
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Miller BFed so easy - he basically was born and latched. So we had no confusion. When he weaned, we gradully increased 1 bottle and dropped one BF every couple of days.

My sister ignored my advise to give a bottle early, and her baby would not eat for almost 48 hours (which she mainly cried for) before she would take a bottle.
jas, cohen is gorgeous! glad to hear that you guys are doing much better post-hospital.
Hi ladies...
Just a note to say that I'm back.
I'm off to read all the posts that I've missed and will post more later.
Glad you''re back lili.
Tgal: instead of using the SNS feeder off your finger, have you tried taping it to your breast instead? That way they have to latch on, but they are getting something & the added suction on your breast helps stimulate the arrival of your milk. Is it still not in?

I had to feed Jake with the tube taped to my chest for a week or two.

Introducing a bottle: I waited until Jake was about a week or so. He flip flopped back and forth pretty easily. I''ve read that waiting until nursing is well established is ideal. So really, that could be days or weeks...depending on mom & baby.

Well...I heard punkin wake up from her nap. She wakes up so there playing with her feet i''m sure. Better go feed her!
I am learning so much from you ladies talking about BF-ing and nipple confusion. Now I am kind of wondering if I should wait to get a breast pump. I don''t want to buy a $300 breast pump, and then not have milk. What do you ladies think?
Date: 4/14/2008 8:17:25 PM
Author: qtiekiki
I am learning so much from you ladies talking about BF-ing and nipple confusion. Now I am kind of wondering if I should wait to get a breast pump. I don''t want to buy a $300 breast pump, and then not have milk. What do you ladies think?
I think you can rent one...
Date: 4/14/2008 8:17:25 PM
Author: qtiekiki
I am learning so much from you ladies talking about BF-ing and nipple confusion. Now I am kind of wondering if I should wait to get a breast pump. I don''t want to buy a $300 breast pump, and then not have milk. What do you ladies think?

I didn''t read the PP, so forgive me if you have a reason to think you wouldn''t have milk...but most women are fine. Read

Also, you may want to look into an Ameda Purely Yours

Anyway, my daughter went on nursing strikes for 2 months at a time, then would go back to nursing lol, so I offered to nurse every time that I was home, but when she refused I pumped full time. Feel free to ask me any questions. I nursed my daughter until she was 16 months & my son until he was 13 months
Ian had no issues with nipple confusion. I knew I was going to have BFing issues because of a past breast reduction (which is why I initially looked into natural birth). I didnt want to give him a bottle (or a soothie) I used the SNS taped on my boob for 6 weeks. Then I started giving him a bottle after each BFing...due to lack of milk. I hated people telling me that I had enough milk, when I didnt, regardless of the 20+ supplements i took a day. BFing was quite possibly the most emotionally devastating thing I have ever been through...I really felt like my body failed my baby and it was all my fault. I continued BFing for 4 months (with supplemental bottles) and he did really well with both. I really think it depends on the baby!

I didnt want to give Ian a paci at all. But I did after his circumcision and a few times in frustration the first few weeks. He never really took to it, and is now a total thumb sucker!

I know I have mentioned my BFing story many times, but it was so hard on me. I really thought I would be able to do, and people were so judgemental...but in the end, I did my best and I have a healthy and happy baby!
Aw MsF...I totally know how you feel. But all we can do is our best, and it all works out how it is supposed to. TTot doesn''t seem to be suffering. In fact, today she discovered the cure for AIDS. Formula fed babies can be brilliant too! Hee hee...

Diver, I am not taping to the boob...just finger feeding for now. Going to talk to a lactation consultant this week so we''ll see what she says. TTot still has no problems suckling at the boobs...she did today actually. She just gets pissed off quickly after my milk runs dry, which only takes 10 minutes or so. I''m only producing maybe half an ounce total from both boobs on a good pump.

Jas, how was that bugaboo stroll?

Demelza, I had colostrum for a couple of days, but that dried up. There is milk, but so very little of it. My boobs do not feel sore nor do they feel full. They just feel like they did pre-birth.

MrsS, the doc appointment is tomorrow. One for the tot and one for me. I am glad I will be given the OK to drive tomorrow. I have been fine to drive (since I''ve been walking and all) but TGuy is erring on the side of caution.

