
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Wowzer MrsS,
A 9 lber!! He''s such a burly little guy

Love the picture of him and his doting sisters...too cute.

I''m amazed that you are able to squeeze Jake out without a tear!!
Awesome job! Too bad that the epidural wore off.
At least it didn''t wear off sooner. Now you can say that you deliver w/o the epi
I enjoyed reading your birthing story, you did great!!

Welcome home sounds like you guys had a wonderful time in Mexico at the wedding. I bet you missed Tessa a ton, I don''t blame you for waking her up, I would have too.

Tayva is such a cutie!! That second pics is just precious, glad she''s feeling better.

You are doing an amazing job, glad miss Amelia has gained wht weight back.

Glad all is well with you!!

If I missed anyone, I apologize, this thread goes so quickly!!!

Best wishes to all the preggos and the new Mom''s.
Lili- Congrats on your natural labor. your story was awesome! I thought about getting an epi at around 9cm...but I didnt vocalize it. I also thought i was totally freaked me out. I really thought i was going to poop (i didnt it was just the baby) Hope your healing continues to go well!

Tgal- Glad you made it to bright beginnings. they were so helpful to me. Hillary actually was totally comforting about me bottle feeding. i was hoping they would be more vigalent about BFing...but i wasnt producing at all. Glad you like your pedi...i''m also in love with ours!
Hehe, I skipped through some posts to get to the birth stories.

My hero!!! I can''t believe that you endure that many hours of labor pain.
I caved after 1/2 into it. Fortunately for me, my labor progresses really fast, so I end up not getting the epi.
Anyway, Cohen is just as cute as Colin

He''s a big boy too!!
I can''t believe you and MrsS (and other veteren moms with big babies).
Pushing out a 6 lber was so difficult already...I can''t imagine pushing out a 8+ lber.

That''s great that Cohen is latching on properly.
My little one wasn''t latching on initially, so she wasn''t getting the colosum for the first few days.
I didn''t even know that she wasn''t latching on until the lactation nurse told me.
Date: 4/8/2008 8:09:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Congrats mrss!!!!!!! can''t wait to see jake!!!!!!
and Jas, I am SO excited for you! It IS the baking!
Hoping you are NOT my preggo twin when it comes to labor!!!!!
More later....typing with one hand art the moment.

Haha, wouldn''t it be neat if we mommies have some sort of device that would just let us dictate and post onto PS?
lili, your story is an amazing one for sure. I can''t believe you went through the whole thing w/out an epi, but it sounds like you did great.

i''ll try to catch up more tomorrow. PS time is much harder to come by now that i''ve got little man.

it''s nice to read everyone''s updates...
BTW did anyone know that there are complimentary maxi pads in the airplane bathrooms? I spent a lot of time in there and was opening all of the little storage things
Still best place to pump while traveling (there is a lid to sit on) now the airport bathrooms....not fun!
Avoid at all costs!
TGal, good to hear TTot is doing well! You are doing a great job!

LIA, I''m sorry you are having bad m/s. Hang in there! Isn''t hearing the HB for the first time amazing? I look forward to hearing the HB every appointment.

lili, wow, great job! What an amazing birth story. Congrats on the natural birth! I think I recall you saying you''re around 5''? Gives me hope that I''ll be able to push out my baby and not get a c-section.

Tacori, welcome back! Glad you had a great trip. Never knew pads were in airplane bathrooms. I would have never guessed to look for one in there!
snlee, I know! Kind of nice. I was so bored I was reading every sign, looking at everything, haha!
Wow lili, you did it without epidural. Seems like you did fine without it. You are so tough.

Burk - Tayva is so cute, and definitely look more comfy in the second pj.

Tacori - glad you had a good time at the wedding. You must had really miss Tessa during your trip.

We got the crib on Monday and we assembled it already that day. I did most of the assembly myself, then I told DH to tighten everything. We got the mattress today, but we are leaving it in the box until after we paint the room.

