
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MrsS, soooo cute! You done good
yes I will order my PP soon. Still deciding on engraving.

Burk, how scary! Hope she is ok.

Jen, it is hard!

Janine, congrats on the good results!!!

Does everyone think I should engraved just "Tessa" or "Tessa 11.3.07" Too many options.

BTW T slept 9 straight hours last night!!!!
Date: 4/17/2008 3:20:23 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Does everyone think I should engraved just ''Tessa'' or ''Tessa 11.3.07'' Too many options.

BTW T slept 9 straight hours last night!!!!

tacori, i like tessa 11.3.07 b/c it''s her birthday and the reason for the gift..

and woo hoo on 9 hours straight!!! that is seriously wonderful. hoping it becomes a permanant habit!!
Yah on the sleeping, Tacori!!! Miller has been all messed up since DH was away, had the flu, teething, growth spurt, all in the space of 6 weeks!! Oh well, this too shall pass.

I vote for including the date in the engraving.
Tacori -- I like The name and date together to commemorate the birth!

MrsS -- more pics -- i love ''em!!! keep them coming

Burk -- sorry i forgot to mention earlier how much i love the pics you posted too.... PS babies really are the best

Date: 4/10/2008 2:31:27 PM
Author: TravelingGal
So I am right in saying that lili, MrsS and Jas went one right after another? Bam bam bam, three days in a row of PS babies? 7th for Jadelyn, 8th for Jake and 9th for Cohen, yeah?
I''m glad Jas didn''t know that lili went before her...I think she threatened to pull her friendship. Hee hee....

Hehe, that''s what I was thinking too when I went into labor.
I didn''t know if Jas12 went or not, but hoping that she did

Oh Jas12, love the latest preggo shots.
You looked absolutely stunning and definitely don''t look like someone''s who''s pass 40wk.

Oops...little monster is up and her face is red.
Thank you ladies for the nice comments on my little Jadie.
Life with her is not easy -- between hourly feedings
and diaper changing, I''d be lucky to get an hour of sleep in.
But it''s been fun so far. I can just sit there and stare at her the whole day.

Had my first poop projectile the other night

Didn''t think that something this small can shoot out something that deadly.
ok, name and date.....thanks ladies.

Lili, it gets easier. I promise!
Date: 4/10/2008 3:59:02 PM
Author: Kay
The amnio is up next. I''m not sure it is a good idea for me to have a full bladder when they bring out the big needle.

Kay, are you having the amnio done at the same time as the big u/s?
I didn''t have to have a full bladder for the amnio. Had the amnio at 15 wk.
I did have to have a full bladder for the big u/s appt though.

So you haven''t told anyone about your pregnancy yet?
Oh, TGal--
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and dad.
I hope they are doing better and that your dad was awake when you visited him with his beautiful granddaughter.
Keep us posted.

ETA: Just read the update on your visit. That's great that Amelia was able to bond with her grand daddy.
Great job on the weight gain.
21 lbs is really good.
Don''t worry too much about the GD test.
Just want to gives you a head up what the lab tech told me...
most people failed the 1-hr test (me being one of them)
but passed with flying colors on the 3-hr test.
Hope you fast the one hour test though since going 3 hours of not eating after fasting for 12 hours is not fun :)
That''s great that you were able to capture Cohen in a smile.
For the life of me, I just couldn''t get the shutter to click fast enough to capture the gummy smile on mine.
The most I can get is a pout
Date: 4/13/2008 10:25:35 AM
Author: Jas12
My milk came in yesterday afternoon! Wow, i got an instant boob job! Now i am a massive large B cup--haha (wish they would stay this size. I've got a year to live it up with these girls.

Hehe, I know. I thought my boobs were big when I was preggo.
It's amazing what a difference your milk supply can have on your girls.
I went to lactation consultation yesterday and I saw boobs on most mommies that put Dolly Parton's boobs to shame

Snlee, Yay for a good NT scan!
Glad your boss was so supportive.

TGal, glad to hear TTot had a good Dr. visit. (BTW, do you refer to her as TTot IRL?)

LIA, Yay for getting to hear the heartbeat!

Sorry to hear you are still having the m/s – hopefully it will pass in the next couple of weeks.

Lili, wow, that was a really short time between your water breaking and delivery. Sorry you couldn’t get your epi. I think I am going to ask for that ASAP when we go into the hospital so I don’t run out of time to get it. LOL at poop projectiles.


Tacori, welcome back. Glad you had a fun trip. Big congrats on 9 hours of sleep!

Qtiekiki, please post pictures of your nursery! I can’t wait to start buying cute baby things. Sorry you are having back pain.

