
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Big congratulations to MrsS, TGal, Jas, and Lili!!!

MrsS -- What a great labor story! Sorry your epi ran out, but you should feel quite proud that you pushed (literally) through it.

Tgal -- What a harrowing experience! So glad you and the baby are okay. I ended up with an emergency c-section as well and I really think you have a great attitude about not feeling gypped. I am still struggling with feelings of regret and sadness about my c-section more than 17 months later. I had no expectations going in, so I'm kind of surprised by the intensity of my feelings about not having had a vaginal delivery. Anyway, wasn't it totally freaky being paralyzed from the chest down during the surgery? I almost had a panic attack not being able to move or feel my legs and torso. That was the worst part for me -- way worse than the recovery.

Sorry to hear the breastfeeding isn't going well. I'll never understand why something so natural is so damn hard! Have you consulted with a lactation consultant since leaving the hospital? I honestly don't think I would have been successful at breastfeeding had I not had lots of help in the first few days and weeks. The best advice I was given was simply to put baby to the breast as often as you can during these first few weeks (every 2 hours round the clock if possible). This is really the most effective way to establish your supply, much more so than pumping. I,too, was told to supplement in the first week because they didn't think my daughter was gaining fast enough (honestly, I sometimes wonder if doctors are a bit too obsessed with weight at the expense of the breastfeeding relationship). In my case, it almost derailed us completely. She refused the breast entirely until about 6 weeks post-partum when I'd simply had enough with the pumping. It was either get her to drink straight from the tap or I was done. Miraculously (or so it seemed), she suddenly took the breast and we're still going strong today. Anyway, I've had just about every breastfeeding problem known to womankind, so if I can answer any questions, feel free to ask (not that I'm an expert -- just had my fair share of breastfeeding misery). Good luck!

Jas -- What an amazing birth story! I think it's wonderful you had so much faith in your body and trusted that it would do what it needed to.

Lili -- look forward to hearing your story.

Congrats to everyone again!!

A few busy days at work and look at what I missed!!

First, the new babies-GORGEOUS! Oh my goodness, PS sure does have the best lookin bubbies around!

TGal, your story brought tears to my eyes-what an amazing story. Congratulations! I''m so glad you and Amelia are well and really hope your milk comes in. You are an inspiration going for a walk so soon after a birth like that!

Lili, Jadelyn is beautiful! Congratulations! Hope you are getting some rest!

MrsSalvo, Jake is such a cutie! Glad that you are recovering well and everything is settling down at home.

Jas, what an amazing story! Cohen is gorgeous and I love the photo of your DH with him!

This is totally not enough but I am at work (the dreaded night shift) and can''t take long. I''m sorry for the driveby!

Demelza, I''m sorry your still feeling guilt over the C/section 17 months later. It''s not something you have any control over and no one has a right to make you feel bad about it. The one thing that makes me
is how so many people seem to have opinions that make women feel bad about themselves when it comes to children-and that includes delivery!! Hugs honey I hope that it''s something that you can process and feel good about yourself that you nutured a gorgeous and healthy baby!

Tacori, where are you goin'', girl? I totally missed the travel announcement too!

Jackie, it really sounds to me like you are on track. Limited weight gain is BAD for babies-I know you know that. Hugs to you too honey, I''m so sorry you are having issues with others'' expectations.

Okay, I''m sorry I know I''ve missed a lot but I will be back! Another ultrasound for me tomorrow so yay-get to see the heartbeat again!
Sorry I am late in congrats. I was really sick the last few days and just started catching up.

A huge congrats to Lili, mrss and jas!!
I hope things are going well with all your little dumplings.

Wishing you all the best!
Hi all -- a quick thanks to those of you who addressed my weight gain...I am happy to put on the baby weight (it''s all belly and bbs) and am eating healthier than I have in my whole life. It''s just icky to hear my mom fret that I''m getting "fat" -- it''s her worst fear. As I mentioned, she''s struggled with anorexia/bulimia her whole life. Add to that the enmeshment issues she has, and apparently every pound I put on, she puts on mentally. She is aware of this and is trying her darndest not to say anything. But I feel the pull. My guess is I will put on about 45-50 pounds, which is fine. And even if I put on 55-60 pounds, that would be good too.