I have my next prenatal appt this Sat. Hopefully I didn''t gain another 5lbs like last appt. I was up 14lbs last appt at 22 wks. My belly is getting bigger and sometimes my back hurts.
Tacori- I was so glad to read your post. i''m glad you enjoyed yourself. We leave may 1st for Playa without Ian. I''m nervous, but he is no longer Breastfed and my IL''s are watching him here! I actually am looking forward to the time away...even though i will miss him like crazy. how was T when she saw you?
Date: 4/16/2008 6:24:22 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Wow lili, what a story! Congrats!

(BTW, stupid question time: How come you''re not supposed to push until ''it''s time''? Wouldn''t that help the baby get out faster?)
I think that it will cause your cervix to swell and cause complications. I know I had a huge urge to push also at the end, and it was really hard not to. It was actually a relief to be able to push.
Congrats on your natural birth, Lili. That was super fast - wowsers!!!!
So finally cakesters have made it to Calgary. I had to drop some in the cart (DH wondered what I was up to, since I never buy "junk food"). Holy cow those things are sweet! My nanny is crazy about them, although I must admit I am not a huge fan. But I am thinking I might try freezing them, a la Jas12!!!
Date: 4/17/2008 8:44:33 AM
Author: LitigatorChick
Congrats on your natural birth, Lili. That was super fast - wowsers!!!!
Seriously... now I''m praying for the same experience!! Congrats, Lili!!

Just wanted to check in on everyone and say hello... I''m sure this is the absolute toughest time for all you new mommies, but a few months from now, you''ll feel a million times more stable and settled with everything. Just get through it one day at a time (easy for me to say now, with baby still inside me, I know!
) I''ve dealt with depression since I was about 14 and know the postpartum period will be tough for me... it is definitely a concern of mine.

I am a little over 15 weeks and getting ready for our big trip (Turks & Caicos with both sets of parents!) on Sunday... but this @&%# morning/evening sickness is still hanging on for dear life.
Some of the aversions are going away (I can eat meat again in small quantities!) and I still feel relatively "normal" during the day, but evenings are rough... just queasy queasy queasy from about 6pm on, no matter what I eat or don''t eat. I am SOOO ready to be done with this, but now I''m terrified I''m one of the few people who feels this way all 9 months... UGH. I was so hoping to be past this before our vacation.

Not much else to report, other than I''ve begun some serious nesting... researching cribs and other "gear" and creating room layouts and all that fun stuff. I''m also trying desperately to come up with a good option for bringing in some income after baby arrives. I am at a total loss and spend a lot of time in tears about it. It''s definitely my biggest stressor right now. I have 2 masters degrees, several strong areas of interest/skill, and grew up in an extremely entrepreneurial (and successful) family... you would think I could come up with SOMETHING viable. I think part of my problem is I''m not a fan of failure, and I automatically see all the risks of any new venture, and let that cloud my motivation to even begin. DH thinks I should just start applying for PhD programs (my long-term plan), but I''d kind of like to try something new for a few years first.

OK this turned into a depressing post, so I''ll end with some positives... "big" ultrasound is less than a month away... yippee!! And my tummy is crazy bloated, to the point where I actually look pregnant now, which is kind of fun...
I''m fairly certain it''s just bloat and not baby yet... but I didn''t have any major bloat up until now, so I''m amused by it. As is DH! Hmmm, what else... I am floating on air now that the weather is becoming nice. I''m SOOOO susceptible to seasonal mood issues, that as soon as it turns warm and sunny, I''m practically a different person. This morning I have a few things to get done, then I''m heading out to spend the afternoon in the park with a book, a frappuccino, and a peaceful mind!!
Q, can''t wait to see your nursery!

MsF, it was hard but it was nice to be away too. (I forgot what being selfish was like!) BFing/pumping was the biggest pain so since you do not have to worry about it you will really be able to enjoy yourself. She was so groggy when I picked her up it took her a few mins to realize who we were.

LC, guess I like sweet things! Oh well, at least you tried them.