Ephemery, sorry to hear the m/s is still getting you. I am in nesting mode too (DH thinks it’s cute). I’m trying to clean out closets to make room, replanting the garden and just generally trying to get the house in order before chaos descends when the baby arrives. I’m cooking more too. I spent a couple hours last weekend with graph paper trying to figure out if we can fit the baby furniture we like into a 9’ x 9.5’ room. Have a great trip to T&C!

Janinegirly, I’m not sure why your numbers changed between the two tests, but both sets look like good numbers. It is worth asking your Dr. about the discrepancy if it is worrying you. I had a good NT scan, but at 36 I am paranoid and am doing the amnio anyway so I can relax a little for the 2nd half of the pregnancy.

Sk8rjen, glad to hear the m/s is getting better. Don’t go too crazy trying to do everything – tell hubby to clean house.


Burk, I hope Tayva gets better with the treatment for the reflux.

MrsS, I love that pic of Jake staring up at his daddy.
Date: 4/17/2008 6:03:41 PM
Author: lili

Date: 4/10/2008 3:59:02 PM
Author: Kay
The amnio is up next. I''m not sure it is a good idea for me to have a full bladder when they bring out the big needle.

Kay, are you having the amnio done at the same time as the big u/s?
I didn''t have to have a full bladder for the amnio. Had the amnio at 15 wk.
I did have to have a full bladder for the big u/s appt though.

So you haven''t told anyone about your pregnancy yet?
We are doing amnio at 16 weeks and big u/s at 20 weeks. The instructions for the 20 week u/s said to drink 16 ounces of water between 1 and 2 hours prior to appointment. (For NT, they said to drink about 1/2 hour before.) If I have 16 ounces, there is no way I am holding it for 1 hour plus the 1/2 hour or so they spend doing the exam. I know from experience it does not take an hour for the water to go from my mouth to my bladder!

The appointment card for the amnio said to follow the u/s instructions, so I thought that meant full bladder. I''m going to call to ask.

DH and I each told 2 close friends. We have also both told our bosses now (with a request to keep it quiet) because of time off for Dr. appointments. I guess it is a little weird we have not told any family yet, but we want to be sure everything is okay first. I''m looking forward to telling our parents because this will be the 1st grandchild for both sides and they will be very excited, especially since I have been telling them for years that they may have to settle for grand-kitties. At the same time, it is kind of nice to have it be mostly a private thing between the two of us right now. We''ll be getting the deluge of phone calls to "check in" soon enough.
MrsS~Jake is such a doll!

Tacori~hurray for a good sleep! I'm excited to see your push present!! (I still haven't posted mine...)

Lili~Tacori is right, it does get easier. I felt like I had Tayva permanently attached to my breast for the first few weeks, but it gets better!

Thanks everyone for your concern for Tayva. This has been really trying and I'm an emotional mess! I just want her to feel better and EAT!!! She used to be such a good eater.

Question for mommies who use(d) formula....we're still trying to figure out this GER thing (Reflux) and I am looking to potentially try a new formula. She's been on Similac Advance up to this point but I read that Carnation Good Start might be easier on her belly. Any experience/advice you can share would be appreciated!!! We need to get her to eat, as she has lost a half a pound!! SCARY!!!!
We used Good Start - they had it at Costco!!! Miller didn''t have reflux, but it seemed gentle on his tummy.
Burk, poor Tayva and poor mommy, you must be so worry. I hope she will feel better soon. little B. was on Similac Advance and we switched him to Similac Soy formula because he was colicky while he was on the Similac Advance. But I don''t know if the soy will help with the reflux problem

Mrssalvo, your little guy is sooooo cute~ and look at him sucking his finger already...

Tacori, yeah on the 9 hours straight!! I also vote on including the date
Burk, post it!!!! What is it?

Thanks Kay & Bobo!
Thanks LC! I think we''ll give it a try...can''t hurt!

Bobo~We tried Soy last week because of her congestion with the respiratory infection (did you know Soy helps with congestion? I didn''t) and I can''t really see a difference but who knows? Is it helping your little one?

Tacori~It''s a RHR. I picked it out at our local jewelers...I want one for each kid so I''ll be stacking them. It''s deco-style with alternating rubies and diamonds. I will take some pics and post them...hopefully this weekend.
Burk- i would love to see your ring. i LOVE ering is actually rubies!

As for formula we started on similac advance, he had terrible reaction, then went to good start and it made him really we have been on similac sensitive for the past 4 months. I think its trial and error for sensitive babies! I hope she starts eating soon!

TGal- i felt like you, i found a petunia picklebottom bag on craigslist and went and picked it up by the Grove yesterday. its the red one and I really like it, it was only $50 and in really good condition. However, it was missing the detachable diaper pad. I emailed PPB and they are sending me on for $8! SO it still is a $100 cheaper than at nordstrom.