The squick factor of the day -- my MIL apparently has nothing to do but count. She figured out we conceived while borrowing her home in Florida over the Christmas holiday. She now is emailing me telling me to name the babies after the vacation spot.


Happy Sunday to all...

Snlee -- so glad about the m/s!

More later...we''re prepping for kitchen/bath renovation and I am clearing out house!
Hey ladies

I hope to respond more later today

Thanks for everyone''s suggestions--you are all right, just showering and getting dressed helps--We had a MUCH better night last night. Cohen only woke for feedings and i was able to get a few hours of sleep in. Charlie is feeling much better so we are back on track.
My sister finally got to see the baby (her partner just had major kidney surgery on the day i went into labor) she''ll be a great auntie!

My milk came in yesterday afternoon! Wow, i got an instant boob job! Now i am a massive large B cup--haha (wish they would stay this size. I''ve got a year to live it up with these girls.

BF question--Cohen is feeding about every 1.5-2 hours and when i latch him he opens really wide and seems to get a lot of the areola in but i am still sore--not pain, but really tender and i am afraid it''ll get worse. Does it just take time to get used to the sensation or should it be comfortable from day 1??
Jas -- I loved your birth story and can''t believe you went through all of that with no pain releif -- amazing! Cohen is gorgeous, of course! I got a tube of "purelan" from the hospital after i had my first ds and requested it each of the next two times b/c it really helped the nips a lot. I know you can get it over the counter and it''s natural, won''t hurt cohen in the least. hope that helps!

MrsS -- heehee...i like the name "squirter" :) OK, so next time you take the diaper off, have a small washcloth or burpcloth on standby where you change him....put that over squirter immediately and then proceed to clean... it helps not having his little manhood so suddenly exposed to the cold and you will get peed on less often. First diaper i EVER changed was my first ds and he peed on me right away :) The nurse at the hospital showed me the "trick" ;)

Kay -- congrats on losing your m/s!!!

Hope the rest of you are having a good sunday :)

Tgal--just got a chance to go back and read some old posts--my heart broke again when i realized how critical your dad''s situation is/was and how much it must have meant for you to introduce Amelia to him.
How is BF going now? Did the beer work? ppl have suggested that to me as well, but my milk came in early. I am dealing with soreness so i am getting the lactation consultant to come check his latch tomorrow, but he eats like a trooper and is going thru diapers like crazy so i know he''s probably just torturing me in the process. Tricky business this breast stuff.

Had so many visitors today--i am pooped. It''s both wonderful and a challenge having two sets of grandparents/great grand parents in the city!

Mrs.S, Lili, how are you moms doing?

Preggies--luv the ultrasound pics and glad to hear some of you are loosing the MS!! We need belly shots ladies! Even if you arn''t showing too much--we''ll watch you all grow over the next months it''s fun to look back.

Off for a little walk--i am dying to cruise with the bugaboo
Date: 4/13/2008 10:25:35 AM
Author: Jas12

BF question--Cohen is feeding about every 1.5-2 hours and when i latch him he opens really wide and seems to get a lot of the areola in but i am still sore--not pain, but really tender and i am afraid it''ll get worse. Does it just take time to get used to the sensation or should it be comfortable from day 1??

Is it uncomfortable the whole time he feeds or just for the first minute or so until your milk lets down? I definitely had very sore nipples, but my daughter had a really funky latch (she still does actually). You said your son is having lots of wet and poopy diapers, so you know he''s getting enough milk. That''s awesome not to have to worry about that! All the "experts" say that breastfeeding shouldn''t be at all painful if done properly, but it seems logical that the first few days might be uncomfortable. I remember reading something from Dr Sears who said that the first few days might be a bit uncomfortable because the breast tissue is stretching, but that this pulling sensation should only last a few days. If the discomfort persists, he said, it''s probably a latch issue. Have you tried using Lansinoh?

Oh, just saw that you''re having an LC visit you tomorrow. Perfect!

Enjoy your Bugaboo. We have one too. Which color did you get?
Demelza, Ella, thanks for the BFing help. So far, nothing is working, but I am going to the doc for both myself and TTot on Tuesday and will ask about drugs then. But apparently the women in my family have a history of being unable to breastfeed. Only 1 out of 4 of my aunts have been able to do it. I feel no soreness or fullness in my boobs. They are bigger, but it seems there is no milk to come in. On a good pump, I can only get half an ounce out of both of them.
I also checked out those website, and I have to admit, I love the word galactagogue too!

Jas12, thanks for the sympathies. Even though my chin is up, all this stress can''t be helping my milk supply! Although as I said before, my bro and I were raised on formula and we turned out fine so I am not too too bummed if this doesn''t work out. I read that "in rare cases" a mother''s milk doesn''t come in. It''s nice to know that I made the perfect preggo, but so far I''m biologically a not so perfect mama!

As for soreness...TTot had a good latch from the beginning (the problem is me, not her, apparently!) However, I still was definitely sore. Not so sore that it killed when I fed her, but just a general discomfort. That went away after a couple of days and now I barely bat an eye when she latches...and she no longer latches correctly all the time either due to laziness from being spoiled from the SNS (so I can only imagine what a bottle nipple would do to her). However definitely call the lact consultant...getting help is good for the confidence, which helps all us new moms!!!

And enjoy your bugaboo. After months of staring at my empty BOB, it was so fun to take her for a walk in it. We''re sick stroller fetishists!!!

Demelza, I am sorry you still regret your delivery. I can understand that to a degree. I went in with an open mind for my L&D so I am OK with that, but I ALWAYS thought I would be able to BF and I am already feeling some major pangs of regret that I will probably not be able to do this for the next few months. As for c-section numbness...funny, I didn''t feel numb until I was in the recovery room. I know I was numb and all, but I think I was too excited about the impending birth FINALLY to notice!

Gemma, thanks! Have fun at the u/s tomorrow!

Burke, thank goodness Tavya is better! About the advice would be to find someone you are comfortable with. It IS your kid and you have to feel good about your doc.
Just a quick drive-by to wish all the new PS Mamas a huge congrats! Too fitting that there''s an April baby boom here on PS. Here''s to all the "sparkling" babies!
ok ladies, I have a question. How long did it take to lose the "baby fat"?

it''s been two months since I delivered baby B. and it''s like everywhere I turn people are asking me when am I going to start to lose that weight. Especially everytime my mom see me the first thing pop out of her mouth is "you should go exercise, or you should start eating less" comments like that. which is really frustrating to hear, I''ve gain total of 40 lb. and already lost 20 lb. not with diet or exercise but simply by taking care the baby.

I know I used to be skinny and I will love to go back to that. I realized it took 10 months to gain all that weight but hearing thoes comments all day long made me have to keep reminding my self that and not go into some kind of crazy diet.
hi all,

quick check in and then i've got to get some sleep. love catching up on everyone's stories though.

jas12- i''m still a little sore when jake first latches, not painful, but tender. it does eventually go away but it's not painless from day one and can take a few weeks to toughen up so you really don't feel anything. that's how it works for me anyway. glad cohen is doing so great though and you too.

tgal- my mom couldn't nurse me, same lack of milk production issues. i hope you can get it figured out though since i know it's something you really want to do.

dem- nice to see you check in over here

jen- hubby told me the washcloth tip too (he's got an 18 year old son and remember the squirter) it's funny though b/c hubby had Jake's squirter covered and the cloth fell to the side for one second and hubby got nailed

jake's got his first dr. appt in the morning.

will try to catch up more tomorrow!!

eTA: bobo, just saw your question. I didn't loose it all completely until after I quit nursing. my motto is it takes 9 months to put it on, i get 9 months to get it back off
Woo, long night.

TGal, I finally caught up on this thread-I''m so sorry to hear about your family. How''s your mum going? What a special moment for Amelia and your dad-you are in my thoughts and I hope that his health improves. So sorry to hear about that-what a tough time. I hope your milk comes in too-what did the LC say?

Jas, glad you got some sleep. Friends of mine have said that b/fding takes a while to get used to-the sensation even when the baby latches well can still be uncomfortable. Still, if it is tender, an LC may be able to offer some advice. I have def heard that it is NOT comfortable from day 1.

Oh these pics of gorgeous babies are just
. Tacori, I love the new avatar too btw. Go Delaney go!

Jackiejas, ewww. If my MIL came up with that, well.... ewwww......! Yay for you having a great attitude about the weight gain-I hope I can be as level headed. Society puts so much pressure on as well, you really don''t need that from your fam.

Ella, great advice-thanks for your tips on b/f I''ve saved them for a few months time!

Snlee, yay you for decreasing m/s! I hope the ''honeymoon'' trimester is exactly that for you!

Burk, I hope Tayva is better soon.

Bobo, my pg book says much the same as MrsS-9 months on, 9 months off, and the last couple of kg may be hard to lose until you stop b''fding.

I''m really sorry if I''ve missed something else-this thread moved so fast I can''t keep up-I guess the sleep deprivation is preparing me for down the track!

Had another u/s today (I''m considered slightly higher risk than normal for miscarriage-more on that later -so my dr is u/s me like krazeeeee) and saw the little bean with a great HR (140), good growth, good amniotic fluid etc. Dr sez: ''Couldn''t look better!'' and now my risk of m''c is less than 3%!!!

Very exciting. I''m now on the ''normal pregnancy'' program and will have my OB appointment at 10 weeks and a further u/s at 12 weeks and 17-18 weeks.
Date: 4/11/2008 1:41:57 PM

Author: TravelingGal

My dad's situation is more critical. Blood in the brain and he could die today or it could drain out and he could be OK. He's really sick anyway (diabetic) so it's only a matter of time. My brother and I sat last night and discussed resuscitation issues and what not for him. I am hormonal and couldn't stop crying because my dad has not seen his granddaughter yet (I was advised not to take her to the germ ridden nursing home) and I really just want him to lay eyes on her before he leaves this world.

The hospital is actually a better environment as he is in ICU and there are not many patients up there today so after TTot's noon feed, I am going to bathe her and take her to see her grandpa! Hopefully he will be awake and aware!

I have had very little computer time recently, and have not been able to keep up with births. Congratulations on the birth of Amelia, T-Gal. I am very sorry about your father's health, but glad that he got to see your baby as he did. I read in another of your postings that he was able to concentrate on being with her. I wish he were himself, but glad he can still see her.

My thoughts are with you.