Eph, I have a history of depression too and I hardly had the baby blues. I guess it is good to prepare yourself but don''t worry about it. It does not mean you will get PPD. But if you do just remember to ask for help
Have a great trip! Wear EXTRA sun protection!
Hi Ladies,

Love reading all the updates! (on the newborn babes and from the newly pregger ladies--who don''t seeem so new anymore!!)

As for me, just trudgeing along waiting for appts and the big u/s. I feel in the dark sometimes! I have odd pains and twinges here and there. Maybe it''s heartburn, maybe it''s growth--but it makes me feel like an old lady. DH thinks I''m just eating too much and it''s making me feel this way, but I''m supposed to eat this much. I think it''s exacerbated by sitting in one spot too long (couch or desk).

Anyway, I could use some feedback. As some may remember I got an NT scan/bw at 12wks and results were great. 1/5500 for DS, 1/10000 for Trisomy 18. I''m 35, so seemed good to me. Figured I''d wait for 2nd round of bloodwork and go from there. Got my results today: 1/2200 for DS, 1/10000 for Trisomy 18 and 1/6000 for Spina Bfida. They told me it''s good news!

So I''m glad i''m in the clear, but can''t help wonder why the number for DS went down (or risk went up). At 35, should I be reading into this? I still wonder if I should do an amnio and be done with it, or if I''m obsessing too much over numbers of zeros. My big u/s is still 4wks away. And I STILL haven''t told work or friends.

That''s it from me..I''ll try to be better about keeping up to date with all the posts here so I can post more specific responses!

Can I ask you a semi-personal question (which of course you don''t have to answer if you an uncomfortable!)? My good friend is TTC and she has been taking antidepressants for many many years. Her Dr. isn''t great and just told her to either stop taking them or to risk taking them with the baby (it is a class C drug as of now, but there is just not enough info to know whether this drug harms babies or not).

Are there other options for her? I guess I was just wondering what you did if you are currently on anti-depressants.

And I put in a big thumbs down to graduate school! But that is because it is the end of the semester and I am procrastinating and stressed.
Hi everyone, just checking in real quick...

Lili -- your birth story was great and I''m so happy your labor was "quick"! Sounds like everything went perfectly

Ephemery -- i only had PPD with my third ds after lots of years of major depression, so it''s nice to be prepared, but it doesn''t mean you''ll actually have anything to worry about

Tacori -- glad you enjoyed your trip! first time leaving baby is so so so hard!

hi to everyone else... hope you''re all doing alright. I''m 11 weeks now and look 5 months pg, it''s ridiculous. (in a funny way of course) i had a good day yesterday with mo m/s and a decent amount of energy so i cleaned house all day and have been spotting ever since, heavier than usual
Guess i can''t do everything i thought i could...other than that i''ve been feeling like the m/s is improving in general. One more week and my risk for vanishing twin goes down a lot, so i''m looking forward to that. now that i know i''m carrying doubles, i want ''em both

Hope you all have a good day (and i hope the new mamas are getting some rest!!)

Congrats on another girl!! Yay for team pink

Have you picked out a name yet?

I''m a bit late...but a huge congrats and welcome!!

So sorry to hear you had another scare again.
I''m relieved to know that you three are ok.
Take it easy and rest up.

Glad to see you around

Hope everything is good and you are fully recuperated.
Aweee....I''m loving all the new pictures of the babies.

Tacori and Ella,
Your new avis are so cute.
I can''t believe fast the babies are growing and they are getting so big.
It''s fun seeing how all the babies are growing right before our eyes.

Ian is so adorable in his Knuckleheads outfit.
Love those pinchable cheeks!

Hehe, Tayva has pinchable cheeks too.
You ladies are lucky you are not within reach of me, cuz I guarantee those cheeks would be all red when I''m done with them.
Love the PJs

Wow, another milestone for D!
She''s such a ham for the camera huh?
Love that big old smile!
Happy belated B-day to your little man.
I think he''s ready for a sibling now
Date: 4/9/2008 4:36:08 PM
Author: TravelingGal
OH MY GOD lili! You STEALTH BIRTHER you! Figures. What is wrong with you girlfriend??? You couldn't humor us and make your tiny belly a little bit bigger by going full term?! Hahahaha...
Congrats lili, she is adorable. Your baby looks more like the baby I should have had. I'm still trying to figure out who this white kid in my house is.