I''m not using a paci yet...TTot only cries when she needs something, so I''m not frustrated. However I know that the first two weeks are probably the easiest in terms of crying, so I do have the reinforcements ready!

lili, glad you are back! Can''t wait to hear your story...

Qtiekiki, I hope you won''t have issues (not too many women do apparently). However, considering renting from the hospital. My rental is $60 a month. If BFing doesn''t work out, I just saved myself from buying a $300 pump (which aren''t returnable). If it DOES work out, believe me, I will spend the $300 with glee! So yes, I''d hold off buying it. The hospital rental I have is $2 per day, so if I return it early, they prorate and give me some money back, which is nice.

TTot is doing very well. Took her for a walk today in the BOB again, hoping she''d pass out. She foiled my plans by peeing and the wet nappy kept her awake. Bah! She''s asleep now at last. I notice how hard it is for her to fall asleep when she has been awake for more than 2-3 in that regard, I do find the info in Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child correct, at least for my kid...
hello ladies...ive been busy the past few days so havent been able to post, but have been lurking and trying to keep up with this thread...

Tgal: sorry ur having a ruf time with be honest, some ppl just dont have a lot of milk in them no matter wat they try...for example one of my aunts BF her kids for 2 full years...while my other aunt barely produced any milk and her kids were on formula almost from day 1...

for me i breast fed exclusively for the first 2 weeks..then i introduced a bottle for one of the feeds (1030 pm feed)...that had 2 benefits to me: 1) my son got introduced to a bottle early on so he wouldnt reject it later and 2) my DH could take over that feed and i could pass out after the 730 pm feed and manage to get at least a solid 5 hours of sleep before i woke up again for the next that was heaven!!

i also gave him a paci once in a while (but very very little) and i never let him go to sleep with it in his mouth...he doesnt like it very much and always spat it out when i gave him one! ha ha...

Jas12: baby Cohen is so cute!! im so amazed at your strength and commitment going thru everything u went thru

MrsS: pushing an almost 9lb baby with no epi and no tearing!!
ur my idol now!!

lili: Welcome back!!! can''t wait to hear wat uve been up to :)

tacori: hope ur having a blast in mexico!!

Burk: Hope Tayva is feeling better nowadays...

to all the preggo ladies: Hope u ladies are doing well and ur little bun in the ovens are being good =)
MsFlutter, I can just feel the pain in reading your post about BFing. It makes me so mad when people judge or insult other people because of a very personal choice. My doula warned me that I would get backlash if I gave Miller a bottle (not to discourage me, just so I would know what is happening). My sister has lupus, and had to get back on her drugs and stop BFing, and the public health nurse has made her feel like crap.

Done ranting! Hang in there, ladies!

Wow, this is the first time I have logged on and not had a TON to catch up on.

How are the new mommies? Exhausted I'm sure.

Here's Tayva saying "Mommy, these PJ's are seriously too small...."

"Oh, I think these are better"

Have any of the rest of you noticed much in the way of body shape changes around the 3 month mark? I am just past 14 weeks, and I have not gained any weight yet, in fact, I am down 4 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight thanks to m/s. However, I feel like my tummy (which unfortunately was not flat to begin with) sticks out a little more and at a slightly lower angle. I think I may have gained in my tummy but lost weight elsewhere. I have to keep sucking it in for a few more weeks before we make the big announcement. It will be so nice to have to stop worrying about holding my gut in and switching to maternity tops!
Date: 4/13/2008 10:16:29 PM
Author: Gemma12

Had another u/s today (I''m considered slightly higher risk than normal for miscarriage-more on that later -so my dr is u/s me like krazeeeee) and saw the little bean with a great HR (140), good growth, good amniotic fluid etc. Dr sez: ''Couldn''t look better!'' and now my risk of m''c is less than 3%!!!

Very exciting. I''m now on the ''normal pregnancy'' program and will have my OB appointment at 10 weeks and a further u/s at 12 weeks and 17-18 weeks.
Gemma, Yay for a great u/s!

Snlee, don''t you have another u/s this week?

Burk, Miss Tayva is so cute in her pjs. She has such an expressive face.
I had a busy Monday so just catching up now. I had my NT scan yesterday. The doctor said everything looks great from what she could see. I'll get the results in a week or so. It was amazing seeing our little one again. So much has changed! I got teary eyed watching the baby move, looking at it's little hands, feet, arms, legs, heart beating, brain, everything! Now that it looks more like a baby, it feels more real that I am pregnant and I'm going to me a mom soon! Seeing the baby was so moving. I know I'll be even more amazed during the big u/s!