BIG NEWS! I may go back to work. I havent worked since jan 07, before i even got my BFP. I was burnt out of restaurant management, and then i found out i was preggers. I had a phone interview today and within 5 minutes they called me back for a shift observation and area manager interview. I''m pretty excited, it would be a lot of hours, but I think it would work out with the little guy, and a) i miss working b) we could totally use the income. By going back to a restaurant I may not even need childcare since DH works from home and my hours wont be standard 9-5. I go in on thinking of me!
Burk, how long did you tried the soy formula? maybe you should give it a little more time. little B. is happy with the soy formula and the doctor said there is not much difference between the two formula, instead one is plant protein and the other one is cow protein. Because my MIL keep thinking little B. will starve with soy formula.

ETA:I didn't know Soy helps with's good to know for future reference.
Awwee look at Jake with his teddy bear.
You should take his monthly picture with that teddy bear MrsS,
so you can see how much he''s grown compared to it :P
Those chubby cheeks are so pinchable on little B

I''m loving all the new avis that you mommies are putting up.

Anyway, about the weight loss.
2 months postpartum is really a short time.
Dropping 20 lbs in that amount of time is really good already.
I don''t get why people are so critical of a mother to drop her weight.
They expect us to get back to our pre-preggo state right after baby...
like all the weight that we''ve gained is purely baby.
I know you just updated your avi, but it is a bit small for me to see her clearly :P
Can you post some recent ones on the thread please?

And we are still waiting for your vacation pix :)

So exciting about your PP.
Can't wait to see it.

ETA: Woohooo and yay for T sleeping 9 hour stretch!!
Hope this keeps up

Questions for mommies...

How often does your baby go see the pediatrician?
Mine just had her 10-day appt yesterday and the next one is for her 2-months.
Is that right? I thought there is one for 1-month or something.

The appt. went well.
She's 3 oz over her birth weight, so that's good.

About increasing your milk supply.
Did you try some of the more traditional remedies like seaweed soup?
One of the nurses, who is Korean, told me to drink lots of soup to increase your milk supply.
I asked her what kind of soup and she said that Koreans like to make some sort of concoction with seaweed.

My milk didn''t come in until the 4th day, and it wasn''t as much.
My mom made me some sort of melon soup and it seems to be working.
I don''t know if it''s just a matter of time or the soup helped, but I think it''s worth a try.
Here''s a recent pix of my sleeping monster

Date: 4/18/2008 7:57:21 PM
Author: lili
Here''s a recent pix of my sleeping monster
Awwww, she''s sooooo sweet. I love the sleeping baby pics!!
I will definitely post pics of the nursery once it's done. It will be a while since we are waiting for SIL to move her stuffs out of the room. We let her use the room to store stuffs since her apt is too small. She is getting rid of all her stuffs in May since she is moving to the East Coast in June.

We got bad news from SIL yesterday about our cousin's twin. One of the girls passed away some time this week. The other one is still struggling. Pray for her.

I think we are pretty much decide on our little peanut's name. She is going to be Meena Cecilia. Her middle name is the middle name of my "adopted" grandma (a 75yo lady who I used to work with at the flower shop that became a big part of my life). I wanted to name our daughter after her because she had one etopic pregnant and many miscarriages and never had kids of her own. Her first name is Velma; that's a little old-fashioned for me, so we decided to use her middle name instead.

Question - Do I need to get pants for newborn? Our baby will be born in August, so it'll be super hot here. Will she be ok with just wearing onesies without pants?

MrsS - I love that pic of your DH holding Jake. So sweet.

Tacori - Yay for 9 hrs of sleep!

Kay - They told me to drink 5 cups of water an hour before the big u/s, so I drank 20oz. I had to pee so badly when I was waiting for them to call me in for u/s. Good thing she told me that she only needs to check out my cervix with fuller bladder, then I could go pee. Just try to follow their instruction, but if you need to pee, then just pee and drink more water afterward.

Burk - How's Tayva doing? I had no idea that soy milk help with congestion. I am going to try it next time I am congested.

MsFlutter - Good luck with the new job!

lili - Your lil monster is so cute. Jadelyn has lots of hair.

Tgal - About home remedy to increase milk supply, the Chinese says papaya helps. People make papaya soup with meat and papaya that hasn't ripened yet or papaya smoothie with just papya and milk.

To all the other mommies and preggos, how are you doing?
lili, little B. had his well baby check up at one month, 2 months with 3 shots of vaccines and the next one will be at 4 months.

ETA: you little monster is so cute with a full head of hair!