Date: 4/11/2008 11:17:46 AM

Author: mrssalvo

So here''s my birth story. We arrived at the hospital at 6:15am to check in. it''s much better than when i went in during my false labor sunday night and they took me to the ''holding cell'' where they montitor you to see if you ''get'' to be admitted. this time they had to take me in
We were then sent to a waiting room until my room and nurse were ready. around 6:45 my nurse came and got us, introduced herself and took us to the room. I adored my nurse. So glad things worked out the way they did. She''s from upstate NY and she and hubby enjoyed quite the conversation centered around food (keep in mind i''d not eaten anything since dinner the night before and was pretty hungry myself)
. anyway, she checked me and I was dilated b/t a 3-4. she then hooked me up to the I.V right away and they started pitocin. My dr. wanted me to get into a good contraction pattern before the epi but once they were steady they said i could get my epi whenever i wanted. since my water wasn''t broken the contraction pain wasn''t strong at all. My nurse did offer to go ahead and said we can place the epi so when i was ready for the drugs it would be easy. I of course said ''lets do it.'' So around 9:00 I got a epi. the anesthesiologist was the same one who gave me my epi when i had Lili, how crazy is that? Anyway, he decided to put in a slow drip that would go about an hour and then it would kick in full force. My doctor came in to check me and I was still 3-4 so they increased the pitocin a bit. he had a sugery scheduled for 12:00 and decided that Murphy''s law would be that if they went ahead and broke my water, i''d be ready to deliver while he was in surgery so he said he''d wait until 11:30 or so and then that should get things moving for sure. So, the next couple of hours were pretty uneventful. My dr. then came back checked me, i was still 3-4cm and went ahead and broke my water. About an hour later I told my nurse I was feeling a lot of pressure during the contractions, it was tolerable but starting to hurt. She said we''d get some more meds, she just wanted to check me again first. Well, that''s where things went into superfast play. she checked me and said, your ready, she hit the call button and had my dr. paged, they started prepping the room. right then my sister stops by on her lunch break shocked to find me in delivery mode but excited to be able to be there. a nice little prep for her own upcoming deliver..hehe. anyway, it''s almost 1:15 and the pain was incredible, i also felt i was going to have a total Jenny McCarthy (pooping on the table) moment, that is how the feeling is when the baby is heading south and it HURT. next thing I know baby is crowning and it''s time to push. It was so incredibly painful, hard to describe really but it''s like a burning feeling. my dr. said he thinks they can get the baby out with no stiches/tearing if we take it slow. at this point i''m in tears and saying I just can''t do it and my hubby dr. and nurse were all soo great encouraging and pushing (pun intended) me on. So, 3 big pushes, a few little one''s and 15 minutes later Jake made his arrival. and the miracle of it all? dr. kept his goal, no tearing or stiches, which I must said makes a WORLD of difference recovering. Huge bonus of being baby number 3. I didn''t really understand about my epi wearing off until the anesthesiologist came in to take it out and said, you made it through on the one dose and my nurse said, ''well no, she needed a refill but by the time I called you and you would have got here it would have been too late.'' total ah-ha momement for me as to why it was so painful compared to my other delieveries. All in all my recovery has been great. very minimal cramping etc. which is wonderful. although i enjoyed some quiet rest time at the hospital it''s very nice to be home.

Congratulations on Jake''s birth, mrssalvo! I love the picture of him in the blue outfit and the one of him with his sisters. Your birth story was wonderful. One of my closest friends had hated being cut and stitched during the birth of her first child, but the second one came too quickly for any of that to be done. Unlike you, however, she tore. That, she said, was worse. That second baby who came so quickly is my godson, now 26. ;-)

Jas12, big congrats!!! I loved your birth story. I remember at the beginning thinking it was "doable" - and then you get the real contractions!!!! I loved the part where you told the doc to "F*ck off!!" - I am a bit of a trash mouth (yes, not very lady like, but I am a lawyer in a man''s world, so its part of the drill), and I fully expected to tell someone off, but I didn''t.
Hang in there - the baby blues suck, and Diver''s words of advise are really good. Sleep deprivation can make you crazy, and combined with crazy hormones, it is really rough. It''s okay to cry and just try to take care of yourself. Hire a cleaner for the house, order pizza, and take it easy for at least a few weeks. If you ever need help, ask us. I know it can sometimes get lonely.
I had to share this from the new issue of Parenting Magazine -- it''s very timely for all our new mommies!!

Did you swear during delivery?
72% No (Sure you remember?)
28% Hell, yes! Jas!

50% of you worried that your water would break in public. (That happened to only 4% of you - phew!) Kayleigh!

74% of you who had c-sections are OK with the fact that you didn''t give birth vaginally. TGal!

63% of you say being a mom is harder than being pregnant and giving birth. (But isn''t it so worth it?)

Contractions or gas? 54% of you say you knew for certain you were in labor.

Your mood during labor and delivery:
Mostly even-tempered,with occasional lapses: 57%
The picture of calm: 19%
Drugged and dazed: 16%
Stark raving mad: 8%
I am so disappointed that I did not swear at someone during delivery! Actually, I was very complimentary - I told my doula she was the best thing ever. I did swear - something to the effect of "I need to f*cking push!!!".
Thanks Mrssalvo & Gemma12, that is what I keep telling people that keep asking me about my weight, and surprisingly most of them are women and had kids before. You would think they''ll understand...
Ella--luv those stats! Too funny
Re: swearing during labor
It''s weird b/c i am really not a potty mouth--i rarely, rarely ever swear, and it''s usually when i write things (like on PS or in emails) to get a point across....i don''t know if the OB really heard me or not--DH said that i was more under my breath (too bad) but at that point i was so heavily into close-together contractions that i thought it was rude that he would offer seeing as i was doing fine and managing with breathing and support and he knew my hope was to go without...pain certainly does strange things to one''s personality however--my birth coaches said i was making some pretty funny comments, i felt like i was in a trance for most of the birth so it''s all foggy to me.