I told my boss yesterday that I'm pregnant. We have a great working relationship and he likes to joke around so I decided I wouldn't have the "I'm pregnant serious talk." I asked to speak to him, closed the door, and tried to give him a scare. I tried to act like I needed to talk to him about something serious like me leaving. I've done that a few times – ask to speak to him and close the door and he's like "you're not leaving, are you!?” I was too happy and couldn't help smiling so I didn't keep him in suspense long! When he realized I was pregnant, he actually high-fived me! LOL. Yeah, that's my boss! He was really excited for me and the talk went really well.

Now that I'm at 13 weeks and almost into my second trimester, I can relax, worry less, and enjoy my pregnancy. I am slowly telling co-workers/friends/relatives. It's great to not feel like I have to hide my pregnancy anymore!

Kay, thanks for asking about my appointment. I'm at 13 weeks now and noticing my tummy is getting bigger. It's sticking out more.

Gemma, that's great news! I think the worrying will always be there but doesn't it feel great to worry less?

Burk, Tayva is adorable!

curlygirl and ephemery, hi! How are you doing?

Hope all the new mommies are doing well!
Date: 4/14/2008 8:17:25 PM
Author: qtiekiki
I am learning so much from you ladies talking about BF-ing and nipple confusion. Now I am kind of wondering if I should wait to get a breast pump. I don''t want to buy a $300 breast pump, and then not have milk. What do you ladies think?

My SIL got a great pump that was completely covered through her health insurance -- blue cross i think...some type of prenatal/infant care program.
Burk, Tayva is too cute~
Tayva is adorable! I love that second pic of her...she does look like she likes those PJs better.

snlee, isn''t it great to have such a supportive boss? Mine was just awesome. He''s a total old school guy when it comes to business, so I was afraid that he wouldn''t be happy about it. We were at an industry event/dinner when I told him and he patted me on the knee and said "See all this around us? None of it matters...your life is about to change so wonderfully." I nearly lost it and cried right there.

And congrats on the good NT scan! With every test that comes back with great results, it''s such a sigh of relief!

TTot and I are doing well. We went to the doc yesterday for her and he said she is doing fab. She''s back to near her birthweight so that was great. I gotta say, I love my pediatrician! TTot is 90% for height and only 35% for weight...poor thing. Little string bean she is.

Anyhoo, at least no one can say I am not giving this bloody breastfeeding thing 100%. The doc asked if I was taking fenugreek. I said yes, and I''m doing this this, that and this. He said he was impressed with my efforts, and said he was going to recommend Bright Beginnings and Beyond, but I had already beat him to it. Thanks MsF for the suggestion..I went today and it was helpful. They think my boobs are outputting more than I thought as she said my right hooter gave the baby an ounce (I''ve only been able to pump 1/6oz with the right). I still think there might be an error, but I know the baby''s suckling is better than a pump, so who knows. I''m also on reglan now too as the ped gave me an Rx. Doing the SNS on the boob now instead of on the finger.

Hope all the preggos and new mommies are doing well! Where is everyone? I may not be posting much but I am reading all the time. C''mon guys...check in so I have something to read during my 3 am feeding!!!!
hi everyone!
man, i have been REALLY m.i.a. (not lia!!
) lately. sorry to miss so much excitement!! everyone''s babies are SO beautiful. and i thank you all so much for posting your birth stories. each of you had such a unique experience; it was very special to read about them and share them. i admire you all!! i hope you are all surviving the early days of motherhood. i can tell it''s NOT easy!!!! tgal, you are amazing for your strength to go through everything with your parents as well. i''m so glad your father could meet little amelia...

to all the preggos out there...hi! it''s so much fun to hear about ultrasounds, doctors appointments, etc. snlee, i''m so jealous that you''re feeling better. i had my 10 week (well 9 1/2) appt yesterday. i have lost a little weight (ALL that darn vomiting...UGH UGH UGH), which my doc is not super happy about, but oh well. she offered me a prescription for zofran (ondansetron), which i really prefer not to take. i am able to keep SOME things down, so unless i get a lot worse, i''m going to hold off for now. it''s funny though, my weight must be redistributing or something because i truly cannot button my pants!! i was so sure that i would have gained a bunch....
but the best thing was, i did get to hear the heartbeat with the doppler! yay! my doctor forewarned with the standard, we probably won''t hear anything, it''s too early, etc. etc. etc, but she put it on, and there was this little heart just beating away. what a beautiful sound!! so reassuring that something really is going on in that belly of mine!

anyway, i hope everyone is doing well. please keep those photos coming. LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!
Hi ladies....
I''ll have to put off the responses to the post first since I know you are all anxious to hear my story.

Here''s the short and long (for those with time to kill) version of it:

2:30 am - notice some bloody show but didn''t feel any contractions
10:00 am - water broke and still no contraction
11:00 am - head over to hospital
11:30 am - evaluated and admitted and officially in labor
- starting to feel some contractions
- fully effaced and 4 cm dilated
12:30 pm - contractions getting more painful and stronger
1:00 pm - unbearable pain from contraction and asked for epidural
1:15 pm - too late for epidural since baby is coming out now
1:36 pm - Baby is out!

2:30 am-
I woke up for one of my many bathroom runs and noticed some bloody mucus and that my panty was wetter than usual. I wasn’t sure if my amniotic bag had ruptured, so I checked to see if there is significant leakage over the next hour. When I found that there was none, I figured that the bloody show was just residual blood from my 39th wk checkup cervix exam last Friday, so I didn’t bother waking DH. I tried to go back to sleep, but there were just too many things going through my mind – some last minute work, hospital goodie bags, and my birth plan – epi or no epi. Yeah, as you can see….I am a true procrastinator . 39+ wk and still didn’t get those things done. I ate some oatmeal, did some work on the computer, surf the web, and tiptoed around the house as not to wake DH gathering my hospital goodie bag – just in case. At around 7 am, I figured that I should lie down and try to get some rest even though I can’t sleep.

10:00 am-
As I was lying in bed, I heard a pop (maybe it’s more like I felt it since I don’t know if you can really hear it) and felt some water gushing out. I have never jumped out of bed quicker and dashed to the restroom, taking care not to leak onto the carpet  When I got to the bathroom, a gush of liquid poured out onto the floor – clear and straw-like – yup, no mistake about it – it’s AF. DH was woken up by my action and sensed that something was up. I told him that I think my water broke and he got out of bed even faster than I did. He asked if I was having any contractions or pain, to which I answered no. He scurried to get ready but I told him that our OB said that we don’t have to rush to the hospital. We have a good 2 hour to kill and my AF gush wasn’t leaking too badly. I didn’t want to go to the hospital too early to be bound to a bed and pumped with pitocin (since I was sure they would induced me being that I am GBS positive and I was not having any contractions.) DH wouldn’t hear of it and say that we are hightailing to the hospital ASAP. So we ate some breakfast, packed out bag – toiletries, clothes, lots of snacks and games figuring that we’ll be there for a good stretch.

11:00 am-
Got the stuff loaded into the car and headed off to the hospital. The gas tank was a bit low and I tried to convince hubby to fill it up first before heading to the hospital. Hehe, anything to shave off time spent at the hospital. It didn’t work. We were heading for the hospital.

11:15 am-
Arrived at the maternity ward and got registered. The nurse asked if I was having contractions. I told her that I don’t but that my water broke at 10 this morning. Amniotic fluid is clear – so that’s good. I was taken over to the triage to be evaluated. Peed in a cup one last time and the nurse hooked up the fetal and heart rate monitors. She asked if my contractions were 5 minutes apart and I told her that I don’t know if it’s a contraction, but I am feeling what I thought is Braxton Hicks and a slight back pressure. She confirmed with the monitor that I was indeed having contractions, so I was assigned to the L&D room. At 39 wk and 5 days, I am in labor!!

11:30 am-
My L&D nurse came and took down all my stats and hooked me up to the fetal and HR monitor again. We monitored a few of the contractions (at this point, I’m beginning to feel the contractions since they are accompanied by more back pressure). The on-call midwife came in to check my cervix – fully effaced and 4 cm dilated!! And wouldn’t you know it, both the OB and midwife who I’ve been seeing for my prenatal care were on-call that day, so that was nice. My OB was going on his lunch break and so the midwife will be working with me for the time being. Anyway, I was ecstatic by the effacing news since my cervix was long when I had my prenatal exam last Friday. Good, this meant that I would not need the pitocin. My midwife hoped that she would be able to deliver me before her shift ended at 6 pm. The L&D nurse proceeded to prep the antibiotic for my GBS. She said that I am free to walk around the corridor until 1:30 pm once she gets the IV going. She also asked if I wanted the epidural for pain management. I was still undecided about it, and since the contractions weren’t too bad, I decided to hold off on it.

12:00 noon-
I told DH that we can go for a walk after I use the restroom. But when I was on the toilet, I had this incredible urge to go number 2 even though I had pretty much emptied out whatever food earlier in the morning. My contractions were coming faster and harder than earlier too. I told DH that I may be in the transition stage, if not the active stage. I had DH timed it and it was around 1-2 minutes apart. Never mind the walk, I just want to sit in the L&D room and relax through the contractions now. I tried to use the techniques taught in Lamaze class to ride through the contractions. Let me just say that whatever I learned all went out the windows. I ended up doing my own thing. With each contraction, I just kneeled down and put my head on whatever I can find and breathe through it. DH tried to relax me by applying some back pressure. It helped a bit, but not much.

12:30 pm-
DH went to inform the nurse that my contractions were more frequent and painful, and the nurse told him that’s good. When he came back to the room, he found me lying on the bed fighting each contraction. My contractions were coming full force. Each peak lasted longer than the tapering off. Accompanying each peak is the sensation of having a bowel movement after a week of being constipated. About the only thing I could do to resist the urge to push is do Kegel exercise and curled my toes to fight it off. I don’t know if that did more damage than good…..but it helped me to not push. If there’s one thing I’m thankful for with the Lamaze class, it’s the knowledge that I shouldn’t be giving in the urge to push before it is time.

1:00 pm-
By this time, DH asked if he should call the nurse for the epidural. I felt defeated but agreed because I don’t know if I can handle 7 hours of this. The midwife came in and did a cervix check – 7 cm dilated and at station 2! ! The nurse told me that I’ll be delivering within an hour and asked if I still want the epi. I asked if the pushing part is going to be more painful than what I’m experiencing right now. She told me that pushing is the best part of labor. I was still on the fence about it. I figure, one hour is not as bad as the 7 hours that I had originally thought. But when the contraction hit, I wanted the epi :P so I asked to talk to the anesthesiologist. By the time the midwife came back from making the call, I had a few more contractions. I gripped with all my might to the bed railing and was shaking and groaning through each contraction. DH said that he’s never seen my face grimaced in so much pain in his life.

1:15 pm-
My midwife did another check and said that I’m 9 cm dilated the baby is coming out. It’s too late for the epi. The anesthesiologist arrived and apologized because I am about to deliver and he could not give me the epi. I thanked him and uttered “that’s ok” and went back my groaning. Then I felt what could be one of strongest contraction that causes my bladder to explode. I think whatever I had for breakfast and all those ice chips all came out with that contraction. Then I heard those sweet words … “Ok, you can start pushing”. Everyone was encouraging me to push while the midwife was doing some perineal massage. I held my legs, closed my mouth and tried not to make any noise and bear down. Gave a few big pushes and some little pushes. I felt the burning sensation as the baby’s head crowned, and then I heard a crunchy sound as the midwife performed an episiotomy. A few minutes later, she came out and was placed on my chest  Small and precious yet very slimy, and she’s my baby.

Poor DH, got to see more than he wanted. He thought that they would have a drape over the happening area, but he was wrong.

Anyway, after the baby came out, the midwife continued with the delivery of the placenta. That thing is huge too – comparable to the baby , but delivering that was a walk in the park compared to the baby of course. The midwife then proceeded to expel some of the uterine blood and stitch me up. The cut was small, so it didn’t take her long. She told me that she needed to give me a small cut to prevent any tear.

I was transferred to the PostPartum about 2 hours after the delivery. Since I didn’t have any drugs (except for the IV), I was pretty alert and energized during and after the delivery. Aside from the small hemorrhoid and the few stitches, I feel pretty much myself. I was able to get up and move about when I got to the recovery room. Because my labor was so short, the antibiotic for the GBS didn’t take into effect. I only got one bag out of the two needed, so they needed so do some bloodwork on baby to make sure that she is ok. Poor thing, got pricked in so many places.
Oh wow TGal,
Amelia is a cutie!!! and so alert too!
She's got pretty big eyes I see.
So much for her being a 9 lbers huh?
She a petite little thing.

And double wow on your birth story!!
You are a tough cookie.
I can't believe that you had 3 labors all rolled in one.
And still have your sense of humor through it all.
I'm so glad everything worked out and that you and Amelia are doing well.

So what ever happened to your chocolate cake? :)

ETA: It's too cute about the time of Amelia's conception and birth.
Hehe, you ladies are pretty good.
The day that you all were asking about me is the day that I was in delivery.
Honestly, DH and I thought that we had another week or two to go before the little one will come out,
but I guess she''s tired of being cramped in there.

Either that or she''s had enough of all the spicy food that I''ve been eating :P
Date: 4/6/2008 10:18:17 PM
Author: Kay

Okay, first timer question here. When the water breaks, what kind of volume are we talking about? I have several months to go, but I can just picture it happening to me at work. I worry I will damage furniture! I’ll probably be sitting on towels for the final 2 weeks.

That''s what I was thinking to myself too.
Told DH that I should just wear a pad when I''m 2 weeks from the EDD.
And layout the chux on the bed or something :)
When my water broke, the initial gush is like a couple of tablespoon.
I was in bed when it happened.
Fortunately it didn''t leaked onto the bed because I had a panty liner on because a few hours earlier I had bloody show,
so it was contained until I get to the bathroom.
After that, it sort of trickles.
I think it also depends on how low down in your pelvis your baby is.
Wow lili, what a story! Congrats!

(BTW, stupid question time: How come you''re not supposed to push until "it"s time"? Wouldn''t that help the baby get out faster?)
Date: 4/7/2008 10:44:10 AM
Author: Jas12
Aren''t babies supposed to slow down a lot before being born?--maybe i am just really sensitive to his/her movements b/c i know kick counting is important in the 4th tri (ha!), but this child is still very hyper--i am afraid s/he is much too comfortable for its own good.

I noticed that my little one was really active in utero too.
She''s moving throughout the day. It''s like she doesn''t sleep at all.
Well, now that she''s out, I find that she''s a pretty playful sleeper -- kicking her legs and moving her arms all the time while in sleep.
I guess that explains why I feel her move 24/7.
Date: 4/16/2008 6:24:22 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
(BTW, stupid question time: How come you''re not supposed to push until ''it''s time''? Wouldn''t that help the baby get out faster?)

Usually during the transition stage of labor (that''s when the cervix dilate from 7 to 10 cm), the laboring mother has the urge to push.
If she pushes before the cervix is fully dilated (10cm), she ends up with a swollen cervix because there is no way the baby''s head will make
it through the 7cm opening. When that happens, she ends up having to wait through some more contractions for the swelling to go down and let the cervix continue to dilate.
Wow....that was a lot to read! I'm back ladies and missed you all! (Saw a BOB at the pool and thought of you TGal).

Cabo was beautiful. The resort was nice (I'll have to post pics). The wedding was really pretty (her dress was a really light tan....matched the sand. Not sure if that was on purpose but looked beautiful since they got married ON the beach). I missed Tessa but wasn't a crying fool like I thought I would be.
So I drank, swam, slept, ate....good times. We even went horse backing riding on the beach. Pumping was a PITA! Seriously! I will never travel w/o baby until weened again. I actually broke my pump the last day. Dropped it on the tile floor!
We kind of rigged it so it worked (half speed) but gave me some relief. We did wake Tessa up when we got home. Just couldn't help it! She is such a cutie (though she is currently screaming and won't go to sleep
) Already back to reality.

TGal, is nursing going better?

Ella, sounds like the perfect onesie for our little peanuts.

Lili, Jas, MrsS, hope you are getting some rest! Can't wait to see more baby pics.

Bobo, I use Born Free plastic bottles. Like them. Also Nuby's (BPA free). I still have LOTS of fat to lose!!!

ETA: sorry if I missed anyone! Kind of a drive by.
Date: 4/8/2008 8:42:58 PM
Author: qtiekiki
No news from me here. Just that 2nd tri feels so long. Maybe I am just getting anxious. We are starting to get stuffs for our little girl. We got some basic clothes last weekend. Going to order the crib this week.

It may feel like it''s long now, but I think the 2nd trimester is one that zoomed by the fastest when it''s over.