Can't wait to hear your story. I am SO thrilled for you.

Hehe, funny you say that.
My family thought the same too.
I was over at my parents on Sunday and we were all thinking that it'll be another week or 2 before I go into labor since I look pretty "comfortable".
Little did everyone know that the little one has a schedule of her own.
We didn't call anyone when we went to the hospital, thinking that it would be a good half day before anything happen.
My brother talked to my sister at noon and was told that I'm still pregnant.
When he called to congratulate my cousin at 3pm, who had his baby on the 3rd, he was told that I had my baby.
Really shocked him.

Believe me, my belly is plenty big.
That's why baby decided it's time to come out.
Quarter is too cramped for her!
Your newphew is so cute.
Love his bear outfit.
He looks like one of those subjects for Anne Geddes (is that her or someone else -- you know the photographer who takes pictures of babies dressed in animal outfits).
You should be able to hear the heartbeat as early as 9 wks.
My initial prenatal appt was at 9 wk, so we saw the embryo with the beating heart at that time on the ultrasound.
After that appt, the OB use the doppler to hear the heartbeat.
Thanks Kay, snlee, Bobo, Tgal, Kaleigh, and gtiekiki for the comopliments on Miss Tayva and her jammies!

Lili~ WOW, what a childbirth story!!! You were a champ! Congrats again! And, thanks for the compliments on Tayva and her very lovable cheeks....they get LOTS of kisses!

Tacori~Glad you had a good trip!

Tgal, how is the breastfeeding coming along? Sounds like you are giving 120% to me!!

snlee~glad the talk with your boss went well! Isn''t it fun to let your "little secret" out and tell people the good news?!?

Had to take Tayva to the ER yesterday. Her symptoms from her respiratory infection were getting better but she still wasn''t eating much of anything and had lost weight. So our ped was really concerned and told us to go to the ER. ER doc and ped worked together and after ultrasounds and lots of poking and prodding, they decided to treat her for GRE (refulx). They think she has silent reflux and her symptoms were being masked by the respiratory infection. We''ll see what happens.
ok, little man is sleeping so I think I have a few minutes to catch up before i have to go and pick up my oldest from school.

msf- i hope you enjoy your trip. the first one away is the hardest but i''m sure you''ll end up having a great time and it''s nice to be able to sleep without always having a ear to listen for the baby.

tacori- glad you had a nice time and are back. are you going to order you PP soon?

snlee- glad everything is moving along great for you and your wee one!!

qtiekiki- good luck at the dr. on sat. sounds like you are still doing great with the weight. I''m 5''3" started at 104 lbs and went up to 144 at my last weigh in so you can imagine how i felt with pretty much gaining a lb a week during my pregnancy. oh and the back and hip pain were just awuful the last few weeks of my pregancy. i truly hope it''s better for you and all the other preggo''s out there..

eph- i hope you have a wonderful time on your trp too and m/s subsides for you..

janinegirly- i never did any of the testing so i don''t really know what the drop means, but it looks like your odds are still super low, way less than a 1% chance of a problem, so i don''t think you should worry. i think the amnio would be worth it if it will bring you peace of mind though. i''m sure others who did all the tests can explain more.

Jen, i bet you look adorable. I gained my belly so quickly with Jake, it''s like my body just knew it was supposed to get big so it went ahead and jumped into preggo belly right away.

burk- your tayva is just a cutie pie..

i hope all the rest of you are doing well and check in with you can. I''m with tgal, i always enjoy reading although I don''t get to post as much.
here''s a couple more pics of the little guy..

looking at daddy..

my SIL sent jake a teddy bear so we got a pic of the two of them together:
