulations!!! Little Jake is adorable, and his sweet sisters look thrilled to be near him.

You are one brave Mom to deliver without painkillers! As always, I am in awe.

Again, congratulations to you and MrS!!
Me again, cohen just had his first bath--wailed thru it but he is quiet now...almost time to hit the hay for another sleepless night--ick

Just got a chance to look over the other posts
Poor Charlie really wanted to get that msg out to you guys eh? hehe--it was posted like 5 times. I need to show him how to PS next time

OMG what gorgeous babies!

Mrs.S. Jake is adorable, he is a big boy--can''t believe you got him out in 3 pushes esp since you are so tiny and he was so big! Amazing. Dani was right on guessing the weight eh?

Tgal--Amelia is so gorgeous. I think she looks like a perfect mix ( i have a "thing" for kids from mixed parents--i think they make the most beautiful ppl ever) Cohen doesn''t have any eye lashes or eyebrows either so he looks kind ''old manish''.
I can''t get over you birth story, when i read it i thought "scary, amazing, beautiful" I can''t believe you were out walking already with your BOB

Lili--as if you delivered before me! She is an angel, i knew you must have gone into labor a day or so before me b/c there was an absence of lili posts for a while! Hope you are doing well.
OK, back with two hands...

Jas, your story was just wonderful! I was all teary reading it...knowing how much you wanted a natural labor. How I can be so proud of someone I''ve never met? I am so thrilled it worked out for you and you have a great story to tell. I can''t wait to see Cohen! I actually can''t wait to see more photos of all the PS babies.

Well, you all know how excited I was to get my BOB. I only had a baby so I could use it.

Thanks all for the well wishes for my dad. I did walk to the hospital (with my much beloved BOB) and saw him. He was aware of things when he saw us and it took all I had not to cry as he just looked SO happy and awed at his grandchild. He can barely speak, but he breathed out the words "Happy. Good." when my brother asked how he felt looking at Amelia. He stared at her for 40 minutes or brother said it was the longest he had ever focused on anything in recent memory. He smiled, and I put her little fingers on his finger and his smile stretched even wider. It was wonderful.

More later, as I want to respond/comment on some other posts. TTot is napping, which means time for mommy to go down too!
Oh TGal,
I am tearing up reading your post. What a special moment your dad had with his beautiful grandaughter!! That''s so precious and sweet. I admire you. You have such an amazing inner strength. HUGS to you!! Sending my prayers to you, your Dad, your Mom and the entire T family.