Another Q: did anyone introduce the soother before 6 wks?--i know they say nipple confusion is possible, so i am wondering if i should. I don''t hink Cohen needs it right now, but i am just curious what ppl''s experiences have been in case i feel desperate.

Bobo--i think everyone is different with the weight issue--2 months is not long, give yourself some more time.
My FIL said to me 2 days ago "so what happens with this?" (as he gestures to my 5-month looking post-delivery belly)
since i know tact does not run on that side of the family i just explained that my uterus was still not the size of a pear and that it might never go back so deal with it
I loved reading those stats. If I were to give birth today, I would be one swearing woman, hehe.
Ella~funny statistics! Thanks for posting them.

Gemma~Hurray for another US!

RE Weight~women gain weight when they''re pregnant. It''s part of the deal. Some gain more than others, some lose faster than others. It''s frustrating but I would be big for life it that''s what I had to do to have my baby. Bobo~don''t you worry about losing it, it''ll come off in time. My SIL says "Nine months up, nine months down"

Jas~My lactation consultant told me not to, but I gave Tayva a pacifier (soother, binky, whatever you want to call it)before 6 weeks and she did fine going back and forth from binky to breast. I think that as long as Cohen already has a good latch and you use binky only when he needs to be soothed, then go for it.
I don''t believe nipple confusion is real (say is 10 times and try not to laugh - yes, nipple confusion???). Anyway, I gave Miller a bottle every day from day one, so I would have flexibility, and he would be used to it when he was weaned. We had no problems BFing. He hated the soother, so not an issue. I say go for it.
Date: 4/14/2008 1:56:30 PM
Author: LitigatorChick
I don''t believe nipple confusion is real (say is 10 times and try not to laugh - yes, nipple confusion???). Anyway, I gave Miller a bottle every day from day one, so I would have flexibility, and he would be used to it when he was weaned. We had no problems BFing. He hated the soother, so not an issue. I say go for it.

I respectfully disagree. I do believe that nipple confusion is real as it happened to us. I certainly don''t think that it happens to all children and it might not happen to Cohen, but the risk is there. If it were me, I would probably hold off on giving pacifiers or bottles (or any other artifcial device) until breastfeeding is very well established. You can always use your finger if you feel he needs comforting and your boobs need a break.
Date: 4/14/2008 2:17:47 PM
Author: Demelza

Date: 4/14/2008 1:56:30 PM
Author: LitigatorChick
I don''t believe nipple confusion is real (say is 10 times and try not to laugh - yes, nipple confusion???). Anyway, I gave Miller a bottle every day from day one, so I would have flexibility, and he would be used to it when he was weaned. We had no problems BFing. He hated the soother, so not an issue. I say go for it.

I respectfully disagree. I do believe that nipple confusion is real as it happened to us. I certainly don''t think that it happens to all children and it might not happen to Cohen, but the risk is there. If it were me, I would probably hold off on giving pacifiers or bottles (or any other artifcial device) until breastfeeding is very well established. You can always use your finger if you feel he needs comforting and your boobs need a break.
I hear that it is real. I can tell you right now that even using the SNS feeder is affecting TTot''s ability to latch on to the breast (or perhaps she''s just tired of sucking air there). I''ve read that if you want to use one, it may be best to hold off until the 3rd week. I also read that if you want to use a bottle, it''s good to introduce it by the 3rd week so they don''t reject it. Some babies don''t have nipple confusion at all, but I reckon it must exist for people to make recommendations about this stuff. Ask your have a two week appointment, yes?
Date: 4/13/2008 6:04:52 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Demelza, Ella, thanks for the BFing help. So far, nothing is working, but I am going to the doc for both myself and TTot on Tuesday and will ask about drugs then. But apparently the women in my family have a history of being unable to breastfeed. Only 1 out of 4 of my aunts have been able to do it. I feel no soreness or fullness in my boobs. They are bigger, but it seems there is no milk to come in. On a good pump, I can only get half an ounce out of both of them.
I also checked out those website, and I have to admit, I love the word galactagogue too!

Jas12, thanks for the sympathies. Even though my chin is up, all this stress can''t be helping my milk supply! Although as I said before, my bro and I were raised on formula and we turned out fine so I am not too too bummed if this doesn''t work out. I read that ''in rare cases'' a mother''s milk doesn''t come in. It''s nice to know that I made the perfect preggo, but so far I''m biologically a not so perfect mama!

As for soreness...TTot had a good latch from the beginning (the problem is me, not her, apparently!) However, I still was definitely sore. Not so sore that it killed when I fed her, but just a general discomfort. That went away after a couple of days and now I barely bat an eye when she latches...and she no longer latches correctly all the time either due to laziness from being spoiled from the SNS (so I can only imagine what a bottle nipple would do to her). However definitely call the lact consultant...getting help is good for the confidence, which helps all us new moms!!!

And enjoy your bugaboo. After months of staring at my empty BOB, it was so fun to take her for a walk in it. We''re sick stroller fetishists!!!

Demelza, I am sorry you still regret your delivery. I can understand that to a degree. I went in with an open mind for my L&D so I am OK with that, but I ALWAYS thought I would be able to BF and I am already feeling some major pangs of regret that I will probably not be able to do this for the next few months. As for c-section numbness...funny, I didn''t feel numb until I was in the recovery room. I know I was numb and all, but I think I was too excited about the impending birth FINALLY to notice!

Gemma, thanks! Have fun at the u/s tomorrow!

Burke, thank goodness Tavya is better! About the advice would be to find someone you are comfortable with. It IS your kid and you have to feel good about your doc.

You really are going through a lot right now (as if the stress of having a new baby isn''t enough!!). I hope your milk comes in soon. Do you still have colostrum coming out or is there literally nothing? That''s good that she has a good latch, though. That''s usually the hard part.

I also didn''t really notice being numb until I was wheeled into the recovery room, but once I did, it was all I could think about. I still get anxious thinking about it. Ick!
We also gave Tayva a bottle from day one because my milk hadn''t come in and I refused to watch my child starve. She refused to latch because I had no milk (that could be why Amelia isn''t latching well). When my milk came in, she was back on, no problem. I think it''s different with every baby. Tayva never did have nipple confusion and she would NOT suck on my have to go with what works best for you.
i was one that waited too late to introduce a bottle to Lily and she never would take one. she simply refused and even went 5 hours without drinking when my mom was watching her. this time around I plan to give Jake a bottle every few days. He''s caught on to nursing great and should pass up his birth weight this week after dropping to 8.5 when we were discharged. i was out yesterday running errands and hubby gave him a bottle. he drank about an ounce and it was enough to fill him up until I got home and nursed him. each baby is different and if nursing is a struggle i''d hold off on bottles. I think a paci once in a while is fine if it''s what it takes to give you some peace jas. i used a paci with my first but the seperation at age 3 was filled with so much trama that I decided not to use one with Lily at all. i''m not using one with jake either but again, if i needed to just to have a break or get some rest, I''d do it.

tgal- did you and amelia go to the dr. today? how''d it go?
Congrats ladies to all the new additions. They are all so lovely. T-Gal my heart goes out to you and your family. I''ll keep you all in my thoughts.
Thanks momies--i guess i have some experimenting to do. Cohen BFs very easily so far so i may introduce the bottle in the next little while so that he can go back and forth--i bought these strange bottles that are supposed to be great for babies who reject other types of nipples--the bottle mimics the texture and shape of a boob, so i am hoping he''ll like it and i can use it for when i need to be out for a few hours.

The little monkey is out cold--he has been feeding every hour or two and i never thought i would change so many poopy/pee diapers in a 24 hr period in all my life! The amount of clothing i''ve gone thru--his fave time to pee is when the he''s exposed and with a close range target-sheesh--boys
i should nap now.